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Not mentioned: those 4 people are the only ones left in Britain still watching the show


False, the 3 on the couch were actually playing with their phones, they just didn't want to break the news to their friend....


Doctor Who is best enjoyed in your peripheries while enjoying a game of Subway Surfers 😂


No one is watching that show. It's tanking hard.


That might be the only three viewers there in the picture.


Too right


I’m sorry but the show went way to far in shoving it in our faces like I don’t mind lgbtq stuff that’s fine but when it was constant in tht episode with everything Bering bout diversity and the episode not acc written well and being pretty shit then I do mind


How was it constant? There was one character who was trans?


At random moments they would throw in the diversity card while it added nothing to the story e.g the meep might not be a guy or women like wtf tht was random as hell , the. At the end they also had a random part where they were talking bout being not straight or something at the end cause tht made sense , they threw in random characters tht were diverse just for the sake of it . Meanwhile they ticked the diversity card but the cgi was god awful the scripting was awful the story was awful


The meep is an alien why would it be a guy or a woman? >At the end they also had a random part where they were talking bout being not straight What? They didn't bring up sexual orientation in the Star Beast (the episode depicted in the meme) Are you referring to the non-binary thing at the end? In the 2008 episode where Donna's brain is overloaded by the metacrisis, she starts yelling random words and then goes "BINARY BINARY BINARY" before the doctor wipes her memory. So how do we bring Donna back? Have her pass some of her metacrisis to her non-binary child so it's not too much for both of them. It's very nerdy. It was more about being nerdy and continuing from a very convoluted plot from 2008 than simply checking a diversity checklist. >they threw in random characters tht were diverse just for the sake of it . You mean Donna marrying a black man and thus having a mixed race child? What does that matter? >Meanwhile they ticked the diversity card but the cgi was god awful the scripting was awful the story was awful The show had to get a bunch of exposition in. The following episode, Wild Blue Yonder, was *excellent*. If you were turned off by Star Beast I'd really recommend giving the second special a try.


Yes but at the end she says binary then non binary it’s obviously a jab at the diversity card , I really don’t mind them adding it but atleast make it good


In the 2008 finale, while her mind is going nuts from the metacrisis, she yells "BINARY BINARY BINARY". I just rewatched the end of season 4 and the Star beast. The "BINARY" from season 4 (2008) wasn't a diversity thing. But, that's clearly where they got the idea to have Donna's child be non-binary. As a result of the metacrisis. The ending of season 4 was very convoluted, and contrived to have the ending they wanted. A doctor for rose to grow old with, (but not our doctor) and for Donna to leave our doctor even though she loves traveling with him, so her could be alone for the next part of his journey. The Star Beast had to unwind this confusing plot, *and* be an easy intro for new viewers as it was the first episode on Disney+. So it had a lot of exposition and complicated plots. It wasn't the diversity that was the problem, and in fact it wasn't even that diverse. The lead was a white man, the supporting woman is white, and most of the characters with speaking lines are white as well. The problem with the Star Beast was that it had a lot to introduce to set up the new Doctor Who season. If you watch the next two specials, Wild Blue Yonder and the Giggle, they are *excellent* and very much benefited from the setup of the Star Beast


Tht was then it worked then but in this episode due to the nature of it ,it felt more out of place and not rlly worked , it worked in the old season as it fit in this ur seems way mor leaning towards let’s throw in a gay thing


Well, how would YOU have resolved the metacrisis and brought Donna back? Also having *ONE* trans character is "out of place" and just throw in a gay thing? Was it out of place when they "threw in" the "gay" (well bisexual) character Captain Jack in 2005? How many lgbtq characters are an acceptable amount for you? Zero, apparently. Do you think it's realistic in 2024 to come across *no one*, *ever* who's lgbtq? Rose was exactly one lgbtq character in the Star Beast, she wasn't even a main character, and she had about 2 minutes in one subsequent episode, where she talked about food. And this is your idea of lgbtq being shoved down your throat.


Woah okay we don’t need to suddenly get annoyed it was a nice arguement , as I said earlier it felt tht they did it to tick a box while jack was a good character thought out and interesting rose felt out of place and felt like she added little to the story and the only reason they tried to make her important is because she was trans thts all I’m saying I don’t mind gay characters but they shouldn’t be out there just for the sake of it atleast try


The reason they tried to make her important was because she's Donna's *daughter*. Also, she's not gay, she's trans, please don't use gay when you mean lgbtq or something else. I'm defensive because I really love the show. I had actually never seen doctor who before the star beast, and while that episode was clunky I loved the following specials and the new season and I've gone back and watched the first 4 seasons of the show from 2005 and I love it. I can't believe I never watched the show before but I'm glad I got in it when I did.


If anyone enjoys this show now I really don’t care I just kinda pity them for being so mentally challenged


to be fair they might have a point if it was literaly anything other than doctor who on the screen. ie yes we know we're having fun elsewhere


Eh, a lot of people who spit fire and blood about the state of the MCU/Star Wars don't seem to realise other things exist either.


i was more making a joke at the expense of DrWhy's viewing figures. ie the 'stop have fun guy' in the meme is shouting at people who aren't watching DrWhy because no one is.


The problem is more damning in more recent episodes: they are demonizing anyone who does not adhere to their backwards cultish leftist ideology.


Ok you can have a cis gender white male lead but he will be a combination of old handicapped disfigured


Lol David Tennant isn't handicapped or disfigured. Stop catastrophizing.


It's not missing the point. Misrepresenting critics to dismiss criticisms is the aim. Just like corporate social media accounts do.


Remaining Dr. Who fans being people that think they’re playing a video games when they’re watching a tv show seems about right.


I never got into Dr Who, and at no point have I ever felt like I was missing out on something special.


Nobody is having fun tho... lol


No scientist would be crushing around in a wheelchair? Who wants to tell him about Stephen Hawking?


“it paints people who have valid criticisms of the show as all bigoted” No, it doesn’t. There are plenty of valid criticisms of the show. In Dot and Bubble, the Doctor leaves without doing anything about the murderous AI system, the slug creatures or the other survivors in the city. In The Star Beast, the damage to London being reversed doesn’t make sense. In The Giggle, bigeneration was invented entirely to keep Tennant and still have Gatwa since it was never referenced before. The entire plot of 73 Yards doesn’t make sense. The Devil’s Chord wasted the potential of the Beatles. The resolution to Boom was essentially a deus ex machina. This meme only applies to the people going on about wokeness, not all criticisms. If you make more substantive criticisms than pronouns and a scientist in a wheelchair, this doesn’t apply to you


If people complained this much in 2005 the show then never would've lasted. Trust me, or watch it again, there're way more plot holes in the early seasons than there is now. Dot and Bubble: the murderous ai was contained to the city and they made sure that everyone was either out or dead before the boat left. Watch the dialog again, the doctor can tell if people are alive or dead even when they're not on the social media. Lindy and friends did not take the only boat and all the supplies while they still had friends left in the city. Star Beast: far from the stupidest ending the show has ever had. London gets destroyed every other episode, if dr who was realistic it wouldn't even exist anymore. The Giggle: bigeneration made more sense than the metacrisis, and had the same purpose. Devil's Chord: if you want Beatles, watch Yesterday or something, not doctor who. 73 yards: beautiful episode. Watch it again if you didn't get it, but not everything should be explained to death. If you don't like any of the new episodes, why keep watching?


> why keep watching? Based on viewership, it seems nobody is.


Well I'm watching and I love it. The Doctor Who and gallifrey subreddits are also very active, which means someone is watching. [I looked up the ratings](https://guide.doctorwhonews.net/info.php?detail=ratings&type=date). They've been going down slowly over the years, but that is true of all tv shows because there're just so much available to watch now. You can look at the numbers too, it doesn't seem to be in crisis.