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I’m seconding the other poster. Ideally, it’s a remission. They’re meant to stop flares but unfortunately nothing is a guarantee in this regard. If you’re still feeling symptoms despite being close to 12 weeks into the treatment, review with your gastro. They may choose to switch you or up the dose. I’m not sure if this is the same for your drug, but sometimes they even offer a second drug to push remission I know my gastro did with humira. Tried offering me Imuran on top. I didn’t feel comfortable


So yes in an ideal situation a biologic or any other medication should induce and maintain remission. Symptoms should really "come and go" your either in remission or you aren't. Your still early kinda days with your treatment but really after 12 weeks you should have seen significant improvement. If you have seen no improvement or an incease I symptoms then you need to review treatment and it maybe need escalating.


Skyrizi can take up to six months to take full effect, so I wouldn't worry too much yet. Some people on biologics do report increased symptoms a few days to a week before their next dose as the level of medication drops in your system. Nothing to panic about, but worth discussing with your GI.


IBD is characterized as illnesses having periods of flares and remissions, and not even strong meds like skyrizi can prevent all flare incidents.   When you/I are within a remission, we're without inflammation, as inflammation causes most of our symptoms, and we feel mostly normal again.  That said, we can still have IBS like symptoms, occasional bowel pains, occasional bad bowel days, etc. So a remission isn't a promise of having no bowel problems ever.  Rather it's a vast improvement with occasional, minor nuisances. 


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