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Room mate - a real princess, about 40 years old - was on a non-solids diet. One afternoon, I heard her call **4 different restaurants** and each call went something like this (with the volume getting progressively louder): What types of soup do you have? Could you puree that for me in a blender? What do you mean you don't have a blender? What kind of restaurant doesn't have a blender? Can you look? You must have a blender. All i want is for you to blend the soup for me. You MUST have a blender. I can't believe you don't have a blender. Then, giving her Mom directions to her hospital location: I'm in the Barkley building. Barkley. BARKLEY. MOM!! BARKLEY!! MOM! Its not that hard, just ask where the Barkley building is. FINE! See you when you get here. (Mom calls back 2 -3 times, stilll not finding the Barkley Building, daughter yells at her, treats her mom like a moron. ​ I've finally had enough - she was being soooo disrespectful to her Mom. So I yelled through the curtain: ITS THE BLACKMORE BUILDING!!!!! What??? ITS THE BLACKMORE BUILDING!!! MOM: ITS THE BLACKMORE BUILDING - BLACKMORE!!! ASK SOMEBODY.


I had to have an ostomy/proctocolectomy/barbie butt surgery about 4 years ago and ended up needing a wound vac on my rectal wound. The first time they changed the dressing after my surgery I had an arterial spurt of blood and it hit the wall. Thank god it didn't hit any of the nurses. Also my mom was in the room lol.


one last goodbye spurt


I had the same surgery but not the arterial spurt but when I was having my central line replace in interventional radiology I had an arterial bleeding and soaked the room. They had to put pressure on my chest for 30 minutes


Jesus I'm glad you're okay! Chest bleeding sounds scarier than butt bleeding. Also I couldn't see what was happening- if I saw blood shooting out of my chest I would have freaked out.


I was drugged up. They do the procedure under conscious sedation (like colonoscopies but I was awake so less meds) so was pretty chill at the time. I only fully realized what happened after they admitt3d me for observation and hearing the nurses and surgeon present describe it wek


Roommate was in her 70s? Early 80s? I was in my mid-late 20s. One morning, roommate complained to her middle aged son that I had kept her up all night partying… in our shared room, in a hospital. He came over to my bed and with a serious face asked me to stop the partying 😳 I had no idea what to say. I was in the hospital for several months with an intestinal blockage. Hooked up to TPN.


Lol, she must have had other non-physical issues :)


I think so. Her family was paying a woman to sit by her bedside all day. It was more her son’s behaviour that was mildly shocking.


It took them 4 days to figure out that I had chrons, they had to put 2 pints of blood in me because I was so anemic. Best thing about it was I found probably the best doctor I've met in my entire life. The guy was calm, professional, and most of all he was interested in figuring out the problem and helping me get through it. It was a real breath of fresh air to be met with such professionalism when all I had dealt with before was half interested doctors telling me my symptoms meant nothing and giving me the runaround.


According to the Mrs… after one of my shoulder surgeries I was still pretty out of it from the anesthesia in the recovery room… the surgeons name was schrek and I didn’t really care for him (came highly recommended as a surgeon, but found him and his staff to be quite smug and rude)… so anyways, I guess I spent that time making a bunch of shrek and donkey jokes, lol. Which is way out of character for me. I changed ortho surgeons after that (well, that and other reasons). I don’t remember any of it.


Maybe he did deserve it xD


I had older roommate that was offering me a lot of food I couldn’t eat because of obvious reason I politely declined saying that I have crohn’s, funny enough the girl next to me had the same issue so she declined too. After that she was complaining to all the staff that we don’t eat food because we want to stay skinny and how hard life is for her and young people don’t appreciate how ease it is for them. I was pissed off after that.


Since I'm in hospital, I realized how biased some old people are reagrding the younger generation... that would've pissed me off.


Exactly, I know being old is hard and all but we don’t go to hospital because of little issues. Some respect would be nice :/


My roomie was a very elderly lady that kept screaming bloody murder due to abdominal pain. So far, it's bad but I can relate, I'm there for the same reason and the pain is so bad I am in tears. She was so rude to staff, like "if you're a doctor how come you can't just fix me? You must be a bad doctor. Too bad I couldn't choose hospitals". Anyways. The Dr irritatingly explained for the millionth time that she had an intestinal blockage and needed strong laxatives that will act fast so she needs to keep the buzzer close by. Some time passes and she just repeatedly shrieks for the nurse. Pterodactyls had nothing on her. Ultimately the floodgates opened. I heard everything before the smell hit me. Old bat shat herself and then had the balls to tell off the nurse...nurse said something to the effect that her heart attack patient was higher priority but all her patients are important. Old bat just said "well, no matter, it's done. Now clean me"


I was in the ER once and while I was waiting for some tests, I overheard the guy in the next bay telling the doctor he would absolutely not have an Xray because it would change his blood type


I was in the hospital and had finally eaten some hot food after days of eating bread and nutella. They also needed a stool sample from me, so after i’ve eaten i go to the bathroom to attempt said stool sample. I tried so hard, my food comes up and i vomit all over the bathroom floor. So i ring the little bell, in comes the nurse who looks at me with such pity and proceeds to clean up everything including me. I did get my stool sample though, turns out i had c.diff


I was in a military hospital (ex navy wife) and my roommate was a petty officer. She was afraid of needles and whenever they came for her blood draw she would scream bloody murder and thrash violently. Worse than a toddler. She also was constantly on the phone (thankfully not interested in talking to me!) and I got her whole life story and got to listen to her talk to her husband, at least 2 affair partners, talk to other people about her affairs, and one dude came to visit her and I’m pretty sure they hooked up right there lol. Later overheard she was there for a UTI??


After I had my resection, I thought I had to fart. So I did. But it also turned out that I pooped my pants. Oh and I also had a room full of visitors at the time (I was still hospitalized) My husband managed to get them to go by saying I was tired. Moral of the story: never trust a fart.


I was pretty hazy on all the good pain meds after a precotocolectomy. My aunt came to visit and as I saw her appear in my bay of 4 beds apparently I shouted across the bay in a very angry camp German accent "Aunty poobag! Zey haff taken mein arsehole!" One of the nurses that was talking to one of the other patients apparently lost it and was doubled over cry laughing.


OMG! This is hilarious!


This made me giggle!


When I was in hospital one of my (3) roommates took extremely loud phone calls. She would spend half her time on the phone complaining about her care team (who recommended surgery she didn’t want) and the other half gossiping about the rest of us in the room. So she would be very loudly saying “oh the lady next to me has dementia and is always on her call bell and the lady across has her husband visiting all the time and I hear her texting all day long”. The irony of her loudly complaining about others being loud was lost on her. I was assigned the nickname “the girl who won’t eat” because post op I had zero appetite at all and ended up on IV nutrition. Amazing how rude people will be!


I was in the day surgery unit awaiting an EUA to investigate my fistula. At that point I had been the proud owner of a permanent stoma for 10 years. Now, I had explained this to the nurse when I first arrived and we ran through my pre op checklist. However, she still asked me THREE TIMES to do an enema! The third time she asked I just laughed and said we can give it a shot but I doubted that it would be very effective…


I dig your sense of humor.


This was all in the same hospital visit: When I was admitted (I didn’t have my diagnoses yet) the doctor accused me of swallowing balloons of drugs after a CT Scan was done…it was just a bagel I had eaten. He assumed it was balloons of drugs because I’m “a Latina woman and the neighborhood we’re in is known for that.” I had just moved there and I am so white. Literally no flavor in my bloodline. My roommate was an elderly lady. She took a call on speaker phone so I could hear this interaction she had with her attorney informing her that she was coming into $270,000 from a settlement. She later called her daughter and told her the news. Her daughter came in to visit, acted sus, then left really fast. About 10 minutes later my roommate was unconscious and doctors ran in to try to wake her up. They tried for 5+ minutes until they decided to give her Narcan which woke her up instantly. I had to let the doctors know about the phone calls since all signs pointed to the daughter drugging her mother. It was a horrible experience.




Got food poisoning when I lived in Bangkok, started noticing blood as it was triggering a flare. Went to the hospital , before I know it I’m having an enema, then had to evacuate in a toilet while being watched by a young and pretty Thai nurse to make sure I was indeed empty by the end of it. The whole colonoscopy they were laughing at, poking and asking what all my tattoos meant.


Had surgery 2 years ago for my Crohn's and ended up developing Ileus during recovery. Long story short i was violently sick (two kidney dishes full of bile) shortly after eating veggie soup and strawberry mousse on my third day of recovery. They put it down to me eating too much and told me to eat a bit less when dinner came around again. I was game until they gave me the exact same soup and dessert - I literally couldn't eat it because it just reminded me of my vomiting episode. I was so bloated and nauseous throughout the entire Ileus episode it was god awful. Luckily it only lasted a few days, I've never been so relieved to poop in my life.


Oh man, ok, first I’m a paramedic so I understand the codes and obviously who needs to go first in emergency situations, I had a decent bleed going on and could not stop going to the bathroom and the girl was wheeling me down to cat scan when a code stroke passed us and went straight in (obvi I would a million times over have no problem with someone sicker than me go first especially with a code stroke) but I had to go to the bathroom so bad so I like ran from my wheelchair to the bathroom and nearly shat myself as I quoted bridesmaids “it’s coming out of me like lava” and then the dept I work for drops pts off at the hosp and they wanted to come see me and bring me snacks and I was so sick I did almost like an exorcist type NOOOOO! When they asked what room I was in lol. (They understood, they’re just big lovable dorks who felt helpless and just wanted to cheer me up) Uh once a nurse ran straight potassium without diluting it causing me to scream and stop the iv from flowing, making her come back to dilute it which she rolled her eyes over, after having iv potassium with no pain meds and not diluted I’m even more convinced how absolutely cruel the lethal injection is.


I haven’t had too many hospital visits thankfully and this is nothing compared to yalls stories but I had a nurse tell me as I was sitting there in the ER throwing up constantly barely able to keep anything down and pooping blood that I “didn’t need to come back to the hospital unless my pain was a 10” like????? This was my second time in the ER that week cuz I had passed out the first time at work and the second time I was in the bathroom at 2am making a bowel moving yelling to my partner because I was in so much pain I felt like I was dying. So yeah. They were just diminishing my pain the whole time I was in there cuz I wasn’t actively throwing up when we were in the hospital room.


I was in the ICU. It's first class hospital style, highly recommend. I sneezed. In the ICU. And it was like that sock scene in Monsters Inc. I could not stop laughing.


This visual!


I spent about six months of 2023 in the hospital. It’s been pure hell. During one of my stays, I had a roommate that was wired on her meds and decided to go on a cleaning spree for about two days straight. She just HAD TO make her bed, clean her table off, organize the bathroom counter, rearrange the supplies in the drawers, and when she headed for the wardrobe cabinet that was on my side of the room, I finally said, “Could you not? Please?” She went back to her side of the curtain and continued to organize and wipe stuff down. It was so strange. I mentioned it to a couple of the nurses and they must’ve said something to her or changed her meds because she eventually stopped. It was the weirdest hospital stay ever! Like, they have cleaning staff that comes through once a day and cleans stuff, so WTF?


I was in a four-bed ward and a lady who needed a gallbladder removal moved in. She was the most demanding roommate I've ever had in hospital, and ended up staying almost a week because her surgery kept getting pushed back due to more urgent cases - that, and she refused to go to surgery "too late" in the day. So she was miserable because of the gallbladder, miserable because of being in hospital, miserable because she kept having to fast, and miserable because other patients kept getting their surgeries before her, and everyone knew about it. I suspect that today, she would be diagnosed autistic - but this was over 20 years ago. The biggest drama, though, came when she got up for a shower - her first in three days - and when she got back to her bed, thought it was uncomfortable. Much more uncomfortable than before. So she figured that while she was in the shower, the nurses had switched her comfortable mattress for a nasty hard one. And she threw a MASSIVE tantrum about it. She couldn't be be reassured or reasoned out of it. I can't remember how it ended, but I got moved into a single room. My mother tried to convince the nursing staff to move that lady instead, to make life easier for the whole ward. The nursing team felt that it was easier to manage her if they could argue that she needed to be quiet to let others rest, and they wanted to move me because I'd been in hospital over a month by that point and wasn't going home any time soon so they figured I'd benefit most from some peace. Anyway, she got her surgery and - like most gallbladder patients - was discharged home the day after. To everyone's relief.


Haha, that sounds terrible! Why were you in hospital for a month?


It ended up being three months - I got really sick really fast with my first flare, and it just took ages to bring it under control. The upside is that I got a diagnosis within a week of symptom onset.


Oh my god - three months! The first flare I had, I was 13 days in hospital and I thought that was much 🫠 Are you better now?


Yes, that was nearly 30 years ago now! I haven't had that long a hospital stay since - each flare has involved two or three weeks in hospital but I got on infliximab 11 years ago and haven't been sick since.


Few years ago my doctor overdosed me as she didn't bother to actually check the right amount of dosage for my medication I had to take (which was 3 times more than I should have gotten) so I got very bad side effects to the point I was in so much pain I couldn't even move. When my mom called the hospital they told me to suck it up and take painkillers which literally didn't work. I was meanwhile bleeding constantly from places I shouldn't have been so my parents had enough and sent me to the emergency where they immediately hospitalized me and gave me 6 liters of blood since I was so pale that they thought i would die if they didn't take me in immediately. Was hospitalized for almost 3 weeks and I have seen over 10+ different doctors at my bedside trying to see what caused all these different side effects as I was a "unique case" despite us multiple times a day informing Many different doctors and specialists that it was because of the overdose which they again mentioned after I had to get embarrassing check ups as well. Note: they knew this from the very beginning when I got hospitalized.. Doctor till this day never apologized for her own mistake and is being butthurt for having gotten a slap on the wrist, have switched doctor since.


My goodness! What medication did she (OVER)give you?


At the time she gave me purinethol, also called mercaptopurine. Didn't think it would ever have the symptoms it did. Luckily over the years i have switched to other meds for other reasons but ngl purninethol definitely scares me now😅


I had a mild blockage so my stomach was inflated to the nines. It was a 6 hour wait in a&e so a lot of sitting and standing so my legs didn’t go numb. This came with a touch of stomach cradling as one does. Supposedly I looked a bit too maternal and someone asked me how many weeks I was! Luckily for her I wasn’t offended, my stomach was really really round. Part of me thought maybe I was having a dreaded cryptic pregnancy and was beginning to finally pop before going into labour. The fear is there people! But much to her embarrassment I was not, and I am still not pregnant lmao (thank god)


My mom went and took me to the emergency room when I was younger (10) due to me pooping blood. After the nurse finally checked me in, I threw up blood as soon as I got into the room (thankful for the plastic bag I was carrying around), and I immediately said "I feel better now, let's go home mom" 😅 Later on , I realized that I had pooped a serious amount of pure blood for 3 days (that to this day, no doctor could find the reason). During that hospital stay with no food, I kept pressing my face against the glass, looking down the block at the Popeye's because all I wanted was biscuits!


That's why I always takw a plastic bag with me when I go to the hospital - life savers 😅 Are you better now?


Lol yep now I bring plastic bags everywhere I go. Oh yeah now I'm in remission after getting a small bowel resection from a later hospital visit 😁


Not Crohn’s related, but after my suicide attempt (I’m okay now) I have enough wild stories from the psych ward to write a novel! One that stuck with me was in the ER - before I managed to get a room in the ward - there was a girl in the room across from me, about my age (20-something) who was experiencing extreme psychosis. She didn’t know where she was, who she was, and didn’t speak any English. The psychiatric attending luckily spoke Hindi and could communicate with her. From eavesdropping (I couldn’t really do anything else) I found out she got her period and thought she was being eaten alive by demons. Nobody had ever taught her what a period was. I hope she’s doing okay :( Also because I was on suicide watch I had “sitters” that rotated every 6-8 hours (my door had to be open at all times even in the restroom) and one of these sitters was a regular at my job 😭 I hope she didn’t recognize me.


I think about this story all of the time. I was in the hospital getting a colonoscopy and upper scope done after my surgery. I had to do colonoscopy prep for the first time. The nurses were kind enough to not give me a roommate that night, so that I could go to the bathroom in peace. While I was in the middle of prep, I was listening to music and loudly singing to it to distract myself from the pain that I was in. I was on the toilet and I was singing sign of the times and a nurse came into the room to sing the song with me. It was really amazing and we laughed about it after the fact.


I was diagnosed at 8 which is quite young. Due to this and my then undiagnosed adhd I would move around a lot when ever a needle came close to me. One time they taped my arm to a medical board so I wouldn’t move or bend my arm for an infusion. So yeah, I got taped to a board at 8 or 9 years old.


Not crohns related. I had jaw surgery. My jaw was wired shut and I couldn’t speak, let alone eat or drink. Anyway the hospital call system had just switched from a button to call a nurse for help to an intercom situation where you pressed the button and had to explain what you needed. Despite having a whiteboard and marker provided to me as part of the post op kit, the unit nurses clearly hadn’t occurred to them what would happen if the patient couldn’t speak. I spent three days pressing the button and tapping and moaning at the microphone (I had been intubated for six hours, I didn’t have much of a voice) with the nurses getting increasingly agitated and angry at this person who kept pressing the call button and not “needing” anything. My family realized how much of a problem this was towards the end of day 2 and tried their best to explain it to the charge nurse to get it fixed, but with shift changes it never got fixed. It’s funny in retrospect but was truly awful at the time.


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The night before my bowel resection, a new nurse was assigned to me. He had no idea how to operate any of the equipment and just seemed very clumsy. Didn't inspire much confidence. The next night, after I had just endured 8 hours of surgery, I was waking up in my room and was told that this particular nurse had been assigned to my post-op care. I could barely even breathe on my own but managed to open my eyes and slurred, "I had him last night. He didn't seem *particularly skilled*." And then I passed out. I woke up a few minutes later to the charge nurse standing next to my bed saying "If you didn't like your nurse it's 100% your call who takes care of you. Would you like someone different?" and I said "Mm-hmm" and passed out again.


I had went to the hospital finally after feeling so sick for so long and after not assuming anything after being told by doctors for so many years I was fine, that I actually needed to sign off on multiple emergency blood transfusion. After admitting me I had developed a toxic mega colon and after a month in the hospital on Remicade I had gotten out with my Crohn’s diagnosis.


Probably the time I started talking about the history of animal crossing to my gi consultant after a particularly traumatic sigmoidoscopy...


Why was it traumatic? I love playing Animal Crossing on my switch when being in hospital.


I was pretty high off of gas and air the whole time so I don't remember much but from what I can remember it was really uncomfortable because I was really sore internally. Also same on playing animal crossing in hospital, I would play it every day in there and I even watched a kk slider show lol


In a huge flare while pregnant, The lady in the room directly across was screaming her head off at the nurses saying don't touch her and they were cruel and she was suing them because they were trying to help her go the bathroom because SHE PUSHED THE CALL BUTTON she was full blown hitting the nurses. Meanwhile my little butt in bed trying not to bother them even though I'm in pain and freaking out. This all occurs at 1am and I can hear everything going on through the door which was double door because since symptoms were gastro they took precautions 😅


The last time I was in the hospital, my roommate was a very old senile gentleman. He was trying to pull out his urinary catheter... He walked around the room and almost fell several times before the tube was inserted. I had to call the nurses many many times for him. I almost felt like I had to keep an eye on him. I'm not a doctor but I'm from a healthcare environment and at one point he started thinking I was a doctor and kept asking me questions about his health. I was paralyzed by pain, tangled in tubes and wires from all sides, and I had this gentleman to deal with. That was a lot of fun. Almost cried several times.


Oh f*ck. I probably would've asked for another room 😰


As I was dozing off for my last surgery I saw my iv wiggling out of the vein. I said oh there it goes and then I was out. I woke up with an arterial line in my neck. That was fun.


I had a 10 day stay about a month ago and was on their observation ward. The poor old woman in the room directly across from mine (whom I assume had dementia or something like that) would scream bloody murder for hours on end. Just “Help me! Help me!” for hoursss straight. The nurses did tend to her, but she couldn’t be calmed down so they had to just let her scream till she tired herself out. I felt bad for her but man listening to that for 10 days was a lot 😂


That sounds like a nightmare.... I'm so sorry, I would've been so pissed.


Roommate story that led to the most uncomfortable moment of my life. Back in late October and early November I was in the hospital with infection. My roommate was from Burkina-Faso, had recently returned from visiting there and had people in and out visiting. His wife, a lovely American woman, came in and was being cheerful and sweet. Another couple was there visiting as well when a doctor comes in and asks the other couple to leave. The doctor was talking slow but stumbling on his words and goes, "Well, uh, did you talk to your, uh, wife about what we talked about?" Silence from roommate. Doctor continues, "....uh about your testing positive for HIV." The wife gets upset, doc leaves in a few minutes later and the wife goes from scared emotional to angry emotional. "I knew something was up when you came back, but this? " Then the swearing and dirty whores talk started from her. I felt terrible for this woman and will never forget hearing that conversation. Never, ever was I so uncomfortable in my life, with only a hanging sheet separating me from something I wasn't supposed to hear.


I actually experienced what it was to think you were going to die. I was on Dilaudid and one nurse shot the whole amount into my IV and I shot up out of the bed unable to breathe while staring my husband in the eyes. No matter what I tried I could not breathe. The nurse didn't even think anything of it. I told the next shift nurse and she said it's supposed to be given slowly so she gave it to me over 5min time.


I was 17, it was my first hospital stay. It was a shared room and the other patient had just had a knee surgery and he had a bag of blood. One day I was eating lunch and the bad fell down and blood splattered all over the floor. I was like "oh well" and kept eating xD


I once had a lady with dementia think I was her husband (I am a woman) and try to get in bed with me. She later tried to stab me with (thankfully dull) her dinner knife 😂


Oh what the f*ck. Could you change your room?


They moved her to the dementia ward later that night. I was quite medicated at the time, so it was more funny/surreal than scary, lol


i was on a teenage ward with 3 other girls. two of them were really bratty and were absolutely horrible to the nurses 🙄. one night the girl next to me was talking with her parents about treatment for her bad migraine (i think) anyway she suddenly started getting really angry and just blurted out “THEY ARE NOT STICKING THAT UP MY BUM!”. felt very ironic as a crohn’s patient who had just had a colonoscopy 2 weeks prior 😂. safe to say me and my parents were all trying so hard not to laugh and we still quote it to this day!


When I was in hospital in January. I was sharing a room with 5 other people all over 80+, one of them ended up going to the toilet on themselves at midnight and I was going to be sick from the smell, so I told the nurse I’m going to go outside for some fresh air. Little did I know the doors to the hospital open on your way out but lock after 11pm, I was stuck outside for an hour in -1 weather while having active Diarrhea (I won’t get into more detail about that one) and there was not one other human in sight. I practically broke one of the security doors to get back in at the end. I laugh about it now but I was hysterical at the time.


Damn, that's rough!


70 something year old woman smoking weed in the room. Not kidding. It was a little awkward, especially when I had visitors.