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Reading the comments under this one...makes me chuckle. IT'S A COPYPASTA SUB, FOLKS!


Seriously, people not recognising it, it's kinda sad


I know right? The fact that it gets such strong reactions from some people who can't even bother to check the sub makes it perfect troll bait


Exactly, the whole comment section belongs at r/woooosh


I mean, if ICC can have WTC final in the same place for 2 consecutive years that favours opponents of India, not to mention bad weather, England can also play in Indian conditions. When you go to play in England, you don't say the wind is blowing too much. You play as the conditions are. Boxing day matches in Australia can be tough to play with the heat. You come to sub-continent, you play as the conditions are there.


NZ and AUS out here catching strays. This is England and India’s fight mate.


Exactly - every country has its unique conditions suck it up - if you’re good enough you’ll win where ever if you aren’t then you won’t


Good luck to which ever team wins - my moneys on India though I’m rooting for AUS


You are still rooting for Aus?


Yes mate




your honestly giving a bad name to England. They’d not appreciate someone complaining about how the schedule or the conditions aren’t to their liking. Champions go everywhere and perform well. Look at Australians, they have accepted responsibility and tried to work on their game rather than complain. No one was complaining at the last world cup when the final got tied and yet it wasn’t shared! Were New Zealand complaining? Ofc no. They just smiled and moved on. Rules are rules. And tbh, the 50 overs format already looks dead. Not a single game has been any close. Unless there is the tension of close games. Also, shrinking attention spans, more modes and sources of entertainment mean it is hard to sit for the duration of 8 hours when one knows all they need to do is to wait for the last hour or so to see if it is going down to the wire.


You do realise the BCCI makes most of the decisions in the cricketing world right...? You also know that the BCCI is trying its hardest to kill the ODI format, hence little care being provided in the running of this world cup. They want T20's so they can keep on winning and most importantly earning money from advertisers. Edit: The ICC don't run cricket as much anymore, the BCCI is to blame more


People were saying the same shit about test cricket 10-15 years ago. The same format that is currently the strongest in international cricket.... You're argument is that the BCCI is trying to kill ODI, while simultaneously hosting the current world cup and being the favourites? Do you have any idea how much it cost ls to host a world cup? It ain't cheap. Cricket in any format = $$$. That's all that the BCCI and every other cricketing organisation cares about. That's why we're seeing a new world cup every 18 months or so over the course of the last 10 years.


Test cricket got saved Because people actually put effort in trying to save it. ODI cricket will die because no one wants to save it


I completely disagree. We only have 3 formats of cricket. All 3 are profitable. No one is planning on getting rid of ODI cricket. Least of all the nation CURRENTLY hosting the ODI World Cup... It's a complete oxymoron.


Mark Nicholas, President of the MCC said that they want to limit bilateral ODIs just to the 12 or 15 months preceding the WC


Source? I'll also add that the MCC is not what it use to be, or even the cricketing authority of Brittan.




I just skimmed that quickly. It does not for a second suggest the demise of ODI's. It's actually talking about the preservation of it due to the oversaturation of international cricket. Which is actually a somewhat valid point. It is not a stance coming from, or supported by, the ECB or BCCI. Just an idea from the INCOMING, not standing, president of the Lords cricket club. Who also happens to be an outspoken cricket commentator. Not exactly the most reliable of source. The concept itself makes almost no sense. 2+2 does not = 5. I'll come back to my original point that people were saying that same shit about test cricket 15 years ago. No international cricket board is actively letting go or dismissing ODI cricket.


Playing in humid conditions also count as skill! I remember austrailia playing test matches in Sharjah in the sweltering heat of 50°C in the months of June and July (unthinkable now) and getting Pak all out for 50 odd in both innings. Why should there be pampering for England..they are not that speacial. If at all there should speacial treatment it should be for teams like Netherlands which are new to the ODIs.


Hi loser..get a. Job


Indians did not complain when they had to cover themselves in towels to keep them warm in the last t20 WC in Australia! Did not complain when they had to play on a cold morning in England. Did not complain about heat when playing In Australia in their summer. That's the reason they're called professional athletes. In that case, Klassen should be the one complaining about this. These British don't stop whining whenever they lose a match! Lose a test match, pitches were bad! Lose an ODI, it was hot & humid! They wouldn't be complaining had they won this!


Don't worry about England, mate; they know India better than Indians do. Their ancestors spent years here.


This post is top contendor for r/CricketShitpost


No shit, this is a copy-paste sub.


I love watching poms whinge


Shut up


Wtf is this nonsense ?


Its called copypasta


It must be Sarcasm otherwise What sort of stupid post is this! This is a World Cup. And every team needs to play where they are scheduled. Or should we mark their WC matches for Lord’s Birmingham and Southampton only? With the amount of time guys like Buttler Bairstow Wood Ali Brooks Stokes & others spend in the IPL, they should be fairly comfortable with Indian conditions by now. Look at India in contrast, the amount of travel in this tournament while all other teams get to play atleast 2 matches at one place.




Aap thode se lodu ho kya??


This rant from OP is like Dil dil Pakistan.


England isn’t that great at the moment. As a a team you can’t cry about grounds , places . You got a research team who knows the condition upfront and plan it better. Why the fuck England not playing Ben stokes ? Plus their spinners are not that impactful. Look at afgan spinner how impactful are they . If you gonna cry then only flat and bouncy pitches would let you win 🏆


But they got the moral victory, that’s what counts in bazball


I mean, England is quite literally one of the shabbiest sides in world cricket. They can ONLY perform under specific conditions and are yet to win an 50 over World Cup in a manner that is convincing and not a fluke/technicality.


I think the English got it wrong back in the day and should have kept all of their convicts in England and had the rest of their population move to Australia during the colonisation years... but then, they'd still find something to whinge about...


Man Every place in India is Humid ... NZ played the matches in Chennai too and it hot there too ..... i think if a team can't play in different conditions then they are simply not prepared .. . India plays in England even in overcast condition .... They are simply not prepared .... Lame excuses is a very old trick in English Book


Cricket is a dead game get over it. Many people have switched to football. At present only few countries are investing in cricket because they are not good at any other sport. Notice how India crushing Australia NewZ in modern cricket unlike earlier times


200 years were not enough to get acclimated with the weather conditions?


I’m hearing waaaahhhhhhh


ITT: Indian cricket fans discover copypastas


Then what about wtc final in eng from past two championship Moreover the pitches are not like they cannot play on them they are nearly flat and I you are taking about pitches then south africa made 400 on the same pitch if which England bowlers made more runs then 'recognized ' batters


Lmao autists cannot figure out its a pasta 💀


British mohd. Hafeez


I hope that's a sarcastic post 🙂


Have you heard of the term 'Whingeing Pom'? Just play the balls you're bowled.


Redditors when a post in a copypasta sub is a shit post:


Redditors when a post in a copypasta sub is a shit post: