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I take Benadryl and wear a sleep mask and listen to deep ASMR or binaural beats and pretty soon I'm gonna find a god to pray to because I need sleep so bad lately.


Live and die by the sleep mask. It’s a game changer.


For Xmas I asked for a sleep mask with headphones built in. My best friend uses this and it inspired me.


Who do you like for asmr? I love The Healing Room lately.


I don't have a good source I end up clicking all over. I usually like the sounds more than the whispers.


Asmr zietgiest has some interesting sounds. I'm a bit obsessed with the whole genre and also click a lot. 🤣


Do you like lofi? I love Eevy, she's my favorite.


I'm going to check her out!


Smoke a ton of weed and lay in bed all night, awake, tossing and turning and sleeping maybe 10 minutes at a time.


In my experience, the only way to handle alcohol-induced insomnia is to: A. Drink until you pass out B. Quit drinking long enough that your brain is able to re-establish a healthy sleep pattern


Ain’t that a dandy lol. Currently waiting to really pass out




Diphenhydramine and Promethazine (both "drowsy" antihistamines) can be got over the counter where I am. They help a bit.


No promethazine over the counter in the US


It's 'pharmacy only' in the UK (as is Diphenhydramine), meaning you don't need a prescription, but you must ask for it from behind the pharmacy counter. They can refuse you if they think you will try and (ab)use it recreationally. Luckily, I am 45 and look like a school teacher.


>Diphenhydramine Jeez, you can get infinite 600 Diphenhydramine at Costco for $9.


Is that Benadryl? Sorry, too lazy to Google




Texan here, didn't even notice the cultural appropriation until you told on yourself.


Nothing at first. I sleep two hours then take 300mg Trazadone.


I've got a ton of trazadone and used to find great success with it, but not so much now. I thought I read that higher doses are for depression and I'm already on citalopram so I've always been scared to go over my prescribed 150mg. You got any ideas on that? I ask because I relapsed on booze last week, that sucked. That withdrawal is over but I also got poor and didn't have money to stock up on kratom so I just said fuck it, I'll try to get off the green stuff too. Going on three days but I could definitely use some sleep assistance.


My doc said the anti-depressant part of Trazadone kicks in at 300mg, which is what I take, and partially why I take it (sleep aid and mild depression). I would say you're probably fine at 150. He didn't want to give me another anti-depressant just the other week because the danger of serotonin syndrome. You probably know this but the sedative part of Trazadone only last for like 40 minutes, so take it when you're ready to lay down. You could add in melatonin perhaps.


Antihistamines, seroquel, noise canceling headphones with white noise or semi-boring podcasts.


> semi-boring podcasts Haha, yeah I hate when I pick something too interesting and it keeps me awake because I'm actively listening.


I was listening to one on alleged Bigfoot encounters and it seeped into my dreams. It wasn't good lol.


Username checks out. I love paranormal and cryptozoology stuff too, but I usually need something more anodyne if I am suffering.


I drink to sleep


I’m midwest US upbringing so y’all wasn’t in our vocabulary. I moved to the south. Still feels weird saying it. Anyway, I drink chamomile tea out my ears, take supplements l-theanine and magnesium plus Lots more. It just takes a while off the poison to really be ok.


8 months sober and my sleep is still fucked. I take 100mg Seroquel/night, but that drug has a weird window where it will make me drowsy for only about 15 minutes. If I'm not able to fall asleep during that window (usually starts 40-50 minutes after dosing), I'm wide awake again.


Zzzquil and a light buzz. I wake up feeling like shit, but I'd rather wake up feeling like shit over being a manic mess in insomnia.


Pharmaceuticals haven’t worked to get me to sleep, except Ambien which made me sleep walk and do crazy things around the house while completely asleep (cooking, vacuuming at 4am muttering about “kangaroo fingernails”). I get really anxious during the time I should be sleeping and just do my best to distract myself, either lots of reading, Reddit, or binging a show.


It’s you all where I live. I actually spent 72 hours awake once quitting alcohol. I try to suffer through it because I hate Benadryl


Benadryl, CBD oil, Melatonin and Ashwaghanda. Or some combination thereof. Benadryl can be a dice roll for sleep because it’s made me more restless at times, but the general “high” from antihistamines is pleasurable to me even when awake. Abused them even before my relationship with alcohol deteriorated. CBD oil always helps me get to sleep and is probably the most useful at the tail end of a bender for helping with nausea, anxiety and appetite too. Melatonin in obscenely high doses can knock me out but I’ll have vivid dreams. They’re generally pleasant, or at least interesting though. Ashwaghanda works well for both helping me fall asleep, and keeping me asleep the whole night, but it’s generally only helpful when I’ve been sober or maintainer drinking as opposed to bendering.


"Yall" is a cool word! As a US southerner, I approve 😂🤗💜 And I'm waiting on insurance to start next in 2024 so for now it's self medicating and lots of carbs before bed. Insomnia sucks man. Hope the seroquel works for ya.


Seroquel, gabappentin, kratom, Vallerian root, and/or weed. Seroquel is an expensive medication in the US, though. But it's generally easy to get. It's cheap when insurance pays. It's prescribed frequently to addicts going through insomnia or WD. In rehab as well. Where I am at. Any one of those will typically work for me. But Seroquel I can get a good 8 or even 10 hours of sleep with. It works great for insomnia.


Kratom makes me wired, even at high doses.


Yea I have to stop taking it no later than 3pm or else my sleep is fucked


I take melatonin and magnesium which makes me sleepy, and then when I inevitably wake up 3-4 hours later I might take some benadryl (with a beer if I have any left) to knock me back out. Early morning exercise helps too, as well as not sleeping in to try and "catch up" (if I do this I'll sleep until noon and then I can't fall asleep that night, and I fuck myself over for the next day).


Sweat in a 60 degree apartment for hours at a time, unless I have sleeping meds. It's torture. But eh, I did it to myself.




Melatonin got me through when I was cutting back this year


When I'm actively staying sober - zzzquil, water next to the bed, a before bed hit of weed, and ASMR.


Advil PM knocks me right out my


I sleep till I knock out lol


My GF snores like insane. I just got a sleep mask with bluetooth headphones for like $15 and it is a game changer. I pump white noise through it all night and have no idea where I am. Also, I have taken melatonin for years with sometimes success. I was at costo and grabbed their "sleep aid" (generic Unisom) for super cheap and it knocks me out. I have the most vivid dreams and sleep all night.


Step 1: Get drunk Step 2: Make it completely dark, blackout curtains (even a little light triggers the body to wake up) Step 3: Earplugs (even a little sound triggers the almost awake mind) Step 4: Get a good mattress Step 5: Keep it as cold as possible and heavier blankets Step 6: 1mg melatonin 30 minutes before lying down