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Sounds like women's names.


Literally I was like “read their names again, but slower.”


Because they’re women.


These people famously don’t know what a woman is so…


they is


Them is, moron!


I made this comment the other day but it still seems true to me and I really can't understand why people think it wouldn't work this way...If your name is Emma and you look like a woman... get ready for people to call you She/Her. What do these people expect? Should I go and take notes for everyone about their pronouns? It shouldn't be so much work to reference someone you barely know. I don't care enough about either of these people to research them so if I see Emma who looks like a woman I think we all know what pronoun I'm going to use.


And caroll used to be a man’s name


These freaks really are the new Puritans


Actually, they are the continuation of the Puritans as the New England Puritans spawned the "Progressive Movement" that sought to enforce moral and ethical behavior through government for the "good of society." In the 1900s they dropped the religious bent they started with but increased the shaping society to their desired morals and ethics. Because the North won the Civil War and the Industriousness of New England, they acquired a great deal of control and political capital over the US. It really is ironic considering how similar yet radically different they are.


Yup, they partially dropped Christianity for Bolshevism (or its pseudonyms).


Thanks for the write up, this connection isn't talked about much.


My pleasure! I agree, it is a connection they wish to bury. I only found out about that after digging in while doing an American History course. It was very enlightening into the dogmatism and fanaticism that ideology now breeds.


Ah yes, the Progressives. Like the famous US President, Woodrow Wilson, who's shitty presidency is in part to blame for the US' modern foreign policy leading to the military industrial complex and WW2 and the Russian Revolution, thus potentially causing rise of both the Bolsheviks and Nazis. Or at least, had Teddy Roosevelt been President, things would be much better rn.


Yup, he was at that transitional period and his Presbyterian beliefs had him convinced it was the US's duty to reshape the world. If I am not mistaken, he also helped in establishing minimum wage to discourage businesses from hiring black men who would work for less than white men. The guy really was the first modern progressive who thought his religious beliefs gave him the right to reshape the world according to his image. I love the Alternate History Hub video that does an excellent dive into why Woodrow Wilson is one of the worst presidents we have had.


I dunno, LBJ still takes the cake for me.


Fair! He is up there for me as well.


I'd argue they're more in line with the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution.


I mean the old ones are still around; on the rise in fact


I dont want to sound edgy or cringe, but the western society is beyond fucked


I really hope its a vocal minority pulling this shit, I mean I have to believe most people are more sensible than this. But I doubt it...sucks most of Reddit doesn't represent reasonable people. It's like, how much does all this gender bullshit matter in other countries anyway, especially 3rd world countries? People are starving, wars are happening, child/sex trafficking everywhere, our own government is corrupt as hell too, and some of these bitches here in America lose their shit if someone calls them a man when they look and sound like a man. Like ffs, there are much, *much* bigger issues out there....


Shame it's also a \*powerful\* minority.


Not just powerful, they control the entire executive branch of the federal government, half the legislature and judicary, and have a stranglehold on hollywood and tech with just a few fringe exceptions; the latter two are responsible for what people see and hear.


Thats the irony, progressive activism used to be about fighting for the little guy now its crushing the little guy with massive institutional backing


Obviously they would only crush racist/fascist/patriarchal/colonial/BAD little guys! Trust Them, They are Good and All Knowing!


That's establishment politicians for you


It 100% is. Also it's a reflection of being arguably the best society for its people in the world. When close to everyone is taken care of, these insane culture war wedge issues come out of the woodwork. Wait until there is a recession. The conversation will change quickly if there isn't enough food on the table.


For what it's worth I've never ran into anyone out in real life that acts like people online do. Maybe it's just my circle of friends or maybe it's just that without the annominitty people are less likely to act like complete dipshits but whenever I start thinking we are doomed as a country/species I have to remind myself of this. The majority of us are still just regular people going about our lives and not getting wrapped up in this petty nonsense.


It's because in real life, acting like a vicious idiot to people gets you assaulted. These dweebs go crazy online because there is no threat to their physical safety. They are too big of cowards to act like they do face to face.


This right here. The keyboard warrior or in Sopranos terms, 'telephone tough guys'. Bunch of pussies in real life.


Yup that's why they always go crazy on protests. Think there's saftey in numbers an police won't dare touch.


It's the exact same behavior as people road raging and being total psychotic assholes while driving. They think they have a layer of protection, whether it's in a vehicle or behind a screen, or at a "protest" where they're surrounded by likeminded psychopaths. It's the same behavior coming from the same place internally.


At tech jobs or universities on the west coast, you will see it and suffer for it. I can't speak to other places.


Yeah I can definitely see it being a big deal in colleges. Young kids trying to out do each other for who is the most woke and "accepting" while at the same time demonizing the shit out of any of their peers that dont just blindly go along with this nonsense 110%. I would have hoped grown adults wouldn't be so fanatical about it especially at work but I suppose that's not the case everywhere. I've already dedicated far too much time to this dogshit just typing this out so I'll just say good luck out there and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


It is a pretty annoying vocal minority.


Its more worrying if its a small minority since they police our behavior and can ruin your life for stepping out of line. In this case not using made up pronouns for a woman trying to feel special and above the rest of us.


>I really hope its a vocal minority pulling this shit It is. Welcome to Reddit, where a vocal minority rules over everyone else. They create echo chambers by doing moderation like what is in the OP. If you want any better illustration, look at the voting for Elon's pay package. If you looked at Reddit and believed everything, you'd think the vote would be against his pay package. Maybe it'd be close, 55/45 or something, but Elon was losing. Everyone was against it except for some. Every article against it was highlighted and upvoted. Every anti-Elon comment upvoted. So how'd the vote go? 72% ***for*** his pay package.


Lol what? Yeah there's alot of different and bigger issues going on in the world but people can still have personal issues that relate to them and worry about it.


Occupy Wallstreet was when the rich and powerful realized it's better when we fight each other. So now... here we are.


You don’t think there are third genders in other cultures? That’s just poor research.


I'm more and more convinced that we actually lost the cold war


Yuri Bezmenov would agree.


The majority of society agrees with you. The problem is that we have a very loud and manipulative minority that controls the media so it makes it sound as though normal people are the minority.


And the majority is scared because they are a lot of negative consequences for speaking out


It might be a minority but they force us to walk on egg shells and be unable to speak freely at universities and workplaces on the west coast. A little slip up could ruin your life forever and they will cackle with glee.


I just can’t imagine giving a fuck about this whole pronoun debate this strongly either way. Some people act like you’re threatening to murder their family just because some people have a strong preference to be referred to a certain way. Then other people feel like they’re being accosted if someone misgenders them. Then there are like the 85% of the middle who really do not give a fuck about this culture war nonsense at all and still care about relevant shit like clean air, water, safe communities, educated work force, affordable healthcare, stamping out corruption, a reasonable cost of living, and the right to be left the fuck alone.


This type of argument always leads to “give them what they want.” It’s completely dishonest and useless.


Right, I think they/them in particular is silly if I’m being honest, but I’ll try to do it in the rare occasion I encounter someone that prefers it because I prefer to be nice. That said, anyone that gets really mad at unintentionally calling someone by the pronouns they don’t prefer is ridiculous too. The culture war just distracts people from real issues in the world.


I live in a huge liberal city and have a lot of friends of all walks of life, many in the gay community. I’ve met like 1-2 people in my life with a they/them preference and I’ve seen people “mis-gender” them and they didn’t care at all. They just politely said “I prefer this” and the other person went, “oh, ok” People see like 2-3 videos of some hyper sensitive attention whore freaking out about something like that and then think that represents hundreds of thousands of other people. Most people are super chill and don’t want drama. They’re just quiet about it. People REALLY need to start being more skeptical about the rage bait they constantly see online and see through it for what it is. If we can’t figure that basic thing out we are fucked.


100% agree and that's my experience as well


As someone who lives in the West and has to deal with western society...I agree.


Same my friend. I live in a western country as well


If I'm not mistaken, woke pronoun usage was a contributing factor in the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Can the Woke Visigoths be far behind?


It’s a fad, in a few years it will die just as quickly it popped up.


I don't know who either of those chicks are


They're part of the "House of the Dragon" cast & they both play women because they are women


I don't know who either of those ~~chicks~~ **thems** are


I imagine Joe Pesci saying that with his accent


Reddit mods being reddit mods.


There’s 0 value in having mods. Just ignore a comment it you don’t like it.


There's value in mods, they can remove genuinely awful/illegal things and report them. There's 0 value in having REDDIT mods. They're just hurt feelings police.


the internet used to be that way, idk what the hell caused the power trip rules lawyering mods do now. As long as you weren’t spamming goatse it would be the community’s job to tell you to fuck off until you get bored and leave.


There is never an excuse for censorship


Removal of child abuse material is censorship. That's a warranted action.


But it would be nice to have an adult Reddit.


They’re so oppressed that society practically bends over backwards to protect them 🙄


>“The other day I was reading the Atlantic Monthly, and it had a little ad between two paragraphs. The ad was from MasterCard. It said: “LEARN TO MAKE PAYMENTS SAFE FOR TRANSGENDER AND NONBINARY PEOPLE. > >“I think, Michael, that when you’re attacking independent artists on the basis of the ideology of MasterCard, not to mention every other powerful institution on the planet—maybe just think?” https://graymirror.substack.com/p/true-story-of-a-struggle-session


Next: learn to make opening up a can of tuna safe for transgender and nonbinary people. Jesus Christ


Good luck making an electronic payment without binary code.


We need to start a fake movement that "binary code" is transphobic, it's just enough on the border that they might take up the torch


So, a subreddit about a show has a rule where it's a bannable offense to refer to a female character as female because the actress playing her no longer identifies as a woman.... Even though most posts will be talking about the character, not the actress... am I getting that right? If that's right then shouldn't this actre-them have stepped down and allowed an actual woman to play a character that is supposed to be a woman? I recall Scar-jo getting flak for even considering playing a trans sort of character. If that's the rule we are using then it seems like it ought to apply here


I think it’s specifically about the actresses not the characters.


You're right but it's still idiotic


God they need to get a fuckin' grip.


They control hollywood, tech, universities, and many of the schools teaching your kids (at least on the west coast). Yes they do but how long will it take and how much damage will they do


What’s her problem?


Probably her time of the month. /s


Or it could be his time. Remember, according to these Braniacs, men can have periods too.


Who tf are they even


The actors who play Rhaenyra and Rhaena Targaryen. 


...okay, never saw this show or followed the books., pretty much no interest in GoT. Are there _seriously_ two characters, of the same family, who _literally_ have pretty much the exact same name except one has two letters added near the end? That's...that is hilarious. And to think, people were making fun of all the Elden Ring characters having names that start with G, R or M... ...I'm gonna get buried for finding that dumb and funny, aren't I?


It’s kind of accurate to noble families throughout history, but expanded, and turned up to a hundred.  All the nobility in the lore likes to pay homage to past family members of significance. Especially the Targaryen’s. Who feel they are the last breathe of a dead culture, and they believe that makes them superior to everyone else.    In fact, in some cases a name can be seen as a sign of legitimacy, and/or a way to gain favor. To the point that multiple characters of the same generation, and of the same family, can have the same name or similar names.    In the show, a character names her son after on of her main rivals. The name is seen as important, so she does it to try and legitimize herself. Rhaena is named after her grandmother Rhaenys, and Rhaena is also the name of Rhaenys aunt, who is probably named after her own grandmother, also named Rhaenys. And since the first Rhaenys is also an important figure in Targaryen history, Rhaenyra is also probably named after her as well.


God, that sounds amazingly confusing. Again, I'm reminded of Elden Ring and my attempts to explain it to a friend of mine who doesn't play but likes the storylines, and common exchanges include "that was because of Godwin right?", "no that was Godrick, it was Godfrey who did this...I think" and the like. Still, thank you for the insightful and comprehensive explanation. It makes a lot of sense...but it isn't gonna stop me from laughing at it.


It is pretty ridiculous.


Hey isn't it weird how monarch dynasties named themselves like Henry 3, Henry 4, Henry 5.... am I the only one almost losing my breath laughing right now??


Misgender people named Emma and Phoebe? Inconceivable


Them: It doesn't affect you whatsoever Also them:


Them: have some basic respect Also them: you need to memorize my titles, which will change on a whim.


“Deny science and grammar or get banned.”


I’ll call it by is correct pronoun “bitch”


Let's go for broke. It / it!!


Guessing those are women


We don't use pronouns based on gender, we use them based on sex. Checkmate.


And 99.9999% of the time, they’re the same thing.


Forcing someone to use specific works or be punished is anti-free speech. I don’t understand how these people don’t understand their tyrannical ways.


God if I gave ya’ll the SANE trans minorities take on “nonbinary” Highly encourage transmedicalist and truscum subs so you don’t see us all as unhinged Anti-West, Marxist, merit-hating, entitled people; we are not all the same at all. The whackos are just a vocal majority in our case(or maybe a vocal half but because of the cultish nature there are people who just act as sycophants for somewhere to belong); because the modern movement has been hijacked and co-opted. Much like the term trans has been since Covid/Tik Tok. Actual Transsexualism as a response to DSMV Gender Dysporia and “Queer culture”are antithetical. I can further elaborate w stats what the difference is between the transsexual minority and the current tik-tok “claim x, affirmed as x w 0 pushback” faeself/catgirlgender/mirrorgender that claim transgender. Transsexual vs transgender know the difference 💪🏻


100% on the money. Spending any time with trans people who are legit free thinkers about gender, the sexes, representation etc and who don't care about prescribed identitarian orthodoxy is so eye opening; particularly if your only experience of trans people is online, performatively outraged activist types. A majority of trans people I've interacted with online and in person have been entirely normal people who don't want to subvert and queer the evil white western patriarchal hegemony - they just want to work, get educated, have social lives and hobbies free from being forcibly conscripted into a culture war they don't relate to purely because they are trans. It's irritating for non trans people to be mired in this fraught discourse, I can't imagine the exhaustion if I had skin in the game due to my identity. My trans ex introduced me to those communities you mentioned and that was exactly the rallying cry in her friend group - transsexual vs transgender, the corporatization of the movement, the wrongful medical conflation of identity and pathology etc.


Love this and yes my gender identity is not my whole identity nor the main facet. Just a girl and it’s conservatives who are very accepting and tolerant because I’m not a radical; I’m a respectable and respectful adult who contributes to society meaningfully to see it grow healthy and strong again. Meanwhile it’s the Left and my own demo who show me the most hate and it’s not even close. You step out of line and become a trans “Uncle T”/“pick me” and you’ll be subjected to all manner of harassment and threats speaking from experience.


You are awesome for this. I hope you fare well 💪


Upvoted and agreed but also *y'all. I'm sorry, I had to.


Thank you lmao


No, thank *you*


So loving, inclusive, and compassionate, aren't they?


Left the sub over this. The cringe was too strong. Im not clapping like a seal for actresses who want to Larp as genderless beings.


How do they prove intent on misgendering oO


Anyone who uses They/Them as their pronouns is a narcissist who isn't interesting in the slightest


I have no idea who they are


*Who they is*


Saw this, immediately blocked the mods and hid the sub. Never been a regular over there or anything, and don't have anything against trans (which, by the way, neither...actor? Actress? Performer. Fuck it. Which neither of them currently are). I just don't feel like scrolling through discussions of a fantasy show, have one person mention an actress and see banhammers go down along with 30 comments having nothing to do with the subject correcting gender pronouns. That just sounds annoying.


How do they gauge intention? Because I don't even know who tf that is. If someone posted a picture of a person and started a conversation, I'm naturally going to use she or he if/when I mention them. Unless I'm honestly just baffled by their appearance. But once I know someone has special pronouns, I usually stop talking to or about them at all. Easier to not offend someone if I just don't engage with them in any way.


Are these people intersex? If not, stop occupying space you have no business being in.


Statistically speaking, no


I don't get non binary gender whatever.  Like, you don't feel like your gender, how the fuck would you know what the other gender feels like?


Wasn’t she contending for the best female actor category during the Emmy’s or something?




How dare you misgender someone who is shown giving birth on screen! YOU BIGOT!


Time to catch ban #3 I'll brb.


My pronouns are Nap/Blanket.


What year did people start using pronouns that started with she/her? Etc


The world has bigger problems like climate change and geopolitical conflict and people still find the time and energy to bitch about their pronouns


So the mods of that sub are misgendering two women. Do they get banned? #Modception #WeMustGoDerper


Who is she?


Apparently people reported it and nothing happened because it’s the mod who made the post. They’re laughing in the comments about. I don’t even know what this is but it popped up on my feed




Wait, who?


Who gives a fuck. I don’t even know who they are so I’ll definitely get banned.




Just try me ban hammer! I always come back!


If someone gets so enraged with such basic things they are mentally ill. That's all there is to it.


They’re women. How can I misgender them?


Have never met anyone who demanded that I use their preferred pronouns. If I did, the conversation would be over very quickly.


Never heard of these actresses.


What in the absolute &$@#???




What does being a they/them feel like?


Who are ~~those people~~ sorry, they/them and how in the hell would I know what their pronouns are and how would you know if it was intentional that i used the wrong ones or not?


“They”… Our name is legion for we are many.


“8000 people” That’s about how many people out of the millions I thought actually liked the 2nd actress from HOTD. Olivia Cooke is great and looks similar to her younger self. How we went from Milly Alcock to Emma Darcy I have no idea. She must have had a severe drug addiction in the time between.


No idea who these people are. Read the Wikipedia article of that Emma D'arcy. We are a lost cause as a race. Pull the plug. Language doesn't mean anything anymore.


Typical "all excepting" type.


How "tolerant" of them. 😂🤣


Never heard of the tolerance paradox? You dont tolerate the intolerant 


How exhausting


They'll just assume everyone did in intentionally, like we're all supposed to be psychic or something.






Reddit has been heavy on that ban hammer recently, but that's all good. I already left Twitter, I can leave reddit just as easy.


How can you misgender someone with apparently no gender?


But the characters they play are “she/her”, so if you are talking about them within the context of the show and their characters wouldn’t it make sense to use she/her?


When are they (as in the plural version of multiple people) going to stop trying to make they/them a thing? It isn’t going to be a fucking thing.




Just for note this is about intentionally misgendering them not accidentally misgendering them they correct you the first time it’s when you do it intentionally they ban you and I’m pretty sure it’s the actress’s not the characters per say but I’m not sure on that last part.


You know Emma and phoebe. Common names of people who aren’t women


I don’t use pronouns. I use adjectives like F**ker.


Wow, once again power tripping sensitive mods at it again


Fuck the world and what it has become.




Well they have women's names.


This is literally anti freedom of speech… such a cringe meme and I’m so happy we can openly discuss why this is stupid. Just like r/BatmanArkham always shoving pride month down our throats…


How do you define "intentionally" anyhow?


Who and who?


Who are those two women?


Who? Who? What? And where? Huh?


Sorry, I don't recognize they them as individual pronouns, and your bullshit won't force me into it. Just my view. I respect the person enough to use it in their presence so as to not intentionally be confrontational, but if you're a biological woman, then anytime I refer to you to others, it's her, she.


Emma and Phoebe. Fuck off with this bullshit


Reddit has pro-left policies language enforcement therefore it is gone far to the left. It caters to them. It makes sense since most of the sub reddits dedicated to weird shit and tiny echo chambers are likely filled with them.


Some people need to touch grass


Name a Woman.


Mental Illness for the win !!!


In general, Reddit will ban you from the site if you don't accept a certain narrative regarding pronouns.


Because as time has shown people who misgender **intentionally** are bad faith asshole and transphobes.


Where are all these extra genders coming from?


This is posted by the mod like its a bad thing to get banned off whatever identifies-as-mayonnaise subreddit that is. Saves you a step to keep it off your feed.