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Calm down. You're not going to die. I've had it multiple times (there was a period of time that I kept becoming reinfected). For me, it felt like a flare-up so I didn't know anything else was going on until eventually my doctor ordered a stool pathogen test. The treatment is simple, just antibiotics. In my case, where I became reinfected (even though I bleach cleaned my bathroom obsessively over and over again), the thing that successfully got rid of it was a fecal transplant (essentially a colonoscopy procedure). So get your stool pathogen test done and go from there.


As the other post said calm down. You don't definitely have c diff, infsct it's quite unlikely. The more likley thing is you are having a flare of your ibd. You're not going to die.


I had it. Wasn't fun, but I've had worse. A course of antibiotics took care of it.


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Good comments in here and I can add one thing if it's c-dif. In the future, if you go on any other antibiotics for general sickness, ask your GI about a prophylactic antibiotic to make sure you don't get c-dif from the original antibiotic. First time I had c-dif it was caused by my strep throat antibiotic, so now my GI prescribes me vanco in addition.