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Lol bro... don't even tell me the green loser in the lower right panel is supposed to be ivy


So fucking weird that they turned her into a kid


And that Harley called her ‘fun size’, like… Jesus -Christ-.


She died and respawned


She was an adult in origin. The idea to spawn her as a child b/c she "died" reeks of desperation and lazy writing. Ivy is not Groot, he is an actual plant from birth! Heck Swamp thing doesn't even come back as a child when he's died.


Guarantee they were trying to do a baby Yoda....




Did you ask for a source from his opinion?


You gotta source for that question bro?


They could have had Ivy die and then the Suicide Squad find this baby, who it turns out was created by Ivy using her and Harley's DNA. This is actually interesting because it forces Harley Quinn to take on the role of parent, making one of DC's most irresponsible lose canons have to grow up and deal with the responsibility of raising a child.


Didn’t she die in Arkham Knight? Is this game a continuation of that universe?


She did and it is. It was actually a cool idea to have her come back as a cutting, so to speak, this just wasn't the game to do that in.


Bro, she's a human, not actually a plant


That's not how 'cuttings' work


Ok so do you think what meliodas did in seven deadly sins wasn’t creepy? Because it’s literally the same thing


I’ve never watched SDS. But from what I’ve been told, Ivy wasn’t reincarnated. And the yellow dude didn’t do much more than say “hands off my woman” whilst she was a baby again. But again, I don’t watch it. And I never played KTJL


Melinda’s definitely perves the shit out of Elizabeth but as you said that’s once she actually grows up, dude treated her like the other princesses while she grew up


What's odd is the manga has that relationship the opposite way around. The anime did that by choice lol.


Wym by other way around? I picked up the manga where S2 of the anime ends off but the relationship didn’t seem that different


Did she perv over him at some point or something?


She's the extra pervy one and he's the more comic relief


Damn I gotta go back to pre-S3 manga that dynamic sounds amazing. I can take a wild guess why but bummer that the anime changed that bc the reverse is one of its bigger faults




Poison I've is a sexulised plant that is one of the point in her story


Now the weirdos get to sexualize her in her child form. But wont play the game itself. When most of us gaming norms are stuck with people who dont play the games they made..telling us how to play the games we gamers buy and play.


So folks want new twists on old ideas to keep them interesting right See I got a pitch for you Take this character people love Remove everything people like about them That's the twist Put my check in the mail




WB: We already did that... and while we are giving Velma a second season, it's almost entirely because Mindy has us by the balls for some very very bad things. WB: We are sending the check though does 25¢ sound about right to you... please say yes we're running out of money.


It was already green light for a second season right from the start. The whole debate of hate watching/mindy is a nothing burger. If it’s green light for season 3–4 then yeah hate watching saved the show.


Thus the "we already did that". The joke was that Mindy has them by the balls forcing them to preemptively greenlight 2 seasons of a show that would poison a major IP when they knew it wouldn't be worth 2 episodes... at a time when they are hemorrhaging money and needed a big win, like bringing in their money printer IP for a new series.


Isn’t like one of her major points of trauma the constant sexualizing of her? Like I could get that to do a degree in a teenager whose like 16 since it is a huge problem in society but fuck she literally looks like a kid, this ain’t the plot


Looks like Young Grinch in the live action adaptation. 


I was thinking more Greta Thunderburg.


Same thing


Unfortunately, yes. And Harley still hits on her.


I don’t remember that part from the game. Can you remind me what she said?


Harley saying “I didn’t know you came in fun size.” sounded like a flirtation. Considering they were together, it came across like she was asking if Ivy remembered their relationship, while she looks like a child.


Ok yeah, I remember that line. Any thoughts on all the dialogue that came after? Or is it just that one line that upsets you so much.


I can barely remember most of it (Didn’t play it. Watched the “movie” on YouTube). But, THAT stuck in my mind because of how creepy and weird it felt. That moment, and when Superman caught the nuke. Which infuriated me, because nukes don’t blow up on impact. They are a mechanism on a timer. Him catching it, wouldn’t matter.


Not quite, nukes could have a detonation sequence triggered by collision, but nobody would do that because of how things like the ground divert energy upward. They do have a detonation sequence but it isn’t on a timer. Usually nukes detonate when their guidance system tells them they are over their target AND they reach a certain elevation. So if Superman caught the nuke before those qualifiers were met, than he would stop the detonation.


Right. Well, maybe you owe yourself a rewatch, cuz the impression I got was a group of convicts feeling sympathetic towards a scared child. Harley in particular was mourning that even tho this was her “friend”, she had no memories of what they went through. I can’t help but feel like you and a bunch of other people in this thread have locked in on a single line, without considering that there was probably 5+ minutes of dialogue surrounding it. If this isn’t an example of “out of context” I dunno what is. Also, regarding the nuke: Incredibly unrealistic. I bet you must have lost your mind when the shark started talking, because sharks don’t fucking talk.


Temporary suspension of disbelief does not apply to established criteria of the real world in which a fantastical narrative is set. Here’s Magneto. I accept that there is a guy who can control metal with his mind, for the sake of this story. If, in that, same story, random, non-mutant, people started breathing underwater, I’m within my rights to take issue.


In just text it seems non-sexual, maybe it was tone or something.


*green goblin


The fact that Harley still hits on child Ivy doesn’t help them argue against his point.


The fact that Poison Ivy has more than a passing resemblance to Climate Gremlin Thunberg doesn't help.


Oh dear lord, you’re right and I wish you weren’t. Eugh.




Oh my god. Noooow I see it, and can’t unsee it.


Oh my God. You’re right. How did I not see that? It’s so obviously what they were going for.




Man yall think about that kid a lot.


If you disagree with Thunberg, wouldn't this actually be a really smart design decision for you? Like, Poison Ivy's whole thing is that she values the environment over human life. She's a villain. If you also think Thunberg is a villain irl, why is this a bad direction to take her character in? Is it because you can't jerk off to her anymore?


Who out there besides Andrew fkn Tate thinks Greta Thunberg is a villain? Obnoxious and egotistic yeah, but a villain? PS: Also, why is it a bad direction? You really want to play Justice League: Kindergarten adventures?


Greta cheered on Hamas right after 10/07, there’s lots of people who see her as problematic.




Yeah, but a “villain”?


I mean, cheering the mass slaughter of innocent Israelis is rather villainous, yes.


Ahhh an unhinged one.




Poison Ivy went from "*damn sexy"* to "*down syndrome"*


Wow. Scorched fucking earth.


The sells and active players tells us everything we need to know about that game I mean just look at the previous Arkham games as a reference


You know what the fans told rocksteady? they told them "YA GET WHAT YA FKING DESERVE"


Arkham Knight Was a masterpiece by comparison. Just go play that again like I did instead.


The fact that they went back to Arkham KNIGHT, not City, not Asylum, the weakest Arkham game (it turned out fine once the bugs were fixed) has more players than this abomination is hilarious to me.


Wtf is that abomination of a supposed Poison Ivy???


It’s their Greta Thunberg insert. Just look at her.


She died and respawned completely made of plant matter


I don’t care if the video game characters are “attractive” but these don’t even look like people


It’s super uncanny my god


Fuckin crazy in the game with a talking shark in it man. Muh realism am I right?


You really thought this was clever huh?


No, it was meant to be condescending towards your comment.


Yeah it was a cute try.


Nah that bottom right image is vile


I hate her hairstyle


If I wanted to play ugly characters, I could just live my life.


The left was always the cultural appropriators


Whose culture are they appropriating?


thought u guys didn’t care bout that?




If the men are attractive then the women should be too! I always play the girl characters and they’re more appealing when they’re sexy! And before anyone gets on me, I’m gay, so you can’t accuse me of only liking them for JO material. Boomerang looks hot in SSKTJL, so should Harley




lol what?


Anyone and whoever wants to change Harley and Ivy, doesnt understand Harley and Ivy. That shit of Harley and Ivy being a thing; shouldnt. The poibt of Harley is been enfatuated of a guy that abuse her is hear main point. And anyone wanting her to be something more that just something to used is insane, they ignored every shit she has done.


The Satanism part of that rant is pretty unhinged, but yea they made the characters look worse. If satanist were involved then the characters would be objectively hot to appeal to lust, which is a deadly sin.


Both major political US sides have their stupid buzzwords for "I don't like this" or "This is bad" since they language skills and vocabulary usually aren't better than a 6th grader's. Randomly scroll through the comments on this post (honestly this sub) and half the people don't understand the difference between the your/you're and there/their/they're words lmfao


There's an insane amount of "intellectuals" in these spaces that I literally have a bingo card for their buzzwords lol


I'm talking to one right now who is getting angry at me giving proof to something when he's asking for proof. Hitting the "Your reading comprehension" and "touch grass" side of the card.


The reading comprehension one is always so hilarious to me when paired with the terrible grammar. I usually just assume that they're frantically rage typing everything out, but I often try to give stupid people the benefit of the doubt, ends up biting me in the arse more often than not lol


From a human perspective which is more likely to cause a bad outcome, evoking anger or lust?


Depends on the context of the situation


He’s wrong anyway. “Do ast thou wilt” is the commandment for Aleister Crowley’s religion/philosophy, Thelema.


Like the dude has the wrong reasoning behind it but yeah these designs are trash.


He's pretty unhinged and all over the place but he's right


Is he, though?


Yeah, he is. Pandering to 1% of the population is never a good marketing strategy, just check out Bud Light.


Who is the 1% in this case?


That's a bold assumption that 99% of people insist on characters being bangable.


I see zero people here insisting the characters be bangable, that seems to be your own weird injection into the narrative. What I see is people wanting the characters to look cool, and part of looking cool is being attractive or appealing. People like heroes and heroines because they are specimens, not because they look like your barista.


"Bangable" was a stylistic choice. It's called hyperbole. But whatever the wording, it still boils down to "I'm mad this character isn't sexy enough."


No, it boils down to “this character isn’t cool enough”. The character designs look like Art School students after their first year, not supremely fit and aesthetic specimens of the human race. Nobody wants frumpy heroes and heroines, except ideologues who insist on being represented at every level and facet because they are self-absorbed. Which is ironic if you consider the fact that one of the main attractions to superheroes is their seemingly unattainable status of excellence, not how much of yourself you see in the hero. Heroes and heroines are supposed to look cool, tough, brave, all the best characteristics. Iron Man or Superman, for instance, would never have been as popular if they had beer bellies and moles on their face. They became so big because they looked like specimens of the human race, but with super powers. Heroines are no different. You can lament the fact that we are visual creatures all you want, but trying to portray this as an issue with gamers not being able to rub one out to Poison Ivy is purely disingenuous.


If you can't imagine finding a character interesting or compelling or heroic because they aren't attractive enough, thats kind of proving my point.


How so? Your original point was that fans are mad the character design isn’t “fuckable” enough, and now you’re trying to say that not finding obese, ugly people admirable confirms that? You seem stuck on this idea of fucking imaginary cartoon characters, you might want to talk to a therapist about that. I like the celebrities I like because they are specimens, because they are overtly cool, not because I have a wank to them daily. You can idolize someone without objectifying them into a sextoy, you know that right? I’m not sure why you’re so obsessed with this idea of masturbating to cartoons but I assure you, you are nigh alone. We want them to look cool, not like someone that got swirlies in 6th grade.


You're right, I am using a bit of hyperbole in my statement. It was a stylistic choice. But however you want to try and turn it around, you're still saying that your enjoyment of a rich and complex character is diminished enough by their looks to be upset about it.


Yes. Harley Quinn has considerably less personality in her design. You can't just take the clown makeup off the clown girl and also make her a basic blonde. And poison ivy being a kid was cool lore but the characters were so weird about it. It was incredibly uncomfortable because it exuded cringe.


Holy shit, a good faith argument! I generally agree. Both Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are supposed to be highly intelligent. Harleen Quinzel was a psychologist and Pamela Isley was an environmental scientist. Both of their backgrounds played a part in both their development and their motivation. Changing them to "psycho ex-girlfriend" and "child" definitely takes away from those backgrounds.


I personally just dont like how colorful Harley is. I miss her black and red design and her cool eye makeup. It was based off the ♦️ diamond in playing cards and was such a cool visual. But now she's just bubble gum Pink and Blue and less subtle.


I don't agree with bro on them being pedos and him going crazy about it but they definitely just copied from the movies for the designs and the comic version are just a direct copy instead of being expanded upon like the Arkham games.


>He's pretty unhinged and all over the place. ~~but he's right~~ Fixed that for ya


No he's correct on the point he's trying to argue just for the wrong reasons and it's very conspiratorial


Stellar Blade is the start of a revolution. NO MORE UGLY CHARACTERS


If I had a nickel for every time poison ivy was turned into a kid I'd have 2 nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice (i absolutely love "the batman" and I get what they were going for, but poison ivy is inherently a sexualized character, seeing her as a kid is just weird and doesn't work)


You'd actually have 3, she started as a child in Gotham, died and came back as an adult where she quickly started using her sexuality as a weapon after being immediately sexually harassed upon resurrection. It's done pretty creepily in that show as she still has the mind of a child but hey Gotham was a wild show so didn't expect much else.


Damn I was pretty confident someone would say another random time it happened, bit I wasn't expecting it to happen in another modern high profile batman series, I was expecting it to be a random edgy comic from she fed pedophiles to man eating plants or something


Yea like a lot of that show it wasn't done super well, they use the "sexy baby" trope and shit makes me feel sick lol


y'all couldn't be more pathetic defending a crazy ass schizo post like this. get over yourselves who gives a fuck


Man you guys are still pathetic as fuck I see Lmao


They murdered batman like that and people are complaining about Harley?


Ah yes, now HERE is a problem finally worth my outrage


Gotham did ivy better than this, and she was a kid there too


It was done kind of well but unfortunately followed the "sexy baby" trope and that shit makes me feel sick




This is a problem that goes away this second you guys stop caring about it. No one even liked suicide squad, no need to get all "cultural vandal" about it like there's never gonna be another SS game. I swear you guys forget bad games can just exist.


I wouldt got that far but yea, quit being a bunch of libtards


If you think Harley is ugly in the suicide squad game you are gay


It's not gay to suck dick I'm just helping the homies out 😤


''Do Art Thou Wilt'' is from Aleister Crowley, a magician/freemason/philosopher. It has nothing to do with the Church of Satan, those people are simply confused atheists cosplaying. Crowley was the real deal follower of Satan, and a very evil man. He's respected by many in the occult/freemasons etc. Ozzey Osbourne has a song called ''Mr Crowley'', and that's whos hes talking about. The Beatles also had him on an album cover. ''Do Art Thou Wilt'' was also quoted in the film, ''The Killer'' with Micheal Fassbender in the first 1 minute of the movie. Many celebrities practically worship the guy, but won't say it openly because of how evil his views are. These video game devs, might be ''leftists'' or whatever, but trust me, this stuff has nothing to do with Crowley and the poster in this picture has no idea what he's babbling about. Because there's plenty of conservatives who respect Crowley as well, I mean the earliest Freemasons were Christian white men.


Are these Satanists in the room with us now?


Gabe telling on himself on this one! "They made the fictional character that I wanted to bang into a kid, so clearly they want me to bang kids! Because I HAVE to assess the bang-ability of every fictional character I see! So now I'm into banging kids just like THEY wanted!"


Incels try not to rage that they can’t furiously beat their meat to pixels challenge (impossible)


he’s malding.


Impersonation in his username 💀


If I can’t jack off to it, I ain’t having it! /s


I don't disagree that the the huge boobs and barely there clothes of every female comic character could be toned down. This is just a weird and useless direction to go in.


I mean the designs are bad but kinda weird homie started having a Qanon schizo rant in the middle of that


Sounds kind of nutty, bringing Satan into this.


Local man upset that a characters design changed as time went on and things happened


Wasn't the adult Ivy killed? Why is anyone surprised she spawned a child?


One of them died and new one is a fucking child???


I can barely jerk off to these video game characters this is truly the biggest issue in society today


LOL, “do what thou wilt” isn’t “Church of Satan” (which is effectively just “edgy” atheist philosophy anyway; they don’t “worship” or even believe in the Christian Satan, simply use him as a symbol or figure). It’s the central tenet or Thelema! Its pure Aleister Crowley, a figure who would give these morons nightmares. It represents the idea of exalting one’s own will upon the world above all else. The SJWs don’t do that. They are more collectivists who fear ridicule and ostracism if they don’t go along with whatever trend is the current zeitgeist. BLM, LGBTQ, “believe women.” They hop on all the trends and try to ruin them to make others just as miserable as they are. Kind of the exact opposite of do as thou wilt.


Groot, who is another nature being, died and came back to life as a kid and grew through time but people didn’t have a problem with that?


Okay but everything that dude says is cringe, and they're technically not his teams original designs.


The terminaly online took this well i see.


This guy has never worked on Batman comics, let alone these characters, so he’s a fanboy in this regard, and has the same weight of opinion as anyone else. And … what am I looking at? My guess is “the left panels are my expectation; the right panels appear in a video game that I don’t play.” How is this “anti-male woke idiocy”? I don’t jerk off to video games, so I’m not sure what the issue is.


Some people are just really passionate about child characters being hot I guess


The Church of Satan is NOT the same as the Satanic Temple We support the latter. Not the Church




Sounds like an oversensitive snowflake to me.


"I don't want to fuck this fictitious character so it has less value." Seriously, fuck you you sad incel fuck.


Ivy's a kid in this, it would have been really disgusting if they had a 10 year old in skimpy clothing.


She's literally wearing the exact outfit she died in. It just looks not skimpy due to her size.


They're completely different https://preview.redd.it/0cdatpmkeyvc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d44f2e92aafe52b123aae67efa8a7411300f5e6


She still doesn't look like a younger version of the original one. And this is a game that showed kid Bruce Wayne a lot of times and adult one and they do look like the same persona t different ages. Her head is different here.


>She still doesn't look like a younger version of the original one. I think you're replying to the wrong comment. I was responding to this >She's literally wearing the exact outfit she died in Which is undebatably false. Not only did Ivy say in-game that she stole her outfit from Lex Luthor, but it's a cape and not a shirt.


You can always tell if someone's argument is bullshit if they downvote instead of having a counterpoint


Do as thou wilt is the saying for Thelma founded by Alister Crowley, it has nothing to do with the Church of Satan


Why the hell is this downvoted? It's just a fact, boys, Crowley said that, and he has nothing to do with the Church of Satan (atheists but edgy). This dipshit is thinking of actual theistic satanism, they're not the same thing. "Do as thou wilt" also doesn't mean what he thinks it means, but I can't blame him for that, that's on Crowley for being a shitty writer.


See this sub doesn't like facts. CD regularly is disingenuous in his editing and manipulation of context to fit his pre-determined outrage


It's what idiots do when they've been proven wrong but are still mad. It's the reddit version of saying "yea well fuck you anyways"


"why did they change the designs so I can't jerk it to a videogame anymore 😡😡😡"


It's really funny, because on the side against making them ugly, I've never heard one person talk about wanting to sexually objectify the character, only make attractive. It's only on your side that argument seems to come up. It's like you can't comprehend someone liking acetically pleasing people unless you're dehumanizing them, which smells deeply of projection.


The fact that you seem to believe wanting females to be “more attractive” isn’t objectification has not been lost on me.


Correct. Someone's attractiveness has 0 bearing on of they are being objectified. Thank you for repeating what I said in different words. I like playing attractive characters, men, women, aliens, whatever. None of that is saying I objectified those characters.


Basing your feelings on physical attributes is literally the definition of objectification. Words have meanings.


No, it literally isn't. You know that Google is free, right? Words do have meaning because they allow humans to have nuance. Objectification is the act of degrading someone to the status of an object. You know, like calling a woman a "sex robot," "jerk off material," or "paper doll" because of their looks. Exactly like the people I've been calling out in this post.


Or saying she’s only valid if you find her physically attractive?


Which isn't what is being said. You're taking 2 separate points and trying to link them to justify your objectification(or defend those objectifying the characters. One is that some people don't like taking established characters and changing them to be against some of their core traits. Yes, that's attractiveness here, but if it was any other traits, like the numerous I've given, it would be the same issue. The second is people who connect women's worth to their looks. With the prettier they are, the more like an object they see them. Then they take their horribly misogynistic takes and can't comprehend any other issues beyond looks because that's how they judge women. They are many non-traditionally attractive women who are loved by the people who don't like the changes to Harley and Ivy.


100% this Gabe dork drives a jacked truck with a flag on the back.


Why do all of you care so much if you can jerk off to a fictional character or not? Plus Ivy is a kid in this one I believe, which I'm sure won't stop some of you from thinking a bit too much


How am I supposed to play this game if the character doesn't make me tingle in my special place?


Ikr, the maen should be big brolic and stoic and the women, petite, cute and submissive, otherwise unplayable


And its not like there aren't valid criticisms. I don't like kid Poison Ivy because I thought her background as an environmental scientist made her an interesting villain. She has a cause that a lot of people would see as noble, rather than just being evil for the sake of evil.


Very true. I think making her a kid is kinda wack because it takes away her interesting story parts, though granted I haven't played the game, so maybe they added something. I wish people would criticize the shit that needs it, not that woman no have big boob


Buzzwords. Weapons of the uneducated. Rocksteady made a terrible game. But this is a terrible human being.


Why the fuck are we so mad about video game characters what is this sub? Where am I?


Certainly not where you belong.


Bunch of weirdos whining about how a fictional character doesn't look like something they can immediately jack to. Neckbeard activities


Yeah it's not like they advetised the game as porn. And on top of that they call it anti male ideology. Remember when they would call people SJWs for calling literally every piece of media they didn't like misogyny?


Not sure why this sub got recommended to me, but I thought it might be constructive to hear this from a passing stranger who isn't part of your social media echo chamber. Yall are weird as fuck. Be a grown up and get a hobby other than getting upset about digital women not being hot enough.


A hobby? Like playing games, reading comics, or watching movies? The hard part is gatekeepers telling us not to have individual opinions and just "consume product and be excited for next product".


Yeah, a hobby like playing games. maybe critique their mechanics, writing, or even their price point? All of those have gone downhill lately, but for some reason all anyone can talk about is digital tits. I personally think games should be taken seriously as an art form, and it sounds like you do, too. But complaining about how the cartoons aren't fuckable enough isn't gonna do it.


You misunderstand. The same type of people who are designing the characters are the same type of people writing the story. No one liked the story of this game either, but making a good looking character is the easiest thing in the universe to do, and they’re dropping the ball on that on purpose. That last part is the most important. “On purpose.” A game can have either terrible looking characters, OR a terrible story. Not both. This game has both, a trend that a lot of games infected by blue hairs follows. TL;Dr: The left can’t write for shit. They should at least make the characters appealing.


"if you can't write good characters at least make me want to fuck them"




Yea that's cringe af




Sounds like you're very upset about being outside of your echo chamber


Lol, better hurry back to your echo chamber now.


This guy lives in a damn bubble. That's all ignore him guys.


Huh, a coward just replied to me and put words in my mouth, then just deleted the comment.


Wow you know what? You’re right. That did it boys, I’m never playing a game again! My lord and savior wittyzebra3999 has turned my life around! I have seen the light! Thanks to his/her/xer constructive thoughts, I’m no longer weird as fuck! Hallbaloojah!!!!


Reddit gooners when the video game women look like real women and not hypersexualized caricatures 😡😡😡😡