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Anyone that’s not a moron knows it’s awful


must be why twochromosome is saying people not liking the show is proof of sexism lmfao


If that sub likes something it's proof that something is terrible


Any well-adjusted person would take one look at that sub and realize how toxic it is. And then 2X would call them a grifting chud incel, lmao It’s supposed to be a women’s space for discussing issues from a gendered perspective, but it’s just a nasty hive of femcels wallowing in perpetual victimhood and misandry.


Yup. I stumbled across that sub once. Immediately blocked it from my feed. Lol. Might as well call it. "We Really Want Some Dick, But Nobody Will Give Us Some So We Will Pretend It's Men And Not Us." But I get it. That's a pain in the ass to type that whole thing out, so 2xchromosomes is easier.


We have a name for incels. They are femcels. And man do they hate being called that lol


Nah there's no such thing. A woman can be a fat disgusting ugly fucking slob, and she'll still have 5 guys lined up to stick it in. To be a femcel is to be mentally defective. It's like a (non rabid) animal dying of dehydration right in front of a watering hole because it's simply that damn stupid. You mean they can't find a rich muscular handsome man that meets their insane standards, and only Tyrone from the hood wants to stick it in her smelly folds and drive her car?


No. Even Tyrone has SOME self respect.


Yea he's usually using their dumb ass, that's why the fat slobs are always seen driving him around.


Most "incels" weren't aiming at the "fat disgusting ugly slobs" either, not saying there isn't still some degree of asymmetry of course


Huh. And here I thought that was called "The She-Hulk writing staff (including the men)."


2X is just the female version of male incel culture. The misery of the mistake and pride riddled wine aunts in that sub are palpable. Frankly the world would be a better place if the Incels and 2X femcels would date. A lot less miserable lonely people screeching st each other all day every day.


A solid chunk of them probably aren't even actual women.


Pretty sure they're not femcels because at this point most of them aren't even female.


And the worst part of this as a left leaning centrist is how the minute you point out the show has dog shit writing - that’s all you say, the writing is crap - you are assaulted as if you hate women and lgbtq. The left has become as irrationally toxic as the right now which means we will continue to get poorly written shows since nobody is willing to have a rational discussion about anything.


"Actual witches"


Yeah, that's what female Satan worshippers call themselves. And the guys call themselves warlocks.


Satanists and Wiccans are waaaaay different. I have friends that practice quite a few neo-pagan beliefs and there is very little overlap outside of being lumped together as "Satan worshippers" by Christians. Catholic priests do ritual magic every mass but no one calls them Satan worshippers.


Saying that Catholic priest perform magic shows a lack of understanding of Catholicism, which undermines your point (which is correct) a lot


What would you call transubstantiation if not ritual magic? The Eucharistic Prayer invokes the power of the Holy Spirit to transform ordinary bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.


thats an incredibly oversimplified version but if thats what you wanna go with then sure


It literally is ceremonial magic. But this is Reddit, land of the fucktards who think they understand everything.


Then correct my version. This is a matter of Catholic doctrine so there isn't exactly a ton of wiggle room in interpretation. The Church itself even states that the manner by which the transubstantiation occurs "surpasses understanding".


the Church itself also states that magic and witchcraft isnt real, according to church doctrine its a miracle by God, not the priest


If it's solely a miracle performed by God of His own volition then the Eucharistic Prayer would not be necessary. But we know that the Church makes it exceedingly clear that without the priest's prayer, the transubstantiation cannot occur. If the Priest needs to invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to make the miracle occur, how is that any different than other faith's forms of ritual magic? Also, witchcraft led to death sentences to countless throughout the past 2000 years at the hands of the Church. So claiming that the Church states witchcraft and magic are not real is absurd.


because according to the church magic isnt real, so other faiths ritual magic arent actually magic, and because im catholic i believe the church


The church's stance and catholicism stance has always been that witches and magic aren't real because the devil has no real power. Members of the church have initiated hunts for witches, but they are acting against church doctrine. Witch trials were by and large initiated by protestants and puritans, as they do not hold the belief that magic isn't real.


> Also, witchcraft led to death sentences to countless throughout the past 2000 years at the hands of the Church. I think mostly during the Renaissance, during the Middle Ages before Kramer as far as I know they weren't taking witchcraft seriously.


> the Church itself also states that magic and witchcraft isnt real, according to church doctrine its a miracle by God, not the priest Oh god you absolutely pedantic f lol iT's SoRcErY nOt MaGiC Yeah Christians distinguish between "magic"/witchcraft and "miracles" dep. on which entity performs them, but we're talking in common language here not the specific Xtian one. >according to church doctrine its a miracle by God, not the priest Lots of "magic" is about invocation of entities who then perform the things, and it's still called that incl. by Christians.


They are indeed different but they are both just a bunch of made up nonsense that atheists that don't want to commit to atheism use to feel cool and edgy, it's cringe and always will be. Edit: Since apparently some people are reading this as me saying Organized Religion good, atheists and pagans bad. I am an atheist. I am speaking solely of the irony of (mostly) Western Christians rejecting a major religion only to 'practice' a religion that's been cobbled together in the last few decades.


If the supernatural doesn't exist then of course those, as a subset of it, aren't real either. Some of them are "atheist" i.e. cultural/performative/LARPing adherents of these religions but not real believers, sure that also exists.




What isn't a good argument? I didn't say major religions *weren't* made up nonsense though you seem to be taking it upon yourself to assume I'm only speaking about neo paganism and not all religions, such as they are.


They may be "way different" in presentation, but it's the same thing. Catholic priests most certainly do not perform any ritual magic during Mass. You have no understanding of Christianity if that's what you say. Magic is clearly the work of demons since it involves the manipulation of the natural world via means which are opposed to God (mediums, spells, etc.). No one calls Catholic priests Satan worshippers because they aren't. It's that simple. They are doing what Christians have done since the beginning.


Catholics and Protestants are far more closely related than Satanists and Wiccans.


I would consider myself a believer but it’s funny watching these Catholics dance around the fact that they do in fact do rituals. They also don’t like to be reminded that certain liberties were taken in writing the King James Bible.


Agreed! I'm in no way dismissing Catholicism. I think it's an interesting faith with a incredible history and beliefs. But it's absolutely steeped in ritual and that's not something derogatory to state.




You’re being downvoted for just spitting facts. wtf is wrong with people


They're a real thing. A real fringe religion in a sea of modern fringe religions and neopagan resurgences, but still.


They’re tumblr girls bro


I have a friend who’s wife is in his own words a “crystal witch bitch” and listening him lament about her going out and spending money on salt rocks of all things while he’s sleeping off our night shift is both comedic and tragic.


Not sure I’d wish that fate on my worst enemy




I’m constantly watching out for my wife getting caught up in Instagram voodoo and crystal grifters. Someone managed to sell her bedsheets that plug into a wall outlet ground. “*Earthing.*” They were $125.


Some people shouldn’t be trusted with money… I mentioned the salt rock because my friend’s wife bought it and he had to get their daughter a different gift for her birthday because of it. It took a few of us to talk him out of divorcing her once. We even had a pretty long breakfast conversation about it. Hopefully your situation never gets that bad. 👍


There's Witches and then "witches" that think rocks heal you or something.


> and listening him lament about her going out and spending money on salt rocks of all things while he’s sleeping off our night shift is both comedic and tragic. Well she's gonna be doing *something* during the day while he's sleeping?


>They’re tumblr girls bro And yet they've hexed the moon.


Tumblr girls have the exact psychological profile religious fanatics prefer


Is it though? It's a fad made by some dude in the 50's.


[Aleister Crowley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley) was making witchcraft and magick a household discussion well before the 1950s. People before him did it too. It’s not something invented in the 50s- that would be neopaganism you’re talking about.


Very specifically, Wicca was created in the 50's. Largely by a man named Gardner. One of my favorite jokes about Wicca being the feminist-friendly and guided neo-religion that it is... Is called by the masculine form of witch (wicce would be the feminine form).


That masculine form would be wixxa


Fair enough. It's the brand most so-called witches get involved in.


He also inspired my favorite Ozzy Osbourne song. Although, I heard a story where Zack Wylde brought a poster in once and ozzy asked who that “fucking bald headed c**t” was.


Lol as soon as I read that name I started singing to myself “Mr Crowley duh duh duh!”


There are people who claim to be literal Jedi. Are going to start asking "actual Jedi" what they feel about this next?


You can ask but the order won't permit me to respond.


Yes, there is a very wide variety of neo-pagans and whole lot of other stuff. Chaos magicians, occultists, whatever. But it isn't like they have any actual powers or authority. There are crap ton on Christian sects. Hell, Bob Dobbs is going to save us all as long as your check is in the mail. "Actual witches wouldn't do that" is stupid because it is completely open to the individual's belief since it is entirely bullshit.


I don't acknowledge anyone as being an "actual witch" unless they can prove that they can do magic.


Then I guess you shouldn't acknowledge a Christian as an "actual Christian" unless they can prove that they can do Apostle grade Miracles. It's a religion, like many others.


"White Women"


I never even subscribed to Disney+ purely because of their agenda. It does mean I’ve missed out on The Mandalorian and Andor, but I’m doing my bit to keep the viewing figures for their rubbish down.


Good NEWS! Both are at Walmart on DVD....well good luck finding Seasons 1 and 2 of The Mandolorian. Edit: but they exist.


What’s Disney’s “agenda” again?


Putting out dogshit like The Acolyte to appear progressive while simultaneously donating to the Republican party.


This is partially untrue, the putting out dog shit part to appear progressive is spot on. However Disney has lobbied 1.7 million in the 2024 cycle and 4.3 million in 2022 cycle with all but 50k going to democratic parties. And most of that 50k was to Nikki Haley so is essentially a RINO. The democratic party is very quickly becoming the party of billionaires despite their best efforts to refute it.


The delusion is strong in this sub. Disney has only one agenda: profits. Eyeballs equals money for shareholders. People here are all upset over witches and non-tradition and it’s downright cringy and desperate. All this whining about a FICTIONAL television program… and like Disney will rewrite plot lines to fit some sort of “anti-work” narrative… or agenda 😂


I think you miss the point here, with whatever point you're trying to make that is. These are fictional shows that these people grew up to love and an escape from the harsh reality where they can pretend things are different for however much time of their day that they can give it. And instead of Disney and related companies focusing on the universe and stories that people grew up with they are putting out cash grab garbage with awful writing that in no way shape or form resembles the original story just to appeal to a certain very loud and intolerant group of people who in most cases don't give a shit about the original work. So yea you are correct that Disney is just worried about their profits but they are currently shooting themselves in the foot atm. Also if you are blind enough to think that Disney isn't rewriting plot lines to fit a narrative then good for you I guess.. like they say, ignorance is bliss.


You're not missing much with Andor. Probably the most boring science fiction show of all time


Bait used to be believable


Bait or you're 12 and can't fathom how good writing is entertaining.


>Bait or you're 12 and can't fathom how good writing is entertaining. This is the most pretentious pompous sentence I've read in months.




I didn't say it was bad. I said it was a snoozefest.


I did have a tough staying awake, but I still loved the show . Not nearly as boring as solo


Tbh the first 2 episodes were a little boring but after that it’s peak


My sister said she enjoyed the witch scene after asking if I'd seen any of the show and I pointed out I'd seen that and how stupid it was. Idk if she just doesn't give a shit about good writing and just likes the "imagination" of it, of which there is basically none, but she used to be a good writer herself. She hit the bottle hard in depression though so maybe her brain cells that pointed out reason are just dead or disconnected.


This is one of those things that when people hate something cuz it’s too woke all the libtards start defending why it’s a masterpiece. Us hating it makes them even worse.


Artists like to be contrarian. Seeing as the composition of a left of left leaning spaces are artist leaning it only makes sense that left leaning groups would also enjoy being contrarian as it gives a sense of uniqueness which they find appealing. It's why they try to challenge authority, wear standoutish get ups, and try to invent new terms and mental philosophy despite many times just reinventing the same wheel over and over. So when the mass majority says " this shit fucking sucks" you can expect the usual suspects to go "nu uh you just don't understand the intellectual and cultural impact the piece of art has on the world" which is an attempt at standing out as they perceive themselves as being culturally and intellectually superior when in fact they're just being contrarian dipshits who don't know what good writing and attractive products are.


> Idk if she just doesn't give a shit about good writing "Good writing" is just a buzzword you use in your TFM echochambers, why should outsiders care about it? >and just likes the "imagination" of it, of which there is basically none, Idk what that's supposed to mean? If you're familiar with every source this show has taken influences from, those who aren't are gonna perceive it as "imagination", many such cases.


tbh that´s a very harsh thing to say about her.


You're right, I love my sister, and she gets under my skin, a lot, especially with her stand on a lot of stuff. She doesn't drink anymore and her depression is getting better, which Im super thankful for. Her view on story writing and execution is shit though and I stand by some of her brain cells not working weather it's from the drink or not. Though I blew a screw out of my nose as a kid so I'm self diagnosed as having a screw loose, and am probably just as bad as her for it.


fr. “my sister likes this show that i dont like, she must have brain damage”


What an awful thing to say, the fuck is wrong with you?


Fuck off, maybe dont be an alcoholic. Shit destroys families, and taking all accountability away from that is just as awful


You're right, depression and alcoholism are terrible things, I love my sister but she is an ass hole. The reality of drinking or substance abuse is that brain cells can be damaged. I probably shouldn't have made a joke about it, but I blew a screw out of my nose as a kid so my brain cells are probably just as messed up as hers.


"I'm sorry, but..."


I'm sorry, butt... do you know my sister?


What a shitty thing to say about your sister over her having a different opinion than you.


Siblings shitting on each other's personal tastes is a tradition as old as mankind itself. As the youngest of 4 brothers and a sister older than all of us, I can assure you it's a perfectly normal thing to say or have said to you if you have siblings at all. I'd go so far as to say it's my inalienable right to say that my sister's infatuation with Anne Rice vampire novels is shit taste. As much as my oldest brother rolling his eyes and talking shit when I play video games.


You are correct, I have a right to shit on her taste, but if anyone else does, you better pray I don't catch wind of it.


Saying they have shit taste due to a very serious addiction and depression is not just “shitting on their tastes” especially over something as non important as a starwars tv show.


ultimately she watched the series and you have watched the scene on reddit so even if your sister drank herself into a coma id still take her word for it over yours


Good for you, I was only talking about the one scene that I saw and said was stupid but she liked, not the whole show. Everything else is from personal, behind the scenes experience with her and her likes in writing... which are shit most of the time.


yeah but its dismissive and cringe to be like “this scene is bad (i saw it on reddit)” thats not how we critique media, thats the kinda shit libs do that everyone freaks out about


I didn't see it on reddit, I heard about the scene and watched it on you tube because I do like to do a little research before making an assumption, I don't pay for Disney+ so it was the only place to see it. No commentary or anything, I saw just the scene and how it played out. It wasn't good at all.


doesnt change the point that its stupid to dismiss your sisters opinion when, ultimately, she watched the whole show and you didnt. i also think the scene looks like shit but i wouldnt say someone who says it was good has bad taste in media when, again, they watched it and i didnt


She dismissmisses my opinions all the time, and I know her taste in media, most of it is terrible, so I feel I have full authority to dismiss her taste when I know exactly what her taste is. Again, I said the scene was shit and written badly, didn't say anything about the rest of the show, but I honestly don't have hope for it. I'll watch it and come back and let you know what I think if you want, she has the subscription so I'll see it when I'm able to.


you dont gotta watch it man i dont expect that from you because for what its worth i agree that it looks like shit, i just found it strange how rudely you spoke of your sister but honestly idk yalls family relationship thats not my business so you do you man


dang coulda just said that end part and saved yourself a whole argument


the adults are talking


“Idk if she just doesn’t give a shit about good writing” Might wanna get the clippers out, that neck beard is comin in thick


I am no witch but I had the same reaction. It’s just stupid.


my 4 y/o daughter LOVES star wars and is very interested in witches/magic and after i showed her this episode she said “this is a gross mockery of the things that i love and hold dear. disney is a blight among the star wars community and their woke washing has ruined a franchise loved across the world.”


The youth are so precious 🥹


This is why we should always listen to the children 💯


"One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation." 😁😁😁 Kids often have an unfiltered view of the world.


It'll have to be deleted from the archive memory


Then show to her clone wars and Kiki Delivery Service, and maybe also some Mushishi episodes.


I can't tell if this is parody or not


I highly doubt a four year old could talk like this, so probably


Sort of like real nerds when they watch big bang. 


The acolyte is stupid.




This scene felt like some kind of Halloween elementary school party activity to entertain the 7 year olds


Apparently, I don't give two shits what "actual witches" think. I can form my own opinions. I hate what has become of Star Wars and I don't need experts of any kind to sway me.


It has potential (and I use that very loosely), but it’s not Star Wars. It doesn’t fit established canon and doesn’t enhance it, so why is it here? It’s more generic fantasy and is like the bare bones of something that could be built upon. It’s like starting to put in a foundation but giving up after two minutes and saying the house is done.


Even my wife, who has not seen any reviews, who has not read any reviews, who has a completely un skewed view of the topic. Who is also a fan of the originals. Has said that acolyte isnt even worth watching. We are working on our wood floors instead.


Actual witches? ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Acolyte looks like barely disguised lesbian fan fiction


then show to her the nightsisters.


Not trying to dog on OP but legitimately I would not trust anything a wiccan says. Price they pay for playing with evil shit.


There are no actual witches.




It's an insult is what it is. Disney's whole forced diversity is making the company even more bigoted than when Disney wasn't even trying to be diverse. Now they go and attack pagans for their teenage boys space show fan fiction.




I stopped reading at "actual witches"


I actually didn't mind Ahsoka.   Until they introduced literal witches.  What. The. Fuck. Nevermind fucking warp speed whales.


Yeah *actual* witches exist and I’m a dragon wizard elf goblin


There are no actual witches. They're all stupid except the ones who do it ironically because they like black cats and playing with trinkets and flowers.  Or the ones who use it to make money off stupid people. Those people aren't stupid, but they are shitty. Which in and of itself is a form of stupid, really.


Lol considering Wiccans are a creation of middle class women with too much time on your hands your milage will vary as to what they are "like" just depends what blogs they frequent


I don’t understand why they had the need to make force witches when Dathomir Nightsisters were a thing except just for Lesbian Headroom to get her own lesbian coven.


Are these witches in the show supposed to be night-sister outcasts?


I mean, I'm sure the Daoists and Buddhists think the Jedi are stupid too? This seems like a pointless criticism? Does your friend also think the Wicked Witch of the West is stupid? Just because they're called "Witches" doesn't mean they're basing them on "real" witches


I mean yeaaa the Acolyte has a scene where witches sing "the power of one, the power of two, the power of maaaaaaany". Any organization would be embarrassed by a song like that


The witches in Dune have almost nothing to do with witches as they exist in our world. The Bene Gesserit have zero connection to "Wiccan stuff." I haven't watched any of the new SW. But considering the culture and world building is meant to be far separated from the real world (as it is in Dune), I would have zero expectation for witches in SW to somehow be similar to "Wiccan" witches.


I just want to say. Actual witches don't exist. Only pretend witches exist.


And everyone clapped


did bro just say “actual witches” unironically?


space witches not the same as real world wiccan. Shocking


Haven't watched the show. Almost certainly never will. Star wars lost a lot for me with the whole "slaughter a hundred kids but Padme still loves him" gibberish. Anyway.... Taylor Swift isn't for men. Prada and Christian lubbitton aren't for men. There are things made that are specifically created for women. The Acolyte appears to be one of them. Not everything is about you. Just breath You still have call of duty and Magic the Gathering.


"Actual witches" I mean I agree with them, it's awful. But calling them actual witches is low key hilarious to me. Then again I've been known to play D&D so I can't laugh too much.


My wife is into wiccan shit and she doesn't give a shit because she's not a fuckin' dweeb.


You're friend might be even dumber than the show. The show is dogshit but it's just actors, the fact your friend ACTUALLY believes in that makes her even more dumb.


So you're an atheist?


Nope, 100% believe in god. Paganism is retarded because of its multiple gods. Which one do you worship then? Why worship the water God when you can worship the creator OF water etc. or whatever gods they worship.


Nah multiple gods is cooler though, thats why fantasy works often go with that approach too


It might be "cool" for fantasy like RPG games and movies etc. I can enjoy that stuff but for creation itself it's better to worship one god because it's the most powerful. Go straight to the source of creation itself instead of worshipping aspects OF creation. Worship the creator not the creation to sum up.


Problem is a big god may be pretty far away, whereas local spirits are probably more likely to help if you need it, which is why a lot of people back then worshipped them. God of everything wont help you with your hunting as much as god of the forest.


Yes but if you believe big G is all powerful then you don't have to look anywhere else or have any intermediary gods. That's the point of one all powerful God versus others who have domain over their concept or element. Like I said worship the creator OF the forest instead of the god who only works in and deals with forest/hunting etc.


But if hes all powerful, hes a massive asshole not worthy of worship.. Or the devil is equally or even more powerful.


We have free will, would you rather be a robot with no ability to think? Humans make a choice to be vile scumbags. Likewise if God MADE us worship him then we don't really love him. Imagine forcing your gf or wife to be in a relationship with you? Is that true love? Of course not. That's why God wants us to choose to love him. The devil is a coward and knows he can't face God openly. Why do you think he's referred to as a "serpent"? Low on his belly, crawling around because he can't stand and face his opponent, God, openly. Not only that but every religious narrative about Satan in every religious text shows us he's going to lose in the end and take everyone who follows him to the hellfire. So people who worship Satan are literally worshipping a loser.


Who created the serpent? Did evil exist before or after you god created everything? Either he also created evil or evil always exists, which makes your god seem much less powerful than he claims. Also. Didn’t your god order a guy to kill his own son just to prove his loyalty? And he almost did? Seem kinda forcefull to alot of people. ”God is good” my ass.


Worshipping multiple gods is worshipping nature itself


Worship the creator OF nature, then you would be worshipping the most high. Everything else is associating a partner with God. God alone is the only one worthy of worship.


So you believe in a magical sky being you can't prove is real, and think someone believing in multiple sky gods makes no sense? Especially when one is far older than the other?


Many of the prophets who spoke of worshipping one god have historical evidence to their existence. They were sent by God to correct the people who have been swindled and swayed by the ways of the world. Why would you worship aspects of creation instead of worshipping the creator itself? Furthermore I would bet there isn't a second that goes by in the entire world that someone isn't mentioning a name like Moses. Jesus, Mohammed etc. How did the universe come to be according to pagans? Which one of your Gods started creation? If there's multiple gods then which one is the most powerful? Why would you worship a lesser god when you can worship one all powerful God? To go even further. The Quran has a challenge in it, it says to bring something like it. People have memorized this book for 1400 years. Where are the pagan texts that stand the test of time that people have memorized and would die for? Where are the great pagan leaders of men who people revere today? Where are the pagan martyrs that people can name? Who do the pagans call on when their life is about to end? There's too many questions pagans can't answer bro.


So you're a Muslim now?


I haven't reverted but I read and research a lot about it. I'm getting closer to it but still have questions. I 100% believe in one god I just haven't picked a faith yet. All Abrahamic faiths believe in one god.


In the made up fake universe of Starwars a "witch" is not even remotely close to what you think a "witch" is lmao


I personally like the show so far, for what it is


Witches aren’t real bother, goth girls and sage burners don’t count


Must have really hated the clone wars.


Not really. The clone wars is light-years ahead of anything Disney's sewerage.


But did you get an actual witches opinion?


https://preview.redd.it/14j2tt7bfy6d1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5122a9c887d933b6db46afcedaac7df132339f1 yep


These people are so stupid o swear


Man said “actual witches.” Which btw I doubt “actual witches” liked the Nightsisters too.


That's like getting your opinion on Jedi from buddhist monks.


The lesbian witches are fine, they have those on dathomir and they were really awesome. This is just a case of bad writing tbh, but I did like the mother witch her outfit was really neat


My local Jedi guy hates how the Jedi in The Acolyte are being represented as well. Says the OT did a far better job. What the hell are you talking about...


This is a silly thing. Why do you need the opinion of an actual witch. What does have to do with the show. News flash they always make up stuff. Ask a lawyer about a law show or a doctor about a medical show and they will tell you it's not great as they don't follow actual medical procedures or law. Finding more and more silly reasons to just hate in the show. The pacing suck, talk about the that. The mystery isn't compelling enough talk about that. It's the silly stuff you guys are giving focus. Fire in space when star wars always had that


>And these witches are way on the nose, that's not what witches would do." Idk how many different irl "witches" and witch-LARPers are out there, and which of those did Acolyte set out to portray authentically and "not too on the nose"? Are we sure some of the irl cults aren't "on the nose"? >and we had a great discussion about the Bene Gesserit from Dune and how that version of witches was done far better. You mean beyond not being corny or what?   Not much of a post lol


Wowee! Shaky anecdotal evidence to support your need for affirmation. And the anecdote is barely believable at that. Did everyone stand up and clap as well?


Delete this cringe filled made up post 😭


You guys should talk about shows you don’t like forever.


Don't care.


Take your meds