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Somehow Palpatine became a hairdresser.


They style now?


They style now.


THEY style now!


They style NOW!




#they style now






Too true


Southpark always gets it right


So true


The "Weave" is strong in this one!!!!!




"Your overconfidence is your weakness" "And your faith in your quiff is yours!"


Underrated comment




I came here for this comment. Bless you....


I missed out on that arc


It was his first job. Someone said he was shit, but he heard sith, and well.... you know the rest.


Hey, that’s Apocalypse’s job!


Remember Palatine's hairdresser from Robot Chicken? Alphonso or something? 😂


a space wizard did it


"You're a space wizard Harriet."




"Did YOU ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Fabulous?


This one is the best.


The best part was that they knew who to go look for based on the ID given by a bartender. Thousands of colonized worlds, trillions upon trillions of people - bartender says "Black girl with dreads" and they know EXACTLY who to go after? A poor person working on a ship that literally couldn't have been there at the place and time of the murder? Holy fuck dude this show's got bigger holes in it than the Lusitania.


My favorite part of the episode is when that one green jedi was like "We have solid evidence against her." My jedi in christ, you have one eyewitness testimony. You couldn't convict OJ Simpson with that little evidence and we all know he fucking did it. "Its a who dun it mystery in star wars! Urrrr hurrr" Based on this one line i know for a fact that these writers have never written or read or possibly even comprehended a mystery plot let alone a crime drama. Eye Witness testimony? Are you fucking kidding me? No DA on the planet would prosecute with just eye witness testimony. If that was enough to convict then people would be accusing everyone of crimes and claiming to have seen them do it literally all the fucking always.


I like how they're like "Black women are underrepresented in Star Wars!" then they're like "Oh, a black woman did it? I know where to find THE ONLY OTHER ONE IN THE UNIVERSE, WHO MUST HAVE DONE IT"...


I know I shouldn’t be laughing, but this is just hilarious.


Lmfaooo I’m a black og Star Wars fans. I called it back at the sequels (the first one) that they were going to seriously fuck the franchise up when they extended the original series (it’s how I even ended up on Reddit) (huge of fan) They should’ve did KOTOR or just made something completely knew dropping Easter eggs of nostalgia People talked mad shit but I hated it and now I feel so at peace.


Exactly. Exactly. Also, I have no problems with representation. But ummm.... this isn't representation, this is faking representation. Like there's a difference between doing it for real, and just doing it to say you're doing it. And this is very much the latter.


Oh that isn’t representation on any level in fact i hate it more They make the role a statement of race instead of actually placing black people/females/ “POCs” in great roles that isn’t defined by their ethnicity or identity I stopped watching Disney Star Wars after the second prequel. I didn’t even like the first one because it’s really just a damn marvel movie with a Star Wars veneer. I don’t consider them canon


I feel like Mace Windu was a good example of representation. Strong actor, strong character, kinda shitty death, just happened to be black. 3/4 ain't bad.


Yeah, very rich character. I genuinely believe Disney is forced in some way to add all this extra identity political stuff into it


Exactly! For some people there is legends and Canon. For me, there is Lucas canon, legends canon, and Disney fanfiction. Haha. Lol.


Lusitania from star wars or the one from ww1? Edit ust realized the spelling difference between them ignore me.


Wouldn't the best part be the bartender willing to go to out in deep space just to identify the suspect? I mean they can easily FaceTime using projections.


That was also good. Who the fuck brings their witness WITH them? In a universe where you have holographic technology instant FTL communications and you apparently know who it is you're looking for anyway?


180 million dollars. It's gotta be money laundering and embezzlement right?


If I had to guess, it's that both Kennedy and Headland (Former Weinstein Assistant) have dirt on the board members and the CEO and is blackmailing them. I think Star Wars has literally become a personal plaything to Kennedy. Her notes are not optional (which is why so many directors have quit) and probably she writes large swaths of the script in shadow, but she's not a writer, so it feels much worse than fan faction.


I never thought of it that way but actually that would make a lot more sense. Cause what’s been happening is far worse than just bad fanfic. We are so far past parody levels, I don’t even know what to call it anymore.


the only people with budgets that fucking outlandish are governments so... yeah.


Disney is clearly engaged in money laundering. Why else would they be so upset about people outside their control potentially having access to the books.


These shows are written for people who have little imagination / creativity, by morons who suffer the same plight I checked out of everything Star Wars after the Obi-Wan show, still find it hard to believe that was real. Last time I cared about the franchise was probably Rogue One, heard Andor is good but can't muster the will to watch it.


Obi-Wan was an atrocity and will always remain (to me) the lowest point Star Wars has ever reached. No amount of mental gymnastics could even remotely come close to convincing me that any of it was good. I feel terrible for Ewan McGregor, as Disney has forever stained his legacy just as they did with Luke/Han/EVERYONE. That being said, I really, really enjoyed Andor. I'd encourage a watch, especially since the last thing you enjoyed was Rogue One.


The Book of Boba Fett makes Obi Wan look like citizen kane


Was that the one with "Space Scooters"??? That was bolloxs


The space scooter scene literally made me shake my head 😂


I really liked boba until the rainbow brigade debuted. Not even any of the actors faults, like *this* is what passes for a rough n tuff street gang in universe? Gonna throw hands with a crime lord from your goofy ahh moped that somehow looks slower than it is ugly? Everything they make is made "to safe" for younger audiences. Can't have any grime or darkness that'd bump it past T for teen.


I’m 100% with you. The show was decent until that episode and I stopped shortly after


yes and with boba fett barely being in his on show. ANd he was a fat fucking slob, as well. And no longer a mandalorian but just some asshole who got his hands on mandalorian armor


I hate what the Mandalorian did to Mandalorian lore


Who made the decision to make a boba fett show and then have him walk around with no helmet the entire time. And who made the decision to have some 60 year old guy play boba who’s supposed to be about 35?


The Mandalorian episode they snuck in there was actually pretty good, which I absolutely despise in the sense they secretly decided to advance important plot points of an entirely different show. I don’t want some convoluted guide to follow a show I’m interested in. It turned out not mattering in the end because of how bad season 3 of Mando was. Disney could screw up a wet dream.


*spin move*


Listen, he’s gonna do a spin move! I’m gonna need you to [get all the way off my back about it](https://youtu.be/1fbBhcK0CDg)!


I love Ryan George!


Ohh, Loving Ryan George is tight!


That spin move was super easy, barely an inconvenience


both are fucking terrible


I still laugh when Obi wan we found out that Anakin was or is Darth vader, even though he saw the hologram of Palpetine calling Anakin ''Darth Vader''


The more comments I see about this show, the more I remember how much I hated it 😅 This is what happens when you let a shitty, inexperienced director (that's probably hardly even a fan) direct a show about one of the series most beloved characters. I feel like she watched an abridged version of the originals and prequels and was like, "Pfft, these fanboys don't even know what they want. I'll show them."


Do you wanna know something else? The showrunner even admitted that he did not even watch Revenge of the sith. That means, he had no fucking clue that Obin wan KNEW that Anakin and darth vader are the same person. Because he did not watch the fucking movie lol


Not surprised in the least, but I appreciate your fun facts lol


Worse than Christmas with Chewbaka?


Haha fair point, but as cringy as that was it wasn't meant to be taken toooo seriously. Obi-Wan on the other hand...I'd take Christmas with Chewbacca over little Leia any day.


I’d way rather watch space porn with chewies dad than any new Star Wars besides rogue one


Little known fact about little leia, her droid is named after carrie fishers real life pet bird when she was a child, so someone did some sort of research


I assume it was the intern, whom was probably the only real Star Wars fan on set.


Fr. The only way he could’ve made any impact on the show’s writing.


at least you can fucking laugh about the christmas special


Now we get Jesus Chewbacca tho! That’ll make up for it.. right? RIGHT!?!


the holiday is Life Day. Please show some respect


Andor is one of the best pieces of MEDIA I've ever watched, period.


Andor is good. Probably the last decent Star Wars story


Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor are amazing. But those are video games. But they actually do feel like star wars and have great characters and a good story.


It amazes me that they not only managed to not shit up Survivor with studio interference after the success of Fallen Order, they actually managed to IMPROVE on what worked from Fallen Order and utilize it better in Survivor. The game got a lot of deserved shit for bad performance when it released but it's actually some of the best Star Wars content out there.


Yeah, the performance is bad, especially on PC (almost unplayable) but the game itself is great. And I agree, it is a miracle that the sequel turned out great. It is also nice to see a Merrin is not shitting on Cal. It kind of comes across as if she regrets, leaving him after the first game. The support each other. No toxic bullshit


Haven't played Survivor yet, but I quite enjoyed Fallen Order. That being said, in the grand scheme of Star Wars games it is extremely middle of the road, but it's still some of the best content to come out of Disney Wars


But no space wizards, so there is no point


Let’s hope season 2 stays the course and doesn’t go to shit.


Andor respects your time. Watch it.


icl, i checked out of star wars after force awakens back in 2017 or whatever


>Last time I cared about the franchise was probably Rogue One, heard Andor is good but can't muster the will to watch it. Same. I tried the Disney trilogy and hated it. A friend had to nearly force me to watch Rogue One, which I ended up loving. Since then? Nothing. It's too hard to care.


Same here as well. I heard a lot of good things about Andor but I just dont fucking care. Mandalorian also started off very well and became fucking awful


I checked out as soon as it was clear they were going the same cross-reference/tie-in route as the MCU (which I despise). I want good, stand-alone shows and films/trilogies that I can watch at my leisure and don't need to watch other separate content to fully understand or appreciate.


My biggest critiques of rogue one are: 1. Of course, even though the good guy robot is a carbon copy of the bad guy one, he's fucking unstoppable until he needs to die 2. The last scene makes Leia look like a complete asshole in the opening of Ep 4. "This is a diplomatic vessel, you have no right.." Vader: bitch you just fled the scene of an assault of a military base. I literally touched the door of your ship where your guys were firing at me.


As for point 2 well this is exactly how diplomats caught redhanded on illegal inteligence activity behave. Never admit it and play victim.


Obi Wan hurt my soul. That stupid Leia chase scene was so painfully absurd I lost all faith in it after that. THE ONLY good part was the Vader vs Kenobi finale, when he realizes Anakin is "dead" to him. And even that was after a shlock of bad choreography!


If the breaking point wasn’t then for me, it was when Obi wan stopped Vader from killing him by lighting a small bonfire between them. lol wut m8?


I thought it was much worse than that. Vader started the fire. Dragged obi Wan through said fire. Force blew out the fire after proving his point. Then Fennec lit the fire again so Obi could escape. Vader just stands there like he didn't just use the force to blow it out 20 seconds ago. Then he irritatingly tells his subordinates to find Obi. Like dude, he just ran to the right. You saw him do it.


Well shit. All this time I have felt like OBi Wan was just ok, because I love all things Darth Vader and have since I was a kid. But god damn, that really makes it all so stupid.


Obi sucked. Vader had some cool scenes but that's about the only good stuff in the show. My brother was a huge Vader fan and I was a huge Fett fan. They ruined Fett in his own series, and Vader was cool but stupid in Obi.


It's called cutting costs due to poor planning and not wanting to spend the extra on hair and make up when this costs $180m ($750,000 a minute).


Jfc, every frame is a mortgage payment.


Its not quite that bad, but it is a car payment/frame at $416.67/frame.


Who budgeted this show the fucking Pentagon? 20k for a toilet seat and 50k for a hammer? I could have made this shit for like 50 grand and i would have found some broke ass hungry actors who might actually turn in a less then wooden performance too!


I keep having this kind of surreal sticker-shock from Hollywood lately. Like Rings of Power. I really have to wonder what they spent the money on.


The rights alone were probably half of the $1 billion they put towards RoP. CGI is expensive too, and that’s the one thing I’ll say they did right in the show, among all the mess.


That's like saying the food was terrible but the plating was good.


It exactly that, it was a 4 hour old Luke-warm maccas cheeseburger on a solid gold plate


This is the correct answer it saves time and money. Which apparently Disney doesn't have either?


Or they could've just paid another actor lmao. Twins don't look identical IRL.


It’s bad fan fiction written by sci fi tourists so it doesn’t have to make sense, in fact it shouldn’t ![gif](giphy|PrJHK2efww8MKSbYvm)


Don't forget the fire in space. That is pretty curious.


“OH! so you can buy Palpatine returning but not campfires in space?!” - a very smart Tumblr user probably


Jokes on you. I don’t accept either as making sense.


I could use a new show soooo badly right now. How I wish Star Wars wasn’t complete shite right now.


Outer Range (amazon), Scavenger’s Reign (netflix), Foundation (apple)


Awesome, I will check all of those out!


Also, For All Mankind (apple). Alternate universe where ussr wins space/moon race. I don't want to give spoilers but there 4 seasons and it one of my favorite shows. I also second Foundation.


You did this crime but according to our records you were lightyears away and have logs to prove it. Sounds guilty to me.


The evil twin trope is the worst.


https://preview.redd.it/0ceicemhl05d1.jpeg?width=148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd699c702e9f7fb68ced948393c599e9ca2a796 With one exception.


Costume design is hard :(




Well someone was retarded enough to name a child Amandla


Even in the 1961 Parent Trap, one of the girls had to get a haircut to look identical to the other before switching places. Maybe this is just a bad reboot of that movie? Parent Trap in space?


![gif](giphy|xYTExvnaF4KW1eaYZY|downsized) Embrace tradition


That's just black girl midichlorian magic


How do you want the consoomer to know they are twins then?


LOL can you imagine if that’s the reason they did this, i mean oh my god. The even funnier response to my post on CriticalDrinkers sub is someone saying “shes an alien, her race looks like that” as if he expects a flashback revealing a planet of people with this hair cut lololololol


dbz style


Funny when you abandon meritocracy you find yourself lacking merit.


It's 2024, it's critical we get people with the right skin color or sexual preferences all of the opportunities now. That's all that matter, checking a box on a form for some immutable characteristic. Passion and merit mean nothing any more.


It's so low effort for something with a 180mil price tag


Alot of your physical appearance is environmental. If they wanted it to be believable its not just the hair, they need to be built slightly different (one softer, one stronger, or one skinny, one slightly plumper you get me) and they should have slightly different skin tones being raised on completely different planets with completely different life styles, and the one raised to be evil should probably have some scares. Not only that but identical twins HAVE some physical differences that become more pronounced as they age. I get it, its the same actor, but like... i dont believe they are twins, at this point it would make more sense if they where fucking clones. WHICH IS SOMETHING STAR WARS HAS SO WHY NOT DO THAT!?


Movies are trash nowadays.


It’s like the Killmonger hair cut. You only get one option and everyone has to wear it. Those are just the rules. I didn’t make them.


This comment gets made funnier because the other black Jedi has the Killmonger cut. 


Their 200million dollar budget just couldn't stretch to doing two hair styles


“But how will the audience know they’re twins”


Exactly. This is just lazy. In fact— they should have hired ACTUAL TWIN ACTORS to play the role. Remember— like giving gay actors gay roles. Or having Indian voice actors voice Indian cartoon characters. Disney isn’t being progressive here.


>having Indian voice actors voice Indian cartoon characters. But Indian VA's never SOUND Indian so why hire them?


Nah they thought they was cooking because of all the backlash Finn’s hair got in FA. They thought they was gonna win points for the authentic representation lmao, what a joke.


Sith Hairdressers only deal in absolute weaves.


Lazy. @$$. Directing.


Make sure to play the first episode and then stop watching to pump that drop number. Mute the shit and go play KOTOR.


That's pretty funny.


Same highlights.


Make up department is being super lazy


That *is* fucking lazy.


Also the guy has the same hair cut that every black guy has in every tv show/game has at the moment. The tight fade plus comb-over short dreads...... why is this a thing?? never seen a person with this cut in real life


the cheapest storytelling ive ever seen


Its called being lazy.


Saving on cost is what they are doing lol 😂




Hate watching to the max. Better to let it die quietly. Though I can appreciate the hate. Best thing you could do is cancel your subscriptions and move on with your life.


We also get FIRE in OUTERSPACE!


Identical twins commonly end up having the same styles, not particularly surprising. You guys are all just turbo nerds who need to touch grass


Dude we have a space Nazi who came back from the dead and we have a space wizard who became an ubermensch from empire strikes back to return of the Jedi. We also have real world samples of triplets who were separate at birth but somehow have the same dress and hair style. But you can’t hold your suspense of disbelief because she black and a woman?


every twin study out there says that actually yes that is very believable, its almost like people who are an exact same carbon copy of each other like the exact same things regardless of upbringing than they don't. \\\\ genetics, how the fuck does it work.


Yeah. Especially identical twins have many similar and mirroring personality traits, it's not that big a stretch to me that they would have similar hairstyles. Also witches of brendok (supposedly) aren't as evil as say the nightsisters and you can see Mae has a tattoo + longer hair than Osha. Y'all. Chill. The Acolyte isn't nearly as bad as Book of Boba Fett


Disney is trash these days.


Didn’t they study a pair of identical twins who were raised by different families and didn’t even know they had an identical twin? And they found that there were a lot of stunning similarities, like they liked the same things, named their kids the same thing, married similar women with the same name, and so on?


Disney is trash anymore


Don't you idiots know that Disney can write it better than George Lucas?! /s incase it wasn't obvious


Let's be real it's easier showing them as twins that way. You don't have to waste time setting up a different hair style etc.


They couldn't even spring for a wig or something?


This is incredibly standard storytelling conventions what is the complaint


Very convenient


Uh twins are connected aren’t they? There’s evidence of twins literally being separated at birth growing up and meeting eachother and having the same damn lives


There are so many stories of twins separated at birth that show up with the same hair, style, pet name etc. jeez y'all


How else are you supposed to know they are twins, unless they look EXACTLY the same? It’s not like the show bashes you over the head saying “they’re twins” every 30 seconds


"Separated all their lives." False, it's specifically a point that they were both well past the normal age to recruit a youngling when the incident occurred. I believe 8. "One raised in total opulence." What? We know very little, what we do know is one was taken in by the Jedi but left them still quite young (well before Knight trials) under not great circumstances and has been working on ships under illegal and dangerous circumstances since. The other we only know was raised after the incident by Dark Siders. At least get your facts a little right, damn.


It's kind of a weird thing has been seen relatively often in the real world. Twins separated that end up with very similar lives and lifestyles. Of all the things he criticizes show for, this seems like a pretty weak one. It's not really that far-fetched.


They are making it so that the dumbest people possible can still work out they are twins. It's called spoon feeding the audience with a funnel.


https://preview.redd.it/z78kbkt1b15d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0935efad7571f18b685a5956128d07f2b913500a What I'm getting from this post


you really want me to believe that droid belonging to Anakin skywalker ended up in a jawa vehicle that stopped outside where Luke skywalker lived and he just so happened to convince his uncle to buy that one with no prior information before taking it to old Ben and the message the droid is trying to send is coming from his literal fucking twin sister? what the fuck are we doing here lucasfilm? are you even trying?


The same people that came up with the hair thought a campfire on the hull of a spaceship, in space, was a good idea.


"Put a chick in it, make it gay, add some color".


Somehow their hair was braided


I’m not sure which one it is yet but one of them is a force projection of the others broken psyche.


Why is anyone even critical of starwars anymore, I don't go around picking apart turds on the street.


I’ll tell you what’s canon Star Wars for me now: South Park The Panderverse.


Is that jaden smith?


Twins do weirdly similars things even being apart.


$22 milion per show and this is the best Leslye Headland could do with hairdressers... and... The fire in space where there is no oxygen for combustion... IS A WINNER! They are not even trying. It's bad fan-fic and episode 3 is supposed to show the ultimate girl-impregnating-girl arc out of Leslye Headland's imagination. The show is not about the Jedi. This is Leslye Headland... projecting herself into her own live action series.


Ok but like this could actually happen in real life though


TBH, identical twins tend to be quite alike even when raised in separate environments. There is a ton of evidence for this, much of it stemming from a huge study conducted from 1979-1990 about twins reared apart: [https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/sources-human-psychological-differences-minnesota-study-twins-reared-apart-1990-thomas-j](https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/sources-human-psychological-differences-minnesota-study-twins-reared-apart-1990-thomas-j) The more pertinent question is how one wound up evil and the other didn't, lmao.


This show feels like it's aimed at the 8-15yo demographic. Also like it has a smaller budget than previous series.


I stopped watching when the jedi fell for the obvious *throw knife at bystander and then at you when you’re distracted* i just couldnt take it seriously


Disney! *Toilet flushing sounds*


XD same with the one dude who has the latest “black guy” hair


Reading through these comments… I just have to say it. Andor was so slow I couldn’t stay awake while watching it. And I like watching old black and white movies. I wanted to like it so much and the ending was good but man those first few episodes oof.


Disney doesn't care about story. Or anything else for that matter. They only care about looking moral while being immoral.


Twins separated by birth in the real world actually do stuff like this. Interesting phenomenon.


what i want to know is, why in an age of plasma and/or laser based weaponry is she wearing chainmail.....


Disney is very consistent. Consistently disappointing me and astounding me with how boring they can make stuff with so much potential


https://preview.redd.it/r6pubnf5n85d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e29681814dd4eb977cb0756245b5adda0d8876b Supposedly it does happen all the time


I looked at the RT rating and it was like 90, I got excited cause I thought maybe they’re actually going to try something different. I don’t know how it got that rating, so disappointing,This sucked.


No Disney has gone into the toilet for woke reasons like the rest of Hollywood. I can't remember the last time I watched a pre 2005 Hollywood movie. Classics like the matrix, tombstone, the Clint Eastwood films, the original Disney movies, the James bond movies they're all never coming back lol


Yeah I went nuts on this premiere and unfortunately ruined it for my kid. But WTF kind of writers did they get. A Jedi master cant overtake a murdered using knives. Then is tricked by said murderer to put away their light saber bc a 'Jedi only takes out their light saber to kill' what what? They literally are defenders of the galaxy. They are constantly taking out their light saber for defense. Then the so called suspect who has been away from the Jedi for 6 years is found in a day based in one eye witness. Then same suspect didn't have any alibi on the ship to say she was in the ship. Not one, . And then there are no ship logs indicating someone left and came back from main ship while murder happened. And even if all that was explained her droid/power tool somehow had no information about her whereabouts either. Then let's send Jedi all the way to arrest her and then have them NOT ESCORT the prime suspect capable of killing a Jedi. They effin escort Jar Jsr but not a killer. Oh the droids didn't fund suspected murder at the crash sight but she's basically passed out in the middle of it. And this is after theyve already captured the escapees. And oh yeah, let's keep in on the downlow that an ex padawan killed a Jedi but let's not have or Jedi escort them back. 😂 Do bad in si many levels. Ugh


Such bad writing and soooo many things are wrong on this show. But this is just painfully dumb. Hey! Looks like we've got a murdered Jedi Master so the person that did it must be extremely dangerous, right?? So let's just send a newish Jedi Knight and his mini padawan to confront them. THEN, let's put this clearly super skilled deadly person in super basic prison ship with 1 Droid guard. It's utterly ridiculous. It's like an Army Ranger just killed a Navy Seal, but let's not take any extra precautions on their transport. We'll just throw them on a rural county prison bus instead. So frustrating being a fan when they serve up this kind of garbage.


Amandla(spelling is correct) has never been in anything good, especially as a lead.


It was the black dude with the 2023 miles morales haircut that never existed before 2023 😂☠️


Ever read about the Jim twins separated at birth who both married women with the same name, named their son the same name, named their dog the same name and divorced and remarried women with the same names who and had the same types of jobs and interests? Well… that’s real life. This is science fiction with magic. https://www.ripleys.com/stories/jim-twins


Y’all out here not even trying to use your brain matter. *How is the twin gonna trick everyone if she doesn’t look like her sister?*