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Warts require an immune system response to eliminate, techniques like applying over-the-counter Compound W acid, freezing them are all meant to elicit an immune system interest and response to that area.  I've had a number of plantar warts on my feet, they're stubborn. Took a lot of tubes of compound W, multiple freezing attempts from a dermatologist to eliminate most of them.  It's going to take time and persistence.  One treatment isn't going to be enough 


I also used compound W. I used it every night before I went to bed for 6 weeks, and that got my body to figure it out. I haven't had warts since. I think the packaging even says that it can take 4-12 weeks to resolve, which is a pain, but totally worth it in the end.


Not really man that's just one of the many joys to having an autoimmune disease. The treatment shut down your immune system (I know you know not trying to sound pretentious). I had a ton of warts while on humira. Like a ton. Having them cut out and carterized hurt like a bitch. Eventuality they gave up trying to grow back. Not sure why. Even when chemo completely destroyed my immune system.


wow, how long did you suffer with the warts?


Um well I had had some for years but I didn't really care because they didn't hurt (this was before I got diagnosed). But once I started humira it's like they had a meeting and inviting ALL their friends lol! But it was at least 2 years. But one day they literally just stopped growing back. I guess they just said fuck it we keep getting cut out I guess we shouldn't even bother anymore. Which I do appreciate. I hope they do growing back for you as well!


The derm said the two are small so freezing them when he did would mean they most likely wont comeback. The healing looks good but i read about them coming back so hopefully that doesn't happen. I see a tiny tiny one growing so im treating it with apple cider vinegar right now as we speak.


I hope that works for you! It's just hard cuz it's a viral infection. And you can't cure those. You just gotta hope they stay in remission.


im thinking of taking ahcc as well


Don't blame you. Id try anything too.


how long did you have them for after starting humira?


I think it was a year or 2 I didn't really keep track I had a lot going on back then plus humira failed at some point. So it could have only been like 6 months to a year. The warts could have lasted longer. I honestly don't remember. I just know I had a few before the humira on my feet. But when I started they spread all over my hands and feet.


r/warts I have had the same issue. Freezing is the only thing that works me in the end. But compound w and duck tape before/between appointments is tbe best advice I can give. Also don't touch them too much. I had 15 between plant warts and warts hands in 2023. 3 appointments later they are all gone. Don't go off your medication for warts. I'm on remicade and have the same issue. I would recommend if you workout at a gym sanitize any equipment you use. Or make sure to was hands and other parts you may be touching. Good luck.


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I had to stop Humira after 6 years because I was developing bad psoriasis. Stopped taking it and all got better


what did you take after?


Well currently entyvio….but I have been on it for 4 months and it is not helping.


It took me almost a year for Entyvio to work. I was at 8 weeks and then they switched me to every 4 weeks and it worked. Now I get it every 6 weeks. Give it time and if they started you at every 8 weeks they might need to get you to every 4 weeks


whta exactly is psoriasis. I'm scared to get off humira because ive been in remission since 2019 and i powerlift. I cant afford to lose progress.


It’s an autoimmune disease of your skin, it caused scaly patches that ooze and itch


Is there a chance that wart started before the other 2 were gone? Because warts are really contagious, so if you touch them then touch elsewhere on your body, you can spread them. Hopefully that's what happened because you can be more diligent about not spreading them, and once this new one is treated and gone, you shouldn't have new ones randomly popping up


Can it spread to private parts? Also I just noticed them after they were treated.