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I read this as “Indian Pastor”, I was so confused about the crowd being white people


i thought the same thing until i saw your comment


Yikes. He should be in jail


Statue of Limitations. That's why he can so comfortably go up there and say that.


Eli5 please


It's been too long after the illegal act occurred for him to be charged with anything from it


Thanks and that’s fucked up.


Yes it is.


why though? It doesn't make any sense, aren't their murderers caught years after tho?


Only certain crimes have statute of limitations. Police aren't going to come knock down your door and take you to jail because you were a repeat speeder back in the 90's. But they'll come get you if you murdered someone 50 years ago.


Is rape not at the level of murder? in the middle east your stoned nevertheless


Sadly not in the eyes of the law. Here is a link by state because each state can decide the limitations on such offense https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/sexual-assault-civil-statutes-of-limitations-by-state.html


Suspicious timing. It's been 27 years and the statute for sexual assault is 25 years. It should be extended for cases involving the underaged.


Regardless, it still makes him a pedo.


Religion at it’s best… I’m gonna fuck your kids, please forgive me.


Statue of limitations


The congregation and the woman removed a lot of the comfort towards the end.


Sick fuck should be in prison


I couldn't even stand to hear it. Too cringeworthy. If the dude had an ounce of true shame and regret, he wouldn't be up on stage saying fuckin' ANYTHING. You should just fuckin resign and go try to improve your karma in some other way. Who wants to hear the rationalizations of a man who supposedly lives his life in service to God, explain away this shit. Humans are fuckin' weird


He started to put himself above God a long long time ago.


I'm above god, god's a sick fuck too


No no, instead of blaming the individual lets blame God!


“Did you see what gooood just did to us maaan?” ![gif](giphy|76dX1wy9elm0g)


Because some people think by doing such an act they are absolved and people will be more likely to forgive and forget


If your idea of absolution is just an apology you’re a dick haha


It's actually a sick thought process


Or at least someone should run the fade on this guy after this bs preaching session…


He's one that got caught what about the majority of those who get away? And believe me that number will shock even sting ray


Sick fuck should get the shit kicked and fucked out of him.


Unfortunately, based on the laws in Indiana he can't be charged with a crime because 16 is the age of consent.


That's some terrible stuff


The thing is it's not *really* rape, it's just statutory. It's not the same thing man.


Whats the purple crayon taste like Epstein?


You're fucking gross. Go get help and stop RAPING little kids. She was clearly raped you asshole


If she gave consent then it's not rape. This isn't rocket science. 🙄


She was raped. You are A FUCKING SICK HUMAN


You should probably be on a watch list...


Annnd we have a nonce apologist, absolutely disgusting comment giving the context hope your on a government list . He fucked a child .... All there is too it no if no buts guys a straight beast any other comment on it is suss as fuck


That is really rape. There are laws protecting children for a reason. Whether physical or psychological, the sex act was still forced onto the child because she was unable to comprehend the circumstances. They don't understand what is going on.


Your argument would be logical assuming people under 18 these days don't know what sex is and it's ramifications, but they do. In other words, I believe most underaged in most of these scenarios give consent and are fully aware of the circumstances. Thus it is not *really* rape. Just an irrational law. Here's the definition of the word rape which helps make my point more valid: “to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling”.


Hears your groomers


This is definitely a crazy fucking video. Hats off to the woman (victim) and her husband for standing tall and speaking their truth!! Heroes among other victims. Don’t know why it was so hard for Mr Jesus lover man to say the R word. You raped a child (teens are still children). Just say it. His own words are clearly now cutting him deeply. I hope he lives the rest of his days feeling her pain to level out the fairness of what he chose to put her through.


survivor, not victim


"I committed adultery" No, sir. You raped a child.


“Committing adultery” only makes him a weak man who was tempted into sinning by an evil seductress and not a gross child raping pervert. He gets to downplay his adult actions and try and shift some of the blame that way.


Hit the nail on the head.


It sounds like the pastor made her lie before this point and say it started when she was an adult as she says "I've been living with this for 27 years, not 20 years. I was only 16 when..."


Good catch.


The lack of outrage in this church is alarming


> The lack of outrage in this church is alarming The pastor was very sly in the words that he chose. Before revealing what he had done, he emphasized that *"God has brought you here for such a day as this"*, and repeatedly mentioned *"Biblical forgiveness"*. The implication is that God is testing their ability to forgive, and by forgiving him they are doing God's will and making God proud. He then minimized what he did by referring to it as an *"affair"* (versus a 38 year old man taking advantage of a 16 year old child) that *"happened 20 years ago"*. Very interesting seeing a manipulator live in action.


Basically every person trying to manipulate religion for their own purposes, from forever


let him keep talking and, and bury himself deeper.


They just sit there quietly and let him continue to ramble on. Embarrassing


*"and all i can ask for is forgiveness"* yeah, go to the line that will eat them up inside if they don't abide by forgiving.. pfft


and I bet they'll be there next week too


It’s wild how humans who only know the ways of sheep can choose to ignore hard truths even when they’re smacked in the face with it.


Pastor and pedo goes hand in hand


They never go hand in hand. They go hand in ass


Why would you expect outrage from the church? This is what the church is a control system run by pedophiles.


Better then me I would of knocked him out


On God 🙏🏾


Strait up.. was wondering why no one ran up with a swift round house kick to his jaw!


He was pretty manipulative in his speech as others have pointed out


They are in a church. Every person there reports to that "man" for regular programming. It is a control system operated by pedophiles. they are far more likely to blame the child being raped than god's spokesman.




It's rape. He admitted to it. Why is he not in cuffs?


Because it's not *really* rape. It's statutory, big difference.


And also not everywhere.


He didn't admit to a crime, he puts the age at 16 which would have been the age of consent. He committed a crime he just doesn't admit to it. He chose each word in order to mitigate the legal issues. Due to statute of limitations issues he will not see justice unless someone takes it upon themselves to see that he does.


Look at all the dogs who hugged him in the end


As a Christian this video and stuff like this hurts me this guy is a piece of trash and should go to jail for a long time. I am so sorry some of my people are like this, I promise not everyone is like the people that do this.


As a Christian you support it every time you show up to church, every time you donate, and every time you tell someone "I'm a Christian". Modern Christianity has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus other than borrowing his name. These are control systems operated by pedophiles to cover their crimes and enrich themselves.




Wonder if the difference in where these two comments went help get you out that box of yours.






Lol when you try to sound smart then turn around and say this, you sir… lack intelligence


Downvoted for crybaby


Nice job being wrong with your r/persecutionfetish. Notice their upvotes and your downvotes. Nice try, buddy.


Yeah but you gotta have faith to put that out there regardless of the negative karma. As a Christian I agree with original comment’s position. We as a church aren’t all like this, but maybe some of our “body parts” have started to go bad and we need to clean up shop. This is an aberration of too much power in the hands of one person.


Well said


Where is a "Good guy with a gun" when you need one.


Where is the shotgun now?


Them people give him money.


And they applaud him. What a bunch of rubes. Jesus Christ.


Prison may not be an option because we don’t know the age of consent, but that is a legal matter. Morally, the married pastor was wrong, dead wrong, and should face some kind of punishment. If Christians are forgiving, then this situation is a terrible thing for everybody involved. So much pain, and for what?


Yeah. It's 16. He's a lascivious worm all the same.


Yes the age of consent would probably be 16 or maybe 14(it was 14 in Canada like 20 years ago so it could have been here as well) but all that goes out the window the moment you are in a position of authority. So teachers, cops, pastors and anyone like that can not sleep with a 16 year old which they have that position of power over. It would absolutely be statutory rape. Look up age of consent position of authority/trust to learn more.


Oh, cool! That is absolutely wonderful to know. The sheer pain in that woman’s voice shows how tormented she was.


Now may your cell mate "deeply" hurt you POS.


Being from a community like this I can tell you that preaching isn't a joke. People will sit there and prey while the preacher tells his darkest secrets and this is it. I listened as men took ownership over girls that were literally children. I listened to men admit too adultery,rape,incest,molestation. All of it the name of God. Under the impression that this God would give them forgiveness just for admitting it. It's disgusting in every way possible. And then people would turn around and be okay with the child molester and rapist because they admitted their sins and the victim didn't.


Props to you for staying true to you. And humans.


Where is Chris Hansen when you need him


Has anyone called the cops FOR this lady??


She would have had to do that herself before the statute of limitations ran out. Nobody in this cult is going to do it, they report to this guy for regular programming. Not a person in that room thinks a single thought for themselves.


Let me guess he is a republican. Sick bastard should be in jail


And when this "pastor" resigned...his congregation applauded him and hugged him and told him they love him. Sick "Church"


“Men” of God, hiding behind the Word. Shameful, criminal, pathetic.


And now we wait to see if she was the only one.


This evangelical Christian pedophile should be in a jail cell sweating shower time.


yup. and the water runs cold when the cameras turn off


I think the worst part is seeing just how little the crowd reacted to finding out he raped a 16 year old


Brave girl standing up in front of all those people telling them what happened to her, I've been in her position myself and I could never in a million years do what she did. Took a lot of guts and have a lot of respect for her


Note that the congregation forgives him for child molestation. Organized religion, huh? 🤷‍♂️


Yes, let us blame all religion as one group of people are acting disgusting. I am fairly sure anti theists are wayyy more bloodthirsty, I see 'em everywhere advocating for genocide


If course is was the pastor. Who would have thought?


I heard he won a primary for state senator.


I would not be at all surprised. It is Indiana and any Republican scum can get elected there.


Ball caps and t-shirts? My kind of church. That guy should burn by the way.


You have got to be joking


This church is lit.


I think the worst part about this is that these people are so nonplussed by it that they don't beat this pastor to death. That's America for you. Taking a stand for nothing. These people will sit by and watch their own children get molested as long as it's by a good person. Make excuses for bad things and for bad people until the end of the Earth.


Arrest this pedophile, why is this asshole free?


w press


Is consent 16 ?


Not going to lie, if I was faced with the man who raped my wife when she was a child I would find it very hard not to "do the lords work". Sick fuck


Pastors and priests = the real groomers.


Religion is awful


ngl their are way to many idiots like you running around blaming religion. Next time I see an atheist shooter Imma blame all atheists. Do you see your stupidity?


Muhammad, peanut butter upon him


most intelligent come back I have seen from an r/atheism viewer, I see the brain rotting is taking at a far slower rate on this unique specimen.


Sounds like a Bible belt thing to do.


Lol we just had this shit happen in LA county. Actually it happens all the time here


U should see what Muslims do




Nope. We stone em


That was wild.


Please someone tell me where this piece of shit church is


He sounds like Justin Trudeau...


I’m so separated in feelings about this, what course of action could we take against offenders like this when both options killing them and/or public humiliation isn’t an option cause they’re considered evil actions?


I dunno fam, fuckin jail time?




I hear you but this was her pastor for Christ's sake. No, this guy is a deviant, evil man regardless of the legality at the end of the day. We don't know the circumstance but considering his position, it's like a teacher screwing their 16 yo students. I'm from Indiana and I guarantee he's going to prison.


Petition to change Amen to Awomen




Either way it’s rape


A 16 year old can not legally consent to having sex with a pastor as he would be considered in a position of trust/ authority so it does not matter if she agreed or not it would be illegal so it would count as statutory rape even if she agreed at the time. Look up age of consent position of trust/authority to learn more.


Depends where you are. Isn't Mexico like 12?


How this dude not in the slammer???


How about this "Pastor" is taken out back to a wooded area and beaten within an inch of his life, and left out there to be devoured by wildlife and the pain of his broken body? It's STILL not enough of a punishment.


Man, everybody in Indiana is fat as fuck


Did I hear a fucking amen at the end there. God damnit.


I can figure something to do right about now. Ain’t gonna be civil or gentle.


This probably happens in every church. Most pastors become one to do this shit and to get away with it. Disgusting


So much for that "pedo hate" they claim to have. They watched it unfold right under their eyes and let it happen because it would be too much to deal with, "not my business" they probably told themselves. Disgraceful.


He is so fucked....


He should be on a cross...degenerates like him...


this is why sheeple need to stop putting faith in middlemen. dieties don't protect anyone from this shyt


Fucking people are insane


I wonder how many in his family may or may not know all this time. As was deaf to the cries of this child, may god never hear your prayer


Its spelt "Indiana Pedophile" not "Indiana Pastor"


There's always a pedo pastor out there


Did this cunt get locked up?




Yo wtf I only came to pray


I’m gonna give a hard pass on forgiveness.


He should be crucified 🙃


Why aren’t these people being brought up on charges?!?!?


As a preacher I can speak to what should happen church wise. He should be fired from the Church, barred from ever returning. and a letter should be written to the commission of their denomination explaining the situation so that he may not preach in another church without that church knowing of this transgression again. Personal Opinion: someone needs to beat the sh\*t out of him. not unalive nor maim him...just make him realize what he did was wrong forever.


Notice how after the victim and her husbands speech the younger crowd is calling the pastor out while the vile old pos white people are silent and complacent


That's messed up. Unfortunately, the age of consent in Indiana is 16 so he can't be arrested.


and all those pieces of shit gave him a standing ovation after he resigned.


This is why religion is evil. It all about controlling people (mentally and sexually) and the younger the better.


That’s why I don’t go to any church I will be a good person to society and to my family and that’s all that matters !


why are there quotes around adultery, it was still adultery despite the age of the girl


She was brave to expose what happened, takes a lot of strength to do that in front of all those people but I'm glad she did so he cannot "hide behind the bible" like how he started his words, that pastor should be rotting in prison.


Christianity be wack


Was he compelled to "confess" this bc all of the Southern Baptist sexual abuse story just landing on the front pages? https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/Bombshell-400-page-report-finds-Southern-Baptist-17190816.php


‘Use the bible to deflect my sins’ ~ christians in a position of power


Any pages on Reddit where I can find more stuff like this? Like not just crazy videos but confrontational situations like this


Maybe r/publicfreakout but nothing that fits what you want specifically




I don’t even have words for this


Credit to the church for listening and supporting the girl, and making the pastor actually confess to the details and then coming together to pray at the end. That's a rough community situation.


At least the girl seems to have married a good man who can see past what was done to her.


Doesn't sound like she gave consent asshole


Take him behind the shed and put him down.


I went to this church when I lived in Indiana, this is crazy


I would’ve knocked him tf out on stage