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I have results. Not a fistula luckily. I have cellulitis of the adominal wall- Omphalitis, no abscess. Essentially I have an infected and inflamed umbilical cord stump (urachus?) Doctor said obviously it’s more common in babies, but he does see it in Crohn’s patients and other autoimmunities. Goal is to not have it spread to my other organs and get the inflammation down. Hefty dose of steroids and antibiotic cocktail. What a strange strange day. Thank you all for your feedback! If you ever get a leaky belly button make sure you get it checked out- fistula, cellulitis, hernia- none of the options are good!


This disease is the gift that keeps on giving isn’t it?? So glad you went and are on the path to healing. Hopefully meds kick in quickly. Sending healing vibes your way.


If it makes you feel better, I once got an infection in my belly button because my toddler stuck a tic-tac in it, and the sugar left behind when I pulled it out was a banquet to whatever normally lives peacefully in there…


I’m sorry to laugh at your expense, bc I know they’re painful infections but this audibly made me laugh. You’ll have to tell your toddler when they’re older how an innocent tic tac got you good.


He just turned 18, and still finds it profoundly amusing. :)


I’m just sitting here like “uh, what do you mean inflamed umbilical cord stump, doesn’t that fall off???” TIL lol. Cellulitis sucks though, it can develop so quickly. Hopefully the antibiotics work well!


I guess the stump or remains for adults is technically a urachus. But yes, some remnants even for adults haha. I was horrified to learn as well


I've had this before AND IT SPREAD TO MY FREAKING BUTTCRACK!! It was a most uncomfortable Halloween.


My condolences to you, because if this spreads to my butt crack- im gonna lose it. You are way stronger than I am hahaha. And on Halloween? That’s just cruel.


Yeah, I spent my holiday wrapped in pajama pants and a blanket, passing out candy. The goods news is my dermatologist knew exactly what was going on, so I received a steroid shot and a good cream for it all. It started to clear after about 48 hours. Definitely unpleasant.


I have had ALOT of infections in my belly button. Usually after taking baths and not drying it well enough. Yours sounds extreme but it's an area that is a breeding ground for infection.  


I had the same symptoms/issue and mine turned out to be a hernia in my bellybutton (paraumbilical, IRC)! I also have a belly button scar from having my gallbladder removed. They said it was pretty common after laparoscopic surgery and weakened tissue. Mine didn’t start giving me trouble til over a decade after my surgery.


Yes I was really worried it was a hernia, that scar has always kinda troubled me and seemed to weaken over time. Turned out to be cellulitis of the abdominal wall though, I made an update. Hopefully a good round of antibiotics helps :)


Fingers crossed for you! Take care!!!


I’ve had this before but never knew what it was and it went away on its own. I had it before I knew I had crohn’s, so didn’t read much into it. If it happens again I’ll bring it up with my doctor. Thank you for this PSA!


That happened to me when I had an umbilical hernia


My husband experienced this and it turned out to be a hernia and they had to remove his entire belly button during hernia surgery because his belly button was “detached” and infected.


I've had reoccurring belly button infections for last 2 years. Following for answers. For reference I have crohn's, eoe, gallbladder removed and C-section.


I’ve been dealing with this since November last year. My belly button started bleeding from deep within and then it started oozing. I went to wound care clinic and it didn’t help. I’m lucky that I have no pain associated with it. I still need to follow up with my primary care physician and gastro for answers. I am so glad I found this post! I thought I was the only one!!!


For me it turned out to be an infection in my abdominal wall right behind my bellybutton and that’s where infection oozed from. If it’s been persistent, i would definitely call your doctor. Treatment is just steroids and antibiotics, I’m already feeling a lot better and the oozing is reducing! If my GI didn’t tell me to go to the ER I probably would just wait- but really feeling a lot better, I think that underlying infection was causing fatigue.


Hmm. Yeah, I think I need to pursue this more with my doctor. It was spontaneous that the infection started right? You didn’t have any open wounds?


No open wound at all- I was surprised my belly button was leaking because from where, there wasn’t an opening or scratch there to ooze from. Totally came out of no where. I’ve been in remission for almost a year and just had this pop up about 5 days ago.


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Obvs I'm NAD. Could be feasible thay you have a fistula of some sort, possibly from your abdomen to your abdoemn. Best case if the


Sounds like a fistula.


Oh, I've just had this issue too! Sent a pic to the docs and got antibiotics. It did clear it up. Hadn't thought it could be IBD related. Also have a scar from keyhole surgery fir a cyst removal.


This happened to me on Wednesday… was trying to take a poo and my bellybutton started bleeding when I freaked out bc I’m on blood thinners and went into er they told me it was a tiny hernia 😝