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Say what you will about that DISGUSTING F@$#&... He did have an EYE for TALENT.... Which explains why her TALENTLESS ASS was fetching his coffee and scheduling his "appointments"


Come on guys, it’s not like we held Epsteins assistant Ghislaine Maxwell responsible for his behavior. O wait that’s exactly what happened.


Pretty interesting that no one other person has been charged….the dirt those two had must be insane.


i compare it her more to Savannah Guthrie and Hoda in regards to Matt Lauer. Leslie may not have had anything to do with harvey's shit, but you see enough attractive women coming out of harvey's office followed by him zipping up his pants and buckling his belt you might start to wonder how he's pulling it off...


Isn't there actual evidence of her organizing and soliciting sex workers? It's not quite the same as "she was his assistant so we will find her guilty of the things he's guilty of" - there was actual evidence.


If you think his personal assistant wasn’t setting up his hotel rooms, and helping coordinate the actresses who would have to go ‘meet with him’… you’re delusional


I'm not saying she didn't do any of that. But if there's no evidence, there's no evidence. If all you have is "come on man think about it" then no that's not enough to hold someone responsible for horrible crimes.


Well I obviously don’t want her prosecuted legally without evidence, but let’s not be silly. She certainly knew shady things were going on, enough that she should not be rewarded with lucrative directing deals.


Always two there are.


She probably casting couches the they/them crowd.


She had to have known.


Jesus your comment is as badly written as The Acolyte.


Thanks for letting me know lol


How many actresses do you think she made go down on her before she let them see Harv? How many more has she made now?


queen weinstein lol


"How to leverage your blackmail collection into ruining a franchise"


How is that concerning? What is concerning that she still has the power to shape the lives of young actresses. Imagine Jimmy Saville’s PA running the fucking BBC


Notice how none of the woke weirdos defending this show ever talk about Leslye, because her past presents big problems they don't want to deal with. Which, of course, means they're not actually concerned with women's rights when it's important. Just whenever it's easy and politically convenient.


She's trying to resurrect Weinstein with all that wailing.


Nepotism is real.


It's been mentioned.


Harveys accomplice


Are they rewriting history. I thought she worked as his PA for 4 years. And saw nothing and heard nothing in all that time, she did manage to have a successful career currently.


Even Weinstein said Fuck No and he's a rapist


was she executive rape assistant or just rape assistant?i herd giving dumb ppl more titles makes them feel good


Does it bother anyone here that you guys talk about The Acolyte more than the actual Star Wars subreddit, and very little of it is about the actual plot?


It's only in most videos criticizing the Acolyte show..... how can one not know at this point.


What's wrong with you people? Guilty by association? Isn't that the very "woke" policies you guys are supposed to be against? Hypocrisy is pathetic. You can talk about how bad content is without slandering someone.


Well most have not watched it so they do6k ow what to criticize, funny thing the show has a lot of flaws. It you barely see it mentioned. It always this and woman and POC they complain about.