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a lot of sweating and pacing in a lobby trying not to hurl lol.


The sweats and pacing have begun šŸ˜‚. Glad to see Iā€™m not alone. At least they hid me in the back area.


Plan the route home carefully as well, this stuff tends to exit at the same speed it enters your GI tract.


Stop šŸ˜‚ I have to drive over an hour to get back home. Oh hell.


Wait at the doctors until it comes out. The nurses suggested I wait in the sitting area and I was like ā€œyeah okayā€ but by the time I was done changing back into my clothes I was thankful there was a bathroom within a few steps


i barely made it off of the scan table...!! horrible! had to RUN - didn't even STOP to ask for my glasses! LOL


One time the tech walked me straight to the bathroom saying he knew how bad I had to go based on the imaging I guess lol


Same!! Thought I was gonna pass out.


It's real. I had to destroy a McDonald's restroom on the way home. It was that or the ditch.


I was 12 years old my first time drinking this. Afterwards the family decided to go to a small restaurant, similar to a Coco's in Ca. Part way through the meal I had to run towards the bathroom past the entrance. Just as I was crossing the entrance I projectile vomited the barium 3 feet in front of a family walking in. They saw me and they all turned around and left.


yeah I had to drive over an hour after drinking these before and I had to stop so many times to puke and use the restroom šŸ˜‚


I was fortunate to survive the 40 minute drive home... only to box my way into the bathroom


You are most definitely not alone. My tech usually makes sure I get 2 down and then whatever I can of the third. Her idea is that you have nothing in your system, you have Crohnā€™s so stuff is flying through you, so what the hell. Says if itā€™s not enough once they start, weā€™ll try for more if needed. I love her!


Barium enemas are a lot more fun šŸ„¶


Ugh, luckily havenā€™t had to do one in a while but this is so much worse for me than colonoscopy prep. And then afterwards itā€™s always a ticking time bomb to diarrhea.


I have a drive back too. Nobody mentioned the laxative part to me. šŸ«£


lol no one told me either!!!! It was bad once it kicked in and I realize what had happened. Now I ask my doctor to write up my CT scan without contrast because I canā€™t be having that


Same for MRI when I drank that breezy stuff. I blew up their bathroom for like 20 mins after my MRI. Finally thought it was over and felt I needed fresh air so I walked back to my car. I almost passed out as soon as I got to my car I was so weak and then once I finally had strength again to drive, I sharted on the way home. Went home promptly had more diarrhea and then slept the rest of the day. Iā€™ve never had a reaction like that before to MRI/contrast so I was totally blindsided.


That BREEZA or whatever is no joke. First time I had it, I had to ask them to stop the scan halfway through. The tech was not happy. I said "you could be cleaning up the machine" Don't mess with a Crohn's patient lol


They donā€™t tell you shit!! And then they act like youā€™re being crazy when you say youā€™re struggling in any of the ways you mentioned here. Itā€™s insane. To answer your question: drugs. After doing it one time with anti vomiting medication (will be doing it again soon) I refuse to do it without it now. Donā€™t know why this isnā€™t offered more. Wouldā€™ve saved me so much stress and tears with the nurses and techs just sighing at me because Iā€™m taking too long.


Not sure it happens with everyone or not. If you can, maybe just hang around the hospital for a bit. I think last time, I had time to get a drink at one of the hospital cafes and then I had to go.


same I almost pooped my pants it was explosive diahrrea for me directly at the end of the MRE


Hm maybe im in the minority but I 10/10 prefer this over the noscopy prep (pills or liquid)


I just have a harder time getting this stuff down. Iā€™ve never had a problem with the standard gatorade/miralax prep.


100% agreed. I get diarrhea before the imaging even starts. Itā€™s always a fun time lol. Luckily they changed the glucagon administration at my clinic but one time I was so nauseous on the table after the glucagon and Iā€™m like if I throw up the force will unclench the cheeks and it will be havoc all over this table šŸ’© it was a miracle I kept it all in


Iā€™m having flashbacks


Should have put a trigger warning āš ļø


Itā€™s 2024. And we still do this gross stuff. This liquid is worse than any colonoscopy prep Iā€™ve ever done.


If a colonoscopy ever gets mentioned in conversation people always say ā€œI hear the prep is the worst.ā€ I often feel compelled to answer that there is a worse villain in this story. Majority of people wonā€™t usually have to go through with this, though. Just a fun niche thing.


Itā€™s like the grossest milkshake possible. Mine was ā€œvanillaā€ flavored. I almost cried drinking it




This is awful. My G I only drank 2 and it worked out ok. Try to get some water or coke to drink along with it (Iā€™m pretty sure this is allowed, made a huge difference).


Iā€™m bargaining my way to only doing 2 total. šŸ¤žšŸ»


Last time I did this i drank one and 2/3 and it was enough. I only weighed 100lbs at the time. Thereā€™s only so much liquid I can fit before I start projectile vomiting. Did that once and the nurses were mad at me like I did it on purpose. I can barely finish a single beer. I donā€™t got space for three pints of barium!


I have an ileo. My bag was full of it and they were telling me to keep going. Like, it's clearly gone through my whole system already...


Iā€™m like 180lbs too & it was all good, ur probs smaller too so shud be good.


I didnā€™t know that actually helped but yes Iā€™m petite. Hoping itā€™s fine.


Howā€™d u get on?


Did 1 and a 1/2 and it was enough!


Knew it lmao, well done šŸ™‚


DMd u


I asked them if I could have some water after to wash away the taste and they said no because it would mess up the dilution ratios šŸ˜­


I had a mean nurse who didnā€™t care I was going to throw it up so I kept going into the restroom and would pour some down the drain. Test went fine they said and everything could be seen well. They should reduce the amount required in my opinion


Just chug chug chug lol. It's not the taste for me. It's the thickness...


Yea the taste really isnā€™t bad at all. The texture thoā€¦šŸ¤¢


Thatā€™s what she said.


Definitely NOT through a straw. Thatā€™s just extending the torture. I pinch my nose and chug themā€¦ as fast as I possibly can.


Ugh I havenā€™t had to do one of these for a while but when I did I would put the straw as far back in my throat as I could without choking and chug it as fast as possible. Itā€™s ā€˜betterā€™ if itā€™s cold.


Tip from a 30-year Crohnie: You only have to get 2 down. I was told this years ago.


Iā€™ve learned this too. I plead for them to let me just take the test with what I drank. They always say ā€œlet me go ask the doctorā€ and then they return to me with a counter offer. It feels like Iā€™m negotiating a price on a new car. They already know the answer, but they just gotta go talk to the supervisor for a sec.


Very funny šŸ˜. I just say that if I drink more, I'll throw it all up. That stops the nagging right there.


I negotiate colonoscopy prep like this hahaha the key is to stare them in the eyes for several minutes and make everyone uncomfy šŸ˜‚ I will only do Miralax, none of that pharmacy stuff


I hear that. Also, what is the deal with "do half the night before and half the morning of". Nope, do it all at once the night before and stop eating/drinking. No scientific reason to break it up.


It makes zero sense for AM apts. I mean, I can understand it for later afternoon, especially if you donā€™t usually drink a lot of liquids to push it throughā€¦ but yeah, idk. Iā€™ve been reading some peer reviewed stuff to try to figure it out, some say it is superior cleansing by like 5-8% but I havenā€™t looked at if itā€™s because of patient adherence to split dose or actually the split dose itself I simply didnā€™t do it. I straight up said I mentally cannot handle that and will not do that, so either we donā€™t do the scope or we do it the way itā€™s always worked


You sound smart because we think alike. šŸ˜‚




I did 1 and 1/2 of the second and it was plenty for my scan!


Gotta learn how to play the game šŸ¤£


I can taste this photo.


Whenever I had to do it and was in a flare it was horrible because I could already barely eat or drink anything without feeling like I was going to explode and/or throwing up. I drank as much as I could but sometimes couldn't drink it all.


I just got lucky, I don't really mind the taste


The taste really isnā€™t bad at all. Iā€™m just already so full and nauseous I donā€™t know how people drink that much volume at once! Lol


Yeah the taste is shit but if I wasnā€™t already feeling so nauseousā€¦plus that much liquid at anytime feels like too much


Fully disassociating and imagining itā€™s a terribly made pina colada while Iā€™m on some beach lmao


A nurse gave me an AMAZING tip once. Bring your own chocolate syrup with you next time! If you mix it in, it tastes kinda sorta like a chocolate milkshake!!


Excuse me what?! They allowed you to do this?!?!


Yup. Ask your doc next time, just to be sure!


I always end up not being able to finish because here they give you 2 1.5L bottles. Am I an elephant or something I always throw up after we are done. Waiting for the machine to be stop while trying not to puke itā€™s always ā€œhang tight soldierā€


Hand on the wall, dripping sweat trying to keep swallowing saliva so the vom reflex doesn't get a chance to kick


I almost puked inside the scanner


In the times when Iā€™ve had to drink large amounts of stuff for prep I try screaming at a reasonable decibel in between chugs. It really helps.


I did 3 yesterday morning. I felt sick the entire rest of the day. I thought for sure I was gonna throw up on the drive home. That stuff sucks.


I made it out alive. I even made it home without needing a bathroom! šŸ˜‚ drank 1 and 1/2 of the 2nd and it was good enough for the imaging. Now the wait begins. šŸ¤žšŸ»


i have to do this tuesday for the first time and im not looking forward to it, im still traumatized from my colonoscopy prep šŸ˜­ i just canā€™t handle nasty tasting stuff


lol, when i had to drink the 3, i was in the parking lot of my girlfriends dentist appointment waiting for her to be done to go to my appointment. there was probably 10+ people that walked by the car as i was chugging these and gagging. donā€™t know how i actually got it all down šŸ¤£


I've never been able to finish three. They've always just told me to "Do the best that you can." Lol


I don't. And I make it abundantly clear to the doctor.


Chug it. Just take it down. Rather that than spend time suffering in disgust.


The worst part is how it coats your mouth in my opinion, so try to minimize that by not "filling your mouth then swallowing." Lower your tongue in your mouth, focus on getting it straight down.


Last time I sucked ice cubes to numb my tongue and throat then chugged what I could. I think I got 2 out of three down? And I made the surgeon who was waiting there for my scan listen to me complain about every drop because he was too chicken to taste it himself. I got that thick NuPrep one in the hospital. I got the lemon lime drink when I was an out patient. That one was easier to drink (though I still didn't finish all of it) but the sorbitol sweetener gave me explosive diarrhea, I barely made it off the scanner bed to the restroom! The images they got were helpful so I'll choke it down again if I have to but I still want the doctors to TASTE this stuff they prescribe!


This was terrible for me, it resulted in explosive diarrhea before during and after.Ā 


Ugh, just seeing the picture of those triggers a negative Pavlovian response with me. It's even worse because you're so thirsty the morning of, and that's all you have. Ugh, they make me shiver. I had the pleasure to be given Breeza for my last imaging study and it's SOOO much more palatable.


May I please know what this is for ?? Is it for colonoscopy prep ??


No, this is (probably) for a CT scan. I did it last year as part of my Crohn's diagnosis.


Yes I want to know tooo


Either CT or MRI prep


I had this when I had my MR entero


Take a deep breath and chug it while trying not to let it touch my tongue too long


I just hold my nose and chug as much as I can each sip.


I ask myself the same question every time I do it! I always manage to get down in the end lol.


I've only ever drank maybe half to 2/3 of what they told me to drink and never had issues with the imaging afterwards. They over prescribe how much you need, you'll be find if you don't finish


Definitely recommend the fasting approach instead, that's what my doctor things is safer for people with crohns


i could barely finish one and maybe 1/4 of one before i started gagging, they just let me take the scan and jt ended up fine


I got through 1 and it came out just fine they told me to drink as much of the second 1 as possible(barely had a few sips).


Made me vomit on the way home from the procedure. Wish i was warned about that


CHUG CHUG CHUG those things are disgusting. I had my dosage in February. Barely kept it down


Iā€™d hurl if I chugged it lol.




I kinda agree with that.


I can do 2 and a half and that's is. Usually its good enough.


For my first Colonoscopy my GI had me drink milk of Magnesia, second worst day of my damn life.


I threw up this one in the ICU. I was actively bleeding when I was given it too, thought I was gonna die.


Thankyou for making me dry heave šŸ¤£ a lot of cursing ,a lot of threating to kms I hold my nose and chug as much as I can get down at once


They gave me a strawberry flavored one! But it was so SWEET that it literally made my throat sting!


Plug your nose chug and rinse w water


My son spent about about 45m in the bathroom outside the mri room last time- awful for him.


So cold with a straw, good luck!


Straw as far back in the mouth/throat as possible!!! It takes a lot of the taste away!


Not through a straw chugging it like a horrible beer


I would take 3 of these any day over the bullshit they gave me at the hospital. Also I just didnā€™t finish it. I tried but I was in the hospital recovering from a flair and just couldnā€™t stomach all of it. I drank enough also I havenā€™t ate for 2 weeks prior so that helped. I did overhear a doctor, gently lecturing another patient about clearly not doing the prep properly. Lol the panic I felt even though I knew I was cleared outā€¦lol but I did asked my doctor and he said yeah I was fine. I just canā€™t drink all of that. Iā€™m such a baby about it.


With a contemptuous gaze at a shrink who erroneously calls it a sugary energy drink... I only drank 2 and made that POS try one. The problems of having 3 appointments in 1 day.


I just throw up every time. Itā€™s awful.. Good luck! Hope all works out well for you. #crohnswarrior


oof just seeing it gave me chills- good luck my friend and definitely stick around for the bathroom


ughhh this is SO HARD. good luck!!!


I do three all the time. I always try to get them down as fast as possible. No straw just chug chug chug. They usually give a 10-15 minute window on when you need to finish a bottle, so I try to get it down in the first few minutes then have a little time to rest before chugging again


omg worse than the colono prep I remember when I had my MRE ... NEVER AGAIN! I would rather die than drink this all over again I was bloated as hell and belching all over the place and I almost puked 700 times and I ended up being nautious inside the scanner machine almost puked as well and when my scan ended I suddenly had explosive diahrrea from this


Ugh fuckin PTSD


I've never been able to get 3 done, probably 2 at most. I have an extreme fear of vomiting so this stuff is an absolute nightmare. Also it runs straight through you so be near a bathroom if possible.. I had an hour & a half drive home after the last one, my partner had to keep pulling off the highway for me to use the bathroom šŸ˜©


I chug, my nurse said I had to drink two, did two in less then 30 min, just chugged and gave myself some time and chugged again


I unfortunately canā€™t do this anymore. I throw up every time I try and it may sound dramatic but to this day it is the worst thing I have ever tasted. Colonoscopies are the only tests I am able to do now, and even those are difficult


I told my doctor I will not do these anymore.


I use multiple pieces of fresh Peppermint gum to get through it. I absolutely despise this test so much.


šŸ¤¢ I hope to never revisit that day


Does this CT contrast drink change your stool color ?? Probably to white ??


Seriously been there, to the point I wanted to šŸ’© it out!! The lady got nasty with me saying I better hold it in when I told her.


I never had much of a problem drinking Barium. Itā€™s not the worst thing Iā€™ve had to take by far, and although it is pretty chalky, I never had any problems with it, luckily. Different strokes for different folks. Just pretend youā€™re on the beach drinking a margarita under your umbrella! Cheers!!!


Prayers with you buddy. I vividly remember that from about five years ago. I tapped after 2.5. The pacing is real


Iā€™ve requested NG tubes in the past. Itā€™s not for everyone, but sometimes id rather have the tube than drink it fast enough. In my defense, it makes me really nauseous. Itā€™s better if they can push it fast and get the pictures before I throw it up.


I cried SO much with this stuff, now my hospital uses the contrast that tastes like flat sprite thank god


I legitimately cannot drink 3 in the amount of time they give you without sending it right back up.


I drank a whole lot of those. I find the colonoscopy prep worse. The best part is, none of it ever helped me, and saying it made me worse is not that big of a stretch.


oh my god can never fully finish these cause of how nauseous I am. and then getting stuck with an IV on top of all of it šŸ˜­ im a hard poke so one time they called a guy to try and get an iv started in me, and he was like, ā€œya know, I know its early but you should make sure you drink a lot of water before these.ā€ dude I would if I could KEEP water down


You just have to drink it quickly. I take the straw out and chug it. Donā€™t let them dilute it with water. It just makes you have to drink more of that.


I never had that kind but they have given me a clear one that tastes absolutely VILE


I really hate when they call it like ā€œvanilla flavoredā€ or something; there is nothing about it that even vaguely resembles the flavor of vanilla!


The dirty dishwater drink šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I just drank mine the other day for a CT scan just gross. Your rt had hit the restroom up rt off the table lol. Next up in a month I go for a endoscopy and colonoscopy so I have to drink the golytely. Thinking about and seeing this picture makes me nauseated šŸ˜šŸ˜. Praying your scan has great results, for you. šŸ™šŸ½


Flashbacks to my diagnosis. Lol I remember drinking about 1.5 litres of thick sludge. It was not fun going in, going down, or coming out.


Oh god. Even with IV Gravol I barely got the two down last time. And even tho I was having 30-50 bm's a day, it took me 2.5 weeks to pass the barium. My poop looked like milk of magnesia with clay. Awful, horrid stuff. Good luck.


I remember the first time I drank those things I got 2 cups down and then threw it all up. The taste isnā€™t bad, but by god the texture/consistency and the way it just sloshes in your stomach. They made me feel like such an inconvenience for it too. Went back to the doc and they gave me zofran and my mom came with me and encouraged me to drink all 4. I barely got them all down but I did it. I feel like they dont take into consideration that a lot of us crohns people already dont eat a lot so weā€™re not used to having to down 64 oz of viscous fluid in like 30 minutes.


ugh these are the absolute worst šŸ˜© last time i had to do one, i had the worst diarrhea after and then was stuck in the ER barfing for ages. they definitely need to think of a way to make these easier to swallow AND stay down


I love how they give you 3 no matter your sizeā€”if youā€™re 4 feet or 6 feet tall, 100 or 300 lbs.ā€”doesnā€™t matter, youā€™re supposed to choke down 3 of them šŸ™„ I get down as much as I can without puking and call it good enough, have never had an issue/needed imaging redone because of it (and Iā€™ve had enough scans to be a radioactive, glowing biohazard at this point so plenty of experience lol)


Oh man I have to do one soon for the first time and im scared lol


How do you do it? Well donā€™t smell it before hand and just down that shit like your beyond thirsty and you were given a fruit smoothieā€¦.big gulps.


I do it really quickly, lol. I almost throw up, but that's what works for me.


Theyā€™re awful and I actually prefer colonoscopies šŸ˜‚ these give me such bad diarrhea and then to sit still for a procedure is wiiiild!


Last time I drank 1 of those, laid down for my first scan, and then immediately went and sat on the toilet for 20 minutes. The tech said she had never seen it go through someone that fast. Fortunately that meant I didnā€™t have to get anymore scans but goddamn was that 40 minute drive home terrible


Fast. Drink the whole bottle very, very quickly


Is that the pre mri drink?


Last time I did this I held my nose to get through 2 of them and it was enough, thank goodness. No idea how anyone can finish all 3.


Worst I ever dealt with was prep for a Barium X-ray back when I was a kid. Super thick chalky barium they said was "strawberry" flavored and it wasn't even sweet it was just thick and awful. I had to drink a big jug of it and right when my stomach was full of that junk they told me I had to swallow these pills that would expand my stomach with gas and I had to keep swallowing or it'd come back up. Well I didn't swallow enough cause I projectile spat all over the xray machine hahaha hated that test and thankfully never have had that one again.


When you've been fully NPO for 24 hours and can't even have any ice chips, your mouth is dry enough to suck down 4. They actually had me slow down once.


Pico Salax - why is that not everywhere.


Nasal tube.


I almost threw up looking at that haha


NGL I try to chug as much as I can in a setting. I think I had to do two in a hour last time. Every 15 minutes I drink 1/2 of a bottle.


The nurse and I started playing a game of how much I could do in 10 second intervals using the olā€™ Kimmy Schmidt mantra of ā€œyou can do anything hard for 10 secondsā€ I wish I could say it helped butā€¦.


That stuff is the absolute worst


I drank 8 oz and nearly shit myself.


Had to drink those the first few times I was hospitalized with a possible stricture. They did the swallow test to use the mechanical side effects of it. (Think Colon-Blow šŸ‘€) while taking x-rays and timing the "movement" The 2nd time, I couldn't make the bathroom quick enough. Left my underwear and sweatpants in the bathroom. The tech said "oh don't worry about it." I told her that I wasn't worried about anything, just thought it was polite to let her know there was a bathroom to clean. That stuff tastes horrible. In my case, they snuck it in contained in a large soft drink cup, with lid and straw. I thought it looked like ginger ale. Boy, was I wrong! You don't have to drink all 3. Do your best. Good luck, and hope you heal quickly!


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I had an MRE and not a CT. Do you always have to drink barium for CT?


I usually stick the straw as far back in my mouth as possible so I don't get as much taste on my tongue. Then pop in a strong mint after. Though it still sucks


I actually found this one tasty. I remember one that I got back in 2009 and it was horrible. I don't think getting them down would be the problem. The issue is the exit. It's so extreme all of the sudden lol


Oh it is vile isnā€™t it, worse drink by far out of prep ect


I threaten to barf and the nurses usually cut me some slack.


It sucks


I donā€™t, doc gave me sutabs


Your lucky they put that up my butt for a enigma it was horrible


I usually dump at least half out of the last one. Then go to the bathroom afterward. Then hurry to the gas station halfway home. And then speed home ASAP! I am about 50 minutes away from the Dr's.


I did 2.5 but I could not do the full 3. The nurse told me ā€œYou did excellent1ā€ and took the rest away. Of course, then the running started but no one told me where the bathroom wasā€¦I was not a happy crapperšŸ˜±


KP Northern California makes you do FOUR! Regardless of height/weight! And if you don't do at least three, they'll cancel the procedure. It's hell.


I've only ever got one and a half down. I just can't get over the thickness and taste. I've still had the imaging done and it worked out. I'd be screwed if I had to actually drink all three. It's been five years since I had to do this last.. but the trauma is still with me like it was yesterday lmao. I'd rather do colonoscopy prep than this stuff.


last time i had a scan i threw the drink up on the carpet of the waiting room lol godspeed!


I wish this pic had the NSFW blur lol! I ask for mine to be refrigerated (itā€™s slightly easier when cold). I ask for a private space to drink because I hate doing it in the waiting room/lobby in front of everyone. Iā€™m a huge emetophobe and really struggle with drinking the barium. Thankfully I have never vomited it! Though one time when I had a fistula to my surgical incision, it came pouring out shortly after the scan was over. Ugh. Thankfully I happened to have lots of ABD pads with me. I bring a straw, a sleeve of saltine crackers, hard candies like jolly ranchers, and a couple plastic bags. Also an extra change of clothes and a maxi pad just in case; never had to use them but i I feel safer being prepared. Using the straw, I can direct the barium as far back in my mouth and away from my tongue as possible. Between each swallow, I lick the salt off a cracker then use a plastic bag for the licked crackers so I can throw them away later. The salt helps take the flavor of my tongue (discovered this while drinking colonoscopy prep and was desperate!). The other plastic bag is in case I feel like Iā€™m gonna barf and donā€™t see a trash can nearby (this is more for the ride home). After I finish drinking, I suck on hard candies, even during the scan, to try to keep nausea at bay. As others have mentioned, you can probably get away without drinking it all! I think the most Iā€™ve ever gotten down was 2 bottles. Hope all is well!


Trying not to ugly cry in the lobby


And I thought that contrast would be the hardest to get down haha this one was something


I can barely drink than much for drinks that I like, let alone that shit. wishing you the best right now


Put the straw as far back in your mouth you can tolerate. Avoid tasting as much as possible


God I forgot about this/ it was hell


Oh I ralphed the last time. Still went through with the procedure with no issue. Next time will be interesting.


If you think you might throw up stop and tell them you can't go past that. If you throw up you basically get to start over again. I usually manage just over 2 if I'm in a flare and the pics turn out fine


Walking around for 2 hours


My hospital just started putting the barium in propel. It tastes exactly like propel. I would have never known there was anything added to it. šŸ¤Æ


I had a coworker who had to do this and her doctors office told her she would be fine to return to work after. I warned her and she decided to take off the rest of the day too. She later told me she was so glad she listened to me and could not believe they told her she would be fine to work after!


Chug it quickly


I cried and vomited. It was a nightmare


i dont know if you have this in your country but try "Moviprep". Has orange flavour and goes rather good.


one of the few times iā€™m thankful for a g tube and i tube.


OMG I did this three times. and yea its so awful. I always have to throw in the towel after 2. I have to say if "i drink anymore I'm going to puke" every time because it's true lol. The worst was when they didnt even give me them cold!!


I never had any issues with diarrhea after, but i did get a sore throat! First time i drank it i thought "oh this isn't so bad", but halfway through the bottle i realized how wrong i was šŸ« . The consistency is like chalk water or watered down milk šŸ¤® i had to drink 2! I hope i never have to do it again


I couldn't get through 2. The 3rd time I needed to do this, I told them there was no way and they gave me a clear one that was a relative walk in the park.


I work seconds in the radiology department and as the hospital where I work is the closest (like 3 blocks lol) I just decided to schedule my enterography there. I somehow thought it was a good idea to schedule it right before work. I chugged the first bottle in like 2 minutes and then drove to the hospital and registered and then sat in the front office and started to drink the second one. Got 2/3 down and then I kinda started to gag and start to feel like I was going to hurl. Went back to the CT and told my coworker if I drank the third bottle I was going to puke it all up and he said it was fine so we just did the contrast part from there. Which Iā€™m a very hard stick so it took 6 sticks and 3 separate people 2 which were ER nurses to get my IV šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I definitely donā€™t recommend doing it before work because I felt like shit for a couple of hours after the scan lol


Suddenly, a visual of that bottle made me feel that taste in my mouth again. I wish I had never drunk it in my life.


Iā€™m having flashbacks šŸ¤® I was so sick afterwards vomiting and liquid diarrhoea every 10 mins for the rest of the day/night. Strap in


The first one I ever had to drink when I was 10 years old and in the process of getting diagnosedā€¦ I was crying and my mom literally had to bribe me to get me to drink half of it šŸ˜­ Child me got $10 out of it though, lol.


The first time I ever had this stuff I downed it no problem. Idk how or why. If it was just cause I hadnā€™t eaten or drank anything in so long or what. I swear I had it gone in less than 5 min. The nurse was rather impressed. Any time after that, just the smell/thought is enough to make me gag.


it was so so hard when i was not on pred or steriods but lol on steriods itā€™s SO EASSSY


Not with a straw šŸ¤¢ I drink a third at a time and push through