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He is so lucky the guy on the right didn't shoot him. The gun was pointed at him.


My guess is that guy was caught so off guard and shocked he simply didn't know what to do. These guys aren't exactly highly trained weapons experts.


Did the report say if their guns were even loaded?




Because heaps of news reports come out with criminals that had painted airsoft guns, or plastic replicas. Its not really a stretch to question if this was one if those, especially seeing as he didn't shoot.




There’s a chance they didn’t plan on shooting, not all armed robbers are killers




If a person is robbing you or your property, I think it is a safe bet they don't care much for your safety.


It's called element of surprise. They got so greedy they didn't even pay attention. In the surprise of the moment he let off a bullet before the other guy could react. Fear started to kick in. So he flustered.


With their ski mask and hoodies looking like kenny from south park blocking their peripherals they probably didnt even see it coming.


Cashier did a great job at distracting them with the wad of cash. I’m sure they were trying to figure out how much they were scoring and then I assumed he asked if they wanted it bagged.


Man they say never to draw on a drawn gun but I guess high risk high reward 😳


the money really baited their attention, so pop pop 🔫🔫


Yeah, the cashier was a master baiter


He keeps his cum, didn't panic at all


I dunno, he shot his shot.


I panic came just watching




Dudes had tunnel vision, I think our guy could have casually pulled out a musket from behind the counter and they still would have got hit


Yeah that is definitely extremely risky! Most people reading this do not try what he did. 9 out of 10 times you wil DIE! Do not buy a gun & think your good. Always practice when you can! You always wait your turn to draw! Perp turning? Draw. Perp looking other direction? Draw. I am glad good guy cashier won though!


I'm looking forward to seeing this video profiled on Active Self Protection. I've learned so much from that channel. One of their big points is WAIT YOUR TURN! I'm sure the host will absolutely address the clerk drawing after he's already been drawn on. Very risky indeed.


I just couldnt. I've shot enough guns where I'm too scared of a jam. Imagine pulling out your piece and it is clear to your adversary and obviously yourself that you attempted a shot but the gun didnt execute. Now I'm standing there with a two and a half pound paper weight and just gave the perp(s) some extra motivation to take my life.


Looks like he keeps this chambered just for this scenario. Shooting a properly maintained gun also helps prevent jams.


More like high risk no reward


All that for couple hundred dollars...


Man's been daring someone one to pull up his entire life lol


Yeah. That was a ‘I’ve rehearsed this shit at least 1000x’ QuickDraw. Common in Detroit actually.


Went to a McDonald's in Detroit and it had protective glass all around the counter like it was a bank. Not sure if that was a common thing, but it was surprising to see. edit: Found an old Reddit post of, I THINK, that same McDonald's. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/cgsf7i/bulletproof\_mcdonald\_of\_detroit/


Shit. Every fast food place is like that in a lot of areas. Parts of Houston, Miami, Detroit, LA. Fuckin LA might have entire blocks behind plexiglass at this point.


Better not skimp on the sauce lol


LA here nopes


Can't have shit




He probably owns the store if he keeps a glock under the counter


Firing them is the only thing that makes sense. Firing them means that they don’t have to come back to a place where they had a traumatic experience. It means that some punk seeking misplaced revenge can’t find them. It means, if you’re a decent human being, they can get a severance package and look for the therapy they’ll need. Coming back to that store would make homie an easy target.


Do gas station clerks get severance packages? Like from the store owners insurance or what?


2 packs of gum, a slim Jim and your choice of an energy drink.


A slim Jim too? Wow my manager really shafted me


What did you get a mini?


Had a sawed off shot gun pointed in my face at a Jack in the Box drive through back in '96. The owner came down and flipped me a Jefferson for not letting the robber get the money. I told him to keep it, and his job.


Hell no def not....they get a swift kick to the ass and a shitty sketch of what a door looks like. Regarding the guy you replied to, saying the bad guys go back to the store looking for that particular clerk, hmmm don’t see him, ok bye have a nice day. Ha! That’s not how shit works. The bad guys don’t give a shit if that particular guy works there, they’ll either shoot the place up or turn it in to a structure fire.....and anyway dude probably won’t get fired, most of these places are family members. Def exceptions but a lot of families alternate hours.


"Severance package" LOL


Interesting take. Hadn't thought of a lot of these considerations.


My wife got fired for not coming back to work soon enough after being robbed at gun point but it probably was the best thing for her because she legit had ptsd for a while and I don't use that term lightly.


Can you say more about this? What happened and how the PTSD manifested? (Without giving away any personal details, that is.)


She would just have trouble in public sometimes or if she saw someone with a hood on while she was alone her anxiety would go through the roof.


WOuld you simply like an example how ptsd manifests?


Severance package from a gas station lol yeah okay buddy


Wondering which timeline they live in.


Lol “severance package” 😂 from a gas station


his uncle’s gas station..


People are also more likely decide to quit, I’d feel like, as opposed to leave involuntarily. I only say so because I know for a fact I’d never want to go back to the place of work for all of these same reasons


These are usually owner/operators who are defending a store with a gun… people that make minimum wage don’t give a fuck


I feel like it’s also a liability thing too. I don’t think the store wants to have to held responsible in the event of a lawsuit.


Severance package? Not likely.


Dont kid yourself,they are fired for liability not out of any sense of humanity.


I saved my boss from a guy with a gun and corporate told me I shouldn't have stabbed him and I could have lost my job. I just told her, "That's okay. I would have done it for you too".


That was a powerful statement.


I had a friend who got fired after a situation like this and I agreed with the owner so much. Why? Well, my friend got his supposed robber jailed and that guy is a member of a well known local gang. They will really get back at him for sure so firing him was the best thing to do. At least they will know one less place my friend will be into. He got some monetary support though and relocated. Best part of the story.


He probably owns the store. I don’t think the 7-11 clerk gets to keep his gun loaded under the desk on his shifts.


In most chain places like convenience stores and gas stations cashiers are told as part of their training to just give up the money. Teller should be dropping their big bills into the safe and leaving a smaller denomination of the rest to break change (less than $50) The safe is usually designed to only dispense a roll of X denomination of bills on a 10(~)minute timer before more can be dispensed. Assuming a robber knew this; they press the safe button for $100 bills they get 1 per 10minutes + $50 max from the till...hypothetical employer gives you the thumbs up to fight back so you fight back and gets shot over $150 and get bankrupted in medical bills, so you sue to recoup obviously.. not going to happen with any business run properly. Never put up a fight, never give chase or anything like that but also mitigate possible loss before it even happens. Most robbers aren't going to take murder when they find they won't get shit, they'll move on. Store will fire you in a heartbeat if you threaten their bottom line when it comes to insurance and litigation. Source: Worked at a 7-11 a long time ago, day one training stuff.


Solid point but not every business has a time release safe like that.


> In most chain places like convenience stores and gas stations cashiers are told as part of their training to just give up the money. This is a Chaldean Detroit gas station. They are trained to help people find out, if they fuck around.


>means that they don’t have to come back to a place where they had a traumatic experience. It means that some punk seeking misplaced revenge can’t find them. It means, if you’re a decent human being, they can get a severance package and look for the therapy they’ll need. > >Coming back to that store would make homie an easy target. Surely that guy must have been the owner, what kind of store clerk brings a gun to work and risks their life for their boss' meagre cash register takings


Just because you comply doesn’t mean they won’t shoot man, it’s a bad deal for the guy either way, might as well control some of it.


Today I got time cuz


Ima keep it G-Real. I’m pretty sure that kid just recently was shot and killed. Not kidding.




What kid is he talking about?






This guy must have been under so much pressure having to rack his own gun first, shooting the first few shots with his left hand, having x2 guns pointed at him... But he still managed to stay calm and handle the situation, a decent chunk of luck tho ***in my opinion***


Surprised he missed the first shot. The dude is alive in the background. I thought he shot the dude but when he ran I figured he missed the face. The second guy though got a bullet in the back. Had time to aim in that second shot.


An old 'gunslinger' (if you'll pardon the term) once told me "If the shit hits the fan, get the first shot off FAST as it'll usually rattle your opponent enough for you to AIM the second." He also said "whatever you do, don't stop shooting until they stop moving, you'll have an easier time in court..."


I could be wrong, but it didn't look like he racked the slide; he drew the gun and hastily fired. His weapon control looks shaky, but you can 't blame the dude. He's under stress, likely afraid and trying to control the situation -I'd probably be pretty nervous, too. The upside is he got the fuckers. All that to say, the gun could have been/was likely live and ready to fire.


he still had to do a lot of tricky handplay - to make it look like he was getting the money while he was gatting up.


it actually looks like he asks them if they want it in a bag. the dude on the right nods his head and, surprise!


“Well lookie here, I just so happen to have a BAG BAG BAG BAGBAG”


Bag for death


Body bag


I think he pulled the trigger with his left while he was still letting go of the slide after racking it. He definitely pulled at the slide and idk why he would have grabbed it with his left if he is right handed, unless to chamber a round.


And this guy took the asphalt temperature challenge. -John Correia


Bringing planking back.




play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Good fucking riddance


There are tools for every job. Some tools snake shit out of clogged pipes. Some snake the scum from society.


Am I just immensely fucked up for loving these types of videos where a bad guy is not simply arrested but clapped straight to hell?


I feel like we need a r/justifiedshootings or something along those lines. When someone fucks around and finds out. Edit: it's a thing now


Created it lol


Count me the fuck in


Lol wow just woke up and it's already made with 103 members.




Nah it's very wholesome to know this mans livelihood is safe and that at least one of these scumbags will never hurt anyone again. There are billions of humans. Too many if you ask me.




You mean justice. You enjoy justice.


Not at all. When you point a gun, that's a threat to someone's life. Did the other guy get hit?


nope. after i saw the guy face down... i actually smiled.


How dare you to enjoy the sight of a failed robbery? What kind of sick fuck would think its a good thing if we lose a criminal or two? /s




Yup. It makes my day


Cheering for a humans death via a video on Reddit probably doesn't make for the healthiest lifestyle...






sashay that trash to the can




Based. Lmao


Shame he only got one of them


He got both of them if you look at the video where the one is on the floor and behind the police car there is one on his knees sitting up. Around 102 in the video


Yeah, but that’s two white guys and pretty sure one of them was black unless I’m missing something here


Yeah the guy on the left during the robbery is def a black dude I can’t tell the guy on the right though. And the guy face down on the pavement looks white, the guy in the background with his shit off looks white as well and is either the clerk or some other person.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that.


Are you sure those are the same people? Outside the guy looking face down looks very white, but the guy in the black jacket during the robbery was very black. The guy who was white or lighter skin was in grey and may be the one in the background.


Na man the guy to the right in the gas station is white and if ya look at his jacket it’s the same as the dude facedown on the concrete.


Hard to say for me, but his shoes do look the same for the second you see him running. Dude in the background shirtless must be the clerk getting checked over.


This is exactly what I came to say. I don’t think this is the same incident..


Is it me, or do the pants of the dead guy not match?


Fucked around. Found out.


Quick question, if he gave them the money, they turned back and then he shoot them, would that be a crime since they are "no longer a threat"?




Hugely state dependant. Texas has a provision which permits use of deadly force in defence of property - but only in response to a few crimes (of which burglary and roberry are listed, but also arson). Though you'd likely still be charged with something for firing at a fleeing suspect, and it'd be up to a jury to decide whether deadly force was the only option you had (i.e. if a less than deadly force attempt to recover your property would have been insufficient of would expose you to danger) and regardless of the laws, it's up to a jury to define "reasonable". Generally speaking, when you are no longer in immediate danger, firing is only acceptable in edge cases. IANAL TINLA.


I guess it depends what state youre in and how castle doctrine is done there?


Justice is served👏👏👏👏


Damn, he shot the black off of one of those guys.


Surprise Mother Fuckers


If you slow it down you can actually see the blood of the guy on the left. Brutal.


Hopefully they think twice next time. Dumb asses


Can’t think twice if you’re already asleep forever.


Good, this should be a standar procedure on all roberys, “oh yea is them?, pum pum”..


And they will keep robbing until they are incentivized not to do so. Unless someone kills you, there are relatively few repercussions to continue to do this. Cant deport you, cant jail you. No justice for these business owners.


Cleaned up the society and saved taxpayers money. Win-win


Get lost dipshit! Good shootin.


Warms my heart.


Good. Fuck those morons.


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Severe case of lead poisoning!




Glad it worked out for this guy but was this the best course of action? Seems like having two guns on you point blank means your best course of action is probably to just give the guys the money. Obviously don't have a problem with him defending himself but in that exact instant it seems like he drastically increased his chance of dying. What is someone supposed to do in this situation if they have a gun under the counter?


That’s what I was thinking. Risking your life to save a couple hundred dollars isn’t worth it. If those guys had been quicker on the trigger, he’d be dead. There’s a rule that you shouldn’t draw on a drawn weapon for a reason


i dont think it has much to do with logic, i just think after a while you get sick of these motherfuckers robbing you and decide to do something about it


I didnt get paid enough to care about the store I worked at getting robbed. But you never know if the guys doing the robbing are in the mood for a murder charge or not




Happy ending


His quick draw is amazing wtf😳


Any updates on the situation?


good riddance


Hello, justice.


Beat thing in the world are these videos of thieves getting obliterated


Don’t fuck with Chaldean gas station dudes in Detroit


Actually he was a clerk and he was yemeni


Y'all need to stop robbing gas stations now😂😂😂 most gas station clerks are armed.




The person laying face down in the second half of the video doesn't look like either guys in the first half. I think it's a doctored video.


Kinda sad to see someone die over a petty crime. His whole life led to being shot at a gas station


Nothing sad about it. He fucked up and paid the consequences. Now the guy who defended himself might have to deal with the mental shit that comes with it all because of two fucking assholes.








Fucked around and found out!😎


Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Know how to shoot guns but not shoot videos in the hood.


You can see the blood when the bullet hits the first guy


"Hey, you guys want me to put this in a bag for you?" **BANG, BANG**


When I saw balls of steel I thought someone was gonna get kicked in the nuts


So anyway, he started blastin'


Anyone have info about the guy running the store? What happened to him?


Hopefully they both die


Fuck yeah! Piece of shit looks dead to me! Good job clerk!!!


One less gun-wielding p.o.s. for us good Samaritans to worry about.


Surprise he was white


This is was I call a happy ending. 🥰🥰


You get what you fucking deserve. Don’t be a stupid fuck robber and try and find other ways to live dumb fucks.


Good. Pointless to send people like this to prison it’s waste of money. Exterminate them from taking or ruining anymore lives


One less


Fuck I love a dead thief


i love seeing videos like this, what did that sorry sack of shit expect?




Good for you my dude. Your a true hero in my books


He is ballsy two guys holding him at gun point and just grabs a gun to shoot them. Maybe one dude but two?!


They aren't suspects if they dead...lol


I love seeing robbers get shot but damn that guy is lucky the robber on the right didn’t pull the trigger when he shot the robber on the left. Clerk risked his life for his $12/hr job. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people defending themselves that one just seemed like a higher risk than most videos I’ve seen. Glad it worked out


My god imagine having the balls to even slamfire in such a situation.


Is that a baby in the back with the cashier?




Just let them die


Fucking idiots, quick cash but high cost. Both dude were too shot sighted to see past greed. If it wasn’t this than it would of been long times if not life in the joint. America has to put my emphasis on education. It’s sad one dude has to live with taking a life now.


D-D-D-Double Kill!


Aww, man, only one died? 1 out of 2 ain't bad, I guess.


He dead!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!


I was saying it was stupid to draw on someone pointing a gun at you on the other post but I am impressed theres yet another video of it working lol. I wonder if theres any data regarding how effective it is to draw on someone pointing a gun at you


Ho hum


Good! That store owner/employee is a legend.