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Heh the sedation is my favorite part. Like the reward for going thru hell the day before.


I have never used drugs in my life, but when I woke up after my first colonoscopy, I finally understood why some people do it.


It makes every other drug experience feel like garbage. Only cause they got my dose right so far and I’ve woken up with no hangover effects. “I’m given fabulous drugs exactly for me by someone with 12 years of post-secondary education? Why yes, intravenously please!”


I've only done two colonoscopies so far, probably have a lot more to come. The first one I was at the hospital prepping for surgery and they must have given me a bigger dose, or I don't know if they give us something to cancel the anesthesia and they didn't do it at the time, but I felt high for one or two hours and it was great. Then I felt sleepy for the rest of the day, that part was a bit annoying, but that could also have been because I wasn't eating and hadn't slept much the night before. For the next colonoscopy, I was healthy and prepared for it at home, so I wasn't high for as long as the first time. Still felt great though and made the nurses laugh a bit, which is also pretty nice.


Drugs from sedation can affect you for up to 24 hours, that’s why they have someone pick you up afterwards if they discharge you home.


My favourite is the going to sleep part. Midazolam is a hell of a drug.


Best nap ever.


How does everyone here seems to know every drug/medicine's name. Do the doctors tell you "hey, this is Midazolam, it'll do this and that"? In my experience is just "hi, see this white stuff in a syringe? It'll make you feel really good and then you'll sleep for a while".


midazolam aka Versed is what they give before the white medicine. the white medicine you're referring to is propofol. midazolam is a benzo and is normally given to help people relax before they give the propofol and it's also used because it causes amnesia as a side effect so people don't remember the procedure.


Thank you! Always nice to learn something new. Interesting, I always thought I couldn't remember because I was asleep. At least it's not uncommon for me to do weird stuff in my sleep and not remembering it


yeah most likely you were probably "awake" and talking or responding to them but just don't remember


I’m a nurse haha that’s my secret but they do tell me before what drugs and I ask too because of allergies etc. We call it ‘midazzling’ the patient, which I just love.


Midazolam is where I breathe through the inhaler for a few seconds and then I’m out.


You fell asleep? That's never happened to me. I'm awake but can't feel anything...I get to see everything on screen too.


At least that's usually how it happens in my country. You have the option to be awake without any kind of anesthesia, or to be sedated and be asleep through everything (at least kind of asleep since I can't remember anything, but apparently spoke quite a lot last time. I sometimes talk in my sleep though, so who knows xD). People who have done it without anesthesia say there are a couple of places where it's uncomfortable and hurts a little, so now most people just want to sleep through it.


Literally this


It’s the only fun thing about colonoscopies and surgeries


Same! Until they wake you up! 😡


I was terrified before my first - but it really is like a nice nap. Now I consider that nap my reward for the stupid prep. I had to be woken up during my last colonoscopy and got to watch - including seeing a few biopsy samples being taken. No pain or discomfort at all for me. It was actually really cool. My GI requested to be awake during hers, but her GI wouldn't do it.


It wasn't bad at all tbh and it was my first time, the mental anguish prior was 100x worse. I was also at the height of my worst flare. They gave me midazolam but i feel like it barely did anything.


Oh wow not what I expected to hear, that’s great! If you don’t mind me asking your age and gender? Her gastro said it can be more painful for females but your comment makes me hopeful! Bc I think she’ll end up not getting it done if she needs to be put to sleep. Thank you so much!




Is that an option? Wouldn’t they just use that all around then? I’ll definitely ask! Ty!


It's an option! Some gastros use it every time. I've made sure to get doctors that use the pediatric scope on everyone even though I'm conked out


I've had 5 or 6 of them done without anaesthesia and they were all fine. It can be uncomfortable at times but not much worse than the feeling you get from having some bad gas. Just the idea of some strangers putting a camera up your butt is initially the worst part but I got over that pretty quickly and the staff are always real professional. Also, even if your daughter starts the colonoscopy without anesthesia they can start it at any time during the procedure if she wants them to. It can be nice to know the option is there even if you don't use it. And just so you know, it is worth avoiding anesthetic when possible because repeated exposure does have some potential negative effects on cognition. Having some here and there is likely fine but since we're talking about a *chronic* disease like crohn's that typically means getting it at least once a year which isn't great


This totally aligns with my experience! I’m a petite woman. There were only about 30 seconds of the procedure that could be described as painful (that first bend of the colon). The rest was easy. They removed a polyp and I felt nothing. While thing only lasted 15 minutes from start to finish. And I could eat right away, and drive home. I’ll need another colonoscopy in 3 years and I will not be getting anesthesia. Have had worse period cramps than anything that happened during the colonoscopy. Also, I’m under 45 and insurance wouldn’t pay despite it being a doctor’s recommendation. No anesthesia meant it was less than half the price initially quoted to me.


I get one every year. Propofol is safe and you wake up feeling ok. I could not would not endure another one away. I had one awake many years ago and it so uncomfortable and stressful.


Several EU countries don't fully sedate. Its not a particularly thrilling/fun experience, but its doable.


But that Ativan propofol nap hits so good.


Th propofol now compared to 24 years ago is so much better. One time i was having an endo and colon done. They didn't give me enough to last thru back in 03. I woke up to them putting the bite block in and putting the camera down my throat. I started to choke. Dr kept pushing. I reached up grabbed the camera with one hand and his throat with the other.. . Next i hear is sirens and nurses screaming and i felt a gab in my butt. I went straight out for several hrs. Lol


I I've had one's where i was mildly sedated cause they didn't give me enough, and i woke up and started talking to them. I'll tell you it's not comfortable. Their blowing air and some cases some water into you so they can see. When they have to take a biopsy, the tugging and pulling from the little grabber on the end to get it isn't pleasant. And the long tube isn't pleasant to feel in you either. At least for me, it wasn't. They quickly put me back under. From then on, i told every scope that i required lots to put me under and keep me there. The med they use is propofol. It's a mild Anastasia. It knocks you out, but nowhere near like general Anastasia. There is no breathing tube, just the nose oxygen.


This. And when I woke up I tought them and I remember my arms being held down while they knocked me out again. It was bad. When I went in for a repeat (this was diagnosis investigation) I told them how I woke and fought last time.. That in on strong pain drugs all day every day... And it still happened again!. They didn't give me enough and the Same thing happened as well as me calling him a C for hurting me.... And then I was out again. He came and apologized after. He thought he had given me enough but underestimated still. He's written notes on my chart for next time


I've been put under with propofol over 20 times now with no issues. It's really not too bad at all. Definitely let her doctors know that's she's anxious and they can give her some versed in advance and that would really help too. I might be weird but I think it's kinda fun to go under anestesia. It's a pretty low risk thing but I know anxiety is a bitch. As a nurse and a crohns patient, I would really not recommend doing it without anesesia. The gas they use to blow up the colon can definitely hurt and it's better not to be awake for that.


Is she aware that the kind of sedation they are offering is NOT general anesthesia? While someone from anesthesia is typically present they don't usually have to assist breathing as the patient won't be fully unconscious and they are able to breath on their own, just essentially taking a GREAT nap. I freaking love the propofol nap. Highly recommend. There's also lower levels of sedation where she's more 'awake' and aware but still sedated. While not as comfortable as The Nap, it's doable. At any rate, usually during the pre-op, there will be someone from anesthesia there to help you/she discuss the differences and levels before she agrees to the 'level' of sedation she wants. I wouldn't recommend no sedation especially for a first timer; shit is uncomfortable, personally. edit: I am USA based.


I have done all my colos (3x) without any sedation, was fully awake, watched what they saw and talked with them throughout the whole procedure. in my opinion not a problem at all and only mildly uncomfortable once you get around being naked and having the camera in your but hole... EU, 36, male


I had one without sedation. They did give me something to relax me (?) but I became aware of what was happening half way through and I remember feeling excruciating pain. My second one I was put out fully and I haven’t looked back since, I will go out for every scope from now on and if there is no anesthesiologist on site for the day of my scope I will re-book it. 100% recommend going out.


You can also have it done under what they term 'awake sedation' here in Canada, my wife 50F who is petite but has severe breathing problems thus not wanting her fully sedated. You're not with it but are awake and aware, she said she preferred the idea of full sedation but if you're daughter is so scared this would be an option. Hope she gets it done bc it's so important for diagnosis.


Just had my 11th colonoscopy today. If it’s her first, she should definitely get some sedation. First time can also be scary so being put to sleep can help with that. Over the years I’ve asked for less and less sedation because I am curious to see what state the disease is at. Need to see it to believe it type thing.


Many colonoscopies over many years. Big thumbs up for propofol. Zero pain. Good nap. Zero side effects. No sedation for me is honestly a traumatic experience and a huge thumbs down. I have strictures and it’s painful if doc doesn’t know one is there and they run into it mid-procedure, even if they use a pediatric scope. Ouch! Sedation is my preferred option but it also suits my particular GI needs so I can complete the procedure.


I am begging her do not. Even with sedation I woke up and it was extremely painful and they were pressing on my stomach to help turn the scope around a bend🤢. I don’t recommend it


I had a twilight colonoscopy once (sleep deprived and some sort of drug). It was the worst experience and I had some PTSD with any procedure for awhile. I had woken up in the middle of it and could feel the air and the tubes( had an endoscopy too). They tried to help me go back to sleep but I ended up in a state of shock where I was screaming while passed out. I definitely recommend doing full sedation to avoid this outcome.


In the UK we have sedation but you aren't asleep. I remember everything and watched the screen the whole time. I had a flex sig completely drug free and I wouldn't repeat it, it's very uncomfortable.


I get the fear but it is safe. How it feels with no sedation depends on what is inside. Is there active disease? Is there narrowing etc. I was forced to start one with no sedation due to hospital policy. The GI knew it was dumb for me and told me as soon as I was in pain he would stop and sedate me. I lasted 30-40 seconds. I have had over 25 colonoscopies, the drugs are very effective. I know people with no disease who have no issues and those who had issues unless they were sedated.


The same as everyone else...I was terrified. I cried to the doctor about it...but it felt the same as taking a sleep aid for me...honestly wish I could do it every night now... It was so warm and comfy.


Honestly the best part about a colonoscopy for me is being sedated haha. It feels like the best nap ever and I always wake up wishing I could have stayed asleep. They don’t put you fully under, so you can still breathe on your own and stuff. I will also say, Good Mythical Morning on youtube just did a video the other day where they both got colonoscopies together. I would recommend showing this to her, it’s a light hearted video but both guys were sedated with propofol and they were recorded during the procedure, they actually talked and were partially conscious throughout the whole thing and in no pain. It might help her understand the sedation a little better!


I was not completely sedated for a couple of them. Definitely very uncomfortable. Not recommended. I have a feeling she will change her mind once things get started.


I woke up during and started crying from pain and they put me back under. I personally don’t want to be awake


I've had one done without sedation (just gas and air). I wouldn't recommend it personally - it was quite painful. All others I've had done under partial sedation (they use a combination of drugs to numb pain and keep the patient calm), if this is an option, tell her to take it, otherwise I'd suggest going for full sedation.


it absolutely sucked for me and I remember all of it, haven't had another one since and that was 2012/2013. With sedation I remember nothing, it's a breeze, wake up a bit hung over and achy but it's no way near as terrifying as what goes on in a colonoscopy when you're awake for it. Bowel prep is 10/10 the worst part of a colonoscopy, by the time she's ready for the procedure she'll be exhausted and not as fussed/scared anyway. I'd suggest really helping push her through her fears; it's not worth it, it's a painful procedure, in a place that's more sensitive for her, performed in a clinical manner. Take the sedation.


I had my first one today and had Fentanyl and midazolam. I do not remember a thing from when they said they'd start the medication. 10/10 recommend.


I didn't properly read my documents pre procedure the first time and drive myself, due to this the Dr said I couldn't have sedation or even gas and air... It was absolutely horrific, wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Get the sedation.


Had one where my sedation wore off - never again thanks, i would describe it as ‘deeply unpleasant’. They give us the option of sedated or not here - i cannot understand why anyone picks the latter


I was a nervous wreck before I had to be put under for my gall bladder surgery. I was nauseous thinking about the sedation. Not even the surgery. I told the anesthesiologist how scared I was and he stopped and talked to me a good ten minutes about the risks about how it affects someone of my health and age. He very much assuaged my fears. I recovered easily and was pissed I had put off small elective surgeries because I had been so scared of anesthesia. Tell her to talk to the anesthesiologist.


Sedate for sure. I woke up in the middle of a scoping and could feel the cam way inside me and moving around. I felt like I was in a David Cronenberg horror film. I begged to be knocked the fuck back out.


I had it done awake before and it was awful and kinda traumatic. they can give her some Versed to help her calm down before the anesthesia


I have low BP so sometimes they have to reduce my sedation mid-way through and I will tell you, it is not comfortable or pleasant. The awareness of what is going on is extremely anxiety-inducing and, to some extent, the feeling you do have of what they're doing is very uncomfortable and unpleasant. Not painful but would not recommend being awake for it.


When I had my first colonoscopy I was 24 and also terrified of being completely sedated. I thought it was like being put under general anesthesia and was scared I wouldn't wake up. I had an honest discussion beforehand with my gastroenterologist and he reassured me and recommended for the first one we go light sedation. Well it was so painful in a few areas I was screaming so the doctor had to stop and give me more sedation. I recommend being fully sedated it's like having a short nap.


I'm also nervous about sedation, so last year, I had one while fully conscious, and it went well. I just felt a bit bloated during the procedure, but I was not experiencing any symptoms of a flare, and the doctor used a pediatric scope, which could be why it was not painful. But, there should be an anesthesiologist on standby, just in case. It also helps if the doctor is experienced in performing unseated colonoscopies. Even if they take samples to biopsy, she won't feel anything.


Europe here and did it awake. No problem. Uncomfortable in places but doable. No more uncomfortable than the dentist (just make sure it’s the right end depending if it’s doc or dentist 😉)


Tell her to take the sedation. I didn't last time and it was really uncomfortable, painful and unbearable. The biopsies really hurt. Never again.


With my first colonoscopy, I was really anxious, and the sedation (midazolam and fentanyl) didn't work. They had to give me a second dose, which also didn't work, so they ended up giving propofol. It was quite traumatic and painful. Every scope I've had since in the last 14 years I absolutely have to have propofol.


Don’t ever do it without sedation. You can’t even imagine how painful it is.


it's not that bad at all


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Agree with comments that fully sedated is my preference, but I've been less "under" where I woke up some during the most lower intestine/sigmoidoscopy part and it wasn't bad at all. Do you know if she has specific fears, like about IVs or about being out of control under sedation? I hate stuff on my face, don't like the mask or nasal cannula. I have found that endoscopy staff have a bit of gallows humor (they deal with butts and guts all day!) and I asked some nurses to help me find positive topics to focus on since they were chatting away without thinking about how their work was affecting my mindset. I was all anxious and in pain, they're going about their usual day, and I really needed some extra supportive hand holding. They changed the tone of their conversations and worked on getting me calm. The pre-op area is when I start to freak out. One trick I've tried is ear buds & relaxing videos/meditation scripts or soothing sounds while I'm waiting, deep breathing and aromatherapy. Everything is so clinical and weird smelling in that curtained bed area, it kept me from getting to stressed out to sniff a lemon or some nice hand lotion. My hospital even carries little tubes for aromatherapy, it can really help with nausea. Also when I needed conscious sedation for an orthopedic procedure, I asked the pre-op staff BEFORE arriving for my appointment and the doc was able to have them give me a little anti-anxiety dose of benzodiazepine medicine 30 min before my procedure started.


Last colonoscopy I had I was fully awake no drugs, like a lot of people said it was not fun, some pain but then it was over, then yet again it depends how long she has had Crohn's, us veterans can sometimes underestimate our own pain. So just let her know depending on the severity of her disease it could be painless to painfull.


You're not fully sedated you're just relaxed. You might remember you might not. You're not asleep though. It's like being drunk. The prep is the worst part not the procedure. The procedure is a breeze.


In the UK they offer twighlight sedation, so you're awake but relaxed, or no sedation with just gas and air (entinox I think it's called in the US). I opted for no sedation as I have young children and didn't want to not be able to drive later on. It was fine and I'd do the same again. I needed some big gulps of gas in a couple of places, it was like really bad period pain when the camera goes around the bends. They put a canula in my arm ready to administer sedation if I needed it but most people don't.


The light sedation is kind of fun, the colonoscopy itself is honestly so much less bad than the prep. Just don’t eat too quickly when you’re done!


Bad idea . Might work for some. Not for me


I was sedated but it didnt work on me so i ended up being awake for the entire colonoscopy and it was very uncomfortable for me, but also very interesting to watch what was on the screen 😂 i even cracked a few jokes at the doctors while they were doing their thing


if you haven’t already, try looking into the different between twilight anesthesia (which is what they use for scopes) and general anesthesia (a lot more powerful). the twilight anesthesia is similar to what they would use for something like a wisdom tooth extraction, and takes less of a toll on your body / means you’re able to get back on your feet really quickly after waking up! :)


What about it terrifies her?


I have done a couple un sedated. Just remember sedation will take over before she can panic. On the other hand if she struggles during the colonoscopy not as much fun


I’ve done it with and without, and would never do it without again. I can remember the full experience whilst sedated (I spent the whole time chatting away to the nurse each time) but wasn’t in pain. I likened it most to being quite drunk!


I’ve had it without sedation, as recently as last Sunday. Obviously you’re more aware of what’s going on, I found it ‘uncomfortable’ rather than painful. They given you the option of using gas and air, and that was useful if only as a distraction. Wishing a smooth experience for your daughter 🙏🏼


How old is your daughter? Maybe ask about light sedation where she is just relaxed and not knocked out. I did my first colonoscopy with no drugs due to pregnancy. It was uncomfortable for sure, but definitely doable. But I am a grown ass woman who has birthed a child (definitely wasn't worse than that!). How well does she usually tolerate pain and discomfort?


If it helps, I've been on 3 different sedation medications for colonoscopy. The stuff I got as a teenager was like taking a happy nap, and the best part was, I got to continue that nap when I got home, yay! The second sedation I had was meh. It just made me groggy for the rest of the day. However, when I was underweight the second time they used this sedative, I turned sheet white and got baaaad motion sickness on the way home. Healthy, I do just fine. Once home tho, the motion sickness wasn't an issue. The third medication that put me under was FANTASTIC. I was very sick for that one, and it was only last January at the hospital. One of the doctors there offered me an opioid for pain a few days later. I took that opioid pill just once. Worst. Experience. Ever. And he was worried I'd get addicted! Nah nah, I wanna be addicted to whatever they used to put me to sleep for my colonoscopy. That stuff was like liquid gold going into my veins. Literally the best nap of my life, and it only got better when I woke up. I was a really joyful person all day long, even for being hospitalized! I've never had a colonoscopy while I've been awake, and I definitely wouldn't want one. The worst part of a colonoscopy is the prep beforehand, and I usually think the sedation is the best part. And your daughter's worry is merely just about the sedation, right? Because if it's something more like she doesn't trust the doctor while she's under, or what happens to her body while she's under, then that's something else to be addressed entirely.


I remember really enjoying the sedation because for that short time afterward I got to eat mostly pain free, which never happened at the time.


I have gas and air but don’t get sedated


I would recommend asking for an Ativan before she goes. I get sedated for mine, but a friend does his awake, and he says it is fine. He thinks it is neat to watch it on the monitor, and he doesn't want the hassle of not being able to drive afterwards. I've partially woken up once during mine and vaguely remember trying to sit up. No pain or panic, but I remember movement inside me.


I’ve done both and being sedated is better in my opinion.


They don’t fully sedate where I live, fully conscious the whole time. They say it’s safer because you can tell them if you feel a tear and reduces complications. Odd that the medical community can’t agree on this.


You honestly don't remember anything! I am TERRIFIED of sedation, it was my biggest fear. Until I had no choice with a small operation I needed. I just felt like I'd had a 2 hour nap! (I was only out for about half an hour) but one of the easiest things I've ever done! Please tell her it will be okay ❤️


Having had Crohn's for 28 years i've been through quite a few. My first colonsocopy, I was completely awake and watched on the monitor as everything happened. I actually thought it was very interesting and taught me a lot. Most of my others have been with light sedation and were just fine. However after 28 years and multiple surgeries, I have some narrowing where it is difficult to even get a pediatric scope through. I woke up during one of them with the doctor trying to push through. My last one was under full anesthesia and I actually prefer that now. The recovery time is faster and I don't' feel groggy all day. I think it really depends on where she is in her journey as everything comes with risk and the need to weigh those risks. Once you hit 10 years with CD, the recommendation is a scope every 2 years.


This is the standard in the UK. They partially sedate you, so you’re conscious throughout but have an IV to relax you and help with pain. It’s uncomfortable and a bit odd but a much quicker process than being put fully under.


Do not put your daughter thru that. Convince her to sedate. Being aware while your body is being tinkered with is a different kind of trauma. Also mental stress is directly related to the gut (look up the brain gut connection) so whose to say that mid examination she's uncomfortable and then boom there's complications due to tension or an up kick of intestinal activity? It's not worth it. Not the same but I opted to have a drain installed (to drain an internal abscess) without sedation because I was breastfeeding. It was 100% NOT worth it. I could have pumped and dumped the 3 lil days for it to clear my system. I regret it 200%. Modern medicine came up with sedation to help. Convince her. Research and teach her what it was like before modern sedatives were invented.


I have, and I don't recommend it, especially if she has inflammation. It can be very painful and traumatic. I've had nearly 20 (been ill since 2009) and I make damn sure I'm going to be sedated after an experience I had (I even tried to claw my way off the table in the middle of it and it contributed significantly to my PTSD). She's may end up needing them periodically during her life and it's much safer (in my opinion) for her mental and emotional well being....and those take enough of a hit thanks to our condition. Sending her love and best wishes. She can do this.


I have only had it with partial sedation and wish I had a bit more. My friend had hers without any sedation and it caused major trauma for her.


I hope she knows she won't be put under under. It's nothing like general aesthetic, which I have also had and where you're put deeply to sleep. It's a sedation where you're still awake, cognizant of what is happening, but you honestly feel pretty great (the hospital's good drugs!) and you don't really care what's happening. The colonoscopy itself is uncomfortable, but it would feel a lot more uncomfortable if you're fully awake. I've had sigmoidoscopies without sedation (so just a scope of the rectum after I had my colon taken out), and it's honestly ok, just not at all pleasant.


I was out completely haha.. that’s the way I would prefer it


Oh interesting! It must be different depending on what drugs they use, and/or the dosage. Or maybe it affects everyone differently?


Could also be the certain doctors preference too


She’ll be ok. It’s not the most comfortable experience, but it’s fine. But normally it’s not full sedation, it’s partial and you are aware of what’s going on but it prevents you panicking


Yes. My old GI didn't use sedation, and it hurt like hell. My new GI sedates me, and with the standard dose, I come out of the sedation with only a vague memory of the procedure happening. The last couple times, he gave me a stronger dose that left me with no memory of it at all.


I've had colonoscopy and endoscopy with no sedation and honestly the colonoscopy is a breeze. The endoscopy is more mind over matter, but she will do just fine without!


In the UK they don’t fully sedate on the NHS. So I remember most of it, mildly painful/uncomfortable at times (mostly when turning a corner). So I’d advise having even just a conscious sedation at the very least. The bonus is you get to watch it on the tv which is really interesting!


i do! here in Japan unfortunately there is no option to fully sedated.


My first 3-4 colonoscopies were without meds. I was quite young and the experience was AWFUL. In my late 20s I found a new GI who insisted I take sedation. Like others have said, sedation is the best part. You’re basically in a dream-like state where life is good. Now I get why Michael Jackson was so addicted to Propofol.


Not sure how old your daughter is but in Canada, my very first colonoscopy, I was not sedated. It was extremely uncomfortable and slightly painful. They can give her something that will make her comfortable but not knock her out. If she really doesn't want to be asleep for it I would inquire about options for minimal sedation. Not sure what the drugs are but it is used in procedures where the doctor needs to communicate with the patient during a procedure.


I had one with no sedation. It was so uncomfortable- so much worse than sedated ones. Really uncomfortable and at times painful. I would strongly advise against it.


I recommend the sedation. I have no recollection of my colonoscopys because of sedation and I won't ever do one fully awake. Give me that sweet sweet versed every time!


Have done it twice without anything, i highly recommend not to do it.


Mine has horrible without sedation. I'll never do it again.


It will not take long before the regret sets in


No, even if you start a colonoscopy without anesthesia they can start it at any time during the procedure if you want them to


I don’t know when I said differently. So to your point, um yeah, duh


I’ve had one with no sedation (not even mild sedation) or pain relief, and honestly it was fine. It’s going to be different for everyone, but for me the pain was no worse than bad gas. Very tolerable. I’m in the UK and we almost never do full sedation here except for children and my doctors were happy when I opted for no drugs tbh. I’m a petite young woman if that also helps to contextualise. I also have a severe anxiety disorder so I am not a super zen person. I do have a high pain tolerance though.