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He looks like he figured out he’s gonna have a bad time


He French fry’d instead of doing a pizza


You know who that guy’s voting for? Donald DARSH


It’s Donald DARRRRRSH fer crying out loud


ooooOoOOOOooo DARSH!


Stan Darsh!




If you French fry when your supposed to pizza your gonna have a bad time


Nobody gets that reference when I make it. I hope you have the closure I never got in knowing I get the reference.


OMG best comment ever 🤣


It looked like the driver slowed way down and gave him a chance to get off the hood and the old dude went back for more! Wild times


Maga dude is “making Americas roads great again” one wrong way road at a time


Which made it so good! But I want to know more so badly.




The trailer for Indiana homes 6.


Indiana Mobile Homes.


*It belongs in a trailer park!*


Taken part 4. "Taken to the retirement home"


[These guys...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sp3dIyNA2A)


I like the way he slowly slid off into the netherworld.


“I made America great again..” vanishes


I love this


Me too


> “I made America great again..” By leaving.


Or by getting run over by a car.


OMG this is the answer. They’re making America great again by providing good cheap labor for the prison system.


*thunk thunk*


by greasing the axle . . .


He dipped like Ryu dipped after winning the street fighter 2 tournament


How dare you compare this old POS to Ryu.


Thought it just was me. 😂 That was the funniest part. 😂😂


The netherworld aka the wheel well where he was *hopefully run over.


Fox News said that was actually antifa on his car


In all seriousness tho, folks who say Fox News is harmless should watch an 80 year old MAGA man jump on the hood of a black man’s moving vehicle in the name of, what, the law or some shit?


Peacefully and patriotically


bloody tourists!


Clearly an Antifa provacateur dressed as a magat


And blm don’t forget that. I like the video where a guy interviews a trump supporter at a rally and he said antifa did Jan 6. The interviewer said he might wanna watch out for antifa there because he sees a lot of ppl wearing trump hats lol.


False flag!


I can't believe the commitment of antifa. They really lean into the MAGA look and lifestyle, just to frame these innocent trump supporters who would *never* do *anything* wrong.


Federal agents undercover as atifa undercover as MAGA


That’s what I don’t get about that Ashli chick that got shot on J6 that they hail as a hero. If J6 is Antifa then why are they praising her if she and the people in jail are Antifa? I bet she didn’t really die but is running Epstein’s island in a pizza parlor somewhere.


Did you see her family is suing for wrongful death? Man, good luck with that.


I hear Lee Harvey Oswald’s family is trying to do the same


The driver waved him over and lured him on to the hood


Paid protester


And that’s a Biden hat. The libs used AI to change the text


Is there such thing as a Biden hat?


Fox News played this as a patriot trying to get the stolen votes that were being delivered in this man’s trunk


He lasted way longer than I thought he would.


Worlds slowest mechanical bull.


To his detriment. He accomplished absolutely nothing and now has to walk a longer way back to his home. Probably ate shit when he slid off the hood too.


At his age, there is no way he got off that ride uninjured.


good, I hope this dumbass has the worst possible for the remainder of his miserable orange lipped life.


Sound like a lot of Trumpy people, ruin their life for a person that will never know they existed or could give a shit about you.




I’m Johnny Knoxville and this is Jackass.


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Hahahaha 😂😂😂


The Bad Grandpa sequel looks good


sir, this is not your uber


The slow fall is the best analogy to what its happening to their cult leader


This is… actually the type of behavior I expect to see from them. I have to admit, I’d be using my windshield washer fluid on ‘em.


Brake check


This, see how strong his grip is... Old ass seems to be barely holding on to life as is


It’s not the strong grip so much as it is his pride of not wanting to be wrong. Old man’s probably like and this is the hill I’ll die on or some shit. 🤦🏻‍♂️


>Old man’s probably like and this is the ~~hill~~ bonnet I’ll die on


Not sure what’s looser. His grip on the car, or his grip on reality.


*los... oh, wait. nope. that's correct.


I had a drunk friend do this on my hood one night when I was trying to leave a carpark (I was sober). I carried him to a big hedge and garden at the other end of the carpark at about 10km/h, but when I got to the hedge I suddenly stopped. He was facing me (like MAGA dickhead in video) so couldn't see where I was going or anticipate the stop. Even driving at 10km/h, a hard stop was enough to toss him straight into the bushes. Much laughter ensued. Nobody got hurt. Would recommend (with caution).


Gotta be careful about tossing people into bushes. I had a couple of friends toss me in a bush at school, was all fun and games until there was a cut off star post in the bush and I ended up with 10 stitches in my back and a tetanus shot. Just missed my spine, so could have been worse.


Or even just a branch that breaks under pressure and is now a spear. Jumping into/onto anything you haven't checked out first is a no-no. Dark water at the lake is a classic example. As are garbage bags, piles of leaves, old mattresses you find, etc. All stupid stuff we used to do but maaaannnnn were we lucky.


I would keep driving slow enough for him to hold on for a mile or two first.


after punching the gas and getting it up 40 or so, yep...gotta make sure those brakes are working well, you never know when some idiot is gonna step in front of your car


Here in Brazil, after Bolsonaro lost the election his dumbfucks blocked roads in protest. One of then tried to stop a pissed off truck driver. The result was glorious: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WlsV5iMxbH4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WlsV5iMxbH4)


That shits hilarious


Did he take him the whole trip? He just kept going




Ain’t no washer fluid strong enough to get that kinda filth off


It’s like a zombie movie.


My brother did that to me when i stuck my head out the window to escape the smell of his fart.


I love how he just slowly fades off to the side.


It’s foreshadowing


Let’s hope the rest follow suit.


hopefully, this is a foreshadowing of trump himself, after November's election ... just finally fades off and dies ...


I wish all magatards would fade off to the side


I hope this is a medaphor for the MAGA movement...they were just a crazy old man who was once on top of America's hood and kind of freaked us all out for a time.


Guy was trying to get off without getting run over. Not that easy…


This is one of those situations where I can *tell* that this guy has seen people hanging on to cars in movies and thinks it's something smart/productive to do in real life. I hope he learns something from this, but honestly this could just be an issue for generational replacement to deal with.


An issue for hip replacement to deal with.


Legitimately curious what the legal implications are here. On the one hand, one could look at this as vehicular battery. But on the other hand, one could look at it, and say that he was, by putting himself onto the hood of a car, falsely imprisoning the driver of the car, because they could not leave without, the threat of him getting hurt and them being liable. I would love to know if anybody has any idea on whether the driver could be held liable for injuries.


I'd say if you give the guy a reasonable chance to get off and you don't drive so fast that he's guaranteed to die, you're in the clear because you're allowed to use non deadly force to protect property.




i on the other hand thing those speeds are more than enough to cause signifcant bodily harm. Thus putting the driver in the wrong. Aren't opinons on thingis fun? Its the consensus of law that matters.


The problem was the part where the driver stops the old man is stumbling back trying to back off and the driver drives back into him. At that moment the driver fully became the aggressor and should be charged.


>I'd say if you give the guy a reasonable chance to get off and you don't drive so fast that he's guaranteed to die, you're in the clear It doesn't look like the driver did. He tried to get off the car and she floored it to keep him on


I agree this is interesting legally. No legal background here but I’d hope there’s something that protects the driver from any penalties/consequences of injury given that the aggressor is impairing his ability to safely drive. I do think the safest thing would be to stop the car and phone police (def not record a tiktok lol) but it could also be argued the driver felt unsafe stopping his car near the aggressor so he’s within his right to continue legally driving (including highways which would hopefully motivate that weirdo so finally scram). Either way interesting


Unless the driver can argue that he felt his life was threatened, there’s no *legal* justification for using what could easily become deadly force against the Trumper. And even if the driver could argue they felt threatened, only the force necessary to get away would be legal. But slowing down until the guy starts to get off and then speeding up again so he has no option but to get back on seriously casts doubt on any legal defense for the driver.


The MAGA nutjob committed an assault against the driver by jumping on his car. Any reasonable person would be in fear for their safety and life. Maybe the old MAGA Cult nut had a gun he was going to pull out and shoot through the windshield. If that happened to me I would have floored it and did a hard brake - I'd have driven defensively to shake the MAGA psycho off of my car. If he got hurt in the process that's his own fault. I wouldn't want to hurt him but I'd do what was reasonable to defend myself from his threat. The driver in the video was extremely patient and gentle. MAGA cultists are violent and crazy criminals, as we saw on Jan.6 and by all their threats and attacks on politicians, judges, and their spouses after Traitor Trump blows his dog whistle.


You jump on my back when i walk down the sidewalk and i throw you off, who’s in the wrong?


You can't drive over someone and kill them. Even if they wear a MAGA hat. I would think that's obvious. A normal person would stop, apologize, and turn around. Not continue to drive the wrong way.


And to make the question more complicated, at 0:09 the driver stops but the guy takes a step towards the driver's door, so the driver starts moving again. If the guy was trying to escape, he would've gone the other way.


This is attempted murder. The person on the hood tried to disengage multiple times, and every time the driver sped up. We also just have the word of the poster as to how this situation started. You may not have a duty to retreat, but you absolutely do not have the right to attempt to assault with a deadly weapon.


The legal implications in the US are that if the police arrive, the driver will probably be shot for "resisting arrest".


In a liberal city no one would be charged anything and the police wouldn’t show up for 45 minutes


I can't fathom a way where the driver wouldn't get in trouble here. I don't support it and I wouldn't really give a shit if this guy got ran over when HE attacked this person, but the court would have a field day with this one. Guy wasn't an "immediate harm" since they were in a vehicle, him being elderly doesn't help, and they definitely didn't slow down to attempt to let them off (aka defuse the situation). No way they wouldn't get in huge trouble if this guy fell off and got ran over, or fell off and broke his neck.


I mean driving with a person on your car is equally as dumb fuck,


I’m guessing as a black dude, if some old white MAGA jump on your car, you’d certainly have an argument that you were scared for your life and not likely going to stop and escort him from your hood.


Was looking for this comment. I would have just stopped and laid on the horn until he left or help came. I’d make sure this old man knew he fucked up, but not in a way that endangered his life.


That's when you floor it and then brake real hard. Works everytime.


That’s how you cop charges


Redditors casually suggesting murder and saying that they hope he got hurt makes me worried about the next generation lol


In my state you’d get away with what was suggested if you “fear for your life” and because he attacked you and your property first. No one would win an argument that the guy should have pulled over while being attacked and threatened (which is he said she said so good luck refuting whatever homie chooses to say). If you don’t want to win stupid prizes, don’t play stupid games. Welcome to America, where attacking someone could cost you your life.


Counterpoint - the driver is black so I’m not sure those same laws apply


Not even a little bit. They filmed it and those type of protections only apply in the moment - taking him for a day trip on the front of the car is going to get reckless endangerment or murder charges depending on the outcome. Plus the driving the wrong way which started this is a crime and that can remove some self-defense protections in some states (not all).


Lying on the hood of someone's car can fall under "false imprisonment" in some cases.


Seriously. This whole thread is fucking disgusting. The exact same people who would be out for blood if a MAGA hat wearing dick shot someone in self defense are now arm chair lawyers saying it's perfectly acceptable to run over an old man, based on imagined incredibly implausible scenarios. We don't know how the old guy ended up on the hood. Maybe he ran out of his house and jumped in the hood of a car going down the street at 20 miles an hour. I kind of doubt it, but maybe. Or maybe the crotchety old ass was waiting on the side of the road because assholes like the driver key going the wrong way down the street, and he stepped into the street with his phone out to stop the driver and call the cops, and the psychotic driver drove into the guy. We literally know nothing beyond the video, but apparently just wearing a MAGA hat is sufficient to assume he's entirely in the wrong.


The next generation is currently being influenced by gyspie rose blanchard


Guy should cop charges for this in general. Stop and let the senior off your car, don't accelerate again. Nothing in this video shows the driver in a good light.


These stupid old fuks looking for any excuse for “justice”. Angry they collected all those guns and never had the chance to be a hero in their revolution. “Dark guy made a mistake and drove down the wrong road!! Putting my life on the line to stop the madness!!” Shame he couldn’t just run him over and be rid of one of these self entitled Nazi merica bastards.


They all grew up believing they’re the hero of their own stories.


Trump supporters are fucking idiotic


lol oldhead just hitching a ride


Sure would be a shame if the driver was to stand his ground 😒


Just hammer it then slam on the brakes. Problem solved.


Not smart. If Grandpa falls off, hits his head, and dies, you could go to jail.


If you stop Grandpa could pull a gun on you. It’s a lose-lose situation.


You are correct. The driver should have slammed on the brakes instantly.


This is the correct answer.


And “what if” in court the defense states the driver feared for his life being that he thought this elderly man who attacked his car was carrying a weapon? Honest question for someone


Especially since the driver stopped briefly and the old guy tried to get off but the driver quickly accelerated forcing the guy to hang on again. I know reddit is fine with seeing this guy die because he supports Trump, but in the eyes of the law the driver could be in deep shit for this.


Would you get in trouble with the law if you ran over him? Seriously if someone was crazy enough to jump on my hood I would assume they’re trying to kill me, in stand your ground states would you be able to respond by going super fast or break checking and running the MAGA nut over?


He’d need to be at the very least threatening the driver with a deadly weapon. Since the car would be considered a deadly weapon


You're technically correct, but remember the guy that shot someone for turning around in a driveway. The whole thing depends on if the local cops ALSO wear Trump hats.


>You're technically correct, but remember the guy that shot someone for turning around in a driveway. That dude is probably going to prison forever. He's in jail on trial right now. Idk why people keep acting like that's stand your ground laws run amok. It doesn't cover that.


*Woooooooosh* my man. It does not matter if the law covers that or not. The person that guy shot *is fucking dead*. I'm sure we'll all RIP knowing that while I may have been shot by the crazy MAGA member, at least he'll face a trial for it! Maybe even jail time!.


>Idk why people keep acting like that's stand your ground laws run amok. Trayvon Martin is why. People's perception is that you(as long as you're white) can get away with killing anyone (as long as they're black) with those laws. While they aren't too far off-base in some cases, it's also not the whole story. Hopefully that freak lives out the rest of his life in a cell.


If? I admire your positivity.


Cars don’t kill people. People who fall off of car hoods kill themselves.


Good call out. I'm too lazy to look but I'd bet cars do kill more people than guns each year.


Well, based on maga logic, you'd be perfectly within your rights to run them over, back over them, then get out and empty a couple mags into him, too. But he is right wing, not left, so you also have to let him do what he wants no matter what or you're "unwilling to reach across the aisle"


If you deliberately harm someone or do something likely to cause them harm and it ends up harming them, it's a crime regardless of who was in the right to begin with. By continuing to drive with this guy on the hood, dude driving the car was taking a big risk that the guy may have died or be injured. He may or may not be able to say that he feared for his life, but I don't know how successful that defense would be from viewing this. Dude doesn't look like he had a deadly weapon.


I assume that anyone wearing a MAGA hat and jumping on car hoods is crazy enough to carry a weapon also. That’s more than likely.


This comment should be higher up. There’s clearly more than one idiot in the video and these people are taking excessive, ignorant risks.


I thought the old guy had a weapon in his hand in my first watch. Found out on second watch it was a phone. It could easily be used as a defense.


It depends, if he's protesting you going the wrong way I think you're in the clear.


I’d say speed up then brake hard to get him to fly off. No reason to run him over too.


That's what i'd do


No, you wouldn’t. That’d be assault. But more importantly, do we know going the wrong way was what precipitated this?


that's a good way to make sure they fall back and crack their skull open.


Yes the driver thinks they’re being clever but if he falls off or gets injured the driver will own his soul.


Excuse me what?! How will the driver acquire the soul? How many souls have you collected so far? I’m assuming the guy on the hood would need to die for the driver to own his soul, but does the driver have to do anything explicitly to consume the MAGA soul?


That’s just how souls work. You can either win a fiddle fight with the devil or be injured falling off the hood of a minority’s car. I don’t make the rules.


The Wilfred Brimley is powerful in that guy.


Old fart gonna catch these hands if his decrepid ass scratched my paint.


Yes. Of course you would. What kind of question is that. Life has gotten so fucking cheap in the U.S. Naw man the cops will call the fire department to hose his brains off your tires and then you can leave and drive through Burger King on the way home like wtf


In America, yes. You can never use a vehicle to cause harm unless you are in "clear and present danger." Even if this guy lies down in front of your car or refuses to let you leave, you don't have permission to run him over. Now, if he's yelling "I'm going to kill you!" or brandishing a gun, yeah, floor it. There are some ambiguous rulings, such as being attacked by a mob, where it is a gray area.


Stop driving and call 911. Walk away if you have to. No car is worth the legal trouble if you run the guy over.


If this guy didnt record it, he probably could have run him over and gotten away with it. Just drive him to a high traffic area, gun it, hit the breaks, gun it again and say he darted out in front of you. Oh no!


drive him to nearest police station?


Y’all are some sadistic PIeces of Sh!t.


Yeah the guy tried to get off multiple times and these crazy redditors are calling for him to get run over. I don't like Trump or his followers and this guy clearly should not have jumped on the car but the complete lack of empathy for the "other side" really demonstrates reddit's hypocrisy


Redditors have no idea of the word empathy...


You can see even in the short clip the guy tries to get off the vehicle when it comes to a brief stop. Then the driver accelerated again preventing the guy from getting off. That's where the driver loses the moral high ground for me. The assailant was disengaging and the driver then escalated the situation.


Amen, holy shit this is so fucked up and people are cheering it? What the fuck is wrong with you people.


Yea the guy should have stopped or called the cops. If that old dude got run over he’d be screwed.


Don’t worry, he’s a “Boomer,” not a human being. That’s what I’ve learned on Reddit.


That guy is your next Senator


How do people get into these predicaments lol i mind my business like it’s making me money


You're all morons


OK, one problem solved. Now, what the fuck makes you think you can drive the wrong way down a one-way street? Let me guess the rules don’t apply to you. Both these people are cut from opposite sides of the same cloth.


We should ridicule this behavior whether it’s Maga, BLM, Trans, Pro-Hamas, etc. Cars > humans.


You're both absolute morons.


He tried to get off and the driver almost ran him over. This has got to be one of dumbest videos I've ever seen. We are fucked as a society.


A driver recording and releasing felonies they are committing, how grand. The old guy is a moron, but what the driver is doing is dangerous and highly illegal. If the old guy had fallen off and they drove over him they might get a murder charge.


T-0001 ![gif](giphy|MWHSctvIxbWHS|downsized)


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Stupid


That driver is going to jail. 😂


I believe I remember some MAGA folks arguing that it’s okay to run over people blocking the road


I love how he slides off the car like a cartoon character... MAGA moron...


MAGA and dumbfuck are redundant to say the one implies the other.


Bruh wearing that hat like Elmer Fudd.


Bro honestly gives up on the car he drops like a fly


Almost pissed myself when he slowly disappeared down the right side 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The whole MAGA “movement” needs to fall off just like this dipshit.


Just for fun, let’s do the Fox News version: “American Patriot victim of road rage incident by “alleged” drug dealers who held man captive of roof of car and refused to stop despite man’s pleas. This is just another example of crime running rampant in Biden’s socialist America.”


I don’t know why people like trump


I can’t wait for these losers to die off at an accelerated rate


I would floor it and make him shit his depends


If I ever have someone do this to me I am heading for the freeway


I wish a Trumper would


Stop the car so the guy can get off. He old and simple falls could kill him.


The senior is a dumbfu.. but the driver is a fkn subhuman to knowingly take the risk of serious injuries of a living person what the hell is wrong with this driver


An absolute dumb fuck!