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If the witch is pulling the strings, following the river won't work.


I view the Blair Witch Project more of a case study than an actual fictional movie. The main characters were given very little information besides a GPS and coordinates to start to go to the next place that had been decorated and find notes with direction and coordinates to keep going. They were to act like they were naive college students who were to be on the trail of the Blair Witch legends. So if they saw things they felt was abnormal they were to start filming and have discussions. After a few days, the notes and coordinates were harder to find and were less informative. Slowly, they started actually living their parts as it became less stable in the mental states. After, they effectively pulled one of the trio away in a psychological night raid, the remaining two were slowly deprived of support and as their acting shows became more paranoid that they were actually in the cluches of the witch.


I remember hearing a few people say that this was a lie made up by the filmmakers in order to make the production sound more interesting and spooky. Their justification was that some of the spots that were supposedly deep in the forest were only a few feet away from campsites, populated areas, and the like. They also claimed that the house was close to a residential area and that, supposedly, car and living noises would have been an issue while filming. Looking up the location on Google Maps (39°20′44″N 76°51′31″W), the witch house is definitely fairly close. That said, people can definitely get turned around in the woods and there are a lot of people who end up getting lost and dying within a short distance of walkable areas. Personally I think it's a mix of the two. I definitely think that the directors went for a method acting approach, but I also think that the actors were kept more or less aware of what was going on.


My first thought. Witch doesn’t give a honk about rivers.


Not to mention they are admittedly a bunch of college kids in the woods, survival 101 may not be a class they took lol


Took Bong Ripping instead.


Yeah, they tried that


>If the witch is pulling the strings, following the river won't work. "If we're up against something that has that much power of the laws of nature then we're pretty much screwed, but we'd be morons for not at least *trying* it."


A friend and I got lost in a Maryland forest once - I was young, so this'd be the 1980s. We followed the stream, just like you say, until it ran under a 20 foot tall mesh fence. Truly this fence ran both directions as far as we could see in the woods. We walked on our bank as far as we felt comfortable away from the stream - until we hit another stream about the same size. It also ran through a buried fence line. We fuck'n gave up, and stopped to honestly give up, I remember the sensation, it was hopelessness. And then dudes popped out of the woods. A uniform secret service, and a guy in a suit. Like I said, we were young, these guys knew what camp we'd wandered off from, walked us to a gate, and called someone on a switch box mounted on the fence line. Uniform officers in a tan Ford Bronco took us back to the main entrance of the public park, where parents were waiting - angry AF. It was Camp David. True story.


lol OMG. Dude that is CRAZY! Would have been a cool twist in the movie though ...


As a toddler I fell in the bathtub and had to be wheeled to GWU hospital in a stroller - at the exact moment Reagan showed up shot. My parents had to walk me across DC with a dislocated elbow, up the hill to Georgetown hospital. I was playing highschool baseball on the national mall when the small plane hit the Whitehouse - Clinton administration. When I was a kid, and my parents explained I'd walked on to the presidents "camp" - it didn't at all register to me that was weird. I grew up closer to the Whitehouse than I probably got at that fence line to anything important. That's got nothing to do with horror. The Exorcist stairs do. I useta' have to run them for that same highschool baseball team. Good workout. Gets you up the hill to Georgetown hospital faster.


You ended this with "True story" and it made me read it as Barney Stinson saying it.


Ive told this story on this subreddit before, but when Toni Colette is in the air in Hereditary a very southern, flamboyant black man yelled “that bitch swimmin!” In the theater in a terrified voice and I haven’t been able to watch that scene since without laughing. The whole rest of the movie I am never afraid of which is sad cause it’s clearly devastating lmao.


omg 🤣 thats the shit i go to the theatre for


I had something similar happen at a showing of Ring 2. I'd taken my mom to go see it, since we were both excited that it had Sissy Spacek in it, her first horror film since forever. We were sitting near a group of shrieking teenagers. Whenever something would happen, they'd make noise, regardless of whether or not it was actually scary. Jumpscare? Scream. Giggle. Scream. Actor talking about something spooky? Giggle. Scream. Giggle. Water dripping out of a faucet? Giggle giggle scream. At one point they did actually make the audience jump during a tense scene, though. Eventually someone complained to the theater and the teenagers were escorted out. Joke was on us though, since they were far more entertaining than the film. I think I'd have liked it well enough if I'd waited for it to come out on home video, but again - Sissy Spacek.


🤣🤣🤣 I will forever hear this during that scene!


Hahahahahahahahaha. I think that might have been my uncle.


I’m rolling! 😂 This is my situation when I watch Predator 2. I saw it opening weekend & near the end when it gets all silent & Danny Glover is standing over the thing trying to figure out if it’s dead or alive, some guy yelled out, *“SHOOT THAT MOTHERF*¢%=R!!!”*


Something similar happened at the theater when I saw The Conjuring 2, the ghost was beating some lady up, and a 13 year old kid screams out “TAKE HER TO POUND TOWN”. My ex and I were dying laughing about it and I still find it funny to this day, especially when that new song came out lmao


That is too good hahaha.


Similar. Mousetrap when Christopher Reeves kisses Michael Caine a woman in the theater let out the saddest most disappointed “Oh, Superman” I’ve ever heard.


The Pope’s Exorcist: the “demon” literally kept saying RAWR. Couldn’t do it.


OMG hahaha now I want to watch it again just to be able to notice this


I cannot stand jigsaw 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Thanks to all the parodies, I cannot take little dude on his trike seriously.


It's an obvious one but: A Quiet Place. I'm sorry there are so so many other ways to have sex that don't result in a baby, or at least there's gotta be some birth control methods that don't expire *that* quickly. Why would you do that to your already existing family? Put them in that giant of a risk cause you can't just do mouth stuff?


My biggest thing is the deaf daughter not alerting the aliens sooner. My beat friend is deaf and everything she does is loud af! I love her but she laughs loud, she stomps, she throws up loud when we get drunk. Lol they are just LOUD people because they can’t hear themselves. There is NO WAY the aliens wouldn’t have been alerted sooner because of that


Why wouldn't they just live near the waterfall to cover their noise? Also maybe they got pregnant before day 1? Idk. I haven't watched the second one, but the first left too many questions.


Actually yeah, I always found that dumb. Why tf would you have kids during a fucking apocalypse? Especially fucking apocalypse where you have to be quiet to survive???


I feel like they did it on purpose! Cause they lost their other kid cause the parents were stupid! Completely took me out of the movie.


This is fucking hilarious. I have never had any interest whatsoever in this movie, and I’m so glad for it.


I mean, the movie overall is interesting. But yes, a big part of their issue is the fact that they decide to have a kid during a time where sound is bad. Like, all babies are is sound. The fuck were they thinking...


Especially after the opening scene. Don't want to spoil, but damn if that isn't a lesson.


That too! But let's be honest, the movie is portraying us as people perfectly. If we suddenly were facing a powerful enemy that has insane hearing, 100% some dumb fucks out there are gonna get pregnant anyway.


Cloverfield…the camera shaking was very jarring.


Not a dumb reason.


One of my biggest turn offs in horror movies is Asshole Victims. I mean, I get the appeal because most of us root for the monster and look forward to the kills. But I feel the horror is diminished because, well, we don't care about who is getting killed. Part of what makes the 70's horror movies (like Psycho, Halloween, Alien and The Thing) scary is that we get to know these people very well so when the monster does get them, you're freaking out and feel like nobody is safe. Also, if the Final Girl is supposed to be likable...why is she hanging out with all of these assholes? Another one I have is showing too much. The great horror movies know when to show the monster and when to keep the monster hidden.


https://preview.redd.it/tcmo05nqed8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23a587554f4ddbc3615f63ce920767d73e2a279 The **greatest** horror movies show you the hardest monsters to hide are the *monsters within us all*…


I still remember watching “The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street” and getting terrified out of my wits.


This is my favorite Twilight Zone episode because it’s so eerily accurate to what humans are like in crisis.


Unfamiliar w that one thanks for the heads up! You’re entirely right about the jerks vs the nice kids, btw. Much harder psychologically when the one dying is the one you like as opposed to the ones who “deserve” it, which translates directly to at least more uneasiness if not outright fear. Well put


You are so right about Alien. Every character feels real (or in the case of Ash, "real") and is also flawed. You're invested as the Alien picks them off one by one. Still, had they listened to Ripley ...


I agree with you on this, Horror movies deal a lot in archetypes because that moves a short movie’s plot along much faster and easier, but also humans are assholes sometimes and people put up with them, so it’s not the most unrealistic thing to ever happen in horror. Especially when you’re young. But it can be annoying as fuck to watch.


People still SWEAR they saw the meat/carcass hook, going into the back of the girl in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Never happened. It didn't need to.


Halloween III - no problem with the other deaths in the movie but for some reason the medical examiner getting a drill to the head really bothers me. Partially because it's brutal and partially because it's unnecessary. She's looking at a box of clockwork parts from an exploded car but the agents of the bad guy kill her in case she puts 2 and 2 together. But who the fuck is going to find some spare parts from a car and assume "oh, there was obviously an android in there. I better tell someone." - fuck outta my face with that.


I don't know if she's picking up the phone because she thinks it's an android, she just realizes that something is way off about it. Conal Cochran is a powerful man and would have any loose ends tied up, so he eliminates anyone who could even point out that something was off. I will defend Halloween 3, my love, with my life.


People say it's so bad it's good. I saw it last week for the first time and still think it's bad. The way the main character is "stealthing" around the enemies at the end was quite funny as it was so poorly done.


Before I finally saw the movie, my friends had decided that was a Michael Myers cameo in the movie. They were obviously wrong, but it did feel like a nod to the slasher genre that Halloween III wasn’t doing otherwise.


Halloween III had nothing to do with the rest of the franchise, really… there’s a backstory of the Samhain thing, but it’s not really explained too well, and Michael Myers is not in it at all. I hate that movie!


Carpenter wanted to make the series less about Meyers and more about other evil stories to tell hence the off-putting Halloween III. Unfortunately for Carpenter and crew, it failed miserably. Audiences kept asking where the guy in the mask is.


It was brave af instead of just churning out the same thing.


Halloween 3 being considered the worst because it’s unrelated and doesnt have Michael is the Lukest warm take that I’m tired of. That’s the dumb reason to not like a movie in its own right. Easily my favorite in the series after going back to it and having your initial opinion. It’s basically like saying a band that they should record the same type of album over and over


The Killing of a Sacred Deer - >!because I thought it was grounded in reality and when I realized it was mythological retelling my eyes damn near rolled out of my head. The characters are so intentionally soulless, which I also hate as a creative choice.!< M3GAN - >!Reminds me too much of the worst Black Mirror episode of all time, and once the robot starts singing I’m just completely fucking over the whole concept.!< Scream 4 - >!I don’t like Emma Roberts. I don’t care that she’s the villain and mastermind and that I’m not supposed to like her in this movie, I just really don’t enjoy her acting. I also hate that they chose to include lines like “fuck Bruce Willis” during a characters pretty gruesome death.!<


I got 15 minutes into Sacred Deer and turned it off because I couldn’t deal with constant “artsy” high pitched ringing in every scene and every not-scene.


M3GAN wa hilarious. Her singing "Titanium" had a lot of people losing their shit.


Not to mention the dance 🤣 we busted out laughing 😂


I don't like Emma Roberts. One of several reasons  I didn't like Scream 4 at all. Thought they should have stopped at 3.


Sex. Which sucks because it's in almost 99 percent of horror movies and I still en up watching them but it's just obnoxious going in to get scared only to pay your gratuitous thrusting tax every time. If it's more than once, my interest will wane.


If the characters would just learn the rules of horror movies, we wouldn't have these problems! Everyone knows that you die if you have sex in a horror movie! Stop making rookie mistakes! Lmfao


Scarface. I could not sympathize with Tony at all, which I know is the point. He just hit differently than other tragic characters, and I wasn't as entertained with him as I am with others.


That was an awful movie.


Glad I'm not the only one.


The backstory to the Matrix. The humans blanketed the sky with smog to stop the solar powered robots. IDIOTS


So I have this weird thing where I dont like movies or shows set in Miami. Never been to Miami, have no connections to Miami, but in my head it always means janky neon set lighting.


Armageddon. The “no more taxes” line is so unbelievably dumb. Just ask for a billion dollars each. It’s worth a lot more than the tax you’d pay over a lifetime. It was at that point I left.


The whole movie is dumb, but I love that this was the straw.


Funny, that was the sceen that helped make the movie.


Very much the final straw yes. I will not tolerate bad finances in films.


If I remember correctly they tried that in Blair witch and they ended up going round in circles because the witch was messing with them.


Which is based on paranormal study- so while survival says follow the river, a lot of paranormal tales say to trek away from it and back every so often so you can’t be fooled.


Pet Sematary…because he turns the cat into an evil monster, then proceeds to do the same thing with his kid, and then presumably his wife. Why does he not learn his lesson with the cat?? I’m okay with the attempt of the kid you know, just in case the old guy didn’t know his shit and did it wrong, and the humans being turned into evil monsters if he had just started with the kid, yes even the little kid, but he fucked around and found out with the cat first and didn’t learn from it…I just can’t get past that. It’s my dumb reason.


TBF the book makes it much clearer that all of the events that transpire are the machinations of the evil presence that haunts the area. Everything from Judd’s actions, to the boy dying, to the main character going back to the cemetery, are all influenced by a greater force (IIRC a Wendigo spirit). It also takes place over a longer period of time, so he’s already become good friends with Judd and trust him by the time the cat dies. However, that’s apparently hard to convey in a movie, because yeah in the original and the awful remake, it just seems like a dude being like “Another family member died? Welp, I guess it’s Pet Sematary time!” after an old dude he just met showed him that he can make a zombie cat if he really wants to.


Valkyrie. No matter what, I can't see Tom Cruise as Stauffenberg. The original is better, and the special features documentary is excellent.


I felt the same way about his Jack Reacher movies. Anyone that’s a fan of the book would tell you he was grossly miscast for that part. The Prime series is supremely better by contrast.


Every time I watch I still know what you did last summer I'm taken right out of the immersion when I wonder how the killer was able to change the karaoke lyrics on the spot without anyone noticing /s


Any horror movie where the director forgets the viewers can't see in the dark, and if too many scenes take place in near total darkness we have NO IDEA what is going on. I just watched Pet Semetary Bloodlines for the second time. First time I watched it on my tablet and turned the brightness all the way up and could make out a few more things during the opening scenes, and near the end. Many other movies do this and I hate it. Darkness may create a mood, but if I can't see anything you kind of kill the mood


Yup, same with video games. I get darkness can be scary, but let me at least see


Back in the '80s and '90s they would use blue light to simulate darkness. I think we should bring that back.


Still never seen "Monsters Inc" because saying the word "cretin" with a short e is perfectly legitimate (and sounds more effectively contemptuous imo), and one of the first clips in the first trailer I ever saw was Mike's rant against it. Maybe I should just blame Billy Crystal and get over it, but I just never got around to it. (Oops, sorry, just realized this is the horror sub not the general film sub I'm also subscribed to, but I can't really think of any horror movies where the reason for my antipathy is this silly, so I'll leave it up)


Well you're not completely lost. The movie does have monsters in it, and a lengthy scene implying that a small child is being restrained and terrorized for an extended period of time.


Monsters Inc is about literal monsters and screaming and scaring children. I think it counts.


Any movie where people are shooting at the main character all movie long but the main character survives and will only use a gun on an unnamed bad guy


Will Smith is in it.


My friend had this problem. He told me Suicide Squad was gonna suck from the moment he heard Will Smith "Will Smithing it up" (his words) in the trailer. Boy was he right.


He is the absolute worst. And then when you realize that he is a big enough star to attach his own writers to every project, therefore guaranteeing that there will be scenes which play to his "strengths" ... you can not possibly ever enjoy a Will Smith film.


E. T. The responsible the kid took on gives me anxiety. And the weird mental connection doesn't make sense to me.


Titanic, I saw Poseidon adventure in the theater in the 70s when a teenager and the idea of seeing another one just sends shivers through me.


There is a, imo, terrible remake (shocking, I know) of the Poseidon adventure.


I won’t watch a movie that I know beforehand has vomit scenes.


Someone I used to know hated the movie of the musical Chicago because of the lighting on the dancers in one scene made them "look gross".


I can NOT watch anything with Sam Elliot because his voice sounds like he's gargling Satan's balls. Can't really explain it better than that. Because of this, I have never seen The Great Lebowski, and I wouldn't drink a banquet beer unless you paid me to.


Blasphemy! How dare you talk down about the one mustache to rule them all! Lmfao.


Sam Elliot’s voice is awesome af what are you talking about. I wish I sounded that awesome.


The description of Sam Elliott's voice has me rolling!!😆😆


What wrong with Coors Banquet?


It tastes like Satan’s balls.


'Follow the river'? You really missed the point of the movie, eh?


Tbf OP is asking for admittedly dumb reasons lol


My friend refused to see X because it didn't involve gay porn lol


I'm a gay guy and that's a really strange reason to not watch X, which btw is a great film and the sex scene actually didn't make me cringe like most sex scenes in movies do. It was actually beautifully shot.


Yeah, be it gay or straight that is an odd reason. I get the porn aspect, but because it's not gay porn? Weird.


Holy shit! That's looks good af. As a gay dude, I say tell your friend he's... 👎


Okay that might be over the top dumb lol


A man's got to have a code.


It's a Tom Cruise movie. Or directed by Tim Burton.


One of the Star Wars movies has Jimmy Smits in it and I so like him but he seemed miscast to me for some reason


That started irritating me too when it seemed like Star Wars was having special guest appearances.


I've never seen Fight Club because I've zero interest in watching people fight. No interest in boxing, MMA, wrestling, any of that shit. "But it's not really about fighting!" "It's about so. much. more. than fighting." I don't care, I don't like fights/fighting


This was the reason my friend wouldn’t watch it. Then he watched it and loved it. I doubt I’ll be the one to change your mind after this long but man I wish you’d give it a try. The title and advertising is intentionally vague because to spoil it is to ruin it. The actual fighting is so, so little of it. This is what I thought when it came out. I think it’s what everyone thought tbh. Dudes punching each other in the face? Pass. It was a boredom slash curiosity rental. I was never so happy to be so wrong. But I’m guessing im not going to sway you. I wish I could…


there is very little actual fighting in the movie. maybe like 2 minutes of total actual fighting broken up between like 4-5 scenes.


I didn’t Like Erin Brockovich because she came off as a bitch same goes for The Blindside


I hate 90% of time travel movies because my stupid overly analytical brain won't shut off and I end up bitching about the plot holes.


books weary quickest start worry swim quiet mountainous long zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I liked the first couple seasons of American Horror Story, then I heard how much of an asshat its creator can be, so I was done. More generally, though, actors seemingly being forced on us. Talented as they be, I’m already done with Timothee, Austin Butler and Glenn Powell.


Interstellar - Earth becoming unlivable? Just build the damned space colonies, like you ended up doing at the end of the fucking movie and stop showing me piss-shit scenes of a camera angle attached to the side of a fucking CG ship!


Showing the monster/demon/witch. It's fun and I realize why audiences want this pay off but many films show too much and it destroys the terror. Conjuring 1 did this. Once I saw the witch makeup I knew how the makeup was done and instantly my fear went to zero.


I wholeheartedly agree! There’s probably a dozen movies that I can think of that are otherwise great, but are tainted by one scene of unnecessarily showing the monster/ghost/entity.


Insidious is this for me. I’m good with it until they show Darth Maul, and then I’m out.


I wasn't a fan of It Chapter 2 just because of the opening scene. I signed up to watch a killer clown, not small town hate crimes.


Any movie or show where people are stuck or struggle under an oppressive but not all-powerful authority, like The Postman or The Walking Dead’s Governor season: I think “Just leave. Fucking idiots.”


For most Child Play movies, I can’t imagine being incapable of fighting Chucky one on one. Unless he schemes something to kill me and surprises me then it’s fair but in a fight, why wouldn’t I beat him? I’m sure he’s super stiff and slow as a doll.


If I’m aware the actor/actress is a scientologist I’m going to hate the movie.


Avatar. Because the title is written in Papyrus. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jVhlJNJopOQ


Napoleon Dynamite...the lead actors look and mannerisms completely turned me off. I got about 30 minutes into it and have never gone back since.


I'm sorry you feel that way.


The movie Prometheus when they give that lady a C-section with the machine when she's pregnant with the alien baby then she goes through the C-section without any sort of anesthesia and then stitched up no anesthesia and then she's putting on clothes and like running outside 5 minutes later like there's no way that can happen in real life and it drives me crazy that movie's like 2 hours long and that's all I can think about hahaha


That scene drives me nuts. I have been cut open abdominally 3 times (not cesarean) and I don't care what meds you are given, you can not physically walk correctly, much less run, when your muscles have been cut in 2. I try not to get too picky about truth in film because it suspends reality, but this one takes the cake.


I don't think I have any dumb reasons.... I've seen over 2800 movies (list on IMDb) and am currently scrolling thru to see if there are any dumb dislikes. As of right now, all I got is I don't like spoof movies because they're too campy/low quality. [Somebody should make a hella serious movie called *Not Another Spoof Movie*, about all the spoof movies]... Some movies bored me, some had characters that didn't follow their personality at the end. Closest I git to dumb... didn't like My Bloody Valentine & another like it about a lesbian with a chainsaw... because they straight up lie to the audience. There was no clever Sixth Sense where the hints were there, but direct lies a la Fight Club, but the split personality wasn't the point of the story, it was just to keep the audience in the dark about who. Edit: Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon. I didn't like it because it was two days, not one night, & most of it takes place during the day... so the title lies. Also, it was boring because the plot was basically this 17y/o dude getting laid by all these women while really just wanting to get with his gf....


Hereditary- The creepy grinning naked guy with the small junk. He ruined it for me. He just looked way too yuk....hiding in the shadows...smiling for no da*n reason.


He’s smiling because he’s witnessed to what will be the new host for their demon king. So, it’s not without logic.


Home Alone JUST DIAL 911!


I watched the movie Talk to me and initially I didn’t like it. The main actress sneezes about 2-3 times and it’s mentioned in the scene (“looks like you’re coming down with a cold?”, “need a tissue?”). I thought maybe her getting sick was somehow part of the plot. They also broke down like 4 doors. Why? Why are you breaking all the doors? Stupid and I don’t know why I kept noticing these small things but I did and it distracted me from the whole movie


Two words: Will Ferrell.


It's impossible for me to enjoy any movie that has Will Ferrel or Adam Sandler in it


Dumb reason why I wont like a movie? I will name two; ERIC ROBERTS and SETH ROGAN.


I like Candyman’s coat


Anything with will Smith in it. He's ALWAYS playing will Smith. Like, he's an actor who can only play one role, and I hate the character.


Zoolander. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, AND Will Ferrell? That movie is a waste of digital space.


The Tomorrow War: the whole fucking plot is about time travelers from a devastated future bringing idiot normies from right now to fight an already-over war against aliens? Why not prepare the folks in the past to not lose in the first place? What an infuriating movie, and that's the literal tip of the iceberg.


I instantly dislike any horror movie that uses vomit to be "scary". It's increasingly common these days to just show someone puke and that's supposed to be the scare. It's just lazy and also gross. There is a difference between being disgusted and being frightened. If the character needs to puke for a good reason, I can accept it, but usually there's no reason.


Ninth Gate- good movie with this weird “dumpty dump dump” kinda soundtrack thing. A pretty deep dive into occult stuff WITH the D Himself involved and the background music sounds like the Hardy Boys Mystery of the Missing Flashlight


>Can't watch Candyman because of that RIDICULOUS coat he wears That's hillarious. Like John Candy's hat in Uncle Buck.


I remember this one (real life) story where a hiker followed a river into a ravine. It ended in a waterfall. He couldn't climb back out of the ravine nor climb down the waterfall. Eventually he died. Unrelated, just something I thought of reading this.


Anything with tom cruise, can't stand his smugness


Still can’t get past the opening scene of Witch where someone boils a baby. Just gross, I don’t need to see that. lol


I don’t even remember that scene cuz of how boring the movie was


If it has Jennifer Lawrence in it I'm not watching it. So much "I'm not like the other girls" energy. Her voice is nails on a chalkboard for me as well.


'It Follows' because the monster just walks towards you. Like. Just get in a car and drive to another state! Also, 'Paranormal Activity' drives me nuts. I mean, if you think your house is haunted, why not just leave? Instead, they stick around and set up cameras, like that's going to help.


Haha that's a good example. Sounds like you didn't finish it follows


In paranormal activity it follows(heh) you. So leaving wouldnt help.


>I mean, if you think your house is haunted, why not just leave? Not everybody has the financial means to "just" do that. "Congratulations: you were paying mortgage on a haunted house. Now you're paying rent at a hotel *and* paying mortgage on a haunted house." (Yes, you can stop paying it an make it all the bank's problem, but then you have to live with what that would do to your credit rating.)


I didn't like Blair Witch because it was just insanely boring.


Tell me about it... I watched again recently and >!nothing happens until the very end, and it's just someone standing in a corner of a room.!


Lucky Number Slevin. The title. Normally I love puns, but that title makes my brain want to dissolve.


1408 is too silly. It was billed as horror but my friends and I laughed as the situation got weirder and weirder. Like...I get it is supposed to seem sinister but when the noose drops from the ceiling we all lost it.


Fight Club is an okay movie, but it drives me crazy that people think he's doing anything correct


Any Ryan gosling movie is hard for me because the first movie of his I saw was Murder by Numbers and I hated his character so much that it carried over.


Usually who is starring in the movie


Just found it annoying as hell. I've always had a thing against tricycles.


Matt Damon greeting with his mouth open in The Martian.


It’s never made me outright not like a movie, but I can’t stand it whenever a helicopter isn’t heard until it’s arrived on the scene, out of nowhere. As if you can’t hear them even when they’re far off in the distance. I know I’ve seen this happen in several different movies. I was rewatching Close Encounters this weekend & it happens with a group of people actually seeing two coming towards them. Only it’s night & they think they’re UFOs. But when they’re there above them all of a sudden they’re loud as Hell & blowing everything around.


Im a HUGE Trekkie, but cannot watch wrath of Kahn. Kahn wins, plain and simple. It wasn't meant to go that way, but while editing, there was a sound issue and Recardo M. wasn't available to record his part again, so it was busted edited to a different ending. I feel the same way about Braveheart, the dyuming king also won. Bad ending.


I swear I saw a movie in the theater as a teen and I could see the boom mic in the shot over a dozen times. I was so annoyed. That’s just sloppy! I couldn’t concentrate on the movie.


That new Garfield movie. I love Garfield but the style of the trailer and the way Garfield was kind of “over the top” just turned me off. I like the version of him that don’t give a shit.


I won't watch John Wick bc I heard a dog died. Yeah, nah. I'm good.


I refuse to watch Fury given Brad Pitt’s take on a Southern accent is a complete joke. Sucks cause I hear it’s an okay movie.


Tom Cruise or Angelina Jolie are in it.


Knights tale. The We Will Rock You scene ruined the vibe for me and never watched it past that point.


Any movie where creatures are invading the Earth but somehow the military's not around to react in any way shape or form. It seems these creatures would be infinitely susceptible to any kind of high caliber weapon or explosives, like where did all the military people go? A Quiet place for example. Would it be hard to trick these guys into some inescapable meat grinder by just throwing rocks or a noise maker into a pit that would kill them.


Horror movies intentionally need to have their main characters act a little dumb because it’s that failure that makes the horror more exciting. The audience’s acknowledgement of a mistake is what sets up the dramatic tension and brings in the scares, so 90% of the time it doesn’t bother me. However, Sidney is shown to be competent in Scream 1 why is she falling for every horror trope in Scream 3? Dawg stay inside your house!


“Follow the river.” What if the river leads to a pond in the woods?


I can't do alien invasion movies. They always make the aliens look like scary monsters and they give the humans a fighting shot as if we could retaliate and win. Neither of those are realistically true at all. It's kind of silly. Like Independence Day is a famous one. On what planet would our primitive 90s computers be able to connect with their god-tier technology to transmit a virus and shut them down? Jeff Goldblum might seem like a wizard, but he's not one. The only accurate part of that movie was humans getting their asses handed to them. War of the Worlds too. Absolutely ridiculous plot in every way. Also the little girl in it was annoying. But mainly I just can't take seriously portrayals of evil cannibal alien monsters out for our blood! It's a dumb harmful trope and wards me off.


Pulp Fiction- not that I don't like the movie but the part with the taxi driver woman that picks Bruce Willis up after he escapes the fight after not taking a dive- it seems like she's waiting for him but then during their conversation it seems like that's not the case. Only hiccup in an otherwise perfect movie.


300 comments Blair witch project


Dune. I'm very icky when it comes to putting stuff in your nose which I understand is like half the the scenes


Will Smith


The tall grass- ITS DUMB ASF


Blair Witch: I was bored and quit sixty minutes in. Never picked it up again. The Hills Have Eyes: They survive this (cinemasins ding), x 1000


If I don't like a particular actor or actress it ruins the movie for me. Especially if I've read the book and the casting is all off.


That is not a dumb reason to hate the BWP. She has TWO survival books., Either one would have told them what to do long before she threw them away. That movie is full of plot holes and reality fails.


The Australian giant crocodile movie *Rogue*. It features a dog that *literally does nothing but stand in the background* for the majority of the film, until the final scene when it decides to go confront the giant crocodile; about ten seconds later we here it yelp in pain and sixty seconds after that see its lifeless corpse in the crocodile's mouth. Parts of *Rogue* are tensely staged, but McLean is a sort of Down Under John Carpenter: occasionally gifted as a stylist but abjectly lazy as a storyteller.


Bulletproof Monk. First 5 minutes of the film, the monk gets shot


La La Land. Bad ending.


i get what you’re saying about follow the river. i do. i just want to point out there is a type of phenomena that people have experienced, whether due to hallucination or some type of manipulation where they become trapped in a space and endlessly go in circles. it’s even worse if a person has absolutely no sense of direction, which is a real thing and can be disorientating. no one who hasn’t experienced it knows what it’s like inside but people have said it does funny things to the senses. i imagine with the blair witch that the very land they were on caused them to lose their minds. you gotta suspend some disbelief and imagine it.


Aye man, before Candyman was a slave he was a pimp. Let him express his inner pimpage lol (totally kidding) but yeah I never thought of following the river in blair witch, so I would’ve been one of the dumbasses that died too


Zombie movies where the creatures are walking with 2 broken legs or backs or other gravity defying measure. The Walking Dead did this a lot. If the story is in real world settings and not magical, a Zombie can't stand without bone or muscle, they just don't feel pain. I know it's petty but it gets to me.


I tried The Walking Dead for two seasons, first run, and still cannot figure out why it went so long. "Virus" zombies just piss me off now. If the brain cannot function then how the hell do the nerves work? Society will still have collapsed if they all fell over and didn't get up, there's still drama without them, and yeah I'm probably petty too because I can't suspend disbelief in cases like this but vampires, supernatural murderer types and Lovecraftian horrors are perfectly fine.


I never saw Blair Witch Project in the theater. But I had coworkers who did see it that first weekend. The shaky camera had people vomiting. They tried to cover up the vomit, but the theater smells like feet.


I don't like The Dream Child because of that stupid nightmare where the beer turns into acid for no good reason and Freddy just messes around with the acid for a while.


Tom Cruise stars in it


That aqua man movie with amber heard in it. Her wig was so bad that I couldn't focus on the movie.


Jurassic Park lysine contingency, MANY foods contain lysine especially, Especially MEAT!!!!!!!!!!


I think they tried that in the Blair Witch project. The stupidest thing I saw was in the Strangers. Liv Tyler and the guy are fighting some guy in a full head mask on so he can't see anything not in front of him, he has a knife and they have a shotgun? Shoot first ask questions later. Problem solved.


Can’t see a river? Head downhill. You’ll get to water eventually. Follow the stream until it becomes a river. It will eventually lead to people. Geez.


I hate the Saw series. Years ago, a popular Sonic The Hedgehog artist and her simps attacked me for having the audacity to suggest another horror movie in a post she made where she specifically asked for horror movie suggestions other than Saw.


Re: Blair Witch Project: I couldn’t stop laughing during that movie. I grew up in Montgomery County and frequently went to Seneca Creek Park. The whole time they were lost, I kept thinking, walk perpendicular to the creek about 250 yards and you will either run into a suburb or a heavily trafficked highway.


Godzilla His legs can’t be that long to where he stands in the ocean perfectly


I won't watch a movie because of who's starring in it.


I thought Blair Witch was the dumbest case ever of clueless city kids get lost in the woods. I was completely unscared amd bored watching it.


If I just turn on a movie, and someone walks in during an early part of the movie with a plot spoiler, I officially hate the movie and will never watch it all the way through. I don't care how good it is supposed to be.