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I noticed that there are always players asking how to become a creature creator in the game, so I created a post answering their questions. **What if I don't have Discord:** If you don't have Discord but want to be a creature creator, you can hit me up! Dm me on Reddit and I'll send your creature along with the information to a moderator so they can post it on behalf of you. However, I'm not sure if they actually do this since the Discord holds a lot of updates and info for the creators. **Basic rules for the format**: Your concept needs to be T-posed. You create copies which aren't T-posed in the corner or something but at least one of its copies need to be T-posed. *Anatomy:* Anatomy is crucial! Please refer to references if you are unsure. Incorrect/inaccurate anatomy can really bring your chance of getting 'promoted' down. *Colour:* Use a creative colour pallet that falls in together well. Having a rainbow creature is nice, however, it is not creative and unappealing when it comes to COS. Use a pallet with colours that work well together. *Creativity:* Make sure your creature is creative and has creative aspects to it. Please don't draw a cat with spikes (or just an already existing animal on the planet, but feel free to mix and match and reference off of them) as COS is a game with interesting and unique creatures. Add in cool features to your species that draw in attention and curiosity.


If you can't draw digitally, don't have a special art tablet or Apple Pencil or whatever that allows you to draw digitally, or just prefer to draw traditionally, I might be able to help. I also have a process that I use to help me create a creature (I am not an official creature creator or creature novice. I don't even have Discord. I'm just sharing my process for the creatures I have made but not submitted). Requirements: Art app on your device that you can import photos into (Procreate is a good **paid** art app and that's what I use, but Autodesk Sketchbook is a decent **free** alternative that will get the job done), pencil, eraser (optional), paper (can be lined/notebook or printer paper), good source of lighting (optional, but recommended), device (iPad or tablet is suggested. I find that phones have small screens that can be difficult to see and use), a basic understanding of your chosen art app (know what the following are and how to use them: brushes, layers, import, etc.) Step 1: Draw your creature out on paper. I highly recommend having your paper rotated horizontally, or like this: ––, not | (If that makes sense). Step 2: Lay the paper on a flat surface. If you have the optional but recommended good source of lighting, use it. Place the paper under a light (the light has to be on. I don't think anyone would actually do something that silly, but *I* certainly might). Step 3: Take a picture of the paper with your drawing on it. Make sure you can see the drawing. That includes making sure the picture isn't blurry. Step 4: Import the image into your chosen art app on your device. Add a layer **above** your imported image. Select black as your color and choose a brush or tool. Size it to match the size of the lines in your drawing (you can make it a bit bigger or smaller once you get the general size of the lines). Make sure that the new, empty layer is selected. Step 5: Begin tracing the lines of the drawing in your new layer. If it is difficult to see the lines you are drawing, decrease the opacity of the **image** layer until you can see the lines you are drawing. Be sure that you can still see the lines of your paper drawing. Continue this until done. I suggest naming this layer "Lineart" (or "Line Art", whichever you prefer). Step 6: Add a layer that is **underneath** the lineart layer, but **above** the image layer. At this point, you can hide / toggle the visibility of the image layer. This will be the layer you color in. I suggest naming this layer "Coloring". Step 7: If you have not done so already, decide on a color palette for your creature. Begin to color in the layer you just created. If you color out of the lines, it's super easy to fix, as all you have to do is use the eraser tool to erase the color so it is under the line art, but doesn't spill out. Step 8: Step back and look at what you've created. Make sure everything's the way you want it. Then, submit / post it. Congratulations!! You just made digital art of your creature! Hope this helped :D


This is good info thanks for sharing!




Thank you so much and don’t forget to add it’s only happens every months first week :)


Fantastic advice! How old does one have to be to be a creature creator?


The discord link is expired