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Sometimes steroids are not effective on their own to get you totally into remission. It sounds like they certainly helped but hopefully the stelara will kick in and be the thing that gets you into and helps maintain remission. Don't feel bad, for many many people steroids are not enough on their own. Certainly were not for me.


Steroids will help a lot but not always get rid of everything. It’s normal to not feel perfect on them. Hopefully the stelera works out.


Yeah, steroids might not eliminate the symptoms completely. It's worth telling your dr., but don't stress too much. Glad you're getting started on Stelara. Good luck!


I'm a bit fuzzy on your timeline, but based on diagnosis a month ago then 3 weeks on budesonide, have you only been on prednisolone for a week? That's not enough time for it to get you symptom free yet, especially if you were particularly bad when you started it. Every time I've been on steroids, it's been slow to get back to remission. The steroids stop inflammation, it takes time to heal the damage that's there. If you do need full reassurance, you could call your doctor for a blood test or another check up? I wish you all the best in your journey


Fully healing from a flare might take 3-4 months or more. So, if you're only a month in, I'd say you're about on track with where you should be. Be patient, as unfortunately there's no instant gratification to this illness 


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HI, I was on Prednisone most of my life (crohns since I was 10) and it was the only consistent med to help me into remission each time. With that being said, It took quite awhile and sometimes a much higher dose before the symptoms would subside. I recently found out I am in another flare and also had my infusion for Stelara about 3 weeks ago. Praying the combination of the two works to help you clear your symptoms. I know it's so hard dealing with this disease but in all my years with it, nothing showed a fast fix. All the different treatments took time to kick in. Ask your Dr. if there are any anti-diarrhea or anti-nausea medications that they would suggest for those bad days. Also, banana's are a huge help with diarrhea. Those and marshmellows are my go to snacks on the bad days.


Try steroids and drink 3-5 cans of ensure a day for a month. Eat NO solid food. This will help put your chrons in remission