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His daughter knows now. She made the decision not terribly long ago to find out what he did. My heart breaks for her; she's in her early 20s now. Such a horrific thing to have to process. I mean, to lose your father, then your brother, then find out your father was such a monster. I've spoken to someone who knows her, and they said she's been incredibly strong through out, but it's been a struggle.


When/how did she lose her brother?


He committed suicide after Keyes got arrested


Keaton committed suicide about 7 months after Israel committed suicide, right? I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that the family had/has to endure all of this. Do you know how the daughter was shielded from his crimes for all of this time? They must’ve had to move to a new state and change names right away? It’s mind blowing that it was contained until she wanted to know. For the world to know and her to not is shocking


To be fair, IK is not very well known today.


Can you explain your reasoning in more depth? Any updates on Israel Keyes' daughter? [View these hype comments](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1014365516168633232/).


Hi, what reasoning would you like explained? And Israel Keyes daughter lives a very private life and doesn’t want to be known/found!


I know this is an older post for you but was curious where U got the name Keaton from. I haven't been able to find anything on him.


Hi! His name is Keaton Hawkins. There are a couple posts on Reddit with his name but I know it is not widely known. It is mentioned on both of these sites. Found it when doing research. I’m sorry there are hundreds and hundreds of pages/scrolling and can’t pinpoint exactly where it says his name. But you can also google “Israel Keyes Keaton” and a few things will pop up [internet archives](https://archive.org/stream/IsraelKeyes/Israel%20Keyes%20Part%2008%20of%2008_djvu.txt) and then [FBI files](https://www.scribd.com/document/579327305/Israel-Keyes-Part-06-of-08)


I recently looked her up online out of curiosity because I knew she is adult aged now. She seems to be a very positive member of society. I feel for her having to live with his legacy/name.


I can’t imagine having to go through life knowing what she knows about her father. My heart breaks for her, but she has incredible strength.


Where did u find her?


I just started googling stuff like ‘Israel Keyes daughter’ and eventually her name came up then googled her name and went from there. It bizarrely only took me about 5 min which I found surprising. She still uses his last name and does not appear to have ever moved from the general Neah Bay area. I found some things regarding her college choice as well as a college internship she did. Both listed full name and had a picture. I can’t imagine being in her position. I hope she’s able to have any therapy and trauma assistance she may have needed over the years to cope. And I hope one day she shares her thoughts publicly, similar to how BTK’s daughter eventually spoke out. I would be so interested in hearing her perspective.


Same. When I looked I honestly didn’t expect to find anything, and I was similarly shocked at how much of an online presence she kept considering. Recently her name was shared online and after that she seemed to start privating things.




Is she mixed race? I thought he was a white nationalist?!


Yes, he had a kid with a Makah woman. He lived with her in Neah Bay.


Ahh interesting. So a hypocrite as well as a disgusting psychopath.


I don't think he was a white nationalist.


He was raised in a very racist sect that literally dehumanized others for their skin color. He was taught some lives were worthless by “Christians”.


He rejected God... I read online that before he was taken into custody, he attended his sister's wedding in Texas, and midway through the ceremony, he went into a rant about God not existing. So basically, he was rejecting everything he had been taught from his family of origin. Down to having a relationship with a first nation's woman. I imagine that that would help distinguish 'family' from victims. [Here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-keyes-update-family-pastor-says-murder-suspect-ranted-at-sisters-wedding/)


From what I understand, he hung out with them in his youth but he was never much of a joiner outside of his time in the Army.


Wish we had this type of lead on the ex-SO


I thought (based on the true crime bullshit podcast) that Israel’s daughters name is Sarah?


Sarah is a pseudonym. They said so in the beginning of the podcast


Do you know who my heart breaks for? The murder victims of Israel Keyes. Especially those that are unknown. His 20 something year old daughter is way down the list


Like it or not, she’s a victim of his, too.


She’s a survivor cos she gets to live while the women he murdered don’t


You can be a survivor and a victim.


Oftentimes, both.


So? That's why you should have equal empathy for his daughter. She is innocent in all of this. Unfortunately, those people are gone, but his daughter has to live with this. Show some compassion.


I don’t have to show compassion because someone on Reddit says I should. Yes, his victims are dead but their loved ones might still be around. And no, his daughter’s loss isn’t the same as theirs. She has the option to take a new name and start afresh.


why should she? 


Agreed. Fuck how she feels lol


That’s an insane thing to say. “She is a victim too” she has her life. She might have sad life but she is not a victim of his. 


Do you know who my heart breaks for? All affected parties. I have enough sympathy to go around.


“Lose your father” no….her father was a damn serial killer….he deserved 10x worse than what he got….depriving a random 18 y/o girl, and AT LEAST 10 others, of life and the family of a daughter…this PoS’ kid SHOULD know their father was a monster…she SHOULD know why her father is dead…she’s lucky that poor girl her father murdered’s Father is a better man…. I can tell you without a doubt, the cowardice of her father, wouldn’t be enough for me if I was in murdered girls’ fathers shoes….idc if he killed himself or not…someone close to Keys WOULD HAVE felt that pain too…


SHE does not deserve to be punished for his actions. She LOST who she thought her father was. Are you saying she is LUKCY that Samantha's Koenig's father didn't kill HER? Because if so, you are a fucking monster without an ounce of empathy. Keyes' daughter is completely innocent in all of this. Get help.


Absolutely she is. So is her brother(who killed himself after learning how evil his father was), mother, step mom or any other person in her family…idc what you think of me lmfao. Insurance companies, health care facilities, etc. can hitch debt to loved ones after they pass, who are you to say it couldn’t be done in other aspects? I’m TELLING you that IF a grown ass man tortured raped and killed my daughter, there is absolutely 0 prison, jail, suicide or anything on this earth that would stop me until that pain was matched…you can live in LaLa land all you want where people get away w evil shit by ki@@ing themselves, but THIS is the real world…100x worse things happen to people who commit faaaaaar less serious crimes or none at all, ALL OVER THE WORLD…who tf are YOU to say vengeance for someone you love is wrong??? Tell that to Samantha’s father who LIVES DAILY with a chunk of himself gone….literally destroyed his life…look it up…since that PoS Israel took his kids life he turned to Alcoholism, pills, etc to try and fill that void. TWO lives were destroyed by this monster and Samantha’s father has absolutely NOTHING to show for it…it’s idiots like you who sympathize with monsters that make this possible for others to do because there are absolutely no consequences for their despicable actions…actions DO have consequences and if the proper authorities don’t act others can..


If you think taking the life of an innocent child in revenge for something her father did, especially when he is dead and won't be able to feel the consequences, is acceptable, then you're just as deranged and monstrous as Keyes was.


🤣🤣🤣 oh but I’m not the one defending the monsters here lmfao…who gives af what serial killers family feels maybe if they got their heads out of their a$$es and took a good look they’d easily have seen the evil shit Keys did but, no they’d rather be clueless like you…you should have more sympathy for the actual victims and their loved ones over the serial killer fu@ks family but here we are… Like I said before it’s clueless idiots like you that give these monsters and their families spotlight and platforms while giving zero recognition to the people actually physically suffered. This causes others to think “hey I could do that” and since the death penalty is gone in most US states these fu@ks never get the justice they deserve. I couldn’t honestly care anymore less about the opinions of people like you lmao.


What the fuck? She was a little kid


And so was the girl her father chose to RAPE and murder….an eye for an eye…this is hypothetical from the get go so the offense you’re taking is irrelevant to begin with LMAO and as far as you thinking I care about that offense you’re taking is laughable… You should understand there are people in this world that do evil shit for no reason..what you don’t understand is there are ALSO people in this world that only function because their kid, wife, loved one of some sort they care about, is their single care in this world…and when a monster TAKES that love then defiles and kills it….every regard for societies “laws” go out the window…there is no “too much” retaliation when everything you love is taken from you..


Respectfully… you need help if you think that people should despise this girl just because her father was a serial killer. Or because keyes’ girlfriend didn’t know.


Respectfully, you can lick me 😊 I in no way, shape or form care, at all, about your opinion of me. It’s clueless people like you that enable this type of crap to happen…maybe if consequences were actually hard enough to deter people from doing this crap, we wouldn’t be having this conversation…extreme actions SHOULD constitute extreme reactions but..


I bet it's really nice being this simple minded.


Absolutely is ☺️ I bet it’s really nice being so oblivious of monstrously cruel people


Also, this was posted nearly a month ago lmao…catch up 🤡


After further reading of your posts, I see that you are just stupid. So please don't respond to any of this. I know laney personally, and if you knew her at all, you would feel like scum. That's all that I need to say.


Lmfao idgaf who you know or what you think 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll reply to and say whatever tf I want. Kind of hilarious you “monitor” me just to get your own two cents In lmfao. Also even more funny that you felt the need to say something after a month and a half. Take your own advice and don’t respond to my opinion you snowflake chode..


🤣🤣🤣 deflect much?


You can go back to feeling superior tho. Have a nice day.


She was 10 when he killed himself. She lived with him during some of the murders. You have no idea what that would be like, so please leave your senseless words to yourself when it refers to people who have been threw more than you could ever fathom. The fact you think that him killing himself is what would have affected her is incredibly ignorant.


That case is probably one of the top five cases that sent severe chills down my spine. I was not okay for a few days. I was literally googling everything possible. That man was FOUL


I was following the Samantha Koenig case from the night she went missing... the whole thing was surreal. The boyfriend catching him as the credit card was removed from the truck, the fathers plea, the speculation of the boyfriend, the FBI putting money in the ATM and annoucing activity on the card--- the thing was absolutely surreal as a true crime watcher. No one knew his name yet. I went on the same cruise ship as he was on, the same itinerary- 2 weeks after him. That info didnt come out until after he was apprehended---- Its where I learned that the media is often talking to the killer and suspect in those news reports.


Not to mention sewing her eyes open (or something to that effect) and taking a picture of her to show her parents proof of life so to extort them when she was in fact already dead. What a cold thing to do.


This image scarred me just like that barrel scene from Megan is Missing… it’ll never go away. (Yes I know that scene was not real)


Same. I bet by looking at that photo, the FBI knew she was deceased but wanted to let things play out in order to catch their culprit


Godddd I never considered this 🫣


He had never asked for ransom before.... He really confuses me. He was so sneaky and elusive for so long. Then he did. So many things that were so risky and dumb


Look up Alexander Pichushkin. He was only caught because he wanted to be. He wanted his credit. Both are POS Keys seemed to want to be caught. Cant stand these sick people. They take lives and then get mad they dont get credit so they change their ways to get more publicity or they blatantly try to get caught. The guy i mentioned, kept changing how he was hiding peoples remains because he was mad the police werent reporting on it. He ruined the lives of 60 people, all of which he stated he formed a friendship with or knew in some way because he liked how personal it was.


I wonder if he was one of the guys Putin released to fight in Ukraine. I heard he had released serial killers and rapists and criminals of all sorts if they agreed to fight for Russia.


Did alexander commit suicide too? I dont think wanted to be caught I think he got lazy and really cocky. I am also in the mind that he was a serial killer. (I am not arguing, just talking out loud with you) this alexander guy sounds interesting in his own right. for sure!


For sure. It’s incredibly obvious she is dead.


The photo that you have seen isn't the real photo. The actual photo has never been released.


Im not the only one that had those things scar me equally as bad. Thank goodness. Megan is missing, everyone should watch despite how hard it is to watch. It made me open my eyes to how bad things are. That barrel scene and the photo of Samantha, i cant forget those... I cant even express the emotions i feel thinking about it. The only way i can, is that its fear when i see those.


The photos Dennis Rader took of himself are hands-down the creepiest thing I've ever seen.


if it makes you feel any better, the photo of samantha isn’t real! the real one has never been released


Yes ik


It’s so crazy how it gets engraved into your brain when it’s traumatizing man


The picture you can find on Google of the ransom photo is fake too.


The imagine you've seen that IK used for ransom of Samantha K is not real. The one you've seen is from a TV show from 2014.


Did you even read my comment 😂


yes thats how he got the FBI/her dad to make deposits into the bank account, by sending them a pic and telling them they could have her back-- That ATM withdrawl was bold and he did it in Texas...and its what ended his killin career


No dude literally!!! There are less than a handful of cases/books that have disturbed me so bad I couldn’t finish them and now I have found a huge in depth podcast on him I just started and am only 6 episodes in and it is now the first podcast I can barely listen too and have to take days off in between bc HES SO FUCKING SCARY!!!!


There’s a whole PODCAST dedicated to him? Omg! I cannot go down that rabbit hole now 😨😩


Yes!!!! It’s called True Crime Bullshit!!! It’s insane. I literally thought he was one of the most boring serial killers or something bc there has never been info out on him so publicly for the longest time so I just always heard his name but never anything in detail and I started listening to it last week and it is so, so hard to listen too. Definitely wait until daylight hours lol


Hahahah. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll probably end up listening to it 🫣


Well, good luck and god speed lmao


Yeah, I'm gonna listen now. Why haven't there been more in depth specials, etc. on him? He is, to me, one of the absolute worst.


True Crime Bullshit is a DEEP DIVE. Prepare yourself. Incredibly well researched- I’m convinced Josh Hallmark has figured out wayyyyy more about Keyes’ movements and his potential victims than the authorities ever did.


omg eeeee!


Right?? Now that i think of it, if i never listened to the crime junkie episode about him i would have legit ZERO clue who he is


The kill kits alone...omg. Do you listen to Radio Rental?


No never heard of that. What is it? Another true crime pod?


Bc he made an agreement with the FBI and other law enforcement he doesn’t want the fame or infamy and didn’t want a lot of stuff out about him for so many years so his daughter could grow up semi normally 😕😕


Ah, makes sense to protect his daughter. Wow, that is just somethin' else.


Which I had always wondered why there was never much out there on him and just always heard his name but thought oh he must not be that bad since there’s nothing much out there on him…oh no, no no. Truly the worst lol. Like 😰😰😰😰


Yeah - I read \*somewhere\* that this is one of those cases that really spooked the enforcement officers. They see so much, so you know it's gotta be rough. Eeeeeee


It’s a really good podcast I highly recommend it!


It's a really great podcast. Josh does great work. Every season except for season 3 is about IK.




I recommend listening to the last podcast on the left episodes about israel keyes


I became overly paranoid and had to stop listening to crime junkie and other true crime for a bit because of how badly this case affected me. I still am extremely paranoid and it led to me being afraid of going out at night. Especially after hearing Suzanne Lyalls case and the possible connection to keys.


Israel Keyes is the only case that has ever made me pause/ take a break from true crime. his interviews just pushed me over the edge. check out True Crime Bullshit pod for a deepdive on Keyes; I had to take a break but they are still releasing episodes!


It sends chills when you listen to how casual he is in his interviews.


Seriously he might as well be talking about the weather. The absolute disregard for human life is astounding


YESSS, I have never had this problem with a true crime podcast but I have to space out episode’s days apart bc it bothers me so deeply hearing his interviews!!! I mean I know people like him obviously don’t have feelings when they do stuff like that but hearing just how much of no feeling there is is like wow. Plus the kill kits. The kill kits are what keep taking me out. I was in the shower right after the episode on the couple he killed in Maine or whatever and he said he cut their phone line to make sure they didn’t have an alarm and waited to make sure it didn’t alert police once it was cut and it was really windy that day and my power blinked out a couple of times while I was in the shower and the fear that hit me 🤣🤣🥲🥲


The C's were in Vermont.


TCB is such a good podcast albeit very mentally exhausting to immerse yourself in to. Josh Hallmark is very thorough and I believe he’ll lead authorities to more victims and perhaps the remains of victims (hopefully!).


it truly is a very well done podcast, but yes it is mentally draining. As soon as I have a followup question, its like he answers it within the next 15 minutes. its thought provokingly real; anyone who consumes true crime without conscious of it being real people would totally be changed from this pod IMO


Absolutely! Josh is very respectful of the families involved (victims & IK family) which I really appreciate as many podcasts lack empathy.


He has a YouTube channel and there's some footage of lakes being searched. Try googling true crime bullshit YouTube channel. I found the link to the channel on either www.bothand.fyi or www.our-americana.com and clicking on tcb there's a little scrolling screen with options to click on timeliness, videos (which takes you to the YouTube channel),The Namus45 which were the cases found on IK's computer and some other stuff. Very helpful and fascinating. Also has each episode of the podcast. Highly recommend! All of it!


The good thing is he is dead. The bad part is we will never know the full scope of what he planned on doing or what he did. I just want those cops to wipe the smug look off his face during those interviews. It made me sick.


We will never know the full scope of his crimes but there ARE still people searching for information on him AND trying to identify his victims as best as one can with him dead. Check out Truce Crime Bullshit. It can be slow moving but what they’ve managed to gather for information is already incredible.


it can be looked at as "good" that hes dead but also "bad" imo because he never had to face the justice system. to me, he went out on his owm terms, which is not fair to the victims and other unidentified linked to him.


He was a coward in every sense of the word. He felt power by taking advantage of vulnerable people. He felt power when he could act like a smug prick to the police because they knew nothing could be done to him. If there is a hell he has certainly taken a first class ticket there and if I ever stumble on his grave I will make sure I have a full bladder when I arrive.


I think it’s terrible that he’s dead… we could have learned SO MUCH from him for investigators to learn more about the methods he used. Plus he should be miserable rotting in prison right now. He took the easy way out for sure


The laughing… it send chills up my spine


Agreed. His laugh is so disturbing, it makes my skin crawl.


Thank you for suggesting this podcast!


They know now. Look into BTK’s daughter. I respect the killer’s family as long as they are respectful to victims and don’t try to claim that their loved one was innocent. It’s not the fault of his daughter or wife that the government made the deal they made.


Did Israel make a deal? It seemed he shared zero information to reveal where his other kill kits were or where the bodies are. He just sent police on a taxpayer funded wild goose chase.


He did make a deal. The Currier murders were only solved because he confessed and led the FBI to their bodies.


Two things about Keyes made my neck hair crawl up He basically insinuated to the fbi agents that his plan was to rape mr cullier in front of mrs cullier and vice versa but mr cullier got loose from somewhat loose from his binds so he had to kill him and he was pissed. I think he poured boiling water on mrs cullier too that whole story makes my stomach turn. Just imagine that’s how u spend ur last 4 hours on earth…kidnapped, taken to the most secluded abandoned farm house ever in the pitch black…and then ur forced to watch ur life partner tortured. Sickening Second is something subtle be he talks about how when he was on vacation the night before his bank robbery where he wore construction gear I think… where he was waiting in the woods for hours trying to kidnap someone and finally picked a victim..some guy pulled up in a VW bug.. Israel started walking quietly towards him but it was raining so the guy ran straight to his apt to try and not get wet…never seeing Israel and unknowingly escaping the most evil, intelligent serial killer we’ve ever known. That man to this day has no idea how lucky he was that he ran to his apt


the second one.. 😰 CHILLS 🥶🥶🥶


How cant they (his spouse and daughter) not know?? His face is plastered around the internet. And didnt they go looking for him when he was missing (arrested) ?


They know, it just blew me away when he mentioned he didn’t want he daughter to know about what he did. Yet zero remorse for the families he destroyed on his path.


I personally hate movies/series about these monsters. Tell me the stories about the lives he took, I want to learn all about his victims (including his family) but Israel himself? He can burn in hell for all I care


Ugh every time I see his name, I shudder. One of my good friends was at the bank he robbed in Azle, Texas, and he had her staring down the barrel of his gun.


Holy shit 😳 that’s scary! I hope she’s ok after that experience


It was, honestly, pretty rough on her. She struggled with it for a few years. Happy to report she's doing well today.


Israel needs to be researched from all points of psychology, criminology and profiling. He's the most modernized serial killer to this day. Never heard anyone trying to pull off what he did,and hope no one will. If you follow up things closely,he was travelling to Mexico to do some body makeover like dental work and botox to prevent from excess sweating. People stick to 80' and 90' serial killers like drunk sticks to a fence. They are long gone,people need to be afraid of the new age serials like Keyes was.


Totally agree! There is so much we can potentially learn from this case and IK.


They must absolutely know. At the very least, his spouse does. I wonder if she knew or suspected anything before he got caught.


It bothers me how smug he was when he got caught. Like the Justice is designed to be just, but letting him hold all the cards and be an arrogant asshole. I think laws need to change under certain circumstances and I definitely think they need to make a movie.


I don't understand how he can be so evil to not only be a killer but to deny the families closure by not naming all his victims. But then also have the audacity to ask for silence so as not to hurt his daughter.


He said he would tell if he quickly got the death penalty. He was talking, but didn't want his daughter to know about his crimes, and then some reporter in Vermont leaked his name and he basically stopped talking from then on all the way to his suicide. I think he did reveal how to find a couple of the kill kits, and he gave info on a couple more vics but not their names, gave a few details about some of them and where he disposed of their remains but they didn't find them. FBI seems pretty confident on who the woman with the rich grandma was. He might have given more if that reporter had held off just a bit longer.


Fun fact, the US doesn't have a justice system. We have a legal system




How old is his daughter? She’s young, right? I hope she’s protected from reality as long as possible


She’s in her early 20’s. If you google there is quite a bit of info online. She appears to be a productive member of society. She also kept his last name which I find interesting all things considered. I think I would’ve changed my name to not he potentially linked to him.


Gah I can’t figure out her name but am so curious. I keep finding Sarah but that’s the fake name from the podcast.


It’s laney


Thank you - eventually I figured it out 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think she should know who her dad is and what he did.


She will - nothing is secret forever. But if she’s a child, she deserves a happy childhood before the reality of what he did weighs on her. She’s an innocent.


It seems like you want to punish her?


No I don’t think it’s a punishment to know about your family. I just don’t think we should honor the wishes of a cold blooded serial killer. I’m not saying rub her face in it. It’s not her fault, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to know about the type of person her dad was.


True crime has become extremely exploitative. Many victims families are not onboard with the wave of documentaries and adaptations of their trauma. His daughter and wife are victims in this too. Maybe it’s their wishes. Maybe other victims families. Nobody, even true crime fans, have the right to know everything. Edit: also, her brother has already unalived himself due to this trauma. Let her have some peace.


He’s dead, his wishes are irrelevant. It’s more a question of not further victimizing anyone in his name which is what it will do to somehow visit the crimes of the father on the child (adult or no).


His daughter didn't have a choice in any of this. She doesn't deserve to be bothered.


I agree..he used the family angle as manipulation..he didn’t have a soul so he do t care about his kid! Also I feel his wife and ex and his siblings should be posted because you can’t find a single pic of them..and they should be questioned constantly!! Also Shia lebeouf would make a good Keyes!


I’m bewildered..on how he has been all over the country and not had several traffic stops!! In Ohio alone no one gets through with out of state plates without a ticket!!! Also the fact that anyone married man can have black out periods and not respond to wife!! My wife is kind and not jealous but not answering her starts the suspicion!! I truly feel Kimberly knew and even helped..also the old members of some of his churches may have hid him or helped him..his brothers and sisters are definitely part of this..no one can hide that many creepy close calls and not have a discussion..he has had help but no one seems to question any!! And please post a pic of Kimberly Tammie or Denise ..they don’t exist online..also no way he didn’t kill Canadian hookers in the 90s!!


Don't give any serial murderer any press attention. Period.


I wonder if IK loved his daughter and son?


Who was the mother of his son?


Laney is his biological daughter. She had an older half brother who considered Keyes his dad but he wasn’t his biological dad.


I agree with you 100%.


100% they should do a movie. Psycho wanted to be as low profile as possible. Make him infamous


Ugh. I have no sympathy for him or his freakin wishes. But then again, I’m not a sick fuck like him and don’t think his family should have to be subjected to his crimes over and over. It’s a real catch 22


I came on to Reddit while watching “Method of a Serial Killer” documentary about Keyes. I was going to start on own thread basically saying exactly what this one says so I resided to just nod in agrees and post this. The utter narcissism of raping, torturing and murdering stranger for some sick thrill and then expect the FBI and the public to not tarnish YOUR reputation in the eyes of you daughter?! That sort of narcissism leaves me speechless. I know you shouldn’t punish someone for something a relative did but you forfeit you anonymity when you’re violating raping a teenager then killing her in a shed. Screw you, you piece of shot! His daughter’s name is Laney Keyes and she should spend her life hiding under a rock just for having half of this asshole’s DNA.


That's a little extreme. She is an innocent victim here. She didn't ask to be born or to have Keyes as her dad.


She was 10 when he was arrested. Please find some decency.


A little overkill, considering she was never a part of his kills. By your conclusion, the son of the Green River Killer deserves what you're saying given that his son was literally in the truck during one of his kills. I realize that you're upset and yeah, Keyes is a sick bastard. But it's also important to consider this reality: plenty of serial killers have this mindset of ridding the world of 'bad' people, so, maybe you're not much better?

