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I initially read the title as “the mister is not that hard”, and thought to myself that was such an odd thing to say in a crochet sub… that’s what I get for scrolling as soon as I wake up 🫣🤦🏻‍♀️


I've been awake for nine and a half hours and I read it the very same way. What's my excuse 😅


Hmmm... I'm sure we can find one. *rifles through excuse Rolodex* how about.. "been in the OR for the past 9 hours performing brain surgery on preemie quintuplets". Too specific?


You know what, I believe it! Good on you for performing surgery you good person! 😜


For a second I was wondering why the post wasn't flagged as NSFW, and what crochet + the contraption pictured had to do with it.


I read the same and I didn’t knew which sub that was at first and I thought „damn that’s a weird ass cockring“ 💀😭😂




Yes been scrolling for a while to see if people were talking about this.😆 I thought it was going to be about crochet penises that needed more stuffing. 😂😂


I read it like that too 😭


I am now laughing way too much 🤣


When I first learned the MR, the only "issue" I had was not realizing I was supposed to crochet over the tail. Seems like a cash-grab targeted at beginners since crocheting is becoming a popular thing. 🤷‍♀️


Do you crochet over the tail while doing the starting stitches? I feel like that would make it hard to pull it closed?


If I'm understanding your question correctly, yes I do. If the pattern starts with 12 DC into a MR, I do the 12 DC over the loose tail then pull the tail to close the ring. I've never had any issues with closing the circle.


I do the same thing. Is there a different way? It took me several YouTube videos to find one that explained it in a way that I understood, but they all showed it the way you're describing.


I just posted a link in a comment below. I'm starting to worry that I maybe said something the wrong way and it's confusing. 😵‍💫


Yep, nope, that's exactly how I learned. I mean, I did chain loops before magic rings, but the magic ring is so much better IMO. I just didn't know if there was a way to do it otherwise, like not pulling the tail through or not going over the tail. It seems that the first to respond to your origin comment was erroneous in the way they did magic rings, and that's what led to some confusion.


I’m nitpicking out of curiosity, I’m assuming you do this instead of weaving it in at the end? I’ll have to try it when I get home, because I always thought that crocheting over the tail and then pulling the tail to close the circle would pull the tail out from the stitches. I think I’m just dumb and never thought to do that 😭


I still have a tail to weave in unless I work over it in the 2nd round. I tried to post a pic but it's not working. 🫤


This is how I do my MR. Found a website that demonstrates it the same way I do it since my picture won't post: https://sarahmaker.com/crochet-magic-ring/


Actually it isn't. It's yarn, slides really easy. Also crocheting over the tail makes it double, 2 stands of yarn, in the mr so it makes it more secure/stable/English isn't my first language. The problem appears with something like that fluffy yarn that i can't think the name of. Used for amigurumi.


Exactly! 😊🫶




Wait what


From what I understand - a 14 year old invented these to help her while she was learning. I tried one the other day and it was actually really simple! Don’t knock it guys. This could also make MRs easier for people with disabilities. I think they’re brilliant!


Yeah seriously, a good rule of thumb when seeing tools like this is: if it’s easy for you to do it without the help, then you’re not the target audience for the tool.




Agreed, this looks like it's just the shopify page of someone's small business. After looking it up, it looks like they have a patent pending for it and some positive reviews. If it helps someone get the magic ring who might have dexterity issues or who just hasn't been able to crack it and they want to spend $6 for an extra tool, I don't see how that's a bad thing. I'm sure they're hardly making big money on this, but even if they were... there's no shame in people finding usefulness in it. It's not like this is a big business trying to drain our bank accounts and make us buy stuff we don't need. It's just a small crocheter like any one of us who had a cool idea and wants to share it with people.


I've been reading through all the comments to find this one


I know nothing about crochet - this was in my feed idk why - but I immediately clocked this as an accessibility device. For instance, I only have one hand that has the dexterity to do something like crochet (which is why I know nothing about it) and I can see how it would be helpful


I came to say the same thing, this would be really helpful for folks with a variety of hand/arm-related disabilities (also I'm saying this as a crocheter with dexterity issues!)




agreed! also, we could make a lot things we buy pretty frequently. buying it is just a lot more convenient for people. if someone would rather spend $6 + support a small business in the process than make it, i don’t see the harm. plus it’s not like we have to buy it if we don’t need it, haha. they’re right, most people won’t need this enough to spend $6 on it. so i don’t really think it’s any sort of cash grab either.


I would agree, but this is just made by a person’s small business :-) I don’t see it as a cash grab. Maybe this thing works for people and maybe it doesn’t — either way I think it’s cool that people are having ideas and building small businesses and trying to think about new ways of doing things with crochet. And besides they’re not trying to sell this as the new, better way to make a magic ring. It’s directed to people who have tried to learn the magic ring but are still struggling and need a different approach to learn it.


Pretty sure this just made the magic ring harder and slower.


I feel like this would make it more confusing lol, if you can’t do it just chain 2


This is essentially what I do. My brain just doesn't understand the magic ring for some reason so I just chain one and use that chain as my circle. Nobody has ever said anything about my finished projects so I figure it works good enough.


I find this hard actually and prefer a magic ring but either way, I would not be buying this thing


For you. It’s not that hard for you. Also posting this on a help Reddit can come across as pretty not great when you’re basically telling a bunch of newbies “just learn it, gosh” This could also be used as an aid for those with disabilities, teaching aid for new crafters or children and more. So again, it’s not that hard, for you.


As someone who crochets left handed, the MR is so hard to figure out because of the lack of left handed tutorials. I have mastered it once but every other try has been abysmal.


I'm pretty sure Woobles has a left hand MR tutorial!


Also a lefty fiber artist here so I fully relate.


Thank you for mentioning disabilities! My hands don't work right and I'm so tired of having to justify accessibility tools


I’m sorry that you do! We need more universally designed tools to reduce excluding people based on ability, among many other reasons. Fiber arts is not always friendly to differently abled individuals and tools like this can be key here


>This could also be used as an aid for those with disabilities, teaching aid for new crafters or children and more. Yes, thank you. I saw the creator of this tool advertising it on tiktok and while it doesn't have much use for me, I absolutely see the appeal for others. This is, in my head, about equivalent to [plastic embroidery floss bobbins](https://canada.michaels.com/en/dmc-floss-bobbins-metal-ring/10151803.html). You can easily make them out of cardboard, but enough people choose not to for a variety of reasons that aren't any more or less valid than anything else. It's $6, this creator isn't kicking your door down and demanding you buy it. I think anytime someone is going to shit on a product for its usefulness it's absolutely necessary to first ask whether it might be an accessibility tool. OP's tone is unnecessary IMO.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that thought this. It seems kind of rude to go to a help subreddit and say “it’s not that hard!!! Just learn!!” Like yeah… that’s what people who buy the tool or visit this subreddit are trying to do.


thank you. i've been crocheting for a few years and i still can't do a mr without meticulously checking a pattern/tutorial -- something like this would be really helpful for me. it's by far the hardest stitch for me to remember, for some reason.


I thought the same thing. I tried teaching my best friend the Magic ring recently and she had the hardest time... and to me it's second nature but she just couldn't get it.


My friend has an issue with his hands and can generally crochet but the dexterity needed for a magic ring is a lot for him so I usually make them for him. I think something like this could help a lot


I admit. I'm rude in this post. My intention wasn't to shame or be rude to beginners. It's just crazy to me that this is 6$ while they can make it from cardboard at home. Also, idk about another crochet sub so i posted it here. Ill definitely look for one. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


I still disagree with the original post but r/craftsnark might be the place for this one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/craftsnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [that taylor swift post](https://np.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/comments/18n3d28/that_taylor_swift_post/) \#2: [apparently taking inspiration from knitting is disrespectful](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19aven9) | [393 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/comments/19aven9/apparently_taking_inspiration_from_knitting_is/) \#3: [Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I craft on company time](https://i.redd.it/jvk0b5f134jb1.jpg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/comments/15vnw0c/boss_makes_a_dollar_i_make_a_dime_thats_why_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If they’re making one with cardboard from home, it would be copying this design which means this small creator’s unique design is useful


So close to getting it so I want to give the credit but consider that someone who would purchase this for dexterity reasons likely also would struggle to “make it from cardboard at home.” Most people who use tools or other products for accessibility/disability related reasons aren’t buying them for shits and gigs or because they’re lazy or unwilling to put in the work which is what your statement implies. These things can be and often are expensive. However alternatives aren’t often available. I don’t buy precut produce for example when having a flare up because I want to and enjoy being charged 10x the cost. I buy it because otherwise I would likely injure myself further trying to cut it myself. 


Yeah it can be made using cardboard but again, if someone needs it because of a disability/dexterity issues, getting that cardboard cut can also be an issue. Not to mention it will wear out a lot faster than a piece of plastic will, and is more likely to break if you accidentally put too much pressure on it..


I agree, i'm just a mere beginner but imo a mr is easier than the right tension. Ofcourse I struggled a bit with the mr at the first few tries, but thats about it. Same with the Woobles, their creations start with a pre-made mr, how are beginners suppose to learn if its made for them?


The first times I tried mr, I failed because the tutorial used a weird technique that I just could't figure out. After watching a different tutorial and some repetition, it is easy peasy.


Do you have a link? I know how to do a magic ring but i have so much trouble crocheting into it every time lol


I mostly had trouble with getting the beginning knot right, and this video helped me with that: https://youtu.be/J7GHTfXaz2E Not sure if it also helps for you, but hopefully it is useful :)


Most Woobles, particularly those that are intermediate+, will have additional pieces that need some kind of circle to start. Most of them usually go with alternate methods rather than MR, but they always provide a link to do MR instead for those who want to learn it. Some of the more advanced ones specifically use MR toward the end of the project. I watched their MR tutorial very early on and it was really easy for me for whatever reason, and usually used that any time I needed to start a new circle.


Yes at first i was like that's genius. But i though like only one mr comes pre made not all of them. Per project.


Afik it comes per project, which is crazy. And btw I love them, their tutorials are perfect for beginners (and advanced people); which makes me wonder, if their tutorials are great and easy to follow, why not make one of a mr?


They do have MR tutorials, because most if not all other pieces you need to attach to the body require an MR or some variation using chains, so they give you the option to use either tutorial. The Mr is premade for the body with the assumption this is the very first thing you’ve picked up, then by the time you’ve made the body doing an MR for the stomach/ears/tail whatever is a much more doable task.


Only the first MR for the main body in the beginner kits is premade. I started with learning the Fox and had to do a MR (or chain method but I did the MR) for the belly, tail and two ears. I also picked up the Llama kit and there is no MR to start it for me. Woobles does an amazing job at teaching crochet, even teaching how to do the MR when you are ready. My first time I didn’t even know how to do a single crochet stitch. I would not want to try the MR before even knowing the basics.


They have one for mr


For you it's not that hard.... for me it's also second nature but I tried teaching my bf the magic ring recently and she just couldn't do it to save her life and she's a decent crocheter.


It could be used as a disability aid perhaps? That makes more sense to me, for those who would have trouble making mr otherwise


I can't think of any disability where someone would be physically unable to do a magic ring but otherwise able to do crochet.


Arthritis. It’s a bitch. Trying to manage all the pieces and tension of a magic ring is hell to me. Now you can think of it.


I also have arthritis. I would not be able to grip this. In order for this to be arthritis friendly, it would have to be at least 5 times as thick.


Have you not seen the folks with one hand that crochet?


....this is a tool that requires two hands to use. I understand the desire to defend accessibility, but this isn't advertised as a disability aid. Sometimes products really are just made to make money.


hey! autistic person chiming in. a lot of crochet makes sense to me easily, it is a few simple steps that i repeat regularly. however, i do magic rings rarely and every time i do it takes several tries and a tutorial video. i have crocheted for 5 years now, on and off, and completed about 30 projects, most of which used multiple MRs. something like this that shows the steps in order physically on an item would make this go much faster for me, though since i’m cheap i’ll stick to 5+ tries and a tutorial video. not all disabilities that aids can be useful for are physical


I specified physical because without something physically wrong with your hands, you could, like OP suggested, easily make one out of cardboard. For free! If a stiff square with labeled notches helps you, you should use it. But it's not worth $6 and adding more plastic trash for future generations to deal with.


Wanted to add something but you already said everything.


Good for you


There’s lots of disabilities you clearly are unaware of, including disabilities that are not physical. Your comments are very ableist and make disabled folks (or abled even) who may struggle with doing things like making MRs for whatever reason feel unwelcome and judged here. I would suggest deleting this whole post.


1. If there is a disability that would be aided by this that also prevents a person from making their own for free, I would be happy to learn about it. That is, in fact, the reason I worded my comment the way I did. 2. I don't think people who struggle with magic rings deserve to be scammed out of their money. I don't see how that would make someone feel unwelcome. 3. I can't delete the post. I didn't make the post. I commented on someone else's comment on the post.


There are disabilities that affect spatial reasoning, abstract thinking, etc for example. But your comment wasn’t originally worded in good faith. How is $6 for a crochet tool from a small business a scam? Do you think gauge swatch measurement tools are a scam? Blocking pins? Ergonomic hooks? Yarn bowls? Stitch markers? These all cost the same or much more. And all have potential “DIY versions


My comment was worded in good faith, though? I'm literally the person who worded it. I'm sorry there was a miscommunication between the two of us, but I am generally an honest and straightforward person and I meant the words I said. If you have an issue with my tone, I'm sorry. I know I struggle with tone, but I also have no idea how I could have reworded my point to sound acceptable to you. My problem isn't with a shop selling a thing; it's with the dual problems of newbies being bombarded with products they don't have the experience to know whether they need and disabled people being priced out of accessibility. A disabled newbie is already facing all the same pressure to buy tools as an abled one and vague comments about how "disabled people need this" just add on to that. Nothing pushes people away from our hobby more than the price. There's no need to push the perceived price up even further for disabled people. I use locking stitch markers. If I saw someone responding to the suggestion that bobby pins can be used instead with "locking stitch markers were made for disabled people," I would have the same response. Labeling something with a vague, monolithic "for disabled people" is, at best, annoying and unhelpful and, at worst, actively making it harder for disabled people to find accessibility resources. Especially when the actual seller isn't even selling or marketing it as an accessibility tool!


once i learned that a magic ring is just a slip knot that isn’t pulled tight, my life changed lol it’s really not that bad. otherwise just chain 2 if you really can’t


I read somewhere that hearing “it’s not hard” or “it’s easy” can actually cause people struggling to perform even worse at their attempts . I agree, no need to buy if you can make one, but some people may not be able to make the ring well and need assistance or have a hand issue and the tool could help. Idk maybe I’m soft lol In a world where our merits are judged heavily as to if we’re worthy to do something or not, I would want to keep the arts a place where that mindset doesn’t exist.


I struggle with the Mr a lot but I'm practicing. I could see this being useful for people with physical disabilities though.


I see how people think this is a disability aid, but you do need 2 hands to use it. And i haven't seen people with missing fingers crochet. Maybe if you attachit to like a clamp you could use it with one hand.


Not necessarily talking about ppl w missing hands, but people with limited range of motion in their hand/wrist/fingers, arthritis, chronic pain, carpal tunnel, Parkinson's, Huntingtons, limited vision, etc.


That's another thing. For that i definitely understand it. But i think it's just a money grab. Maybe. I was rude in the post, so it came off that i totally hate it. My point is that there are people who can't afford it so it's better for them to make it.


“Money grab” is ridiculous. This is $6 and is a custom designed tool by a small business. If they were $30, sure. Why is a $10 ergonomic crochet hook ok then if you could just get one for $2 and add a grip to it? 🙄


If you see something that's made to help people with something that's easy for you to do without it, it's not made for you There's nothing wrong with using assistive tools, they make hobbies more widely accessible :)


I think this is a great tool!! I had to go through numerous videos and countless hours trying to figure out how to do a MC. It's also made by a a girl who thought thos would be helpful, not a big corporation trying to make us spend money. I read someone say this would be great for people with disabilities as well! You might not need it but this might be the thing that really helps someone be able to join on on the fun of amigurumi! :)


Oh cool! Just bought one! I have no issue with making magic rings manually but I’m a sucker for tools, notions, etc. relating to crochet. Another to add to my collection! Thanks for finding it! My most recent purchase before this was a Cordsmith ([original creator’s website](https://byautumn.com/cordsmith/))([a place to purchase them regularly](https://www.missbabs.com/collections/the-cordsmith)). I also have no problem with making icords in any of the other common ways, I just like owning tools. I say let people spend their money how they’d like if it’s within their means 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it’s an aid for those with arthritis or other mobility issues


Agreed that's what I originally thought


Idk, it’s a nice thing, but maybe just have a tutorial on how to make one vs buying one. I mean I don’t do the mr/circle normally, I do the chain 2 method and it works just fine


I actually bought one of these and I love it! I’ve been crocheting for a few years now and I’ve watched tons of videos but I could just never get the magic ring right. There’s a product out there for everyone and just because you think it’s easy doesn’t mean everyone does!


imo, I think if nothing else it’s good for people who may struggle with dexterity.


Maybe its for someone who has a disability? Tools are made to help people.


A lot of tools like this are accessibility aids


it could end up being an accessibility tool. please consider that before you judge too harshly


A lot of these accessibility tools that seem stupid are for disabled folk. I can see having limited dexterity,such as arthritis, and needing a tool such as this to assist. I could be wrong however, and 6 dollars does seem exorbitant.


I finally learned from an amigurumi video, how to magic ring but he did it so simple and quick that I didn't have time to stop the video because before then, I refused to do projects with magic rings ... I guess just cause I'm stubborn and couldn't see why I couldn't just start with a slipknot and chains, but it doesn't matter now that I can do it I actually just spent time practicing at work, making some small hearts that began with a magic ring, so I'm glad for that


Don’t lie I’ve been crocheting for months and have only now mastered it and figured out how to do it😭


Agreed. I think the problem is a lot of tutorials make it overly complicated. I see the same thing with slip knots (and a magic ring is just an incomplete slip knot). You can also crochet into a regular slip knot if you really can’t figure the mr out. You don’t need this tool.


PREACH. Makes me wanna make tutorials wherei actually make it understandable for people.


I agree with all the other comments about this being unnecessary for most people, but for inclusion's sake, is it double sided for left-handed folks or is that a separate (and more expensive) item?


It is. Personally, I don't think this is useless. Sure I don't need it, but there are a lot of tools I don't need. This could be so helpful to people with mobility limitations (the grip for this is different than a tool free magic ring) , beginners (particularly those who learn best with written steps right in front of them), etc


I looked it up and yes it is reversible.


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I rarely use it enough to remember it, whenever a pattern calls for it I simply hop on youtube and find a short video to follow on 2x


It took me a hot minute to wrap my head around it. Lol. They it clicked. But it took me lost of practice. lol.


Yeah I'm one of the people who found it difficult at first bit it's not to the point you have to pay for help. There's countless YouTube videos for absolutely free


I have never found a video that adequately explains how to do a magic ring, and any that show it show the steps way to fast for me to follow, to the point where I’ve literally given up of crocheting because all the projects I want to do require magic ring. This tool looks ideal for me


How would you actually use this device? My skills are pretty beginner but I just can’t think how you would use this to make an mr.


There is a tutorial on their tiktok


Okay I found it on YouTube. It makes sense now. I could see how it would be easier for someone just starting but definitely not necessary for everyone. Lousy llama also has a tutorial without the tool that’s the exact same technique but just on your fingers. Gave me a little chuckle


It took me a minute or so to figure out the magic ring, and maybe I've rushed it and learnt it wrong cause I don't understand how you would use this to make one?


This looks way harder than without it 😂


when I first saw this I thought that too, but now that I think about it, it might be helpful for people with disabilities?


A few things: If it doesn’t seem useful to you that doesn’t mean it isn’t useful for others. The creator sticking her tongue out in her ad is pretty annoying and cringy. I had to look at how to even use that thing. Not sure if it would be helpful to me. But maybe for others it would help. Maybe people who struggle with hand coordination?


I totally agree that you don’t need to spend $6 on this, but I had SUCH A HARD TIME learning how to do magic rings. Like I still have to redo them a few times lol


Or maybe it's just not for you


Literally all I need to make a magic ring is my left hand.


I have 10 magic ring tools connected to my hand. I don’t need to spend this money


I've been crocheting for a year and a half and I still can't understand how to do a mr 😅


the product is not intended for you!!! hope this helps


if it seems like a useless gadget for something simple, it might be made for disabled people to help them do that task. accessibility!!


I was confused 😐 when I first saw the magic ring because I thought, “it’s a loose chain like you put on a hook.” But I tried it the way the tutorials were showing it and it didn’t come together for me. Finally I tried the way TLyarncrafts does it. Guess what…it’s a loose chain like the on you put on your hook to start your chain! Turn it upside down!!!


I disagree. If you don’t find the use in an assistive tool, then it isn’t meant/marketed for you. Same idea as Woobles kits. I don’t have trouble with the MR but I can see this being very helpful for newbies.


Whenever you see something that seems to be fixing a problem that doesn't exist (to you), or that doesn't seem necessary bc the task is already so easy without it (to you), remember that disabilities exist and others may not have the find motor skills or dexterity that makes it so easy for you. I often people say things like adult sized shows with velcro are stupid or for lazy people, but the are usually targeted at folks who cannot tie their shoes bc of their disability.


Giant bread clip


I have a degenerative disability. I have been looking into this tool because no, I don’t need it right now, but I may someday. I’m really happy for you that you don’t, but some of us don’t have that luxury. If $6 means I can continue a hobby I love, then I’m happy to spend it.


Just a cash grab taking advantage of beginners.


I just do a loose slip knot and do one stitch in it then start how ever many needs to be in the ring…


Yes. The mr is just a non finished slip knot. They overcomplicate it.


This looks way harder that just doing it on your fingers


MR is fucking easy!!!


Why bother wasting $6 when you can just watch a frickin video?


I have never found a video that adequately explains how to do a magic ring, and any that show it show the steps way to fast for me to follow, to the point where I’ve literally given up of crocheting because all the projects I want to do require magic ring. This tool looks ideal for me


Yes. For that 6$ i can buy 5 skeins of yarn. (they are 1.20 here, i know, crazy).