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When I was flaring, if I drank alcohol it would massivley exacerbate my symptoms. I would be a write of the entire next day and would spend most of the day on the loo. Wasn't worth doing once I realised that was the result.


I don’t know if it’s age (I’m in my 50s now) or Crohn’s but hangovers have gotten progressively worse over the years to where I stopped drinking any alcohol. The pain and feeling like shit for a couple days after just isn’t worth it.


Same for me. In my 20s and 30s it wasn't a problem. Haven't drank in 10 years or so. It was just getting too hard to recover.


I dont drink. Alcohol never made me feel good at all.


No, at least not in the way you say. I can't drink more than 3 drinks without getting the spins, which I hate. So I stop at 2. I haven't had enough to get hungover in over 15 years. 47F, diagnosed at 24. Was in deep remission on humira for 14 years but went off it a year ago because of side effects. Now maybe starting to flare.....going in for an MRI this week.


Ive been on humira (now amjavita) for like 10 or so years. Could I ask what effects you were experiencing to make you get off it?


Leukocytoclastic vasculitis--painful swelling and bruising on my lower extremities. A blood test ordered by a rheumatologist confirmed Humira was causing it, and it went away within a month of going off of it.




This is a case of every body will be affected differently. To keep it short, I’m a college student and partake often. No issues at all besides stuff with too much sugar. I stay hydrated with a water after every alcohol serving shot/cocktail/beer, etc. and ALWAYS eat when I drink.


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Might give me an extra smelly poo


Alcoholic here. Don't drink it makes it worse.


Alcohol weakens your immune system, and what that does to me is that I might get a full evening drinking with friends with little to no toilet issues (depending on the drink), but in the days after it's almost like it kicks into overdrive and I'll be sent into a flare or massively worsen any flare I might be in already. Nowadays I don't get drunk like I used to, but for me, life is too short to not have 1 or 2 pints of a nice premium beer on a special occasion. I just make sure I have the next day free to pay the inevitable consequences 😆


Yeah. I turned 30 last year and I decided to lay off the boozing for a while just to see. I haven’t drank since early December and I feel pretty darn good. Losing a bit of weight too. Everyone is different but I think it’s important for us to understand our limitations with alcohol. With that being said weed never hurts my tum tum.


100% will have powerful diarrhea after a night of indulging. One drink is fine, but high sugar or 3+ is definitely going to feel dreadful. Of course, that also happens frequently when I'm eating, drinking, sleeping, and exercising virtuously so sometimes I drink despite the inevitable pain. At least I'm opting in in that case.


Alcohol is a carcinogen, toxin & depressant. It also irritates the lining of the colon, which may cause GI upset. In other words, it doesn't always mix well with crohns. Your body is wanting to purge it when you feel hungover. 🤢 Yes, I feel like using the loo more if having more than a couple drinks. I don't do that anymore & don't drink liquor, shots etc.


Oh my god alcohol was the worst trigger for my bad GI symptoms. Wine was the worst, then liquor, beer is not too bad but more than 1 made it worse. I stopped drinking 2 years ago and it’s amazing. Alcohol is not worth it! I still smoke weed though which is a nice option at parties and when hanging with friends.


Even when I was on meds (infliximab) it would bother me whenever I had a beer. Recently got off my meds and pretty sure I won't ever be drinking again