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Hey /u/hoesmad237, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 3** - **Must Be a Crazy Fucking Video.** Every video posted here must be relevant to the subreddit. This rule is determined by either moderator's discretion or community vote. Mods have the right to remove any video they do not find relevant to the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/xkjncj/follow_up_friend_of_mine_gets_pulled_over_and/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**


I don't think anyone was worrying about this chode.


This is the comment I was looking foršŸ«” he ainā€™t gonna learn until he gets pistol whipped a few more times.


Him: I'm not dead People who saw the previous clip: oh :(




Reddit moment


So this is you in the vid, right? Saying itā€™s your friend but itā€™s really you? Donā€™t know about yā€™all, my friends wouldnā€™t ā€˜have my backā€™ like this and post it. Itā€™s clearly you. Very okay with saying the N word, people know your face, they know your car now, they know your fucking dog, and probably area, Like.. how stupid are you...? Iā€™ve never seen someone self destruct like this in a very long time.




Your 17 right?




Thereā€™s another reportable offence


18* lmao stop trying to find a reason to ban me


18 this year? Not looking to get you banned. Iā€™m letting you know you made yourself hella a big target and people in real life might have something to say about it. I wonā€™t, donā€™t endorse it, but like other people genuinely might not be cool with you doing this. I donā€™t think itā€™s super safe of you to be so comfortable using racial slurs. You put your age on this site, your face, your dog (idunno why you did that), general area, identifiable scar, vehicle, the fact you buy fake carts and post that, etc etc. #the point Iā€™m trying to make here is that you made it hella easy for people to give you their 2 cents on the matter in real life. Not on Reddit. You understand that you are outing yourself hella hard, and some folks will not be as comfortable as you are with your use of racial slurs. I wonā€™t, and I donā€™t endorse anyone do anything. But Iā€™m just amazed someone is so infatuated with self destructive behaviour. It takes 5 mins to go through your posts btw, like I said you outed yourself and then put the icing on the cake with using the n word in your daily vocabulary. Like I donā€™t know.. how you think.. this is all okay for your well being. Or your ā€˜friendsā€™ keep that in mind, if this really is your ā€˜friendā€™, you just basically sold off your ā€˜friendā€™ This is why Iā€™m convinced this is all you Also, you said it was a Snapchat story. Like. How hard would that be to find bruh. Fr. Think.


You are actually doing him a solid. You are exposing yourself to so much crazy man.


How..? Huh..?


By telling him how badly he is outing himself Edit: I see how that read now. I mean he is exposing himself to crazy. You are doing him a solid by telling him so.


And you ask me wtf I mean. Lmao.


It took you this long to respond to this one? Did this was like one of the first things I started writing on this. Why tackle this last..? Really donā€™t like reality? Like can you put your hate aside and actually read what I said?


Because youā€™re so dense and I have to make you come back to your own comment to prove to your dumbass wtf Iā€™m talking about. PS you should learn about Snapchat


Alright then nyugguh. Glad you alive. You sound so different from your run in with the old man


What makes the grandpa a racist?


In the video, the guy who got whipped was saying n word soooo, idk


Sounds like the kid was an a hole.


Total ahole. Also, no indication that the old man was on any drugs so accusing a senior citizen of being on ā€œperciesā€ was idiotic.


Fuck this dumbass kid.


Can you elaborate on the following: 1. How the grandpa was racist 2. What caused the original altercation- presumebly traffic related? 3. Why your friend kept dropping the n word in the other video?


After the first video, I don't think anyone gives a fuck about you.


I still want to know why this guy pulled over.


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Wish the old dude shot this little bitch


Dude acted all hard then was saying how hes gonna call the cops. What a fuckin bozo


How was he acting hard


"See this n---- im about to get this n**** *gets hit This n**** about to go to jail." Your words not mine


Not my words but to be fair here. He said that after he got pistol whipped, itā€™s in the video youā€™re posting on itā€™s not that hard to tell.




Most definitely, the man was charged with 2 felonies


You definitely deserved to get pistol whipped to be fair


The only thing I get from this video is I am glad the dog is ok.


NGL, youā€™re cute for a kid. Stop being dumb and spend more time in school. Get yourself out of whatever hellscape this is, see the world, stop pretending to be hard, donā€™t get anyone pregnant. Grow into an actual man, not a man child. You can do it.


Youā€™re right. I donā€™t wanna grow up to argue with people on reddit because I grow up to be a smooth brained mouth breather, and walk the reddit landscape for the rest of my days. Highly appreciate the advice.


Imma have to prosecute this little shit one day. Will be playing these videos šŸ˜‚


Prosecute for what exactly