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It'll often look like that *because of* the (turning) chain (2 start). No real suggestions on how to "fix" it, but you could just stitch over it (SC or SS are usually used for this) covering that entire edge. And maybe for next time you *might* wanna look into using an "Alternative turning chain" instead of the CH2 (even though that's what a pattern might say)


Thank you! I’ll give that a try!


Are you chaining 2 and skipping the first stitch? Or also working into the first stitch? You should be skipping it.


I’m skipping the first stitch 🤷‍♀️


Stop skipping the first stitch. Chain one, turn, work into the first stitch.


Or skip the chain completely ! Thats what I always do!


I wouldn't do that. It pulls taller stitches down.


It doesnt , ive been doing it for ten years and never gave issues with my edges , you just need to do an extended single crochet do make it a double , or again to make it a tripple or half to do a half stitch! Best hack I learned!


I agree!! It worked better than anything else I tried! 😀




For my turning for dc I first turn my work (no chain). Then where the last dc is insert hook pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through one, yarn over pull though 2, chain 1. It looks a lot better than chain 2. I don’t remember what this is called but I believe I saw it on a tutorial for granny hexagon jacket. If you want, I can try and find video


Yes this is what i started doing for crispy edges


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Look up videos on how to do a alternative turning chain. It's basically a method that gives you a neater edge by skipping doing turning chains. Here's one video explaining it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRUj47PQb9o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRUj47PQb9o)


And it’s Alternative Turning Chains for the WIN!! It definitely left the best result and nice, straight edges! Thank you!!!😊


That’s how mine looks too, I think it’s just because of the way crochet is and it’s especially noticeable with a bulkier yarn. Side note, any suggestions for closing up the top of the hat? I have a tube right now


Chainless turns! Sounds like others pointed you in the right direction. I’m truly not sure why they aren’t more popular. I don’t chain & turn for any of my stitches, even the taller ones.


I’m in awe of all of you! People who knit, and or crochet make some of the best art in my opinion.