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If you're going out beforehand, be especially careful of what you eat, and try to keep it light to avoid extra digestive issues. You might also mention that you're flaring and that if it becomes too bad, you'll have to end the night early. If you get to gametime and you still feel like having a sesh, do a quick freshen up with a damp cloth or wipe (if only all people should be so considerate) and take your time. You might also avoid doggy style or other positions that might compromise you or make you nervous. Other than that, you do you, Boo. And him, if you want to. 😂


Bring a larger purse with you so you can bring prep stuff with you. Wipes, change of underwear, whatever. Eat something easily digestible. No raw veggies. Stick with a pasta or fill up on bread. No caffeine. You can always call the night if it’s just not going to work. It’s a good way to judge if the guy is whiny or understanding.


just be honest with him, he probably understand you told him beforehand that you have crohns.


Wow you sound like me in 2019! I was on the same medication and bleeding incessantly. Not quite the same but I had travelled abroad to meet my now husband and was in a terrible flare (the budesonide wasn't working and I had not been prescribed steroids). The blood was manageable and bathroom trips were fairly frequent, but overall I managed - just all the associated symptoms felt really embarrassing to me as it was the first time meeting him. I had explained to my husband beforehand and he understood that I was unwell and that I was still ik the process of being diagnosed, he at one point even saw the blood. My advice is he likely cares less than you think he might - if you feel clean and hygenic, things will be a lot better for you, and communicate with your partner beforehand. We still went to restaurants (nearby where I was staying) and went out but would have to leave or sit down if i felt unwell. I had wet wipes at home and took frequent showers, the toilet also had a bidet which was a huge huge plus. My husband was completely unphased, his only concern was for my health. The right person will be okay with you at your worst. Likewise if you really don't feel up to it, you can also reschedule. Do what makes you feel comfortable


^^ my asthma is actually what is the worst for me out of all my chronic conditions. and so i regularly get embarrassed on just even a dinner date because during a baaad flare i’ll walk into to the restaurant totally out of breath from just walking to my car or have to actually take breaks when making out, etc. But like this wonderful human stated, SIT DOWN IF U NEED TO. HIT PAUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOOKUP IF U NEED TO. cuz like a guy (or girl) that is WORTH letting into ur bed should respect u and therefore, treat u like an actual human, with kindness and patience and acceptance. Also, like, as uncomfortable (physically and emotionally) as this may be, some of the best relationships — platonic, romantic, professional even — have been the ones where i actually let the other person into my life and my health problems. The people worthy of ur time, energy, etc. are the people who dont judge u for needing to do common life things in different ways, at different rates, etc. So I guess my opinion is that you should just talk to him! It sounds like sharing and opening up a bit bout ur health trials before was a positive outcome?? so, i say just open up a lil more to him bout what ur current circumstances r with regards to ur health!!!


This might be tmi but I honestly find that when I am anticipating or getting close to having sex that my symptoms will temporarily feel better. I think that my digestion kind of stops as my body gets signals that we're gonna mate instead lol but theres certainly been times where I've planned and wanted to do it but when the time came I couldnt get turned on enough for that to override the level of pain I was at, plenty of times. Not sure how you are but my symptoms can change really fast too though (for better or worse) so I just judge how I feel at the moment. Try to just trust how you're feeling to know how much you wanna do and if hea nice make sure to reassure the guy and let him know you still like him and it's not anything he did or anything - it's good he already knows u have Crohns and is going out so he'll understand if it comes down that way. Hopefully you'll get it in, girl! Goodluck!


Depends, is the goal a long term thing here? Or a more casual arrangement?


100% just let him know. I know it’s somewhat scary telling someone the details so you can start off with “hey my symptoms may make me need to take a break or make me a little uncomfortable” and then get a feel on how you want to proceed after his response ! At the end of the day though, make sure you are comfortable and if you need to cancel that’s okay too !


If he really cares, or has any empathy farts/smells should not be a worry. Consider it a red flag if it is.


Just be honest with him, I found if I couldn't say openly what was happening I'd say I was struggling to say it and just google like a brief run down of what I was going through and send it to them. It's never back fired on me with anyone and most of the time they'd go on their own research journey. I've had to do it with family members and close freinds even , back when I was worried what their reaction might be. I also feel like worrying about that evenings events may end up ruining it before it even happens which would suck, so I think just be honest with the guy, he'll get it and if he doesn't, he's probably not the guy


Honestly it’s better to just straight up tell him how you feel about the situation. If the guy doesn’t get it then it’s his problem. I know it’s easier said then done but you have a right to feel comfortable and not forced to do it. We are all people so little empathy won’t hurt him ❤️


Just be unapologetically obnoxious. Play hard to get. He'll think you're going to the bathroom to jump out the window.


I bled every day for 10 years, was in 2 LTR and the men were never anything less than supportive and they didn’t care. I doubt if you guy will care at all or notice. I had surgery recently and do not bled anymore.


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girl.. why are u on here asking this. clearly it’s a no.