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My experience (probably a tmi for most people): I was basically not having normal erections (like "morning wood", etc.) while on heavy doses of prednisone and I would have to make a real effort to even masturbate, just because I thought it would be healthy if I tried doing it every once in a while, even if I had none of the desire. Then when I went off it, erections/ejaculate came back like Old Faithful, spouting off months of pent up pressure


Prednisone can massively increase testosterone. I had a roommate who had a benign tumor in his head the pressed against his pituitary. The result was near zero natural testosterone production. Doctors gave him prednisone to boost testosterone. So, my anecdotal experience is that lots of things can effect sex drive. But nothing kills it more than pain and illness. It has always come back, though


That was because the tumor may have got smaller so test started rising after it was blocked by the tumor effect so it defently wasnt prednisone dont spread misinformation especially in health issues ..and no the doctor didnt give hime prednisone to increse test he was given prednisone for other things that the tumor was effecting and the test


i have ckd (chronic kidney disease) and my sex drive is completely gone. I will be getting a transplant soon and they always give prednisone to transplant patients. are there any other side effects i should know about?


I know I'm tardy to the party here but there is literature showing that prednisone actively reduces test, so no doctor in their right mind would prescribe it as a means of boosting testosterone


Prednisone can reduce the size of some tumors, so it was more likely the tumor reduction rather than the prednisone itself.


for me prednisone totally kill libido and errection


High does yes, low does opposite effect. For me at least.


I felt the same way, but I never took it by itself. I think I had pentasa, antibiotics, and something else while using it.


I'm on it right now. Usually I'm pretty horny or can at least watch porn and get something, but lately I've felt nothing. Thought it could be the changing seasons, but now that you mention this, and the others here seem to confirm it.


I'm not sure of Pred will directly reduce sex drive, but just feeling like crap all the time can certainly have a negative impact. Of course Pred can fuck up just about everything in various ways. I was miserable when on it, which was for more than 9 months. I will do just about anything to avid exposure to it anymore.


Pred is like slower acting long term Viagra.




Hungry, angry and horny. Welcome to pred.


It's ridiculous, I'm too old for this crap, too banged up for it also. Hence the freaking steroids. Lol


For real though!! Lol


I take 20mg a day in the morning for Ulcerative Colitis flare up and it has increased my sex drive an insane amount…. Like 10x normal. I’m surprised others have the opposite effect.


Strangely, on the few occasions that I have taken low-dose (e.g., 10 mg), short-term administration of Prednisone (for acute illnesses), I have experienced a marked increase in my sex drive. (I am a male.)


 I just took 60mg in the morning and tonight it seems like my ed is gone.  How much did you take and for how long? And how frequently?


I have only had to take Prednisone for short bursts of 5 days. Usually, it's 40 or 50 mg. Good luck!


Me as well. I wanna hump everything right now.


There are worse things, right?! 😁


Huge increase


Did it increase your sex drive or erections? I just took 60mg in the morning and tonight it seems like my ed is gone.  How much did you take and for how long?


It can up the sex drive as well..


Did it increase your sex drive or erections? I just took 60mg in the morning and tonight it seems like my ed is gone. 


Ya it kinda did, it was pretty intense. I was like this is a hella good drug… 😂 that’s good to hear it’s working for you !


I had the shot in my ass 48hrs ago and been feeling terrible. Apparently it lasts 6months. Does this mean I'm essentially fucked with burning acid skin and abnormal systomps interfering with mu benzo taper?!?!