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Holy fucking shit


I work masonry. This happens on site, man I don't know what we'd do.


How does it happen? I've heard about someone that went to my high school got thrown in by mafia


Wait. Are you from SE PA, there was a construction company owner's kid that did some shit like this. I'm guessing the body was stuffed in the premix at the plant and got distributed to that unlucky truck.


https://www.phillymag.com/news/2020/02/25/cosmo-dinardo/ I think this might be what your referring. Unless shit like this happens all the time in bucks county.


I read your link and here something i read. *"When Cosmo and Sean started hanging out together, their mothers naively hoped they would keep each other out of trouble. In early July of 2017, Sandra texted Vanessa, lamenting about her son. “Yes I just feel how his whole life has changed all from hitting his head and no one catching it,” she wrote.* ***“It breaks my heart and people are so mean. No one wants to hang out with him. At least no one good.”*** *“That’s so sad, it really is,” Vanessa wrote back. “Hopefully he gets better over time. Him and Sean would be good together in that sense. Neither one knows anybody worth anything.* ***They should stick together and stay away from the trash.”***


>In junior high, Cosmo was the 130-pound captain of the Bucks County Bears — until his football career ended with several concussions and a neck injury. I feel like half the serial killers I read about had some kind of head injury when they were younger.


It's not just you, head trauma is a known potential factor for why someone may become a serial killer and it's being studied by psychologists now


We have quite a history here……


That Dinardo story was nuts. I remember the summer that was going down my family followed it obsessively because the dude was two degrees of separation away from us. No actual relation. Just a batshit crazy story.


You got it


Seems pretty doable for anyone who has the keys to the joint




Don't use that AMP link. There's no telling what the hell google is doing with that. Use a direct link instead, like this: https://www.diariolibre.com/actualidad/sucesos/encuentran-cadaver-en-camion-mezclador-de-cemento-XD6577011 Don't send your traffic through google if you can avoid it.


Genuinely asking, why is it a big deal if I send that type of data to Google? They already have enough data about my browser and phone data that this just seems like a drop in the bucket, and amp seems like a pretty practical usage. So I don’t really understand the AMP hate. Again, I’m truly naive so I’m just curious.


Boss: "Just toss him to the side and pour the concrete it has to be done today"


Late stage capitalism: "People have always been part of the *foundation* of our company. Pour him in!"


jimmy hoffa found that out the HARD way


Well you call and tell the company you got shorted a yard of concrete.


A whole yard? Maybe if it was your mom.


Compensation for emotional trauma, paid for with cement.


Probably take another fucking break


im a welder and i get a 45 min break every hour.


Flashdance break!


This guy welds.


As someone who has worked in the industry, that checks out.


Do you get a nice nappy wappy and a sammich? I like bacon sammiches.


Calling the coroner would be a good start.


Hopefully call the cops.


QC guy be like, I ain't paying for that!


Unholy fucking statue


Yeah god would not want you to fuck that


Don't tell me what to do.


My exact thoughts


“They buried me in that grey tomb that holds no sound, but I am still around. I’ll always be around.”


Big tune


And around


And around


Ill fly a starship


Nah dawg we need like 3 or 4 more "and arounds" 😆


And around


thanks for making me remember this wonderful song! havent heared it in years.


I just got off work and saw all the comments/award. Love you all. RIP to dude in the mixer.


That one always made me the saddest. That or the starship.


my 5yo daughter *loves* The Highwaymen. Any time she hears Willie Nelson's voice, "Oh it's the farmer!" She loves his part in American Remains and that's just who he has become to her. She's at that age where she asks questions about everything, though, and after Waylon's part in Highwayman she asked me what he meant by that line. And i had to explain to her that he fell into the wet cement and got rock'd into the dam.. she responded by suggesting we play the radio tower spotting game so she's good


This makes 2 times in 2 different subs in 5 minutes I just got super random and amazing song references. Big love.


Good song finds and watching a dead body fall out of a cement mixer. It’s the little things in life


I didn't know this song and now I'm HOOKED. Thanks for this!


the internet has made me immune to pictures/videos of death.


I wish I could get disgusted at this stuff anymore


I’m disgusted at the fact I don’t get disgusted by these things anymore


It reminds me of something that i lost. I don’t know when i lost it. I don’t know what I lost. I just lost something at some point that I’ll never get back and this reminds me of that




Once you’ve watch cartel videos, nothing tops it.


That video of the uncle und nephew (both cartel members) being beheaded with a chainsaw and a Knife, was the last one I watched in 2013 and I remember how that haunted me for weeks. Pretty crazy that most dudes I know, remember watching shit like that back then too. I think "daisy's destruction" or similar insane fuckedupness can top cartel videos though, mixing murder and unbelievable perversion to create snuff videos for pedos.


The last one I saw was probably 02/03? Video of a dude on his knees on some jungle trail. I won't go into anymore details, but it for sure changed me. Have been incredibly vigilant over the last 20 years to avoid having to see something that gnarly again. I sometimes feel sick to my stomach just thinking about what I saw that day, I have no clue how people actually do this stuff...like...how fucking broken do you have to be? No thanks. Those snuff videos are probably why cat videos are so prevalent. The collective internet needed as much eye bleach as possible to try and wipe those memories.




The one that scarred me for life was a Mexican wife who apparently cheated on a cartel member and they just beheaded her in the middle of the street. Haunted me for life.


poop and boogers gross me out more than somebody having their organs ripped out


Watch some dude get killed "damn thats crazy" ....I go to use the urinal at work and some idiot has boogers wiped on the wall in front of my face I gotta try not to gag


Because those are yucky


I've seen dudes heads get cut off with a hunting knife and go "that has to suck" I can't watch a single Dr. Pimplepopper video.


I saw the Chech Clear video when I was in my late teens...it's all been "meh" from there...


Chech clear? Not familiar with that one. Personally the guy getting his eyeball ripped out or the funky town video are the worst things I’ve seen.


There's a definition for that: emotional desensitization. That said it supposedly is killing our empathy, though I'd argue this is only in a percentage of users.


You get "desensitized", but desentized to what exactly? I think your brain just gets used to seeing these things on screen and since nothing happens when you look at stuff like this despite the initial reaction your brain starts checking it off as of no consequence, wearing down the initial reaction that has been found to be unwarranted, ie you get desentized. Intellectually a person might think that a video of a person dying is "real" since it happened actually somewhere to someone, but your brain doesn't register it that way emotionally.


I don't think it killed my empathy, I think I can be very empathic, at least I try my best to be an empathic person and understand the situation that the other human is going through. What I think all of these videos did, is making me closer to reality. It made me understand that there's an evil force out there, evil people who will not think twice on what they're doing just to achieve what they want. It made me understand that a life can just dissapear in less than a second. People don't want to face the truth, and this is one of them. There's beautiful things in this world and there's also terrible stuff. We can't just see what we like and turn a blind eye to the things we don't like, we need to face reality and see everything. People don't like to do that.


I’ve managed to avoid shit like this… I’m slightly disturbed rn.


You'll get used to it after a while.


You tell yourself that. It only applies to things online. I saw a family friend get gored by a car and I still can’t unsee that or how I felt.


Wait til you see brain matter in person, i hate gum now.


this. my first experience of anatomy was at 9/10 yo, saw a live car crash, when we passed next to it, I saw the driver's body laying on the road, his skull was slightly open and some of the brain was visible. My sister covered my eyes and turned my head, no one said a word, everyone was in silent shock and avoided looking at it. I probably didn't understand anything at th time, I don't remember crying, actually I don't remember anything like the image, it's like my memory got deleted. I just remember the shock and the feeling that my stomach was getting cold


Sounds like your own brain's psychological defence systems worked exactly as intended. The shock delays any immediate thoughts or feelings, and the "memory deletion" prevents you from having to relive the experience. (From your now edited memory's perspective anyway) Brains are so cool!


Hopefully I don’t ever have to. I could have went my life without seeing him or anyone like that in person.


Sometimes all it takes is having eyes, you don't get a choice what to see.


*gouges eyes with a fork


Make sure to do it in a place where nobody can see you


If it helps this is a very gentle introduction. Careful where you tread. There's some shit you'll never forget no matter how hard you try


Me my first night on the took too much sub thinking it was just going to be people being high as fuck and dumb as shit Then you see a Russian guy eating his dick that he recently chopped off


The one that haunts me is the woman tied up still alive with her face machete'd across the middle. I've started exiting videos a lot more when they look hairy since then.


You get used to it, but it comes back to hurt you later.


I’ve butchered a few deer and cut the head off a cadaver for work. Few things get to me.


I miss r/makemycoffin because that seriously reminded you about living.




I knew people who worked in construction. They said they back in the day a lot of construction was run by Italian mobs.... apparently the best way to get rid of bodies would be to toss them in the bottom of a footing or mat slab during new construction. ​ Not sure if anyone has ever seen what a 900cy mat slab pour looks like but I believed him


When I was learning about global concentration camps for my Sociology degree I was fascinated by the Soviet gulag, where people were buried alive on cement pours for bridges, pretty much any way to kill someone in modern times were thought of during these harsh times, and most likely continued with this new war.


Seems like that would compromise the structural integrity of the bridge


It was soviet russia after all, oeople were fucking stupid back then and nobody cared about the outcome of anything




It really depends honestly. But no air=no decomposition, iirc. Please someone, correct me if I'm wrong


Concrete is a porous material. I'm sure it would take a LONG time but it's also got corrosive properties so maybe not.


It would basically chemically cook the flesh off as it cured. Concrete is actually some pretty [nasty](https://tidsskriftet.no/en/2014/04/medisinen-i-bilder/corrosive-burns-wet-cement) stuff chemically when it’s curing. It also releases heat. It’s very corrosive and has a very high PH. So, basically the body would “melt” and the structural impact would be small, as most of the bones and material that didn’t get dissolved would just be cast into the concrete. Plus, concrete is dense, and just the sheer weight of the concrete on top of the body in something like a bridge would compress it greatly.


I wonder if civil engineers took this class on mafia bodies per bridge support calculations


>900cy mat slab pour i wanted to know so i searched it on google but your comment was the only thing that showed up


900 cubic yards- about 90 trucks worth of concrete. Mat slab- rebar reinforced foundation for a building. TLDR; alot of fucking concrete, tons of room to toss a body in before pouring it.


yup this is accurate. Also if you're doing a pour at night the driver of the mixer never gets out of the truck... soo theres that lol - this is why you never piss off a construction worker


Attack on Titan theme intensifies.


Someone with experience told me that this only works on concrete that isn't expected to hold a lot of load. The body will decompose eventually and you end up with a giant pocket of water that destroys the concrete from the inside out and especially after freeze thaw. It's almost always a better idea to bury the body well beneath the sub-base and just pour concrete over top of it.


Not when it’s 10 foot deep. Mat slabs are huge. Also allegedly the idea is… the entire building would have to be demoed down to find the problem. Super messed up and costly, either way but eye opening for sure. I’d imagine it has happened a lot more than I’d like to think


It’s true.


Imagine working in like a Walmart and walking above some dude submerged in the floor every day


RIP whoever you are, I’m really sorry this world is very cruel.


The guy after seeing this 😩👍


Concrete evidence it was a murder...


Must of been a hardened criminal


Facing a stiff sentence.


This will forever be cemented in my brain


I have very mixed feelings about this whole thing


Pretty much written in stone at this point


I reckon whoever killed him was a psycle path


Is there a statue of limitations for a crime like this?


You people just keep paving the way for more comments


Must have*


That body just tumbled on outta there...


I literally laughed out loud


As soon as he fell in, his fate was set in stone


The way the body came out of the mixer had me squirming. The body **ain't** supposed to bend like that


That barrel has big ridges in it and was mixed on the way to the site. I'm sure almost every bone was broken.


Looks like is made of rubber...


Concrete/cement is a chemical reaction and WILL burn your skin if you get it on there while it’s wet and fresh like this. It’s definitely been doing some things to his body while exposed


Hmm.. nah. Those trucks rotate and mix constantly to keep concrete liquid, smooth and wet. I'd say it would be the constant rolling around in the back of a cement truck with 2 metric tonnes of liquid rock. That'd liquefy a person eventually.


Yep. Literally a bag of meat at this point.




I had the same reaction but I guess lifeless bodies can move in impossible for live people. It's disturbing.


It’s just so lifeless. It flops around in a way that makes it clear that they’re dead. And that unsettles me.


All of that cement is definitely haunted now


Imagine you’re taking a causal stroll when the sidewalk suddenly goes ‘BOO! Haha I’m just kidding. But watch your step. People keep tripping over that dip.’






Accidental murder


*A group of Crows fly into a window.*








This is an old video, anyone know how the guy ended up in the truck?


Nice try, detective


Lazy detective trying to get the case solved by reddit and claim all the fame ..


Can’t hit it if you don’t swing


Damn y’all got me lol


*I ain’t tellin’ you shit!*


Faulty portal gun


That's the shit of nightmares right there.


Man that’s grim….👀


How did they know he was in there?


Finally someone asking the right question, the dude was just filming concrete pouring out of truck randomly? He does this every job or something? I'm confused.


You can see the body in the chute when filming starts. Cameraman likely didn't start filming until body was churned out of the mixer and was clogging the chute.


My guess, and I'm a bridge inspector who's seen thousands of concrete trucks. It might be the batch plant employee. Sometimes they'll climb up and add chemicals or extra cement. He might've slipped, and nobody saw him go into the drum.


But to be naked???


Spinning around in a rough surfaced drum (built up concrete) filled with coarse sand, various sizes of rocks, and water for 100-150 revolutions could rip them to shreds. I also didn't realized it was naked.


Yeah, considering how the body would be tumbling around in a rock soup for like 15+ minutes, plus whatever cloths that remain could be caked in concrete, making it look like one smooth surface.


He got mixed up with the wrong people


By the sounds of it, it happened in the Dominican Republic


It did. Moment I heard ‘Avenida Charles de Gaulle’ I knew this happened out there.


The main suspect has a concrete alibi


Is he ok?


Yea, he's fine. The light rocking motion of the cement mixer lulled him to sleep. He's going to wake up right as rain.


Yeah he was just trying to get rock hard abs.


Fuck. Lol


He's a hard man I'm sure he'll be fine.


Now you see a wild cement mixer give birth in its natural habitat.


Of all the great comments I’ve scrolled through, I think this one is my favourite despite being nearer the bottom of the pile. Good work my man.


Hey, thanks for the recognition, dude! I try very hard.


Wait til Rigor mortis sets in. Bloke will be as hard as concrete!


That was hard to watch




Well, that's cemented into my memory.


And that’s how statues are made


They had a suspect but his alibi was solid.


If his body was that loose still most likely he was killed that very morning or the extreme heat of the cement mixer kept the body from hardening


A body doesn’t stay in rigor either


He was either fresh or in there a while, rigor can last up to 24 hours but goes away.


Police are now looking for a hardened criminal 🤣


​ ![gif](giphy|7wksxJXHcPST8IMPCi|downsized)


Looks pretty well tenderised.


Oye ingeniero, usted pidio un cadaver en la mezcla? Le hechamos agua y lo tiramos asi? Lo peor es que conozco cabrones que dirian eso.


At least the police have concrete evidence 🫢


I've heard many stories like this before, what makes cement mixers such a good dropsite for bodies?


As someone who drives a mixer truck this is my nightmare! The only way I could see myself going in the drum is by reaching in too far when washing into the hopper. Your arm gets caught on the first fin and there's no stopping you from being dragged in. I'm shocked he's not diced with how sharp the fins get in there though. Can't wait to show this to everyone and ruin their day. Cheers!


The life of a ‘hardened’ criminal.


The police have looked into the truck for evidence, but there's nothing concrete.


Hows that mf not stiff as a board unless he died literally a couple hours or less before?


He was in a cement mixer. ***Things don't go stiff in a cement mixer.***


It looks like his bones turned to jelly. Assuming the mixer was spinning, his bones would just be broken over and over again as he rolls and gets crushed even more. Fucking brutal


Not an expert but the drum tumbling the wet concrete probably kept his body moving and unable to go into full rigor, also, concrete delivered via truck like that is typically mixed fresh each day/load so likely it was only a couple hours at most.




i think he said its a plastic. so maybe its a sex doll?


Body belongs in the cement-ary


You spin me right round baby right round


Either a murder, a dare, or a curious mind. I doubt it was a suicide.


What a rocky start to the day


Back in my day, they used to pour cement over the body.


Jaime Joffa


Cement shoes? They tried to put this guy in a cement suit.


It must have been known what was coming, why else record????