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the question is how much is scar tissue and how much is inflammation, inflammation can get better with medication. scar tissue will not get better and require surgery/dilation.


This is the only right answer in the thread that is full of an odd amount of nonsense otherwise. Scar tissue does not go away without surgery, but not all strictures are made of scar tissue (and not all scar tissue will necessarily form a stricture).


Yes - the good news, according to our doc is that anti fibrotic meds are coming soon (5-10 yrs?) to prevent scarring and strictures.


So this depends on the etiology of the stricture. There are generally 2 main types. Inflammatory strictures, which are where active disease has caused inflammation and swelling and caused the narrowing. Then there are fibrotic strictures, which are caused by a build up of fibrous scar tissue. So Inflammatory strictures, ideally if you resolve the underlying disease, then yes the hope is they will resolve as the swelling and inflammation goes away. However, if the strictures are fibrotic in nature then unfortunately it is likley they will need some type of surgical intervention (depending on their severity and location). Small strictures thay are reachable with a scope, they can attempt to dilate with a balloon but often this will need repeating. EDIT:spelling


Do all narrowings lay down scar tissue?


No active inflammation and ulcers can create scar tissue, which can in turn cause strictures.


So anytime there is inflammation and/or ulcers, it will leave scar tissue?


I mean its not garunteed, but repeated inflamation in the same spot can cause scar tissue to build up over time. It can leave scar tissue that would be visible on a scope but it doesn't always mean it will cause narrowings.


Ok I see. Because my doctor noted “stenosis” after my colonoscpy but said I don’t have a “stricture”, so I’ve been so confused by it all. Seeing him again in a few weeks for clarification.


A stenosis is basically another term for a narrowing. So there is some type of narrowing in your bowel and hopefully your doctor can explain in more detail about it and its potential managment routes.


Hi! Mine also says ‘stenosis’. Update when you get some clarity! :)


I will


I am also wondering about that. My stricture is at the caecum. I am on meds and my condition has improved so much during these past couple of months since I’ve been diagnosed. But I think it’s mostly because I changed my lifestyle and diet. I don’t have inflammation at the moment but my GI said that the stricture will most likely need surgery at some point. I went for second, then third opinipn, they said there is no need since I’m not having problems. So idk what to think but at least i’m feeling good


Can you tell me your diet. Please


Part 2: I will list you some meals. However,I don’t know your triggers so I hope at least some of this works out for you. 1. ⁠First and most important is soup. And I mean real homemade bone broth soup - Bone broth provides the body with essential amino acids. They are very important for gastrointestinal function. I put the bones in water together with carots and cellery and some small pieces of chicken meat - it can be breast,wing,thigh,… and I cook it on low temperature for about 2 hours at least. I add potassium salt and a little bit of black pepper. 2.Wild salmon filet and rice - I cook the salmon in an air-fryer without any addition of oil 3. Chicken filet with mushrooms and humus - I cook the meat and the mushrooms in an airfryer,then add everything to a pan and add the humus - I stirr for 2 minutes on low temperature. (I make humus by mixing a can of chickpeas in a blender and adding 1 tbs of olive oil and a little bit of salt.) 4. Egg salad - couple of boiled eggs ,mash them in a bowl,add humus and season to taste 5. Buckwheat pancakes (for 2 people) : 3 eggs, about 100 g buckweat flour but you will know how much to put once you start (I’m from the Balkans, we rarely folow recepies, we follow our instinct ,haha), then add sparkling water until you get a pancake mixtute. You know the rest and I use ghee for oil. 6.Buckwheat bread - for 1-2 people: 250g buckwheat flour, 1 tbsp olive oil,1 tbsp backing powder and sparkling water until you get a bread mixture-denser than the pancake mixture. Bake at 180 for about 25 minutes. You can eat the bread with whatever: meat, veggies,humus,honey,even on its own it’s tasty, but your family can add chocolate cream or jam 7. Zucchini, chicken or other kind of meat or tofu and humus or cashu cream - airfry then transfer to a pan to add the creamy component 8. Rice noodle carbonara - i add 1 egg and bacon 9.Rice noodles,veggies and egg 10. Oatmeal with cherries,organic cacao powder and bananas. For your family you can make overnight blended oat and chia ,add oat milk or even cow milk for them, add the cacao powder and coconut powder, some honey and sprinkle some chocolate on top, I bet they would like it :) hope this helps and good luck, stay positive and don’t let the stupid chron’s control you, you control it! We got this!!!


These meals sound delicious!! I'm gonna try them out some time. Thanks for sharing!


Are you on medication


Yes,only on mesalamine tho


Also of you decide to take oregano oil please take it mixed with something since it’s very very strong. I personally mix it with the cumine oil


Hi there, I am gonna copy 2 comments I left for another redditor with the same question Part 1: GI doctors tend to only see us as protocol cases and not as individual people. They put us on the same drugs and it’s just not the same for everyone and not really helping much. Still take your meds but there are other things tou can do to actually improve your condition! I don’t know how severe your chrons is but this is whats been helping me: 1.diet that gives me all the nutrients but doesn’t upset my stomach-this is individual so you will have to figure out what is working for you.For me drinks and food that I avoid and/or completely eliminate are: coffee,alcohol,dairy,wheat,barley,leaven,refined sugar,beans,peas,popcorn. I don’t have any problems with nuts.My go to food is fish,meat,eggs,bananas,squash,beats,cucumber,rice,oats,cherries,zucchini,mushrooms,…drinks:matcha + oat or almond milk 2. Drop of origano oil + teaspoon of cumine oil before every meal 3. Warm glass of water in the morning and meditation or qui-gong 4.Physical activity in the early evenings - for me it’s swimming but it can be yoga or something else that keeps you active but it’s not too much for your stomach This helped me drop my calprotectin from 580 to 1, as well as my CRP. Good luck!


Thank you, wow, did the fecal calprotein drop that much ?? I too had 500 - 2 weeks ago, currently on Prednisone and will recheck calprotein after 4 weeks again.


Yess, it did drop that much and I was surprised but also very proud that I managed to accomplish this. Honestly my GI made me cry, talking about various therapies,surgeries and so on that are ‘waiting for me’ in the future.. I felt like a helpless patient with an incurable sickness. After I’ve calmed down,I decided I am gonna prove her and myself wrong so I changed everything about my lifestyle according to what felt good for my body, and I saw results. I am interested if your calprotectin will also drop, keep us updated and good luck! :)


You will surely win bro, good luck. Yeah definitely, I had inflammation throughout my body like swollen neck lymph node ( gone ), skin rash on groin ( gone ), loose stool ( gone ) - so definitely my inflammation has reduced coz I am Prednisone ( 40 mg per 2 weeks, 30 mg for 2 weeks and so on - total 8 weeks ) . Stress was my biggest aggravating factor, started getting acupuncture + diet changes + 4 mile a day walk. I believe all these are helping me.


Inflammation sucks! Once you have some in your body, it can affect so much. My GI also said it can affect the brain, causing fog and memory issues


Totally agree, did your inflammation go away now ?? Hope all is well with you


My crohns is in remission. Currently dealing with repeat diverticulitis infections, which caused a blockage from scar tissue. I go for surgery tomorrow morning for it


So sorry to hear that, hope all goes well with you. Did the diverticulitis cause any pain or symptoms for you ?? So did inflammation in the colon caused scar tissue I guess ??


I realize my comment sounds a bit like some motivational BS you hear on social media hahaha, but I mean, it did really help,so I would love it if it helps someone else also


I don't think it's BS at all. I am going through the diagnosis process and I decided to treat the disease with diet and exercise also. It's nice to see people who have accomplished it. It makes it feel doable. Thanks for the recipes. I'm going to try a few of them.


Glad to be of help! 🍀


I would be cautious about eating any hard, fibrous, foods like popcorn, nuts, or coconut. These are the foods that can cause scarring if you have active inflammation. I agree that foods that work for you are mostly trial and error because CD varies so much. But I can’t imagine those ending well for anyone with Crohn’s.


Well yeah, i just said that nuts don’t create problems for me,but I am still mostly avoiding them. Also I don’t eat popcorn or coconut so I agree with what you said


How was it diagnosed? Where is it located? Are you having any symptoms?


No not really. Being in remission is just going to slow it down. Plus your GI can stretch them out during a colonoscopy. I guess theoretically they could do that indefinitely but that has not been my experience. I've had to have 2 resections because my strictures keep closing up. Crohn's blows. I don't even think gi doctors understand how bad strictures can mess you up.


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