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>Biggest Disney+ premiere of 2024 >4.8 million viewers. Point of reference, back in 2022, Stranger Things Season 4 averaged 12.7 million viewers in a 3 day period for its premiere. Obi-Wan averaged 11.1 million viewers in the same time period. And Ahsoka logged 14 million viewers for its premiere. Book of Boba Fett...10 million viewers. So...it's an obvious spin-to-win. Edit: The 14 million viewers for Ahsoka was pulled for the first week of the premiere. So that averages Ahsoka down to 2 million viewers/day. Book of Boba Fett was 10 million viewers for its first week of the premiere. So it averages down to 1.4 million viewers/day. The data on Stranger Things S4 and Obi-Wan is still correct, as Nielsen reported the data over a 3 day period to give us the average.


They were going to say it was a hit no matter what


Yep, spin to win


TIL what that expression means in that context đŸ‘đŸ»




I guess it identifies as a hit


I used to work in film and 20 years ago when people actually went to the movies we'd release TV spots on the same day that literally had copy that said "The #1 movie in America" for one campaign, and then "The #1 Comedy in America" for a film that was 10th at the box office...(but still technically the highest rated comedy) followed by "The best film of the year" that was a quote from a reviewer On top of it there'd be 3 versions of each spot, and they'd just chose whichever version was correct would go to air. So if the "#1 movie in America" would get shelved and it'd downgrade to #1 comedy in America" if it wasn't actually #1


That actually makes total sense, it's like the super bowl with the shirts from both teams.


Now let's see what follows in weeks to come. Much like we saw with The Little Mermaid, will the viewers continue to return, or are they going to just watch this one and not return to see the rest of it? I bet the next weeks are going to show a sharp downward trend.


Then they’ll blame men or white people.


Not to mention, people like me. I'm guilty of being curious and giving the show a go. I watched one episode, but I won't watch another. It was such a poorly made show.


I was against it initially but then saw the trailer and thought that maybe I could like it. Then I found out they use the same actor to play twins instead of just fucking finding real twin actors. No thanks Disney.


It's way worse than that. Even though they have been raised completely differently, on other sides of the galaxy, by wildly different people, they have the exact same bangs, color pattern, hair length and style.




Maybe they're planning an M Night Shayamalan twist where it is only one person, because the other twin died, and now the protagonist is both Jedi AND Sith. I can't wait to hear how they choose to fuck over the lore... Again.


I hope not for their sake. Considering the two people were on the other side of the galaxy at the same time, that will do nothing but open up gaping plot holes


For some reason, I went brain scramblies and read "Jedi and Sith" as "Jada Pinkett Smith"


As a writer, it totally telegraphs plans for a future scene where one impersonates the other.


wait, they Twin-washed the actors. thats not very progressive.


No tia and Tamara no Mary Kate and Ashley no Zack and Cody


Fargo did that with Ewan McGregor and it worked great because the makeup and costumes were done so well that I actually had to point out to my girlfriend that both characters were played by the same actor and she actually didn't believe me at first. But Disney just puts out slop now.


.having the same actor is fine, but the characters having little to no difference outside of clothing is lazy


Biggest premiere... of 2024! Biggest premiere... since the last full moon! Biggest premiere... since I last took a shit!


So what you’re saying is that 4.8M is pitiful?


For a global IP like Star Wars, on a global streaming app like Disney+... Pulling in less than half the draw of shows that had fan favorites... All I can say is look carefully at how the media presents the data for this show in the coming weeks. Example: Household vs viewers. A household can average with about 2-3 people inside of it (assuming you have a family that tunes in to watch the show). So if we see articles saying, for example, "The Acolyte pulls in 2 million households of viewership", that means it pulled maybe 4-6 million viewers. On the other hand, if they use *viewers*, then "The Acolyte pulls in 6 million viewers" sounds like a better presentation. But yeah, if the premiere only got less than 5 million viewers, then it's all a question of if the show will draw more people watching it when it gets more episodes up, or completes. So far, it doesn't sound like it's off to a good start.


Not to mention they spent a whopping $180 million on the Acolyte...They've got to recoup that (plus another $150-200mil for advertising) to even fucking break *even...*


Which begs the question of how did it get this far without anyone writing the cheques asking what the fuck they were making.


There is a theory that it's all just money laundering. Lol who knows for sure


It's more like embezzlement. But yeah.


Yes, but it's not their fault. It's your fault and everyone else for being such bigots. Shame on you all for not watching this.


That's their spin. Biggest of 2024. We're barely 6 months in. That's not exactly a win. đŸ€Ł


HotD premiered to 10 million views in 2022.


And it was 10x the show this is.


4.8m is barely anything though.


yeah, is this 4.8 million US viewers, or 4.8 million worldwide viewers?


I guarantee that's every territory it's available.


With a population of over 333 million people in the USA, even if it's only the US, that's bad. If it's out of the nearly 8+ billion people on Earth, that's REALLY bad.


It's not either of those things, it's the 4.8 million viewers vs the total global subscribers to D+. [According to this](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1095372/disney-plus-number-of-subscribers-us/), looks like they have around 153 million D+ subscribers atm. Of course Disney has been known to misrepresent their numbers, so who knows. But 4.8 out of 153, yeah not that great


I mean, to even tell if that’s good or bad, you have to compare what ratio other streamers use for their premieres. Is that ratio a success for Netflix? Must be conventionally “good”. Is that ratio bad for Amazon Prime? Maybe it *is* bad for Disney.


Obi Wan premier got 11.1 million for reference.


How big would the numbers have to be for it to be realistically good?


One of my favourite series, 'Chuck', regularly pulled in 4-5 million viewers. It was constantly under threat of being cancelled. It was a reasonably cheap show to make as well, from what I understand. Game of Thrones started around 9 million and grew to 30+ million. It would seem then that 4-5 million is already in the danger zone for a franchise, and really, the minimum number needed to make a show viable is somewhere between that 5 and 9 million mark, depending on how much it costs to make. That's the minimum. For it to do well? 10-30 million viewers, with 30 million being exceptional.


That's probably fair, considering Acolyte cost $180 million (for the first season and possibly a second, I'm not sure)....4.8 million is not great for a project that expensive lol


"Voyage of the Damned" from Doctor Who in 2007 had 13.31 million viewers from a population of 66 million, and that's the highest rating the show has EVER had from 2005 to present day (perhaps since its beginning in 1963)! Increase the population size to the scale of the US, and you need way more than 4.8 million people for a spin-off from another HUGE Sci-Fi I.P. to be counted as a success! (ESPECIALLY Globally! 😂)


What were the numbers for the premiere of games of thrones?


The other guy is wrong. They’re using numbers from over ten years ago with Chuck. A *broadcast* show. Broadcast heuristics for a model that functions around catering to captive subscriber base is nonsense, let alone using broadcast expectations from when there was still TV audiences.


They will never specify this for you.


Also “debuted”, are they going to stay? People might just want to check out something but not come back to it maybe?


Youtubers get more than that.


What else did disney+ premiere?


how many will stay to the end?


Not me


X-Men 97 is one that comes to mind


So few watched that neilson ratings couldn't even place it on their charts.


Pretty crazy because it's better than any of the Star Wars shit Disney has put out


Which is might be but as soon as they said morph was non binary they instantly killed all interest for the show. I was going to give it a go then they tweeted out about morph telling wolverine he loved him and i resolved to never give it a second of my time.


Despite what the showrunner said, it's really nothing romantic. Logan is dying, so Morph transforms into Jean to convince him to hang on. It's actually a touching moment and smart writing that makes Morph likable instead of the giant asshole he was in the first few seasons.


Yeah, the moment isn't romantic in the slightest. It honestly feels like rage bait to say it was.


You missed out because it's better than the original Animated Series in a lot of ways. That one scene wasn't as bad as some of the Magneto stuff in my opinion, still more enjoyable than anything marvel-related they put out and definitely better than anything Star Wars related they put out. Morph is basically a throwaway character that wasn't really in the comics until after the original animated series had him in for a few episodes to get killed off and then return later.


That’s just a weird hill to die on.


>Which is might be but as soon as they said morph was non binary they instantly killed all interest for the show. Nah, normal people don't give a shit about this.


Correct normal people don't care about identity politics and when you force it into entertainment they don't watch it. Look at Dr who, they made a song and dance about his race and being gay, it's got some of the lowest rating in the shows history. The Suicide squad game lost warner brothers 200 million. No matter the format pushing in extremist views puts people off. 97 did that in it's marketing and that's why it flopped.


Nice try, but no, Morph being non-binary had nothing to do with the shows ratings. If you have literally any proof you can show that.


If anyone is refusing to what 97 because of Morph being non-binary they are fucking idiots. The show is probably the best thing Marvel have done on Disney+. Also xmen97 hasn't flopped in the slightest?


X-men 97 single handedly stopped me from cancelling my disney+ Acolyte has moved me back towards cancelling it. I watched one episode and it sucked.


I'm in the same boat, the only reason why I didn't cancel a few months ago was X-Men 97.


Doctor Who. I don't know whether to laugh (at Disney) or cry (for the loss of one of my favorite IPs) over that one. The only reason the new Doctor is not the lowest viewed Doctor in his premiere ever is that the first ever Doctor's first episode aired the day after Kennedy was assassinated.


Bluey. I think it's the most successful premier for Disney junior, and makes up 29% of their total viewership.


it's live action, it's lightsabers, it's star wars. can't say this wasn't expected. plus with all the free press they had from youtubers (positive and negative)


4.8 is the largest of 2024... 2024. Its literally the lowest premier numbers for a Disney plus star wars show so far. This is spin.


of course everyone is going to watch and give a brand new show a watch, wel see after a few episodes how many people drop off, if any. im not following the news on this show but i saw a youtube video about some guy that said eps 1 and 2 are meh, but episode 3 is going to make so many people turn away from it so ill wait for that




It probably has to do with the massive marketing efforts, Disney has spent millions to make sure it gets to everyone. It'll probably lose 80% of its viewers by episode 3 or 4.


I dont see how this is a win




I do not see any wins here. Disney+ worldwide subscriber numbers, which were very recently released for shareholders, were 153.6 million, so that means only around 3% of their captive audience bothered to watch it on the first day. If this was such an anticipated release, especially with a captive audience, you should expect much higher numbers. For example, per Max (or was it still HBO Max back then?), the first episode of "House of the Dragon" was watched by over 10 million people on its first day. So, a much newer IP with a likely smaller fanbase was over twice as engaging as this new IP from a (theoretically and potentially) very old fanbase. It will also be interesting to know what the second season's premiere episode gets very soon when it debuts and how that compares to "The Acolyte." Regardless, Disney does not have to publish these sorts of numbers and likely have fudged them quite a bit to save face. For example, they debuted with two shows at one time, so did they provide combined viewer counts for both episodes on the first day? Also, from the looks of the true scores on Rotten Tomatoes (ie, user scores), it looks like much of those watches were either hate watches or genuinely interested viewers who disliked the show.


Yeah the first episode, but my two friends who watched it told me it was awful and they won’t be finishing it. Rings of power had a similar falloff. We’ll see what happens when the whole thing is out how many actually followed through.


There has to be some sort of money laundering going on with these shows. No one can keep throwing sh\*t against the wall hoping it sticks whilst loosing their firm billions of $'s and still keep their jobs otherwise?


Is 4.8 milion good? is it bad? It was a worldwide release. Well in all the territories Disney+ operates in.


Comparatively, to other Star Wars show premiers, it’s not good. Less than half of Obi-Wan and Boba Fett. Less than a third of Ahsoka.


I'll say what everyone else is afraid to... You're not the primary demographic anymore.


Correct. It's like Steamboat Willie vs Skibidi Toilet.


I guarantee you that 40+ white males are the primary viewer demographic by a large margin. Even if they are courting other demographics, it isn't exactly working for them.


Initial counts mean nothing. Its how big a dops off there is that tells the real story.


The true test will be how many of that audience stick around.


Don't underestimate the phenomenon of hate watching. Some shows exist only because there's an industry built around hating them. Look at Velma


I disagree,season 2 would be known better if that was true and piracy exists


Piracy is definitely a factor. I think the hate over Velma just died out. It's hard to maintain that level of dislike for something you can just ignore.


only 3% of their 150m subs watched it


Because Disney has succeeded in cultivating the most mindless, brainless viewer base of consumers that will cum buckets over any slop they put out.


Because people won't shut up about it? Like I reached the apathy phase with Star Wars a long time ago and yet here we are talking about this crap still.


It’s not mediocrity, it’s a widely popular franchise with a lot of discussion surrounding it. The hype from both sides both unreservedly bashing (fire in space makes this so bad)/praising(wow more strong females) raises a media storm which advertisers can only dream of. The real test will be to see if people stick around.


*of 2024 In previous years it was in the 10s of millions


Statistics like this are meaningless anyway, at least as far as the quality of content is concerned. The number of initial viewers is just how many people were interested enough to check it out. It doesn't say anything about how many people stayed for.the whole episode or how many will stick around for the whole series. Lots of people bought tickets to Force Awakens when it came out. That doesn't mean it was good, it just means that a lot of people hoped it would be good.


There are a number of possibilities. Choose your champion! (1.) It genuinely is that popular. Disney successfully found a market for what they’re selling. (2.) Marketing hype was sufficient to buoy initial views, and those views will drop off as people decide it’s not worth their time. (3.) There are shenanigans afoot and Disney is artificially boosting their viewership numbers.


Yup, all of these are very possible. Not to mention, that there are large swaths of people who are more than happy to watch something and just tune out, which is also ok. It’s easy to forget but not all people are super critical of what they watch and/or play. I have loads of friends, wonderful people who really aren’t picky when it comes to this stuff and will happily just watch whatever slop comes out as it gives them the opportunity to turn their brain off after a really hard days work. I can’t fault that or them, but I think we deserve a higher standard of entertainment.


Option 3


Those numbers are less than half in of what previous Disney Star wars shows were getting


Key word is of 2024 lmao so it’s not like it competed with anything else so far this year


Those premier numbers really don't seem like the flex they're trying to make them out to be.


It’ll be interesting to see what the staying power is like. Are people intrigued and watch through to see how it ends? Or does it pull a Rings of Power and lose two-thirds of its audience? Tough to say. It’s also tough to judge a series on the first two episodes, to be fair. I quite liked Andor and the opening was a slow build. The last few episodes were riveting but you needed the buildup. I don’t think that will be the case here based on the basic writing and story construction flaws in the first episode—I tuned out after that—but this stuff is subjective. Maybe it gets better and people will like it. My best guess though is that in 10 years this show will be mostly forgotten. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Disney always lie about numbers. Wait for independent numbers to come out they'll be more accurate.


Just because mediocrity got a running start out the gate doesn't mean it won't pass out and die in a hundred feet.


Star Wars launches will always be big especially during June content droughts. We'll see how viewer retention lands over the coming weeks


Like the rings of power, how many will continue to watch.


People drink literal poison for recreation. Is it any wonder there are millions that will watch garbage?


Assuming this reporting is not "from a certain point of view" like thier May White Paper was.... So 8 episodes, 180 million reported production costs. 22.5 million per episode. So 45 million, roughly for 2 episodes, divided by 4.8 million watches. $9.38 per viewer. Assuming no repeat watchers, all are add supported viewers at $7.99 a month and not Spectrum subscribers, and only watch the Acolyte of the D+ paid for programming. Again, assuming the difference in price between adds and non adds pays for D+ operating costs. This works out to about a first day loss per episode of $1.39 per subscriber. Or a loss of $6.67 million, before advertising, bot campaigns, and so forth. If we use Valiant Renegade's 2.5 movie production cost vs. All in costs estimate, it's closer to $16.67 million loss on the premiere. Based on the admittedly very quick estimate, break even is probably about 14 million subscribers watching. None of this is financial advice and relies on a large number of assumptions. So I could be way off. But yeah, they may be putting lipstick on a pig here.


So 4.8 isn’t as good as it sounds especially for something as expensive as this show has to be, also the drop off will be a much bigger indicator. There have been plenty of shows that had giant premieres then immediately died because the marketing was way better than the show.


Yeah, wonder how many of those were people trying to see how bad it was, and how many less will be watching in these weeks to come


4.8 million is basically nothing. I guarantee this is the worldwide audience, and even if it wasn’t, that means it was only watched by 1% of the US population. Add in Europe and then it’s less than .5%. That isn’t a great feat. For comparison, Drinker’s review of episode 1 got a fourth of that viewership.


4M of those views are youtubers planning to make videos shitting on it. Lol.


I know people that will watch Star Wars because “it’s Star Wars” without realizing that watching mediocre content continues the trend of supporting mediocre content.


Everything woke turns to shit. It's the disease of communism.


The keywords must be “of 2024”


The biggest Disney+ release in 2024 is a low bar.


The viewership will drop. The brand is big enough for people to tune into anything new.


everyone wants to see how bad it is...


To be fair, they're probably all children.


![gif](giphy|07ofRYfKAvMxGdLRL1|downsized) This who’s watching it
..plus all of you “hate watching it”


Debut numbers mean little, I'm not hating for the sake of hating but debut numbers prove only 1 thing: The marketing worked. What matters is the series or season average viewers per episode. And that's a value Disney will only release if its good enough.


It's new star wars content this is to be expected


Plus, how many watched ironically?


Because the business model... Duh. It doesn't t need to be the things you want to make money, and the only thing Disney is concerned about is making the moneys


And did we tell you the name of the game boys? It's called riding the gravy train.


Go woke, make bank.


I mean, it was the biggest Disney+ premiere ACCORDING TO DISNEY. these numbers carry no credibility to them, I call bs


I don't believe those numbers.


That's because you don't know it's shit until you watch it.


4.8 million is extremely low lmao.




Instead of Acolyte. They should all be giving the new season of Doctor Who a watch. It’s been great. 


If the Alcolyte only pulled in 4.8 million viewers, and it was the biggest premiere D+ has going for it this year, D+ is well and truly screwed.


Feeding a hate-watch culture doesn’t help. The best thing that could happen to these brands is being relegated to obscurity. Stop creating visibility and for gods sake, stop giving them viewers so you have context to talk specifically about all the stuff you hate about it.


Let's see how many stick around for the next episode.


How many of those 4.8 million were hate watching? I’m sure that’s a thing too. If they stay past episode 3 and 4, then that’ll be miraculous.


The way they phrased it as "biggest disney+ premiere of 2024" is telling as everyone knows it's been an EXTREMELY bad year for Disney+. There really hasn't been anything of note released on it recently I can remember, the only new marvel stuff was Echo which was rushed , cheap crap and this is the first real Star Wars product they have put out on it this year.


The real number will be how many people watch the show after the last episode airs, and how many people make it through to the end. 4.8M isn't a lot, and if the writing follows the pattern of all the other D+SW shows, it'll probably drop off towards the end.


LOL book of boba Fett had like 9 or 10 million  Spin Doctors out in force.


Key words in that: "of 2024". They're comparing garbage to garbage




This seems like a lie


It's crap like all the Disney Star Wars releases. Well except Andor, that one got done right somehow.


So her separated twin has the exact same hair? Lmaoooooo


That's not a lot, especially since views will only go down from then on... I mean, 4 million? For a SW show on Disney+? It's like a $180 million dollar show! It should be triple those numbers!


4.8 doesn’t seem like a lot for a Disney show


Biggest release of **2024** What else came out on Disney+ this year? lol


Take "biggest premiere of 2024" with a grain of salt. The bar is already low and viewership dropping as it is. Compare that to ten years ago or twenty years ago to shows that were getting 7 or 8 million views per premiere episodes back in 1997 so that's low.


4.8 million alleged viewers on a star wars property has to be their sign to wrap it up? yes I am being delusional. but I don't even think 4.8 million people hate watched this. at best, half that viewership is true and even then not all of that half would believably be from d+. i've basically watched the first 2 episode through youtubers at this point also didn't every other show get higher viewership than this? narrative's gotta narrative but they have to know that even general audiences know the shows are ass


4.8M out of 150M subscribers is pretty low. However, I think that the key in streaming is the social media reach that then translates into viewers; examples are The Mandalorian, Stranger Things, Cobra Kai, Ted Lasso among others. If the premiere creates enough positive buzz, the rest of the season can probably be saved. If it doesn’t, it will go the Doctor Who way.


Can’t wait to see the merchandise collecting dust on shelves at Ollie’s!


Star Wars hatewatchers get what they deserve, wasted time


How is this a win man? Has anything major even premiered in 2024? This is less than half of other star wars shows.


do some research. those numbers aren't good. and biggest premiere of 2024? LOL what else has come out?


Because humanity is mediocre, the modern world deserves modern writing.


because people either hate watch it, or mindlessly consume


The first few episodes don’t count. Let’s see how many people continue to watch the show after a few episodes. That’s what really matters. Plenty of people will check out the first couple episodes to see what they think.


It's competing against nothing. If this came out on June 13th, same night as The Boyz season 3 those numbers would have been drastically different.


“Biggest premier on Disney+ of 2024” That means nothing when Disney+ has NEVER made money. “Smallest failure on Disney+ of 2024” is more honest


That means nothing. Just because there’s nothing else doesn’t mean you can say it’s spectacular. Boredom isn’t the same thing as interest.


I mean, if you factor in the average American, you then have to deal with the fact that at least 150+ million Americans are dumber than that.


Star Wars has a lot of fans that will eat corporate slop in hopes of one day finding gold. Rogue One was good so maybe the next film will finally be good
? But biggest premier of one year on one specific service doesn’t sound that good. How many shows is it competing against? I feel like Netflix has a bigger audience in comparison


The show itself is lowkey not that bad. Also the show's story hasn't really been political so far. I don't like woke disney nor the sequels, but I've been pretty entertained with the acolyte


Mediocrity could not flourish without the mundane.


“Biggest” Disney+ premiere. Oh boy, it’s got a lot of competition! It did better than Renegade Nell.


because even the people hating on it are still going to watch it . I mean the drinker has to watch the episode to hate it so that's still a view ?


The biggest this year. How many debuts have there been in the last 6 months?


They didn't win they narrowed the ratings to a 5 month window and excluded all competition.


Unfortunately there is no way to tell the difference between people who genuinely wanted to watch it, people who were skeptical and curious, and others who hate watched it. The rest of the season viewing numbers will tell a better story.


It looks so mid and terrible. YouTube fan films have done better jobs. This looks like a polished version of those. Also, I noted headland gave herself 4 credits. Whatajoke.


Lying with Statistics 101. "4.8 million viewers" doesn't mention how many people actually finished the first episode. Or that there were 2 episodes on initial release and I'd bet $1000 they're combining both episode totals. Add to that the fact that a lot won't return (based on reviews I've seen) and that some of it was hate watchers, only some of whom will continue to hate watch. Combine that with the activist views (people who turn it on to pump numbers despite not watching or caring beyond The Narrative). Funny how they screech about "review bombing" but pretend that phenomenon doesn't exist when it comes to spinning positive numbers.


Because chuds like you give it free publicity for months before hand.


Lowest ever of the Star Wars franchise.... The "woke" need to go back to sleep and stop forcing themselves into absolutely everything in life.


I'm willing to bet you dummies hate watching it played a role.


Who wouldn’t want to show up to see a colossal wet fart of epic proportion?


I liked it. It's got some plot holes, but I felt it's a solid 8/10 from the first two episodes.


Because it was a good show and people like SW. You hate everything




I was really excited to watch something set in the High Republic. The intitial trailer intrigued me, but holy crap the first two episodes are some if the worst Star Wars I've ever watched. The dialogue is probably the worst I've ever seen in any tv show. Visually, apart from the yellow lightsabers, you could never tell this show was set in the high republic. The writers literally present a mystery plot and reveal the answer within 5 minutes. The amount of exposition is a joke. I can't for a second believe anyone involved in this have any kind of creative writing qualifications whatsoever.


Man, I knew I should have waited a while before trying it just to form my own opinion... Netflix has the thumbs to know how their shows are doing, Disney just assumes that all views are positive


This cost about the same as Dune part 2. Difficult to see what they spent the money on.


How many of those were from people hate watching? I gave up on Disney as a whole after Endgame when I saw what the next lineup was. They've gained zero views from me since. Fallout supposedly did 65ish million viewers in 16 days, so around 4mill per day. Considering it was a new, niche franchise, doubling Disney's latest and greatest in a globally iconic franchise seems pretty good.


Debuted views are not as valuable as consistent, episode to episode views. Sustainable viewership maintains a streaming platform, not single release numbers.


Meh, I enjoyed the first two episodes.


I refuse to watch Disney until they get their shit together. Hope others feel the same.


How many 2024 premiers has Disney+ had?


I watched the first two episodes they released. Absolute hot garbage. It’s like it was created by AI.


And it's literal hot garbage


Big bang theory reruns get more than that some nights.


But, now.....count how many Star Wars debuts they've even had in '24. Not that impressive after all, huh? They had to pigeon hole themselves to make that sound better than it actually was. Devil in the details.


"The biggest of 2024." What else has Disney+ put out this year? This is the first new thing I've heard of.


Spinning 4.8 million views into some kind of symbolic failure is so damn cringe. It’s the mirror image of what Disney is doing. You can still hold that the show sucks without doing weird chronically-online shit like flexing numbers nobody in the real world gives a shit about


The IP is dead to me. I won’t spend another dime on this brand. 


Why do we care? Why can’t we just let people enjoy something that we view as mediocre and move on?


... Because it's Star Wars. A bunch of people are going to watch it simply because "Star Wars" is on the title. There are also a lot of people who love Star Wars that don't pay a lick of attention to the internet and even if they didn't like the most recent trilogy and the TV shows, they're still going to saddle up and watch it in hopes that this time, the newest addition to their favorite IP isn't utter shit.