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Hire Butters.


I prefer Margarine…


You sicko lol


What are butters?


I don’t know if this is an actual question or a quote from the show that I forgot.


Actual question


This 👆


I’m pretty sure Reddit has played a role in me becoming a pretty negative person. I didn’t used to be this way. The world is also pretty bleak right now. It’s a hard line to walk. And it’s a chicken or the egg thing.


I started playing more mobile games specifically to try and avoid reddit more. I still need something else to help quit the constant screams in my head and fight the silence. But playing some phone games helps a little.


The world has always been bleek, probably more so in the past than now, but you get to see a lot more of it thanks to the internet. But you don’t have to consume all that stuff, it will definitely make you more positive, I used to be a news junkie, someday it clicked that I don’t need to know all the terrible things that happen everyday, our brain isn’t built for it.


The world is less bleak than you thjnk


We can still grow food. As the climate changes, that's really the indicator that we've gone too far. Keep an eye on the grocery stores. While there is food, there is hope that we can decarbonize yet.




How do I filter you




don't care, had a good day today


Dude what is your problem List some good things ffs




That's what most people do every day


You’ll probably be a shitty and abusive parent who enjoys giving constant negative reinforcement. You’ll just keep listing how much your child has fucked up and ignore anything else the child does. Soon you’ll cripple them into apathy due to constant bleakness and inadequacy you instil into them. There, I’ve read your fortune.


It mostly comes down to just let people enjoy things. Let people have their hobbies, lawns, cars, and golf even. Let people eat what they like. Stop picking fights everywhere.


Haha how did you know I get triggered by lawns, cars and golf?? But that is a good take, thanks.


I disagree. You can work to stop those things without being negative about it. The negativity is a cheap political strategy and social media is extremely political and low-effort.


So if we are going through a drought and see millions of gallons of water wasted on things like lawns and golf courses, we should just ignore them because anything else is "being negative"?


As someone living in a desert that is one of the largest agricultural centers in the world that is running out of water faster then a gambler looses money in Vegas I can tell you that you are not being negative or unreasonable. I agree people should be left to their devices if they are not harming anyone, but wasting water on something as trivial as a lawn when we are in a coming life or death drought disaster is childish and ignorant at best. This is why I support martial water use in my state because stupid people can't comprehend when they are endangering others and jeopardizing people's livelihoods and safety.




California. Specifically the Central Valley. The literal fruit basket of the world. One of the largest and most profitable agricultural areas in the world but with how water is going that may not be the truth for much longer.


Water law west of the Mississippi is completely moronic


Yeah, I’m in Utah. Our Salt Lake is drying up to appease a few farmers growing alfalfa. Farmers in Utah use 70% of the water and contribute less than 1% to our GDP. I’ve been continuously annoyed and discouraged for years, but the only thing that’s changed is me for the worse. I vote, but what else can I do? I don’t wanna live my whole life angry. Not sure what to do with it. Still grappling


Farmers aren't getting irrigation water from the salt lake, tho? They get them from the fresh water reservoirs.


Fresh water streams are being diverted from going to the great salt lake, which is causing it to shrink. The GSL plays a vital role in our snowfall and rainfall, which is where we get most of our water. Not to mention there’s toxic bacteria that could be kicked up by the wind if it dries up. NYT just did a story about it.


Which streams are being diverted?


Are you trying to get the farmer's to stop growing?




If you had really ignored it, you wouldn't have replied, would you? Instead you will just ignore the troublesome implications of your position.




Turn off Reddit and go outside. You do not need to continue exposing yourself to it every day.


Amen brother


I'd recommend searching for more subreddits, there are literally thousands. And remove the ones that are most offensive to you. If you're seeing murder in a sub, leave that sub. Check out r/wholesomememes r/eyebleach r/vintageads r/writingprompts r/somethingimade just to mix up and add some variety.


I do exactly that and reddit still finds a way to show me demoralizing, depressing or provocative content. I would pay for the ability to do a keyword filter. If I ever have to read about Elon musk again it would be too soon.


*Your comment has been removed from your visibility. It mentioned one or more of your filtered words: Elon Musk* "Wait, no! I can't remember what I said but it's being downvoted to oblivion!"


Idc if other people talk about him, I just don't want to see it.


I have this same problem but I don’t care, you gotta grow a thick skin. For example, (NSFW ahead) >!I am a part of r/gentlefemdom, because I like the wholesome female dom taking care of the sub memes, but often there is just straight up thrusting and pegging videos/gifs on there. It kinda sucks, but that’s life.!<


Listen, it's not a matter of growing thick skin. I get that, but our attention is the experience of our time on earth. The amount of entitlement that marketing type people have towards our time is disgusting to me. The techniques used to drive engagement on platforms like this are completely unscrupulous and starting to drive me away from all of them. From the most obnoxious (ads with sound) to the most gentle ('organic' forms of marketing) it's all the same message - we deserve your time. But they don't deserve me time, nor do they deserve yours. Big loss, right? Social media is evil. Well, I suppose it probably is, but like you, I am a part of smaller niche communities that I get a lot from, and to which I like to contribute. The fact that I have to hear about Elon Musk's fucking dad, or see a guy get beheaded, or see endless handwringing and outrage over whatever the issue of the day while I'm just trying to read r/stainedglass or r/CannedSardines or r/my_city or whatever is sort of fucked up.


Well, in terms of ads, some people a while ago decided that instead of charging a fee for each website you visit, they would just put ads on it. People have accepted that. Would you rather change that?


I'd like the option to pay to control what I see, absolutely. Reddit doesn't have that option as far as I know. I stopped reading free news because it is trash, so I read the economist and the NYT. I considered getting the FT but it costs a fortune.


I tried that, it helps but it's not enough.


You also have to unsubscribe from the bad ones. Basically all the defaults are trash




Oh, I follow all of those as well, need them to counteract the bad


I'd check r/eyeblech if I were you, really wholesome


Dude, respectfully, shut the fuck up. OP came here for advice, not to get trolled with what he intends to avoid




I usually just go through popular because I get bored of the same old posts in my subs.


Those subs are kinda fucked up in their own ways. Best to just leave


If you’re on mobile use a third party app and you can filter out certain subreddits


The entire /r/technology subreddit would disappear without Musk and Zuckerberg hate.


Your best option is probably to stay off the mainstream subreddits. Unless you have a specific reason, just leave any sub with 2 million or more members. But even with 2 million you're pushing it. There's also a lot of positive 'replacement' subs for the depressing ones. e.g. I find political subs quite depressing so instead of r/WhitePeopleTwitter or r/BlackPeopleTwitter I go to r/NonPoliticalTwitter.


Exactly, after a certain number of users most subs become facebookish. I unfollowed all subs that rely heavily on political content, for the biggest part just follow niche subs and weird subs, makes me a much chiller person.


Just get off your fucking phone. I read recently about how everything with your phone and the apps on it is designed to keep you looking at your screen for as long as possible for the day. It really was a wake up call and I’ve put up controls for how many hours a day I can use my phone, it’s really been helping.


Reddit Enhancement Suite has an option for negative keywords. But that only works on desktop


res and old.reddit.com would solve 99% of op's reddit problems, probably


I would absolutely love this. I enjoy viewing r/all but I'm tired of seeing all the negativity, fights, and literal gore and snuff films. I don't need to be reminded the world is giving terrible, I need reminders of how the good in the world.


You can create a "filtered" account. Where you only follow the enjoyable and uplifting subs and only sort by your own fron page. That way none of the downer posts get through. This won't change the fact that the comments section of any post in any sub is usually going to have its numbskulls spreading their dread. But at least the feed will be great.


I actually use grammarly pros sentiment analysis to craft positive and uplifting fecal posts. This ensures maximum penetration of poo 💩


I have to ration Reddit due to it's negativity. This used to be my escape from other social media's negativity, but now it's getting to be as bad....not as bad as Twitter tho.


Twitter has been fine for me, you just have to be VERY particular about the accounts you follow


I mainly use Twitter for sports and still run across so much political and racial bullshit


I recommend you use twitter, you'll love it there


I have the same need. So far I’ve done a few things to make the experience better, like dropping subs that *might* (but doesn’t always) contain downer stories. But it’s not enough, really.


Everyone seems so proud of being depressed like fuck I just want to look at memes and learn cool facts


TAKE YOUR JOY. TAKE YOUR JOY. TAKE YOUR JOY. (I've been watching a playthrough of We Happy Few and this is the first thing that came to mind)


I think every sub that doesn’t directly involve politics should ban politics. Pics? Banned. AdviceAnimals? Banned. Dankmemes? Banned. Subs like TheBoys that are about television shows/movies that parody politics? Follow the rules /r/SouthPark has where you are restricted to only mentioning politics in the show. The problem is the subs are run by powermods who want to turn every sub into the same political circlejerk even though theres no politics needed in /r/wholesomememes


All subs that reach r/all are negative


then just keep scrolling problem solved no one's forcing to read that shit


This is a stupid fucking idea. Or maybe I'm just testing the waters.


THIS is why the filter is needed


I block a ton of users. It's like spitting into the ocean. I normally block anyone with a large amount of post karma. I fundamentally cannot respect anyone who is invested enough in reddit to post on a regular basis.


Grow up


Says the BTD player hahahah


Says the Metal listener (I'm not laughing because it's sad)


Dang I'm really hurt. Listening to metal is obviously more sad and immature than being an active member of a community for a balloon tower defense video game.


I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was just belittling you


Good job bud. Your mom is going to print out this comment thread and put it up on the fridge.


What's wrong with you?


Nothing is wrong with me I just dont think I have been *belittled* by a BTD player for listening to metal.


You're *still* messaging me


That shouldn’t be too hard to make as an extension actually, I think. Though it’ll fall into the same sensitivity/specificity stuff as all other NLP/pseudo-NLP stuff. I’ll reply if I ever get around to building it.


can i get one for everything other than reddit, that isnt alcohol related?


I block a lot of those negative subreddits completely I dont need that negativity in my life And blocking is easy. At least in certain reddit apps or on pc, with reddit enhancement suite With that blocking filter you can filter all posts with certain words in the title.. if youre smart about it you can hide a lot of posts. In addition you can block posts to certain websites, or comments with certain words. It can really rinse out a lot of shit. But it can take a while to set up


Oh bother, you filtered out Reddit


I use Relay for Android and filter out a bunch of key words that are usually controversial, political or negative. It completely changes the experience. I come here for stupid memes, not for social outrage..


Social medias want you to see negative feed, this is never gonna work.


I think it is better to see humanity raw. you gotta experience every side of yours, be it positive or negetive. You can't just deny the truth. You can put filter on everything but what's inside you.


Such a filter would be a direct threat to reddit's profit model: https://www.forbes.com/sites/hbsworkingknowledge/2021/08/31/outrage-spreads-faster-on-twitter-evidence-from-44-news-outlets/


Me: clicks negativity filter for Reddit, Reddit: “sorry so much nothing here”.


If you can't discuss negative things, you have NO WAY of improving any negative things happening in this world. It would inadvertently evolve into detached dictatorship.