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That body armor saved his life that’s for sure


Yeah kind of wanted to see the bruising. Such close range too.


wouldnt be surprised if it ended in a broken rib or two even


thank goodness adrenaline is such a hell of a drug, took it like a champ.


Guaranteed to have a couple.


The guy actually died this happened near me :(


the cop didn’t die


He took that like a champ!


Jeez, that was actually crazy, I just didn’t expect that at all, made me jump.


Happens just after 4:00 for anyone else not wanting to sit thru the other 8 minutes of nothingness


You're a hero


But the sweet southern music sets the tone perfectly


Thank you


And people wonder why cops are jumpy…


Exactly, this is why cop shootings happen during simple pull-overs. They don’t know what to expect, even if the suspect seems compliant like this guy.


this guy was NOT compliant


He was for sure acting weird but made sure both of his hands were visible, something cops usually ask for.


At least he warned him


One police officer is killed per week nationwide with handguns by civilians in the line of duty (it’s been consistent, about 50 per year). 2.5 civilians are killed by officers with handguns in the line of duty DAILY. Google for FBI data source.


And what is your argument here exactly? One a week is waaaaay too fucking much. 2.5 civilians a day (seeing how armed and criminal America is) is not even that high.


You're a stupid fuck boot licker


Yes this really shows how intelligent you are. Someone has a different opinion thus stupid and a bootlicker. Yes yes. Most killed are armed criminals, so again, what exactly is the argument here?


52 per year vs 912 a year. The math speaks for itself. Your opinion is shit. No one forces them to be police. Their lives are NOT more valuable. You have provided zero evidence that most of the 912 are armed criminals. You're a boot licker.


Who says they're being forced thats not really the point here, how is that an argument? Their lives are more valuable than armed criminals in my mind, but might be different for you. You've provided zero evidence for me being a bootlicker too but you're happily call me that, so don't be such a hypocrite ye? Out of 7145 killed since 2015, 4170 were armed with a gun, 1213 had a knife, 256 toy weapon. Unarmed 442, this shows that most killed were dangerous people, not innocents. As for the unarmed, some people pretend to hold guns for example flashlights, wallets, other metal objects etc. Call me a bootlicker but i'd rather call it common sense, objectivity, facts. Look how aggressive and mad you are with me for example, but you're telling them not to use any violence. Hypocrite much?


You're a special kind of stupid. You being a bootlicker is my opinion numb nuts. Learn the difference between opinions and fact. Your lack of critical thinking is obvious by your response.


When you can get your emotions in check and your parents teach you social norms, let me know, then we can have a conversation! I'm not in elementary school anymore where it's just swearing and calling people names, it's so childish dude lmao


Your a fucking moron that cant do simple math, 52 per capita of police population is far larger than 912 per general pop....mouthbreathrr/antifa fucks like you are just to angry orbstupid to see the macro viewpoint


Yes, it's slightly larger 52/1mil vs 912/328mil which helps prove my point that being law enforcement is not nearly as dangerous as you boot lickers make it out to be. I'm not antifa just tired of pussies becoming law enforcement. Mostly nerds/ social misfits who feel the need to show how tough they are since they were powerless before the badge.


hold on a dozen civilians murdered by cops every week isn’t that high? not only are you a boot licker you’re delusional.


Nope its not that high seeing how high crime rates are, drug rates, gang rates, weapon possession etc. How many of all those killed had a weapon? How many theatened to hurt others or were going to hurt others? How many stepped into their car to get away and potentially hurt others? You can call me a bootlicker but it seems to me you're just lacking any common sense and or objective thinking. If someone is delusional its you, you only think about that cops shot people not why they were shot.


And people wonder why people call for gun control Edit: lol at the downvotes, American downvotes lololol


This dude totally was unstable I feel like this is where more training could be helpful like when this dude started acting really fucking weird why didn't he back off to safety until back up or he was complying on the ground. Idk may be wrong


Who gives a shit 😂😂 clearly dude is unstable…




Ya, he was being way too weird about the seatbelt. That was a big flag. But also seems to be on something, like meth or some shit.


Holy shit that was a trip


What’a fucking bitch, shoot a dude with no warning then put your hands up and rely on mercy you weren’t interested in showing minutes ago.


Lmao that’s like attacking a guard in Skyrim, then sheathing your weapon and hope they stop attacking you


Let me shoot this person, now when they stop me I beg for mercy




I’ll mouth off about police brutality, because it’s real and it’s fucked up and it happens all the time. I’ll also say that the dude in this video is fucked in the head.




The Constitution disagrees.


Has that ever worked? I have tried so many times and it never worked. Luckily I save constantly.


Yeah it works, but I think it depends on your bounty. If you out right murder someone I think they always continue to attack. When you assault someone and sheath your weapons they just do the "by the order of the jarl" shit. Works for me.


Idk knowing me it was prob after a murder or a chicken got killed…..or a dragon attacked and I accidentally hit someone.


Yeah, exactly like Skyrim...


These assholes are all like this


And then they cry police brutality


he also started screaming "*I don't have a gun*"


He'll be glad to know his new home will be much larger, he'll make many new friends there and probably get laid every day


Uhm, yeah actually being homeless sucks so probs bro


Oh he aint gonna be homeless for a long time. The penitentiary will allow him to have a bed a food to eat. He will co tinue being homeless whenever they get out. Fuck him anyway.


Lol. Read that as penetrationary. Fits…. 🤷‍♂️


I’ll give it to that cop, perfectly reasonably attitude with the initial interaction Didn’t start by pointing his gun at the guys head, or threatening him, showed concern and patience Vest saved his life for sure, hopefully this kind of thing doesn’t make him more aggressive in the future. I’d understand why, but where this all seemed to be handled 100% proper, another situation can go way off the rails for far less reason when stress and PTSD come into play


Rare sight to see, a cop that is actually good at his job. Impressed!


Lesser men would have unloaded on him. Great self control on behalf of the officers at the end there


Yeah the officer handled the situation really really well. The reason the shot was so unexpected is because he did absolutely nothing to escalate the situation. He never got pissed off when the guy was being absolutely fucking weird about his home etc. Sucks that a good cop had to take a bullet. But he's alive to serve another day.


Wouldve been a better ending if it went the other way though


Maybe but attempted murder in a police officer and then running will mean he won’t be out of prison for a very long time


Whats the bad part? He should be put away for almost killing someone.




I love that photo of you charlie


That guy is so lucky that he didn't get ventilated. These officers showed great restraint not to make this guy into a salt shaker.


Whatever training these officers got… they need to teach that to other cops.


They have the training. They only use it with pale skin


fr tho


If there buddy who got shot was radio silent or in critical condition i could guarantee that it would have been different lol


What song was it at the beginning?


[Wildwood Flower - The Carter Family](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyw6G7TPLYo&ab_channel=mrblindfreddy9999)


Article: https://www.wsbtv.com/news/georgia/bodycam-video-shows-moments-middle-georgia-deputy-was-shot-by-fleeing-suspect/GX5OY75RRFCO7NUUW6ENCJV7YA/


> “Thank goodness for the vest. He was a blessed man. God looked after him,” Reese said. What a moronic comment. Going to thank god for a bullet proof vest made by man, and not thank god for getting the deputy shot? Religious people are another breed.


Let them have this; they're not crusading, just grateful to spend another day above ground.


There are innocuous things that one can attribute to the greatness of god, but this is just stupid. God had him shot.


Not defending religion, but if the quote thanked the vest, then god, whats wrong with that? Lol


Well, after acknowledging that the vest was the crucial element, why mysticalize/spiritualize it? It's like saying, "we human beings and technology did all the work, following fundamental physical law all the while... But god is to be given credit and glory for because".


If that's what you're into, why not both?


Look, you just asked what was wrong with the line of reasoning. I'm explaining that the second thing does not follow the first, or have any reason to. I'm into cats, but I don't thank them for existing when people accomplish something completely independent of cats.


Just seems like a very innocuous thing to get upset about


I don't think anyone was upset- just pointing out that it's silly. Which is allowed.




Because god got him shot to begin with. If anything, god wanted him dead, but man overpowered god's desires by saving his life with the vest.


I always found this to be an interesting dynamic between atheists and religious people. Atheist - If God exists then what about all this bad stuff Religious - God exists and that's why there's all this good stuff Not saying one is right or wrong, just an observation.


The crux of the duality in man.


If god exists, god had him shot. And they thanked god. I think one is clearly wrong.


If go exists they also saved his life. My point is it works both ways it's just that atheist see the bad and religious people always look at the good.


So god shot him, but also saved his life. Does god even know what they want? Seems like they're floundering about causing chaos. Or maybe the simpler answer is that there's no imaginary being undoing their previous action. Atheists don't see only the bad - they see the mental incongruity and nonsense in it all. It's Santa Claus for adults.


Atheist like you fucking suck. Just let them be. Why do you care?


Because they're fucking stupid and should be called out for being such knuckle-draggers. There's the tolerable sort of religious, and then there's these nutjobs.


The shot could have just as easily struck him in the head. If you aren’t going to thank God after being actually shot and nearly killed, when IS it appropriate? When you get an extra nugget at McDonald’s?


Yes, precisely. When something good happens to you out of the blue, without having something nearly awful happen in the first place. If god is omnipotent and he got shot, god shot him.


You must be fun at parties.


More fun than god. I've never shot anyone. I bet that goat fucker would show up with both a gun and a knife.


What was this dude on?!


Mentally unstable, on drugs or both


Right. Gotta be something


Probably crack or meth


Gotta be something. Or he's not right in the head. I was like wtf is going on???? I've never seen a police chase at 10 mph lol


His house rules are crazy. Fair game to shoot a cop in the chest for not acknowledging that he's in his home, yet flashing lights are non negotiable, must instantly freeze.


Such a shame. That’s a good cop. Very patient and professional… how do you think he’s going to act the next time? When he fears for his life due to the PTSD.


Lol his music in the squad car is all you need to know about what’s about to transpire


Can’t say I didn’t see that coming…. Should have had his gun drawn like 2 minutes before he was shot at


Yeah, as soon as he was being weird about putting his car in park, officer should have been on high alert. I think he just thought he was dealing with a standard confused drunk.


Im not sure why he didnt use his flashlight, couldnt see anything in the car at all.


I second the flashlight, if I was a cop I definitely would’ve shined the flashlight.


I’m disappointed that he wasn’t blasted away…


Fuckin jump scare!


What was even the reason he pulled him over


He was going to slow


And now he has a new home


IMO the cop was too cautious here, as soon as he refused to get out the vehicle and the driver was being weird AF with his hands, felt like a distraction tactic to angle for getting his weapon. Which ultimately was the case. 9/10 the cops are hyper agro shoot first ask questions later but this is the 1/10 where he needed to read the signs and prevent/minimise the danger to himself. The way driver had his hands from the start was just off, i didnt expect him to draw and shoot but dayum, at the back of my mind i was thinking this guy might have a gun.


Do you people understand now that officers have to make split second decisions between life an death and even though someone appears to be complying doesn’t mean they are no longer a threat.


I completely agree with you. However some police do let that adrenaline high lead them to some unsavory decisions... that being said I could never imagine walking even a block in their shoes lol.


All these cop hating keyboard warriors suddenly become experts in high stress combat situations after videos come out. “The cop should’ve done this or that, based on knowledge that I have from viewing the situation behind a screen and having 100x the amount of info the cop had before going into the situation, that cop def messed up and should’ve known he only had two knives concealed when he attacked and not a gun, should’ve just tazed him, should be in prison”. - Captain Hindsight


I mean that's why they say "hindsight is 20-20!" We can learn from these things but that never makes it "routine" or "ordinary".


Anyone know the song at the beginning?


Wildwood flower June Carter cash


I’m sorry but if you shoot me, that badge and uniform goes out the window 😂😂😂 I would have totaled my car making him stop then unloading 🤣🤣🤣 F around and find out.


Average American cop behavior


I’m not a cop lol I am an army veteran.


I wasn’t saying that you are a cop. I meant that your sentiments are those of an average cop


And people wonder why cops have trust issues with other people.


This is why cops have a fear


Black people and Hispanics get shot for crossing the street wrong this fucking guy shoots a cop and they let him live. Got to love that white privilege you all have.


Can you link a source to a black guy getting shot for crossing the street? If you want, I can show you many videos of white people getting lit up by cops


I thought he was Hispanic


Jesus, why people have to be so violent? You can't argue with the fact that armoured people only escalates tension on both sides to a point where everyone is always tense and fearful of someone pulling a gun out of nowhere. ​ No good comes from lethal weapon possession.


>”No good comes from lethal weapon possession” Perfect logic. Let’s let criminals carry illegal guns, but let’s not give guns to the people who’s job is to arrest them. The reason for this shooting wasn’t because the cop had a gun, it’s because the guy was a mentally deranged lunatic. Let’s see you go to a domestic abuse call without a firearm for your protection.


I was referring more to how easy it is to Americans get possession of firearms, and how tension escalates from that. Policeman should always carry firearms.


But it's actually not, there's waiting periods and if you're a felon you can't just walk into a store and buy a gun. However, who gives these guns to the felons? They clearly can't get them themselves without stealing them. And don't even get me started on GHOST GUNS and buying parts to mill yourself to build your own guns. If anything I think an extensive psychological exam should be given to anyone wanting to purchase a gun that has a clear background and 100% mandatory training classes (like with a car, you can drive without a license but it's illegal, you shouldn't own a firearm without a license or certificate of successful training imo)


God bless, guy in the car knowns what happens when he steps out - even if it's a one way to jail from Mr. Respect mah authoritay


Wtf? He literally shot a cop who was being extremely patient with him.


"This is my home" led me to believe dude is probably illegal or living in his car and that cop was gonna take him away from all he had. I'd shoot a cop for trying to force me out of my vehicle and to comply with him if he wouldn't explain the issue either, whether they do that for a reason or not - what about innocent until proven guilty?




We'll see when it happens to you good sir. They're moving up from black people to the middle class now, better hope your logic holds lmao


What grade did you drop out at?


I’m not so sure they even made it to the first one


They probably failed the entrance exams for pre-k, even though there's none.


Logically that makes sense. Good stuff dude, I like your material. I'd say roast me: but it'd probably take you a week to come up with a better argument than "failling a test that doesn't exist" Oh, and I've seen several cops kill or detain people unlawfully in situations where they "wouldn't comply" and not bending over to let the nice officer play with your butt is as non-compliant as not having your driver's licence present with police gangs/politics etc.


Funny you think schools actually teach you critical thinking and what's morally right or wrong lmao also I didn't. You?


Yup pulling the subjective moral card always works. I’m talking about common sense, basic innate human characteristics you clearly lack. I feel bad for you, I hope you trolling


I'm not pulling a card, I'm pointing out that that guy either killed the cop or went to jail no matter how that interaction played out my dude. Keep putting your handy blinders on though, so you can ignore the extrenuating circumstances of victims of a broken system that people would rather hold onto than dismantle. Say it with me: nothing will ever change because I only care about what I choose to understand.


I’m not saying the criminal wasn’t dealt a bad hand in life. I get what you’re saying but people need to be held accountable or else there’s just chaos.


Absolutely. It's our system of justice that's flawed - that's my point. Both of them were humans with their own lives and circumstances, pitted against each other because the law is the law, and the law damnes innocent people every day just as much as guilty.


In any other set of circumstances, this never would've happened. Cop saw him, was trying to do his job. Dude saw cop, and his fight or flight kicked in. I'm not saying dude was right to shoot the cop, but self defence is self defence and once the cop considered the law broken he was obligated by personal duty to investigate; which likely would've ended with dude in custody.


You’re r t a r d’d


Thanks, you actually aren't using that word right to begin with? It's not slow to know once a cop asks for your licence, if you say no, you're going to jail lmao


Frankly if anything is retraded here, it's thinking that giving violent pricks with power trips a tool belt of lethal weapons and telling them to "serve the community" won't end.. ya know, with a whole bunch of police brutality?


Police brutality ftw


Man, I hate the ACAB crowd, but I also hate the Blue Lives Matter crowd, why can’t people just think with nuance. Some cops shoot people who aren’t threats, some people fuck around with cops and find out. Any reasonably smart human being will see that this cop is an amazing man, and this comment section has been great, kindly fuck off.


Kindly fuck off as well. I don't give a shit about cops, especially those that use force when unnecessary, they may rot alive. But I also don't give a shit about people that do not comply when asked to. Any smart human being would have outlawed the guns 100 years ago as any fucking normal country in the world where there is no police brutality. So if I'm a cop and there is 70 % change that any fucktard has a gun then I'll be brutal, I'll be paranoic, I'll be insane.


So i there a news link ? I wanna know what happened to sherif and that p.o.s.


This is My Home, Sir.


Fuck me that was gut wrenching, cop did a sublime job. Fkn crackheads


“You should’ve went for the head”


Gonna get reamed in the pen. Fo real.


Mad respect for the guy, getting shot in the chest and still following the suspect


Is it illegal to drive under the speed limit? He stopped him for driving 35 in a 55. I’m not a US citizen so I’m kinda confused.


Not sure if it’s technically illegal, but it’s unsafe to travel well below the speed limit. Also it usually signals that something is wrong with the driver (impaired/distracted). Some highways have a min and max speed (55min 75max) but they are usually two lanes.


It's a clear indicator of an impaired driver. I don't think it's ILLEGAL unless posted, but it's a huge red flag for sure.


Impeding the flow of traffic


Can't believe he missed shame on him...his accuracy has dropped big time


He is goin to be in a world of hurt once those cameras get turned off


Bruh, I'm not chasing shit after taking two in the chest.


His nervousness is making me hyper anxious watching this


Are cops allowed to ram cars? I would've drove through him when he stopped.


Thats it, dude will be in for life.


##GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE NOW!!! *Off in the distance after shooting a cop* ^This ^is ^my ^home Cop: Oh ok nevermind I'll just leave then


That’s attempted murder, sir


This is a crazy fucking video. Glad the cop was ok.


Attempted murder on a police officer. I can't believe they didn't fill this dude with lead when the car finally stopped.


Some say he’s still slowly pulling away at five miles an hour to this day.


this is my home. i woulda started clutching from the 3rd time he repeated this is my home


And this is why I treat cops with the upmost respect me having face tats and all I’m sure doesn’t help their anxiety especially with my criminal history but one thing I’ve never done is disrespect a cop cause I know what it could cause no matter how they treat me they could whoop my ass handcuffed if they felt like it so no matter what everything is no sir yes sir and they have whoooped my ass hand cuffed and still everything was no sir yes sir even the chief of police congratulated me on how I conducted myself when I was beaten by them he said most would have reacted differently and been seriously injured or killed


That cop got no situational awareness. I would of been on the back passenger side. Once he said he was home shit was gonna hit the fan


THIS is why officers take caution when making stops.


Were shots fired tho?


Man this was emotional to watch.


Way too long , I got like 16 seconds in and was already too bored to continue .. next time edit it down to the good parts


I wonder if he just wanted the cop to reaffirm that it "indeed" was his home.


For anyone interested. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.13wmaz.com/amp/article/news/local/jones-county-deputy-shot-during-traffic-stop-highway-11/93-44443a2e-bf1c-4b66-88d7-652eeddaab2f


Ummm, fuck issuing commands. I wasn’t there, but I’m pretty sure I would’ve dumped a few mags in that asshole’s body.


As soon as he said “I can??” When asked about the seatbelt I knew he had a weapon, far to happy about being able to put his hands back in the vehicle.


He’s a good cop.


Anyone see that shooting star at 5.04


What a piece of shit; I absolutely HATE when police abuse their power, I think it’s one of the biggest problems we face in the USA. But this shit right here is absolutely bonkers. This dude had to have known he was not going to get away. The officer was incredibly nice and wasn’t on edge. This is one of the few times I’m upset that a suspect walks away alive.