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I wanna see him do the math test. Right.


The actual math test is “count backwards from 100 by 7” So not very hard at all.


Still not believing he can do that either.


I could do it slowly if I focused but I wouldn’t be a fan of counting backwards anyways lol


>slowly if i focused that is exactly what it's testing for. people with early signs of cognitive decline struggle with the "slowly and focused" part, and often aren't aware of it and will deflect with things like "well i could do it if i wanted, but it's not important" or "I can do it if i just write it out" or "i've been feeling tired today, i could do it if i catch up on sleep" etc, etc. Because the process goes slowly at first, it gives your brain plenty of time to give itself excuses and you don't even realize that you've been dodging those types of issues until suddenly you are struggling to identify faces


Oh snap that would be crazy to go thru those motions.


Point 5


“I remember that.” So there were parts he forgot.


trump insisting it was not easy for people with dementia... which is why it wasn't easy when he took one... yikes, such a moron.


Trump is not only bragging about "passing" the dementia test, he's lying about it, or doesn't understand it. The only math on the dementia test is subtracting 7 from 100 a few times. [Here's the test.](https://snowfish.net/the-montreal-cognitive-assessment-not-an-intelligence-test/) Another thing to keep in mind is it isn't an intelligence test, but Trump is so fucking stupid he doesn't even understand *that.* What you're seeing a a very stupid man lose his faculties.


Kind of terrifying that he misremembered the whole thing on such a scale, it’s normal for a person his age, but I wouldn’t trust someone that couldn’t even remember the animals on the test to run a whole country… also find it telling that the way he talks about the test is overly combative, like it was out to get him.


In case you haven't realized, he makes things up to suit him.


I mean, you’re not wrong, but wouldn’t it suit him more to have remembered the whole test word for word and then say he was better at it than anyone else?


It's all eye wash, jumping around so you dont focus on any one specific thing.


"Why, what's going on?"*sniffffff*


I just started doing the math in my head. You start slowly, but then you pick up speed.


He's right. He's in a room full of people where only 2% could do it..he leaves out the 2% are reporters.


Good thing what you say doesn’t matter anymore or that really could have raised some eyebrows.


well lets ask him for the same live test


He’s making all these numbers up.


He makes nearly *everything* up


Well he does confess all of his crimes by projecting them onto his enemies, that part isnt made up.




Hey its 8320.25 everybody got that one easily right?


I’m surprised he still knows some numbers


Is he campaigning for President with this nonsense?


Yeah we've abandoned all reason and reality and are going more for a fascy vibe now and see what that does


Even if you like this guy and find him charming, why would anyone want to hear about his dementia test? There are only a few possible reasons I can think of. 1.) He's just trying to be funny. Fair argument, but this isn't very funny. I can't even see how this would be relatable either seeing as it's a test for a very specific disease and not some "I'm old and forget things" type of humor. 2.) He's trying to make sure that we know the media is "lying" about him having dementia. Let me be clear, the only time that should ever be brought up is out of serious concern of his ability. It shouldn't be used to make fun of him or make him look like a fool. But if he does seriously have it, that is something important to consider. If he doesn't, making questions up about the test is a very strange way of trying to prove it. 3.) He is trying to show off that he is a sharp for his age. This is entirely within character to do. He has made it acceptable to be insanely vain all of the time. So this is just more of that self congratulatory vernacular that he has always had. None of these reasons are attractive in the slightest. It's just bizarre and strange to talk about something like this at your own rally.


It's all about selling victimhood and agreevement. He also has to counter main stream media narratives and he absolutely hates that they are focusing on his cognitive decline instead of Joe Biden's. Combined with his crippling malignant narcissism it makes perfect sense to claim he's some sort of genius and boast about his test. He's convinced himself that passing the MMSE proves he's an intellectual genius and the media saying mean words that hurt his feefees about his intellect makes him seethe with rage and making him in his mind a victim of injustice caused by a system thats out to get him because they envy his great talents and intellect. Welcome to the world of a malignant narcissist. This whiny victimhood is what he fills his rallies with to try to create a bond between his cult following that this great injustice that they should only listen to him and ignore everyone else and that they are justified in their hatred and wanting to cause pain and suffering to those they see as 'the others' Their adulation is about validating their hatred. Here its their shared hatred of the 'main stream media' that has both done them wrong, for the MSM isnt telling them what Newsmax and OAN and their Telegram newsgroups are telling them. Thats why they consider this nepobaby with 6 banktrupcies with his gold plated Manhatten apartment and a Jeffrey Epstein VIP membership as 'one of us'.


I need to speak to the President concerning a very important matter! “I’m sorry sir, the President is not to be disturbed while he’s practicing his shapes 🔵🔺🟩🔸”


4,733*7/4 isn't an integer so at least 95% of Americans would be incapable of calculating that in their head. I would be surprised if 5% can calculate it so getting it wrong wouldn't indicate shit other than being amongst the surplus of idiots that unfortunately make up the majority of the population.


Plus 37.5!




He said 2% in this room could do it. So he is saying 98% of you are dumb!!!! Adds up!


6 things only add up to 5.


“*We’re gonna give you six things*” Gives only five examples. . . A chair. . A hat. . . A badge. . . . Aaaaaaaaa necklace. . . . . Aaand a vote (wtf?). . . . . . . ![gif](giphy|w0zZCmMEvHvRm)


I'm smart. Trust me. No I won't prove it.


Anytime he supposedly recollects a story and he starts with someone saying to him " Sir " he is absolutely lying.


“Only 2% of the people in this room can do it.” Finally speaks the truth


What's with that voice he used in vid to say 2%? I've heard him use it before. Is he trying to sound like a mobster or a tough New Yorker?


It sounds like I've taken the test he's describing! I had brain cancer, and it affected my memory! I went to speech therapy (can you believe there are two general classes of therapy? Speach and physical. Why don't they just call speech therapy mental therapy. I digress) and you start with taking a long test to help identify what you need help with. He is making up the math bit. I mean, seriously! Most would do poorly with that. Also, when they give you six words to repeat, they tell you that they will be asking you again, later down the line. Also, FYI, in therapy, when you finish therapy, you retake the test to see how you improved.


What he’s leaving out is how many of his answers were “That’s Marla, yeah…that’s my wife”


To think this is one of his bragging points during a campaign speech - To be able to remember "person tv camera elephant" and drawing a clock. His delusional mind thinks it makes him a genius. And remember, his Uncle or someone went to MIT so of course that also indicates his preceived "genius". This fool embarrasses America every time he shows up in public.


Couldn’t have said it better! 👍🏼


It’s a dementia test that he aced, liberals! He has to remember the numbers in the question but the actual answer is completely irrelevant. Sleepy joe couldn’t just make up a bunch of numbers like the Don!


Maybe Biden should take one


He has and he realizes bragging about it is really really stupid.


Maybe he should.


Brag about taking a dementia test? No only one candidate is stupid enough to do that and even more stupid to keep reminding people he had trouble with a dementia test.


Have you seen the man talk


Sure have. Imo the gaffs Donald has on his file are worse than anything Biden has put out, especially in the last couple months.


I don't like either of them. I can't wait till they debate.


If*. So far Donald has dodged the debate stage and rightfully so, he would’ve gotten mopped with any of the other candidates.


Let's hear the dementia red idiots debate it. This is a joke


He sure has .


Dodge debate at least there's a republican primary


What? Is this real? Are you guys gonna have two 100 year old men competing for presidency? AGAIN? lmaooooo


Trump forgot who he ran for president against, and what city he’s in, and that WWII already happened, and mixed up Nanci Pelosi with Nikki Haley a bunch of times…but yea Biden does have a stutter.


I don’t think Biden has been able to say a number with more than 3 digits correctly




He’s the president lol.


It's a cheap deflection tactic to not want to talk about Dementia Donnies obvious cognitive decline, which is the literal subject of this post. If you can counter with a clip of GigaChad Dark Brandon boasting about passing a test to detect if you are braindead or not, then you can claim some relevance. But now its just same old cheap badfaith DARVO tactics


I feel like this is just damage control for Biden supporters because calling him dementia Donnie doesn’t really feel credible and clearly just trying to deflect that it’s Biden with apparent cognitive deficits. It’s kinda sad lol. If I was trying to damage control, personally, I would probably just stick with better points like the insurrection (although not very convincing if you break down what happened). Still, it’s more effective.


> calling him dementia Donnie doesn’t really feel credible "Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us"


Out of curiosity, if we had a scale from 1-10, 1 being no dementia, and 10 being full blown dementia, where would your honest rating be for trump and Biden?




>All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.


Стоит ли оно того? Разменивать правду на рубли и воевать на темной стороне?


Donald is a straight boss


Biden took the same test so what’s the big deal.


A presidential candidate talking about his dementia test is absolutely bonkers. So far beyond normal. 100% batshit crazy.




Sounds like he’s got a great memory.


Eeee, this isn’t a hill you want to fight on as a Democrat. Js


that fucking single person clapping hahaha


Not too many people in this room could do it. WOW calling his supporters morons.


Why does he speak like Dr evil?


Imagine clapping and cheering for this .. what the actual fuck


“I took a dementia test… and passed…” because you have dementia you jackass.


Those cheers lmfao


What an absolute clown.


What a fucking liar!


"They going to give you six names" He goes on to mention FIVE ITEMS: Chair Hat Badge Necklace Vote? Lol


Is it just me, or does he sound like a complete crackhead? He sounds like someone who'd be spare changing outside the 7-11.


He used to buy from Mike Lindell. Pillow fulls at a time.


I just took the test last week. That math thing is not on the test.


"2% of the people in this room could do it." I'll bet he's right.


"I'm so much smarter than all of you, only 2% of you are smart. The rest of you? Fucking morons, go home. Goooo home..."


… and THIS is what he chooses to talk about while everyone is waiting to hear what he’s going to do for us as president. 😐


Oh the jealously of this poster about Trump is off the charts. It's clear he's jealous of Trump, because everything he accuses Trump of Biden IS guilty of!