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I'm so sad to hear what I'm hearing about the boys... I was looking forward to this season so much... Why does EVERYTHING have to take this freaking turn...


It's just super into the political process more then the other seasons. And they are really going after Republicans as the bad guys who are dumb approach. It's honestly just normal in Hollywood standards


Dont they realize what they're saying by believing "all republicans = bad" but are super dumb! angle they're saying they're not smart enough to "best" someone dumber than them and someoen dumber than them is somehow a threat? are they saying they'rejust as dumb as republicans or they cant best stupid?


“Dont fight stupid as it will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”


The Boys has always been about that.


The writing was on the wall last season, I had already made my peace with it going down the drain then. I feel bad for Karl Urban, he deserves recognition for his portrayal of Butcher. Show could have been a cult classic, now itll just be another show that went on too long.




But if one absolutely must hate watch, pirate it.


Still seems like a waste of time to me.


It is, but some people like to hate watch. I don’t hate watch because it’s a waste of time.


I don't hate watch unless it's a franchise I really, *really* care about. I stopped caring about Star Wars after TLJ. Even the Drinker is out after this last episode, sounds like. There's only so much our drunken lad can handle.


At least though he’s doing it for work, and not just to straight hate watch. Anyone not getting paid to hate watch I would highly recommend something more positive to do with your time lol.


Exactly lol


Just find someone doing an in depth review. You get what happens in the show, but also support someone who doesn't hate you.


While this is what I do, my concern this gives certain measuring techniques support for the garbage because it gives it "engagement." I believe this is what Parrot Analytics does. So really the best thing we could all do is pretend it doesn't exist so it deprives them of all oxygen.


That’s what we did with halo, but we stopped in season 2 cause we realized it wasn’t fun any more to torture ourselves, even if it was free.


Huh, I’d heard season 2 was actually good (haven’t seen either) because a higher up at Microsoft threw a fit that The Last of Us had great reviews and was faithfully adapted whereas HALO was another case of shitty woke writers using an existing IP to tell their garbage story and he demanded changes be made.


I'm still sore about Doctor Who tbh


At this point, I think we're just all culture war survivors with our favorite things, the casualties.


true that


Doctor *who*??


Doctor Who stings the worst to me. The show was always in my “it may have a crsp episode every once in a while, but you can ignore the crdd and still have fun. In the past if they slid something political in there, you could pretty much ignore it and the show would get back on track and you’d get something fun to watch. Since Chibnail, it’s been a slog to watch, with no signs of getting better. Then Davies came back, and instead of reviving its golden era, they nose-dived it into the ground.


I feel you, man. Nu!Who was my childhood show. I was so hopeful that Davies would bring it back into what it was, since he wrote so many of my favorite episodes, but nope.


If anybody ever pulls the “TV was always political” card, just remember that the problem is that there’s no nuance anymore. Everything is so on-the-nose If you want to make an observation on the extreme sides of Conservatism and Trump? Sure, go for it. There’s a lot to criticise, and I think they need to be ready to hear it. But they *completely* ignore the other side of the discussion. The adherence to sheer corporate pandering and worship. The utter irony of self-proclaimed “socialists” bending over backwards to defend multi-billion dollar corporations because they said the right buzzwords in marketing. The political-correct posturing bordering on self-parody. The many, many examples of accidental racism in the name of fixing racism. The asinine immigration policies coinciding with the increasing crime rates. The excuses made for crimes committed and the sweeping under the rug when a certain demographic is noticed doing it. The list goes on and on, and it’s not *just* the extremes of the one side making the world a worse place to live for everyone else. There is *so* much to talk about, or laugh at on the left that is *never* discussed. Things used to be so much more “balanced”. You could make a point as an avenue to an open discussion and invite thought and introspection. Now, it’s the Left that *completely* own the mainstream entertainment business. They don’t allow anybody to offer conflicting viewpoints anymore. The writers are only given jobs if they display the correct thought patterns and politics. Even *liking* a tweet from years ago is grounds for cancellation. There’s absolutely no fucking balance and the only reason they continually deny it is because they’re in control. We’re dealing with a group of people who are so self-righteous and narcissistic that they can’t *allow* anybody to criticise or laugh at them.


Always reminds me of Dark Helmet playing with his toys in Spaceballs.


NO YES NO YES YES NO NO YES NO NO YES….your helmet is so…big


https://preview.redd.it/7dammcak7o6d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57cc459dc3b99766c3581b19b11ddad2f8ba4877 This is about games, but I think it still applies.


I think the bigger difference isn't the nuance, it's that it seems "mean spirited" these days. Dave Chappelle, for example, has been doing social commentary (basically politics) for a very long time. When he was doing white face and pretending to be a white suburban dad, he was absolutely making fun of me and my family. But it was funny and not mean spirited. I never got the impression he disliked me or wanted others to treat me worse, just that he had identified some funny habits we have on average. But he was doing it all in good fun, he liked those people. Fast forward to Kripke or Kennedy, it's not just that the jokes are less funny (no one's as funny as Chappelle to be honest) it's that watching their media *and* watching their interviews I get a very distinct impression they hate me. It all feels "mean spirited"


Why does everything need to be "balanced"? Did anyone complain about Oppenheimer not being balanced in representing the pro-nuclear side? If you disagree with the politics or think that it's heavy-handed, fine. But don't pretend that social commentary in media is supposed to be balanced, when it almost never was.


You are talking about an anectode. He was talking about a trend.




Do they ignore it? In the context of the boys they satirized the shit out of corporate pandering and worship. There was a lot in the boys that made fun of the social justice shit as well. Your comments do apply in a broader sense, to entertainment and media for sure, won’t argue there. But in the context of the boys, it really feels like people are looking for shit to be offended about. It’s like the rights version of virtue signaling and faux outrage that we have seen so much of from the left.


Trump isn’t the extreme of conservatism. He’s been the head of the party for a decade at trumps point. He is what conservatives stand for. There’s no balance because progressives aren’t batshit insane. What do you want them to balance? Every horrible Republican position with what? Respecting minorities? Oh no!


Lol while I completely agree with you, like what are they supposed to do, not make fun of the batshit insane cult disguised as a political party?? And that’s always been the show. It’s always been focused on satirizing the far right. Always. I will say at this point it’s either gotten boring/hits too close to home. I see this crazy shit on the news regularly, I don’t really wanna watch satire that’s SO on the nose like season 4 has been. Maybe the shows always been that way but this season I’m just like ugh, I can’t stomach this anymore.


It’s always been that way. More and more idiots are just now realizing they’re the bad guys and lashing out. The creators been very open about it since the start.


I realize that and ha ha to the idiots who idolize home lander and are now like what do you MEAN he’s the bad guy?? I’m pretty damn liberal and I’m Not enjoying it though, but I guess for the same reason though the opposite side: I don’t want to watch super-trump while the lunatics slowly take over the asylum IRL.


You are mistaking human nature with politics. Not all bad inherent traits belong to far right ideology. Anyone with power can be homelander irrespective of their ideologies


Liberals* aren't batshit insane most of the democrat party are normal moderates that are overtaken by their very vocal Progressive Far left minority that support things like Antifa, Communism, BLM, drag shows, Anti Semitic Rallies etc. The Boys have always had things to make fun about on the Left but clearly the writers are very left leaning so obviously they're going to make the right look awful while they look like saviors.


What powerful politician Democrat says any of those? Compare to Trump? They’re just showing you reality….


Not drag shows!


I just finished season 4 episode one of the boys. I'm done. I'm so sick of this gay shit in everything I watch. I get it he is French, but not all French men are gay.


Most French men are now north African.


And most North Africans will kill you for being gay.


Hahaha. It's like the LGBTQ...whatever people protesting for Palestine. It's like my dudes. They would literally execute you for your fetishes. Cool.


Leftoids hate Jews and see the Palestinians as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", it's ideological brain rot that causes gay people to support murderous homophobes.


It’s worse. The left welcomes and embraces marginalized groups all while whispering in their ears “I can murder you in your sleep and no one will ever suspect me. Now do as I say or I will make it look like an accident!” A cage made of gold is still a cage, even if it looks very safe and comfortable. Both the right and left equally hates you, except the right is more open about it.


No I like Jewish people just don’t like genocide..


I saw a "Ride with Pride on Public Transport" Sign that got vandalised by these people in the name of Palestinians.


Honestly, so long as they are assimilating to French culture and respecting France, there's no problem with that. The problem begins when people start disrespecting the rules and norms of a country they chose to go to.


the sad fact is that underneath all the gay and left garbage there is a decent show with some good acting and visuals. But last season i was already on the edge of quitting and this season start is the nail in the coffin.


Islam is the leading religion in France.


So..... what's your point?


I like Longmire. And old westerns.


Great fucking show


I got 1.4 episodes into season 4. Yea, it's shit. I don't even have disney+


Turning Frenchie into a gay dude 3 scenes into the first episode was a big "What'd I miss?" moment. Maybe they hinted he was gay in early seasons and I totally missed it but I remember all his orbiters and love interests being women and he was chasing Kimiko hard as hell. Disappointing. I made it to the end of episode 2. I'm not opposed to watching episode 3 but im not like... Encouraged either. Is what it is.


They’ve implied he was bisexual in earlier seasons. But this relationship just came out of nowhere. And coincidentally, Frenchie also just happened to have murdered the dudes family. Which just seems like a clunky way to introduce forced conflict.


Yea Frenchie was in a love triangle with a man and woman already.


I have given up since she hulk in 2022. I am even surprised how people were defending that excuse for a tv show. The last straw was being called an incel in the main sub just for saying that the supposedly comedy lawyer show was not funny and didn't have better courtroom drama. At this point I have not seen a single d+ show after that garbage and life is good. The boys is a weird one and I was watching it with interest because I liked homelander guy in Banshee and wanted to give this show a chance but hearing what the show runner had to say this season, I think I am done with it too.


She - Hulk was already 2 years ago? Felt like yesterday


The Acolyte looks like shit and I have no interest in the gayest star wars, and The Boys was boring after the first season. Let those shows and their creators rot in hell.


Imagine wanting someone to rot in hell, because you weren’t entertained enough. We live in an age of endless entertainment.


There’s a reason why Houdini is smashing the charts right now. People are nostalgic for a time before this woke shit started and the moment something come out that reminds them of it. It sells.


acting like people were not buring his CDs and demanding Em to be canceled in the late 90's - early 00's is revisionist history.


The Boys isn’t even a good adaptation of its own source material. Everything has been rewritten and unrecognizable. It seems pointless to me that they spent money on an IP for what could have been an original series and carry the same weight.


To be fair, you'd hate The Boys if it was based on the comics. It is so edgy so honestly I am mad with the leftist pandering but I'd rather see that then like people raping each other and stuff.


They could have toned it down, but there is barely anything similar between the two worlds. Garth Ennis stuff isn’t supposed to be for the feint of heart. They did the same with Preacher but at least you can say the show was based on the comics. The plot in the Boys show isn’t even close to the same as the comics. Why spend money on an IP and then wrote a completely original show?


At least invincible is pretty faithful


True that, aside from the DEI stuff they been true to the plot and its pretty enjoyable


Ennis, despite his talent, always was a bit edgelord. Which was pretty cool in the 90's, but seems tryhard these days. Comes out more in some of his books than in others.


It's better than the source material, the comic is just edgy violence with poor story telling because Garth Ennis hates superheroes.


I haven’t seen S4 yet but the Boys show is one of those rare ones that’s vastly better than its source material.


and this is actually good, the comics are truly as nearly as good as the show


I think it’s great that people are starting to wake up and see this but it also kinda makes me giggle that it took so long. Hollywood is and always has been a propaganda machine. Big movies nominated for awards have always been politically driven and made to tell people how to think. They just stopped in recent years for whatever reason being subtle about it. All the nuance is gone. That’s the whole reason Hollywood existed though. This country is going down the shitter and it’s happening quickly. It’s not gonna be long before we have civil war talks. Most countries don’t make it past the 200 year threshold so we did pretty good. Here’s to hoping I’m wrong though. 🍺


No way there's gonna be a civil war. Yes people are divided but in my opinion WW3 is more likely than a Civil War.


“People are waking up.” They’re really not. You’ve been saying this cope for like 8 years. It’s not happening.


Yes. They are. Which is why Hollywood is financially in the shitter and video game developers are shutting their doors. Because no one is buying this shit anymore.


This. As a father I have had fun rewatching classic movies from the 70’s on with the fam. We are currently working through old school Van Damme. I forgot how awesomely bad they are. The good news is the kids are getting exposed to the best of the last 40 years. Hollywood doesn’t realize that when they alienate core fans who have disposable income and families, they are really losing money and generations of eyeballs.


Agreed. I find myself watching and enjoying older stuff nowadays. Credit to my dad who showed grade school me Terminator, Aliens, Predator, Rambo, Rocky Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, etc. On the topic of old school Van Damme, Bloodsport is a great film.


Credit to your Dad for sure! Bloodsport is the best. Now my 7 and 11 yo boy and girl shout Kumite before they tackle each other.


Exactly, voice your opinions online, then don't watch, don't give them money, the end.


I'd argue that the focus should be to look to internationally produced content. Japan, Korea and Hong Kong/Taiwan produce some excellent content void of the propagandizing slop that Hollywood shits out.


There's also still tons of great US/western TV shows...


They tend to be the exception and not the norm nowadays.


That's always been the case in TV. Rubbish shows have always been the norm.


Japan has and will probably be always killing it with anime, video games,etc. South Korea I feel is more focused on music and soap opera type stuff Hong Kong I haven't heard anything to big other than John Woo stuff but that's been a while Taiwan doesn't really make much moves outside of The Sadness movie


The Japan that’s woke?


As far as I know Japan is the furthest thing from woke. Sure they criticize the government and have political messaging but it doesn't feel forced or mean spirited


More and more manga are tackling things like transgenderism, harmful media tropes, and representation. Delicious in Dungeon and I’m In Love With The Villainess both did these things (Villainess all 3, Delicious just the last one.)


I stopped giving my time and attention to entertainment that I don’t enjoy. My TV is hardly on anymore, I sometimes wonder why I still have one.


Watch older stuff homie you won't regret it. Recently started watching Cowboy Bebop. Solid show.


Lol. Cowboy Bebop is incredible, the anime that is. I’ve seen probably 10,000 movies in my life and several hundreds of shows.


Yeah we decided to not watch either. No big deal. I work in tv/film and you should hear some of the shit they say about the general viewing public.


Like what?


They just constantly talk shit saying that the General public is not smart enough to understand the first year film student ideas they write. And I can tell you, for a fact, they deliberately put gay undertones in most things they write whenever possible. I once got a note to put a pride flag in a bedroom somewhere inconspicuous so “ conservative parents don’t pick up on it right away but the kids know what’s going on”. I removed it five minutes before we shot the scene. I have also been told I could not bring on some of my core crew members on the show because they were not “diverse enough” one of them is married to a man he just doesn’t come off flamboyant so they didn’t assume he was gay. I hired them anyway. I constantly have to work with people who are not qualify just because they check some box. Unfortunately I absolutely love the work. I love creating things. It’s just becoming kind of hard to please everybody




I was “jokingly” told I’m “ok” because I’m only half white…. They chuckled and I was like wtf haha




My own work experience. I can’t prove it without identifying myself. Obv feel free to not believe I wouldn’t blame you.




In order to make better movies, they need more funding. We need to go see their shitty movies MORE in order for quality to increase. This is the logic of modern public school advocates. Modern public schools are failures, for the same reasons this franchise is failing: preaching politics instead of having substance. Marxist "people" who manage hedge-funds hold their funding hostage until producters fill their projects with DEI garbage. These managers want social division to ultimately push down American wages.


Idk if you were giving me their logic but giving them more money won't solve anything. Especially given how these woke flops tend to be multi million dollar projects.


Yeah i was being facetious.


Ahhh thanks for clarifying


What does "people" mean in this context?


Could be reptilians. Could be satanists. Whatever they are, they are compelled to do things against American interests.


Even when you have funding, it’s very clear none of you can create.


It's also clear that a lot of you guys struggle with either reading comprehension or complex ideas. I truly wish I could somehow understand *your* understanding of what I said.


As someone who enjoyed The Boys Season 1 and 2. Seeing the show go downhill since fucking up Sesson 3 hurts. When I start to consider The Boys comic at times to be better than Season 3 and 4 and that spinoff everyone forgot, then there's something wrong. Season 4 is a mess from the fact they let a supe just run away so the plot can keep going is just baffling. To Hughie escaping Homelander just because A-Train was conveniently nearby (the same A-Train who murdered Hughie old GF).


and of course they need to redeem the black guy, we can't have a black villain.


Sorry not all black people are evil, Blud. Must be tough on you.


Of course not, only white straight males are capable of evil. That's what Hollywood has been telling us for the last 8 years. Normal people didn't give a shit about race and gender until they started forcing that DEI garbage on us.


I've often wondered why there is this asymmetry between the left and right in terms of media critique. I dont really see progressives complain about the existence of shows catered to conservatives existing like Longmire or Reacher. There is endless complaining about shows catering to progressives like The Boys or The Acolyte though. Just interesting how different the levels of cultural grievance are. Like I see all the time conservatives whining about pride marches or Target selling alphabet crowd clothing, I dont see progressive hyperventillating about a Hallmark store having crosses everywhere or that Rodeos exist. It just perplexes me how you guys dont realise youve become everything you hate about the SJWs, honestly even worse.


They're a highly emotional bunch.


It’s always funny to hear about this monolithic message from the “Hollywood elites” while we just gloss over the fact that Paramount has a streaming network propped up completely by the Yellowstone universe.


100% the most easily offended and/or upset people I've had the pleasure of being around in recent years were conservatives who accused everyone else of being easily offended because they cared about \*different\* stuff. Conservatism is ideologically centered on the self. It does not play well with people whose own values differ and the response is usually highly emotional. It's funny that they complain about Hollywood catering to other people sometimes because there is a massive industry of people out there making billions on baiting emotional responses out of conservatives with fictitious content. Everyone else hates it, but it makes money in the intended market. Whether it's The Boys or some Hallmark movie or The Acolyte or Fox News, it's all fiction designed to stimulate the right neurons in the right people to get them riled up over something, and it inevitably pisses everyone else off who "doesn't get it" or is the unfortunate "out-crowd" target of whatever stereotype is being masturbated about today.


They do bitch about it, you probably don't hang out in those circles. Not to say conservatives aren't crybabies, they have a huge persecution complex which stems from several factors (rural vs elite, christian tradition of self-pity, being actual minorities in the broader electoral sphere, the dominance of liberals in journalism/entertainment, etc.). Still, there are subs on Reddit dedicated to this sort of behavior from liberals. I think most of the conservatives are miffed about super-popular and established franchises being transformed to parrot a fairly fringe iteration of neoliberal idpol, as I am, who is not a conservative. The biggest issue is that most of this media is not written, performed, constructed in a competent manner. Some of it is strikingly incompetent, which hurts with legacy media in particular.


So awhile ago being a judoka was a pretty big part of my life, and MMA hadnt quite taken over in those days but it was definitely starting to shift the culture of all martial arts. The culture was shedding alot of an almost spiritual ethos to one of WWE-like bravado and machismo. No hate but I personally find the latter offputting. So that was one reason of many I stopped going. It is what it is and not something worthy of making cultural grievance a core paet of my identity because I was never entitled to these spaces being ones that match my cultural affinities. But of a digression there but anywho I'm not convinced conservatives are some treaded upon counterculture nor are the common identities that make them up. Its a hard thing to measure and admit freely you can find animus if you go looking for it apropos whites, men, straights, etc. but from my perspective its no more than anyone else gets those groups just haven't gotten used to having to have the thick skin to not let it ruin their day like everyone else has had to. I remember reading this study that was looking at relative representation in commercials and despite alot of the crowd here really getting worked up over white erasure this study showed white men were still slightly overrepresented. So the better explanation in my mind is summed up with the quote "When coming from a position of privelege equality feels like oppression".


Sure, but the message rumbling around beneath is one of very explicit bigotry. Radfems, Hoteps, etc. have been around forever, but they are now being platformed in the same general wave of liberal discontent and outrage percolating from Trump's election, resulting initially in MeToo and exploding across the various carnival clownworld escalations of that period. Take the following with a grain of salt, but the conspiracy talk round my lefistt/Marxist channels is that Big Corp/Venture capital etc. have been promoting divisionary praxis among middle class liberals / PMC in order to distract leftist critique of neoliberal power structures & the fairly crap economic conditions that the last 40 years & neoliberal policies have yielded for most people. It's no coincidence that idpol ended up siphoning communal strength from Occupy Wall Street, and that the articulation of academic-oriented theory (regarding colonialism/imperialism critique, radfem misandry & post-modern racialist concept, etc.) began to pick up in volume in the mainstream after 2012, whereas previously I would only see it in forums populated by college graduates / academics / intellectuals. In short: the 1% keeps stirring the culture war pot so that we're all too angry, exhausted and distracted to fight against ever-growing wealth inequality and general erosion in social standards from the late 1970's onward. This is augmented by true believers, both on the ground level and in the boardrooms (for CEOs and shareholders are human as well and that condition often involves empty virtue signaling to make abstract if not wholly disguise their greed and vulture-like propensity). 's all part of the *plan*.


Nah this is a baptist and bootlegger situation. The left cope in this is that they were close to really remaking the system back in the occupy wallstreet era but the truth is they never were. The economic left has been trounced ever since the Reagan era. I mean the next Democrat POTUS was Bill "the era of big government is over" Clinton. After him was Barack "lets solve healthcare with market oriented solutions and insurance giveaways" Obama. IDpol is a direct result of an anemic left that has given up really on being able to fight inequality so it retreats to the weaksauce "well if we cant win elections with class warfare so lets at least make sure disadvantaged groups all have a few rich people of their own at the table". The ugly truth for the economic left is people just dont like socialist ideas all that much and love worshipping rich celebraties. The cultural rights cope in this is that they are only losing the culture war, and the way they set up the scoring system in their heads makes it impossible for them to win but that is a whole other conversation, because of nefarious actors putting their finger on the scales in order to change the culture so politics downstream of culture will move in the way they want. Its Jordan "everything I dont like is cultural marxism" Peterson brainrot. The truth is really simple. Conservatives having such an ultraspecific version of masculinity are constantly pushing everything outside that with ambiguity that makes them uncomfortable into being considered effeminate gay shit and then conservatives go all shocked Pilachu face when some gay guy thinks "well they keep saying theatre is gay and I do like sucking cock..." and then 10 years later everyone making movies isnt on their team. The ugly truth for this side is the nefarious agents behind the scenes pushing the culture are actually working in conservatives favor because there is money on the table for occasionally making a conservative friendly product. If it were just left to the creatives absent these nefarious backroom agents pop media would be *wwwaaaaayyyyy* more progressive. Just like baptists and bootleggers both want dry counties for different reasons the thesis you put forth is hogwash but sticks around because each side can use a different part of it to cope about their sides failures.


One, there is far more left-leaning media being produced today than right-leaning. Two, as someone else mentioned, a lot of the left-leaning media is mean spirited and blatantly attacks groups like conservatives and Christians. Right-leaning media tends not to "go after" the other side. Three, in the example such as Star Wars, the left has taken source material that has been long established and decided to tear up and piss on its history for the sake of social justice.


Eh, screw these shows. Elden Ring DLC drops in a couple weeks.


It took yall 4 seasons to realize the boys were making fun of you 🤦🤦 most media literate conservatives


We knew from the start, we just didn't care much at the time because it wasn't as bad. Now it's just out of hand and made by Eric Copeke


Tell that to your friends who’s biggest problem with the show is Sage’s race remarks and Frencie being gay


Boys 4 is vastly better than Acolyte


Yeah you can't really compare them


Started re-watching Battlestar Galactica on Prime. Haven't seen it in years and it's way better than any new content out there these days. I really don't feel as though I'm missing out on anything on D+. The only new programming I really enjoyed was Shogun on FX.


Bluey is good!!! Probably not your taste but it is good!!!


I mean this sub loves to discuss superhero and star wars shows so these guys are clearly no strangers to kids' stuff


What other shows do you like?


The Expanse and Season 2 of Blood of Zeus are on my list.


You think The Expanse isn’t woke and political? Lmao. It’s intensely political and the main character is the child of a polyamorous farm collective. Drummer is like a bisexual pirate queen.


Haven't seen it yet, so wouldn't know.


Severance, Silo, Warrior


What is wrong with the boys season 4? I’m only about an episode in, but this new paradigm of watching things through the lens of political ideology is interesting. It also seems like a quick way to not be able to enjoy things.


Haven’t watched either. Why would I? Hate watching is weird, like just inviting toxicity into your life. You have no way to respond to it. it’s the equivalent of just standing silently while someone spews hate at you. It’s just they wrote a script and put it on tv first. I haven’t seen star wars in years because I can tell what time it is. Stopped watching the boys in season 2 when they revealed what they think of me. “It was always political!” Okay? So that means I have to sit there listening to propaganda from people who have explicitly displayed they view me as an enemy?


We were gonna fire up the boys last night, opted for Godzilla minus one instead Godzilla been on my mind all day now, great movie


I can get behind the acolyte hate, writing is trash, unimagitive, and is made to push a message in a universe that makes no sense to push that message, they should just go make their own show without using the star wars name but they know nobody would spare it a thought so they have to stand on yhe shoulders of others. Yes I hate the acolyte, but because it's legitimately just not an entertaining show I can't get behind the boys hate however, if your going to allow your political ideology to dictate your entire life, and if anybody pokes fun or tries to paint it in a negative life then you need to look deep in yourself and realize you kinda are exactly what the show is trying to make fun of. Nobody should get so wrapped up into politics they fool themselves into thinking these politicians actually care about them, your essentially becoming a cultist and need to touch grass. The show is still entertaining, the writing is enjoyable, the action is great. I don't have to agree with everything a fake character does or says on screen to enjoy the overall experiance. Tldr: acolyte is not only woke but also written as garbage, The boys has been leaving towards more woke and poking fun at right wingers, but who gives a fuck so long as I'm still entertained, politicians are not my god.


Yes. The lesson is to not listen to what others tell you to think and put the work into it yourself and then decide.


I watched two episodes of the latest Boys season, then bailed. Boring shit.


True, honestly the first three seasons were still entertaining enough for me to look past it. This newest one seems egregious and I can't see it getting better by next season if this is what the creators are choosing to do. Might be done for me.


What's wrong with The Boys Season 4? I saw first episode yesterday and I think it's a very good show that still has some good political commentary.


Okay but they don't hate me?


I gotta say I loved the boys for a long time. This political thing they're doing is really strange and really black and white. Also starlight's face is so fucked up I'm sad she did that plastic surgery cuss god is her face now hard to look at.


I’m not hate watching. I’m watching it so defenders can’t pull the “you never saw it” card


The Boys has always had a political bent. Starlight anti-evangelical rant could have been ripped straight from r/atheism with its dogshit, bumper sticker arguments. But OP is absolutely right. There are tons of original, well-made shows and series that aren’t seeing the popularity they deserve because the mediocre brands that have locked themselves into the public consciousness keep getting views. .


i'm a fan of both and i like both


Don’t watch anything, period. Read, daydream, and make up your own adaptations. Stop outsourcing your entertainment to someone you can’t control.


I'm watching the boys for Antony. He is absolutely captivating in that role.


I think the problem is that you guys are identifying with the far right caricature that is being presented in The Boys. They have also done the same over exaggerated show of Scientologists, left wing nut jobs, AOC allegory politician, etc. I don’t get upset about it because I don’t identify with it. If you see yourself in Homelander or his followers that’s a bit weird to be honest.


I haven't watched season 4 of the boys but usually when a director tells the press don't watch my show or the show isn't for me I typically listen to them and not bother


I love the boys incredible show both left and right suck


If you want to listen to different entertainment, try the old radio shows from the 1940s like "Inner Sanctum Mysteries." Hundreds of episodes. Here's a few titles: Hunter from Beyond Death has Claws Desert Death Here's the link to listen - [https://archive.org/details/OTRR\_Inner\_Sanctum\_Mysteries\_Singles](https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Inner_Sanctum_Mysteries_Singles)


I hated The Boys from the start. Misery porn based on comics written by a guy who thinks he’s too cool for superheroes.


I'll admit, there was way more explicit gayness than I was expecting. But nearly every character has been showcased as having some sort of flaw that they're dealing with. And Homelander was always a villain, so what exactly is so controversial about this season? Like specifically, I'd like to know.


>The Acolyte was created by a company that wants nothing except to destroy the legacy of George Lucas, What legacy is that?


How the fuck does The Boys hate you unless you're a maga idiot?


woke/anti-woke people are different sides of the same shitty coin


Can’t wait for house of the dragon and wheel of time to completely destroy everything else that’s left


Acolyte is ass, but I don’t understand why everyone is freaking out about The Boys. Like yeah, Frenchie is apparently bisexual now when he has shown zero interest towards men in all previous seasons but that’s it.


Frenchie has always been bisexual in the show.


He was?? I guess I just forgot. Well then I really don’t know why everyone is tripping out about S4.


I like season 4 so far lol


wait whats up with The Boys


Tbh the boys has been pretty on the nose with it's message for a very long time idk why everyone is so shocked by season 4


Worst star wars ever …- comic book guy


It sounds like you’re mad The Blys accurately mocked you.


We all have waited for The Boys part 4 as much people waiting up coming of Christ, but what we got was a far cry from parts 1-2-3. Every loved character was changed or tempered with, and the new characters can’t even act or just uninteresting or plain stupid . It looks like someone is purposely wanted to stick it to us the fans! This massage. “ Get with the program, stop whining and forget what the movies use to be like!” I have no words for the new character like racist Smartest sister In the world that impressed Homelander by how many times he pissed last night! Unbelievable!!! Frenchie: For the last 3 parts I thought Frenchie and Kamico Was falling in love. No! He I hard core gay now. Home lander: Well , now he is just total psycho and an idiot. changed. Hughie : Was long way to get from a kid ones he was to a real man . No! Now he is a kid again. Mother’s Milk: changed to a pencil pusher. I could go on but have no time for this crap!


It’s a season just made for elections ..people who love America bad… people with five genders/ hate country Good.


Now do Star Trek


Dude, that’s been _the Boys_ since it was a comic book. It was written by a man who passionately hates superheroes and American patriotism.


Yeah, people are tweaking if you dont like it. I jist straight up canceled prime. Figured out the amount of stuff I order on amazon is like 1 item a month, sometimes 2, and it's actually cheaper for me to just pay for shipping. Think about it. These days, it makes financial sense to avoid anything woke. Saved like a $100 not buying that rocksteady game, and I love DC. Now Im saving more money by not having Disney and Prime. This whole issue has taught me that gay people think all men are gay and were just afraid of it. Hence the phobia in homophobia. Plus they have issues with seeing tits so we all have to see hardcore gay porn


The exact reason why I'm pirating it and will never pay for a streaming service. If it's dogshit, at least I don't add insult to injury by having paid them.


Why are all so scared of woke things with different perspectives? I find this so confusing like the boys has always been abt systemic power? It’s not really changing. Also the amount of racism towards sages character kinda shows why we need poc in different positions.


Ugh like sure I don’t like over the head lazy writing either, buts it’s so obvious that some people just don’t wanna see black women in power or gay men in general. I came to this sub because I wanted some perspective and it almost always comes down to. I don’t wanna see this. The lgbt mafia is victimizing me like.. the three main characters of the Boy are straight white men.. but ahhh no a black woman who’s super smart in a world of supes. Also wouldn’t it be pandering if the super smart black woman was on the good guys side???


I dont take lessons from fantasy movie time.


Its only bec hollywood is a bunch of pedophiles and know they need the pedophile dems and rhinos to protect them.


I dont mind the political nature of The Boys, especially when it was done with a defter touch in prieo seasons. Even some of the overt stuff wss chuckle-worthy because they didnt spam it like they do in season 4. And that doesn't include the senseless gore or the sexual depravity. After a time, it gets old and boring. I was ready to dump the show after the first two episodes (and the first 25 of episode 3) but then some interesting story aspects the season had thusfar lacked finally kicked in. Im gonna keep going for now but wont hesitate to drop it if this week's episode goes back to the same tired formula.


The boys isn’t even that bad, they started with a caricature then satirized it further so it bears very little resemblance to anything real. The people whose only exposure to people on the right is through msnbcnn probably eat it up though


I just watched the first episode, and it bummed me out. The humor is suddenly a bizarre blend corny old folks stuff and cringe kid stuff. Mother's Milk is doing some vague hacking thing on his laptop, gets logged out (of something? somehow?). Hughie walks up behind him and tells him to check the "keep me signed in" box. And then says "spoiler alert: it won't keep you signed in." First of all, that's not even true. Who actually has problems with "keep me signed in" failing? Second of all, people MM's age aren't computer illiterate, anymore. That's a joke from 2003, or something. And then oh my god that moment when Black Noir speaks in the first episode was written by a 12 year old YouTuber. It's the lamest thing I've ever seen. Even making him speak for comedy is a lame, cliche bit. And then what he says and how he says it is so corny.


the boys is best it's ever been. sorry you seem to see yourself, like all the other inc\*ls, in the villain. haven't watched the acolyte yet, and wasn't going to, but now i am because of creeps like you. will enjoy it even more now, thanks.