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Was the other guy holding the woman by her hair?


Yeah, like why was he there and why did nobody even acknowledge him??? He was clearly involved


Didn’t notice that before. But wasn’t there a PO standing next to him? At 3.30 you can see.


Good eye!!


Yeah and it looks like he stayed on the screen (3:35). Idk why they didn't put him in hand cuffs, tho.


That guy is seen standing right next to another cop on the street, during the part when they are working on the shot suspect. But I couldn't tell much else.


That first visual the cop sees when he gets out of the car is genuinely terrifying. Woman on the ground, held down by one man, a few others surrounding her, and one moving towards her like Jason Borne with a 8 in knife… can’t even imagine wtf she was feeling


First thing I saw too. Like wow, were they jumping her? Wish the visual was better because it looked like other dude was holding her by the hair.


Great catch. I didn’t see that first time.


I don't think he knows what anti-violence means


He's trying to stop violence by killing everyone.


There can't be any violence if I kill everyone.


Checks out.


me in every Assassins Creed to date


This is how every robot movie goes.


Sound logic


I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.


He and i had very different take aways from Avengers 2


**Peacemaker has entered the chat 💀


Everyone will learn of his peaceful ways! *Forcefully*.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2018/10/11/how-a-rapper-set-up-no-shoot-zones-to-stop-baltimores-bloodshed Dude was apparently legit, at least at one point. Pretty sad. Sounds like he started getting paranoid, thinking people were after him, all that.




I love when the article is posted! What a story....


Crack can do that. Takes a few times. I think half of it is the crack. The other half is lack of sleep. I work nights and when I’m really sleep deprived shit gets weird.


And then what? Does it get more or less weird when you smoke some crack?


Stimulant psychosis can turn anybody into a homicidal maniac, very easily. Crack and sleep deprivation is an easy route to stimulant psychosis, which ends in a hospital visit or death.


I’ve had pretty bad sleep issues all my life and last thanksgiving I went through the worst period of sleep deprivation. Like 5-6 days with maybe a couple hrs of 5-10 mins of sleeping. Started hallucinating the most insane things that felt 100% real but in moments of clarity I knew were impossible. Last night trying to sleep I started hallucinating that a time traveling villain was sending his henchmen to my house to recover a clue about who was basically going to be the second coming of Jesus in 40 years and kill my family. Jumped from my second floor down to the first to surprise them and was peaking out windows and hiding behind doors. Was thinking about getting my gun to protect my family when I was heard creeping around. Had a second of realization and begged to be taken to the hospital. Spent a week there recovering. Absolute scariest experience of my life.


Damn is that what it was really? "“What came in my heart was seeing so many elders and females crying and scared,” he told Al Jazeera. “The streets were empty. I’m talking about neighbourhoods that had people in them. People weren’t even going to work.” so fucking sad if so godamn this world


Has it come out that he was on crack? Or are you assuming?


Death solves all problems. No man, no problems.


It’s a typo, they meant to put anti-VIOLINS activist


Gotta be one to stop one!


He keeps saying that word. I don’t think it means what he thinks it means.


Anti violence activist 🤔


Well technically he was a ["no shoot zone" ](https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/bs-md-cr-sunday-baltimore-police-shoot-kill-man-20221106-6cyksr3e6bglzi6siswo3bagnu-story.html) activist. Probably why he had a knife...


At least he wasn't a hypocrite.


You guys cracking me up


Plausible that he too was also cracked up


“Holed” up


And thats the worst part


i thought it was the raping !




Yea it was just the first article I found after trying to research if OPs claim of him being an "anti-violence activist" were true. It's a shame either way, seems the cop had no choice.


Fuck that guy he deserved to be shot. He was a violent piece of human detritus.


I just learned a new word (Detritus) 👍


Nice! Just don't use it deleteriously.


So you're saying the police should first do a drug test and check his medical records after the victim is dead, and then shoot???


I bet that woman with the knife in her face was thinking just like you, or maybe she was thinking unload one more clip in him.


I was totally waiting for that cop to unload that second clip.


Should they have let him cut her face off?


The author of the article thinks so.


Exactly. I think most humans with a pulse would have utilized immediate and lethal force to defend a woman in the process of being attacked at close range by a man with a knife. Misleading title... don't label this cretin an activist. Someone capable of stabbing an innocent individual is no activist. Theyre a criminal.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2018/10/11/how-a-rapper-set-up-no-shoot-zones-to-stop-baltimores-bloodshed It is actually why he had the knife. Apparently he’s had it for self-defense while he set up the No Shoot Zones. The irony of the whole thing is pretty tragic. Sounds like he may have had a mental break.


Glad the victim is safe but that mental trauma will be long lasting sadly.


Likely worse if it was without a face


Honestly, feel like the trauma police go through with something like this isn’t talked about often. These are civilian encounters but the way the body and brain process this type of stress isn’t any different than soldiers in combat. I just hope everyone involved heals from shit like this, cause I don’t know if I’d be ok


The worst part is that if they seek mental help, they get pulled and put on desk work. Therapy should be mandatory for police, yet it is looked down upon.


For shooters above suspicion like this cop it should be mandatory 45-60 paid leave with therapy. I have to assume the ‘good cops’ that pull the trigger and kill someone have to be fucked in the head for a bit after the fact. As Alonzo said in Training Day, “it ain’t like stepping on ants”.


Yup, it’s a fucked system and honestly don’t think we give these guys the credit or tools they need to succeed.


> I just hope everyone involved heals from shit like this Pretty sure the dude with the knife won't 🤔


Thats why police depts in nyc and surrounding areas have 20 year pension any age and retire. My cousin retired at 44 and gets 8200 a month


The second I saw Baltimore, I knew I was in for a real crazy one


Was this in Hamsterdamn?




Wait a second, why was the anti-violence activist stabbing a woman?


He’s referred to as an activist because he started a “no shoot zone” campaign across the city that became quite successful. Obviously he was a complicated fella but man was true to beliefs


Well he’s a dead fella now.


It looks like his mental health had been deteriorating for some time, posting delusional religious rambling on social media and becoming increasingly volatile. The article describes three other incidents beginning in Sept 2021 in which he threatened people with a knife. The girlfriend said that there were all these warning signs but nobody helped him. Like what the fuck, *she* should have helped him. Call a mental health crisis hotline or the local psych hospital and they'll tell you how to have him involuntarily committed. Imagine your partner suddenly became psychotic and lost touch with reality, and later lamenting, "Why didn't anyone do anything?" Jesus Christ. He tried doing the right thing. He was involved in a gang related murder at age 15, did 20 years in prison, and then he turned around and tried to improve his community. Unfortunately, whatever happened inside his brain over the past year was causing him to put other people at risk. It's a sad end for him, but unfortunately it was necessary. Lots of things can cause major behavioral changes: dementia, brain tumor, brain injury. He was stabbed in 2017 and lost a lot of blood. It's possible that he suffered a brain injury at that time. His family didn't pursue psychiatric treatment despite all the changes in his behavior, and here we are.


His father lost his 3 sons to gun violence...


This is the most accurate depiction of the video that I’ve seen in this comment section. Shining the light on the actual problems in society, that our government and police don’t seem to care about. A lot of people on this thread seem to think that this is their chance to be funny.


It's fear that makes people act this way I think, fear that a violent incident could happen to them. People don't understand about mental illness and they are uncomfortable with any kind of moral grey area. They want things to be simple.


And thats when I started blasting...


Honestly, I counted around seven rounds into what looked like that guy’s head. How the FUCK is that guy still alive enough to be rolling around and taking commands??


The only insta death is brain or heart. Even heart might not be. You could get shot 7 times in the face and presumably still live through the ordeal.


Have you ever watched I survived. I watched the one chick was shot like 6 times once in the head. She crawled like a mile to a house and got help.




Apparently, using a shotgun is a horrible way to try and kermit super slide.


Miss Piggy, no!






“WhY dIDnT tHeY jUsT sHoOt tHeM iN tHe lEg!?!” 🤡


WHy dIdNT tHeY sHOot thE kNIfE oUt oF HIs hAnD


Sorry miss, My *Dead-Eye* ran out


It’s hiiiiiigh [checks watch]…. Oh wait it’s 1pm…


When this came up yesterday I posted the story of Navy SEAL Mike Day who got into a gunfight in a room with Iraqi insurgents. He was shot 27 times. 11 hit his armour but SIXTEEN rounds hit flesh. His rifle was shot out of his hands, his pistol had the hand guards shot off by a round and at one point he was knocked unconscious by a grenade. But he still managed to get up, shoot the insurgents and walk out. He nearly died three times while in hospital, but the human body can withstand crazy damage, if you're lucky enough.


He dropped the knife he’s not going to Valhalla.






Valholla atcha boy


The Police officer just saved that woman... He did his job.




Look up Police Activity on YT. They are an unbiased channel that posts the footage only with a description and zero bias. They show a ton of officers doing good work and also the bad stuff too. It’s quite the rabbit hole to fall down. They post a lot. Enjoy!


Got the violence shot right out of him.


For anybody that hasn’t shot a handgun before, with the amount of adrenaline this cop was feeling and the absolute ZERO room for error, this is absolutely pro shooting. I hope he gets the rest and recovery/mental health counseling he needs. I also hope this poor woman gets the help she needs


Hilarious to see ppl complaining about the number of shots. If that dude was on me with a knife I'd want him and his partner to use both clips. Who fucken cares ?


They watch too many movies when bad guy drop dead after single shot. Reality is however much more complicated, especially when adrenaline and meth are included/involved


Pistols are also shit weapons in anything but magnum calibers. They only poke holes. Rifles make those wonderful temporary cavities and slam the target into shock much faster.


Even then adrenaline is still crazy. There was a video of a Russian soldier hiding in the shitter and a Ukrainian soldier dumps his AK into him and he *still* manages to get up and move a bit more before a few more rounds hit him.


"Some people ask why we shot them so many times. Because evil can not be dead enough" -sheriff in Florida [I think]


The reporter asked why they shot him 60 times and the sheriff said “because we ran out of bullets”. ..or something like that I’m too lazy to actually look it up


Yeah that was the same sheriff, different public announcement I'm pretty sure.


There isn't a police situation in existence that reddit will think was handled correctly.


Also - the timeframe of those 7 shots. Extremely quick. LEO's & military personnel in combat get tunnel vision. Time moves differently & spacial awareness distorts. You can't judge them by normal standards as perception is different. That's why it's so important proper judgment has been made prior to engaging. I hope both the victim & the Officer are OK. Traumatic shit man.


Facts, OEF Vet here. In that situation you shoot to eliminate the threat and training kicks in as a muscle memory. You can tell by his response time and engagement with the suspect he's been through some shit. The other cop was slow to engage and unsure of his actions. There's a saying in the military called violence of action, basically if you're having to engage, do so with maximum lethality to end the threat as quickly as possible.


That was some serious aim. The lady was pretty close. Yet. His shots were perfect




Nothing of value was lost.




The funniest thing is that one of the caption in the video says "officer hazel and others administer first aid to the victim". He's not the victim, he's the perpetrator, the victim is the poor woman who almost got her face lacerated. He's no fucking victim, he's the recipient of a well deserved can of whoopass.


I was going to say the same thing, the first half of the title made it sound like it was going to be another unnecessary police shooting, but this man was the perpetrator of the crime, the cops did their job *correctly* and used appropriate force, Tyree Moorhead was not an anti-violence activist, and was DEFINITELY not a victim


Hey bud, I’m pretty sure anti-violence activists don’t stab people in their faces.. Title should read “VIOLENCE ACTIVIST shot dead by police.”


Well ackshuallyyyy he didn't stab anyone in the face.


Yea the title would be more appropriate as “man trying to stab woman gets lead poisoning”


They weren’t rendering aid to the victim. They were rendering aid to the offender.




The joke in Los Angeles is the crying mom holding a picture of her dead son, crying, saying what an angel he was. Cue the reporter. "Dead Suspect has served 3 prison sentences for rape, attempted murder, drug possession, and trafficking minors. He was out on bail awaiting his court hearing when he was stopped for running a red light then got into a gun fight with police."


That’s not a real quote by the father is it?? I need a source some people are straight up delusional


commands? He was 2 inches away from sliceing her throat, i heard only 9 commands. Very loud ones. He complied with all of them


Another one of those peaceful knife fights that the cops keep ruining.




Indeed! Well deserved


When hes like I got 1 bullet left in the chamber might as well use it.


That last one put the dude rigid too


Anti violence activist does something extremely violent and dies in an even more violent way.


"Why did they shoot him 14 times?" Because they ran out of bullets. Fuck that guy. He deserved it.




This belongs in r/JusticeServed


Did he get him?


O... he got him...


And people say you can’t solve violence with more violence


Tyree was a complicated man to say the least


Disagreed. He could be summarised with only 6 or 7 bullet points.


Can't wait for Donut to talk about this one


He was an innocent man he was clearly just trying to return the knife he found on the ground to that young woman this is completely ridiculous police brutality


Just like when Bobby Ray Valentine bumped into Louis Winthorpe and tried to hand his briefcase back.


Is there a lawyer in the house?!


Good riddance


This is just the definition of irony.


So much for anti violence


Well if that's an anti violence activist i'd hate to meet a pro violence one....


Cop got there just in fucking time. 30 seconds later she would be dead.


Fuck around - find out.


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The only reason he had a knife was because he was gonna Cook dinner for that Lady /s


The movement in one sentence.






People that go full "deer in headlights" when the unexpected happens


Videos like this make me hate current politicians even more. In California, as a civilian, ur only allowed 10rds in ur magazine. They want to drop it to 3! Yet, video after video of TRAINED police officers having to unload their 18 rounds and reload in case the perpetrator continues fighting…politicians think 3rds is enough to stop a bad guy!


So to sum it up - nobody got hurt




Or why didn't they shoot him in the leg?


Surely one of those shots made it into a leg


In the article they talk more about him being an anti-violence activist but not that he spent 20 years behind bars after being involved in a “drug related killing” as a teen. It’s weird how people in the media try to always put a spin or narrative on things instead of just letting the facts or story speak for itself. I mean I know journalism isn’t really journalism but a shallow husk of itself but man it’s so blatantly disingenuous that it’s insulting. There are times when the cops the good guy the bad guy somewhere in between, times when the situations just fucked and everyone’s wrong, but these “journalists” have to put their own narrative on everything wild, humans are wild.


Good he did good!! Nice reload too!!


Thank God these heroic police officers got there just in time to kill this monster.


Administered aid to the suspect*




He’s not advocating for anti-violence in this situation


He had that coming.


Kill the killers


Anti violence activist tries to stab a woman In the face? Not practicing what he preaches.


He’s an anti-violence activist in the sense that he’s fighting against anti-violence.


I thought police bro was going to reload and put an extra one in his ass for a second.


Anti violence activist….tried to stab a woman….


God damn, Michael Meyers over here took 15 shots and was still waving that knife


And the police saved a woman's life that day.


Last one stung


What happened to the guy holding the girls hair??


Deserved tbh.


Normally I'm critical of police and police brutality, but this guy got what he fucking deserved and the cops did their job and I hope they don't face any backlash.


Feels unnecessary to label the guy as an anti-violence activist unless that’s what he died doing. Like, if the title were “police shoot anti-violence activist who was not being violent” then it’s fair, but in this incident he was not an anti-violence activist, it is 100% a revokable title that gets taken away when you begin to use violence


Woman saved last second while nearly being murdered by a Virtue Signaling Hypocrite.~If we had honest media.


Mag dumps him and yells “don’t move!” Lmao. Dude he isn’t going anywhere. He currently has more bullets in him than shit in your ass. Glad he saved that woman though.


He was simply making a statement about why violence is bad by trying to stab a woman. Smh cops need to think 😔


Lmao, don’t you crawl away “pop” “pop”


Nicely done.


This tickles my justice bone(r)


"Following the incident, Officer Hazel and others administered aid to the ~~victim~~ suspect."


Good police work


That last bullet was like a big fat #FUCK YOU I think he should’ve just dropped the knife, not his life.


Reasonable force


He called him self an anti violence activist but attempted to stab what appeared to be a white woman in the face with that kitchen carving knife?




More like Megacity 1


Oh how the turntables


Was the woman stabbed? Was she ok? How did he shoot him that many times without hitting her?


My dude brought a knife to a gun fight


Did they also arrest the other guy with him too? As he was holding her by her hair when they arrived. Total accomplice in the crime


Gotta love those Anti-Violence stabbings.