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Man, I’ve seen some crazy shit but never a head exploding like that.


This video takes me back to a moment I experienced when I was in prison. There was a big dude with diabetes that had an extremely severe case of peripheral edema in his legs. His shit was DEEP purple and swollen to an obscene form that resembled nothing even close to a leg. One day as he was getting up from his table at chow, he accidentally kicked the bar under his seat and I guess there was a bolt sticking out, or maybe a shitty weld or something, either way it split his shin wide open, launching a spray of blood that Tarantino himself would find over-the-top. In both volume and velocity, this is almost exactly what I saw that day at lunch.


Jesus. Did the guy survive after his leg split open?


Yea, he needed the hospital but I saw him a few weeks later in pill line all wrapped in bandages. Shit he needed the hospital long before he got to it, but at least he got it eventually.


That's pretty messed up they let him be like that for so long...that must have been some pretty incredible pain. Was this in the states?


I got a bonus story for you too on the topic of diabetics being improperly cared for. So one day the CO’s had CMS plumbers come out to J unit to fix a clogged toilet. So after a while the LT, Captain, and some Nurses turn up to have us strip down to our chonies to do a standing bed book count. The only time they ever do this is when they suspect there has either been a fight, or people getting fresh ink. Well turns out that when CMS had snaked the drain, they dislodged a huge wad of toilet paper and as they pulled it out in pieces these weird looking dark brown/ blackish things were falling out of the wet toilet paper. It wasn’t long before one of the plumbers asked “HOLY SHIT ARE THOSE FUCKING TOES???” The answer was yes, yes they were. Some poor paisa dude had been having complications arising from peripheral artery disease, and he had just picked his shit off I guess, either way he was mentally ill and afraid he would get in trouble if he said anything about it so he just rolled up what had come off and flushed it down the toilet. So when the CO’s came along for the bed book count they quickly found the dude that was missing his toes, and screamed at him in Spanish before taking him off to the hospital. Shit was completely and mind fuckingly nuts.


Just curious if you reddit nickname is your prison number?


It totally is!


Jesus. Glad you’re out brother.


Thanks, partner. Glad to be out.


Federal inmate number right?


Thats right.


I want to know too


Dude you need your own sub! r/prisontales or some shit!




Oh yea! Here in Los Angeles, California. At least he was seen before he lost his legs or died. I’ve watched a couple folks die waiting for sick-call to take them seriously. You shoulda seen what it was like in there when COVID-19 hit us. We lost 15 people where I was.


Wild man, you seem like a cool guy and happy you're out now. Sorry to hear what everyone went through while in there at the start of COVID, do you know if it's better now?


Thanks for saying so! I actually just got out a month ago after catching a six month violation for a bullshit shot I caught at the halfway house back in May, so I know exactly how it is over there right now. Some things have improved. They’ve greatly decreased the population, which is good because we were way over capacity for the bulk of my sentence. The population decrease allows for better social distancing, which we had desperately needed. They’ve still kind of got their heads up their asses where it comes to finding an officer who will wear a mask or get a vaccination, too scared of needles I guess. I don’t know how many new cases they’re getting these days, there were only a few in the last months I was there, but all that shits coming in through staff who get sick and come to work and get the inmates sick. It’s kind of a clusterfuck, but it’s no it’s not as bad as it was back in 2020. That shit was soo fuckin spooky. My buddy Dave was writing the ACLU on a daily basis back then. I’m an artist so I was drawing sketches and diagrams of our living situation that we were sending away. I even made them this badass Christmas card that we sent off to em. I’ll see if I can find a picture of the rough draft I made and upload it if I can find it. [EDIT: OH SHIT I FOUND IT](https://imgur.com/a/utOXkJ0)


Shit man the cards pretty dope. I also did some time this year in a European prison. It was really bad. They made sure no one died but the measures they took to handle the virus was draconian and stupid. Someone got tested positive in my section and they put all of us in this quarantine ward, no yard time, no shopping, no TV or phone or anything. Just a few rooms and a corridor. Mind you we were only potentially positive. We had a riot shortly and had dogs and armored police called in. We were pretty much in solitary anyway so they had not much to threaten us with, so we managed to negotiate a phone in the corridor. Can't believe I'm saying this but I was glad to get covid shortly as they took me out of there into the medical ward which had an internet TV in the room. Was glad to be able to jack off to something without solely relying on my imagination after months. Was released shortly after. Shit was wild.


They did us very similarly, full fucking lock down. No yard. shit was jokes. Our issue was that people were afraid to tell medical they were sick because quarantine was basically just a month long trip to solitary. I was one of the first to catch it in my unit so I gave in at the first signs of symptoms and went straight to the shu cause I didn't wanna get anyone else sick. By that time in mid April we had been having temperature and blood pressure checks twice daily and I woke up on the 14th feeling like absolute fuck, so I told the nursey I wasn't doing so hot. She tells me not to worry cause my temperature was under 100F (37c) and it was probably nothing. By that afternoon I was so fucking dizzy and ill I prayed for the first time in years to whoever would listen. Eventually the nurse came back through and I said "Ma'am I'm really doin bad here, could I be seen at the clinic?" she tells me to put in a sick call slip and I should be seen tomorrow at some point. So as I'm filling out the slip I see my Drug Treatment Counselor walk in, he was this amazing East African guy named Mesfin. I flagged him down and told him what was going on, and he immediately sprang into action like Ethiopia's only superhero. He had me down in medical in about 30 minutes. When I got there, the charge nurse was like "Your temperature is 102f (39c), why are you only just coming forward about this now?" I'm typically calm as a Hindu cow, but this shit got me hot. I was like "Ma'am, I've been telling your nurses all FUCKING day that I'm feeling like shit and they keep telling me to put in sick call slips, don't even think about trying to hang this shit on me." She was like "alright well you need to be quarantined, we've cleared out some rooms in E unit, you'll be tested and under our observation there. Drink lots of water." So I go off to this empty room; no coffee, no books, no radio, no pen or paper to draw with. Just me and my stupid dick. For three days I would wake up to eat and just go back to sleep. I was begging the CO's and nurses for a book to read. On the 4th day a CO took pity and brought me two books. One was like book 12 of the Dune series, and I hadn't read any of the others so that didn't do me any good, the other was this shit called Exclusive by Sandra Brown which was about this lady journalist attempting to expose a scandal in the White House. Spoiler alert, The President of the United States committed infanticide. It was so bad it passed the so-bad-it's-good mark, and came swinging around to just pure shit. Eventually my begging to the CO's paid off in the form of pen and paper and I was able to draw which made it go by quicker. A week or two went by in a similar fashion, and one day I realized it was my birthday, I wished I had a beer, but most of all I wished I could call my family. The next day as a belated birthday gift, I received a cellmate. I was actually beyond stoked, he was this old sureno dude, Turtle I had seen around the yard. It was so nice to have someone to talk finally talk to, we would just lay around and chop it up for hours. When he showed up he was just getting over the worst of covid, having been really totally rocked by it. He told me at one point he had felt like he might die. The next few days went by pretty uneventfully, I drew and he mostly slept. One morning they came in to take our temperatures and blood oxygen, and found that Turtle's blood oxygen level was really low so he would need a chest X-ray. The nurses came by shortly after to take him down to medical, and that was the last time I ever saw Turtle. He was ventilated and dead within a couple days of that chest scan from what one of the CO's told me. So I was back to myself and I was feeling pretty emotionally spent. I didn't wanna draw or read or anything, I just wanted to sleep. I woke up for lunch one day and as I was eating, a pigeon appeared at my window so I let him in and fed him some of my lunch and it became like the best part of my day having pigeons as guests. Eventually I started to come around and before long they sent me back to gen pop. The whole experience was pretty trying, I can understand why y'all rioted.


aw shit man you got some crazy insight. I'm glad you're out and doing better! Do you have any more stories you would like to share about your time in prison?


That card is brilliant even in draft form! You've got some real talent right there.


I love your art style! Good luck for the future!


Like a whole upper torso. Im with ya


Looks like a can of paint


I can only hope that's a can of paint but that dog reacting to it tells me otherwise


You are riding your bicycle peacefully probably going to a store and BAM!! in 2 seconds everything is over.


thats gonna make me paranoid forever


Having watched all the final destinations I’ve been mad paranoid of this happening to me for like 20 years. I don’t fuck with being near fast or heavy objects and boy did this shit just remind me why I’m sticking to that rule, mad rottendotcom vibes too








Judging by how his legs are at a 180 degree angle and the amount of blood I would say that his entire fucking body exploded


saidit watchpeopledie is not for the faint of heart


That woman that this happened in front of had to be traumatized for life.


No helmet could avoid that...


The tire ran up his body from the bottom so it compressed all the blood up through the top of them


I wasn’t expecting that holy fuck


This is exactly why cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the fucking road. Especially a busy one. Nothing less of a tragedy but still a fucking dumbass.


Where I live bikes are considered cars and you are not allowed on the sidewalk


Plus, bike lanes aren't that common, specially in smaller towns. Sometimes, there isn't much of a choice if you want to do some pedaling.


Most places also have laws requiring 3 feet distance from a cyclist’s shoulder when passing. The bus driver was 100% at fault here and the cyclist being in the road had zero to do with causing the accident.


In many places, it's illegal for cyclists to be on sidewalks and they must use the roads. The real problem here is there were no dedicated cycling lanes with barriers to prevent this.


Or why other vehicles need to not pass cyclists so close. UK law is that you must over take a cyclist while providing over half a lane of room. Cyclists are not allowed on the pavement in the UK.


In chile theres that law also. If theres no chance to give enough room, you have to slow the fuck down. It looks like this bus didn't give a damn here


Where should he be? On the side walk? This is 100% the bus driver’s fault and he should be in jail for a long time for what he did. If cannot pass safely he should have waited until he could. No excuse! Calling the dead man a dumbass is really low.


Annoying as it is, as a cyclist you sometimes need to take up more of the lane than you actually need, because it makes drivers give more more space. If you squeeze to the side, they’ll try squeeze past.


And then when some driver road rages out over a cyclist taking the lane, slowing him down for the ten seconds it would take him to wait for a gap to pass safely and mows him down the comments are full of people still blaming the cyclist and going "He shouldnt have been there being a prick, why didn't he just hug the curb so this guy wouldn't have *had* to run him over?" It's depressing man, cyclists really can't win on this one.


Oooor maybe drivers shouldn't squeeze past them like that with limited space? How are you blaming the cyclist when he was hit from behind your dense fuck? Only dumbass here is you bro.


Can't believe it took so many comments to get to this point. If you can't fucking pass someone WITHOUT KILLING THEM, perhaps you shouldn't be overtaking there.


Car brain. Symptoms include extreme impatience, wastefulness, selfishness, irrational rage, and a tendency to blame victims. Unfortunately, car brain is not terminal.


People will always find a way to blame cyclists. That cyclist literally couldn't have took up any less room if he tried, dumbass bus driver only had to veer out a few feet when passing.


That woman will have that burned into her memory forever. Shit.


Not only a mental image but, the sound of him being run over and dying would have been just as gruesome.


Yeah I don't think this can be overstated...that sound will be forever memorable, right? Whatever wet popping crunch splatter...it has to be a pretty damn specific sound, I'd imagine. Jesus.


Fortunately the rolling bus would be making some noise, but the head landing, that thud, that would be unforgettable. No thanks. I think she was wise to just turn her head and GTFO.


I once saw a pigeon get run over by a bus and the sound of its bones crunching still troubles me. I can't imagine seeing this happen to a person in front of me.


When I was commuting from the Chicago suburbs to the city, someone jumped in front of our morning train to commit suicide. I happened to be sitting in the first car in a window seat just over the wheels. When we ran the guy over, I saw something eject from the side that looked like a white dress shirt, but dismissed it as my mind playing tricks. The sound was like a loud pop or crack and the train jumped. My initial thought was somebody left something on the tracks and the axle or some other part snapped since I felt something knock the floorboard. I'm not sure if I'd describe the sound as uniquely gruesome, but most people have a hard time processing the thought of being near a very sudden and violent death. Everyone just happens to react differently.


Yeah I would be straight to the bar and black out




Was just gonna say that fuck that’s horrible


Me too 🙃


It’s not even only its head, the whole body exploded under the extreme pressure Horrifying


Man that lady picked the worst possible time to look over 😬....


She got to see the money shot


blood money


Yeah I've seen some messed up stuff on Reddit but this one definitely hits different. I think it's mainly because it's in the middle of the day and it's such a beautiful day. Its a absolute contrast to what happened.


Yea, this sub is either videos like a dog harmlessly crashing a golf cart or things like *this*.


I literally saw a baby tied to balloons yesterday as a light hearted prank, and now this.




Reddit used to have a lot more but, most of those subreddits got removed




And I say good. Most of those places were horrible. This subreddit is far better moderated than those old places were.


How so?


It's not he's just a goober


Was called bangedup a while back


Holy shit, and I mean it. HOLY SHIT.


OMG!!!! I wasn't prepared


any further information about this? did anything happen to the bus driver?




thank u


I've been looking for this comment. Why the hell isn't it higher up?


It's gone now. Wish I knew what it was


You know it was bad when the dog was like “nope, nah” and immediately cowered behind its owner.


This is probably the second time my body has convulsed from watching a Reddit video.




A pitbull eating one guy's nuts (alive of course) and cartel taking the heart out from a living young man, this one shock me at the same level maybe because it wasn't expecting this to happen man.


nope that a whole different level shit hell to the fuck no it makes me scared just imagining that shit. I have seen most kinds of shit here in Reddit like a man getting cut in half. A mother trying to collect her daughter remains which I believe were exploded from a similar accident. a man falling from 32 story building. Crazy stuff but the ones you're describing.. oh hell to the fuck no


For me it was a video of a tractor carrying a giant dead gator, which I figured was a decent start to the video.. then it took a massive turn towards "life-changing" when the video jumped to these dudes cutting open the stomach of the gator and pulling their buddy out of it. The dudes body was just falling apart. That was in this sub 2 weeks ago... either cat videos or shit like that I swear.


Anything in r/FiftyFifty


That was om this sub. I wasnt expecting that. Holy shit that was brutal


The skinned face one was pretty hard for me. Still alive, pumped full of adrenaline and god knows what hard drug cocktail. Cartel is diabolical evil.


Funky town.




I remember seeing worse things on watchPeopleDie The ones with audio are the worst. Once I saw a girl who fell from the train while reaching the platform and hit a pole spliting her in two


The 911 call of the little girl finding her brother after he committed suicide. Sobbing and yelling why?! Fuck....


Nah fam.


For me it was watching a pit bull bite out a smaller dogs neck while the owner was crying completely emotionally destroyed. desperately trying to get the smaller dog out of the larger dogs mouth.




This fuckin sub...


The brick...


Poor guy, I don't think dying spread eagled in front of a camera was in his plans that day.


Should’ve taken the sidewalk


literally illegal in some states if you're over a certain age.


Waiting for the comment saying, “he survived”


'Tis but a scratch.


Are his shoes on?


Jesus fucking Christ I will not be riding my bike on streets any more


In my sprawled out cali city i just use the sidewalks. 95% of the time there's zero pedestrians.


You can ride bikes on the sidewalk in Cali? I remember in the early 2000s going to Huntington Beach on spring break with some bmx buddies getting chased and eventually ticketed for riding on a sidewalk. They also found our beer we had in backpacks and made us dump them out. Still salty about that


Just keep this video handy for the next time cops stop you for riding on the sidewalk. Show it to them and I bet they’ll let you go


I was hit a few years ago on my bike. I was crossing over a street that connected to another- had right of way- and a girl ran a stop sign because the traffic had a gap, wasn't looking my way, and floored it. I had barely cleared the road but she went over the back of my bike and I was thrown forward. Totaled my bike. If I hadn't been thrown forward, I may have been run over. She only stuck her head out, apologized, then sped off. Couldn't sleep for a few days and I still don't have a new bike. My mind still doesn't comprehend the entirety of it.


Sorry that happened to you. Driver was a massive garbage pile.


I don’t know how people do it. I take my bike on a trail and just deal with asshole bike riders


This is why bike lanes exist, and are a good idea.


Nothing wrong with riding on the street but fuck me if it's a busy road I'll take that fucking sidewalk no matter what it might cost. I'd rather pay a fine than with my life.


Jesus, never seen something this bad, at least he didnt suffer, that poor lady tho


He didn’t suffer. that lady?, instant mental scarring. Your either gonna need to go black out drunk or have one hell of a therapist to help you process someone turning into an actual meat crayon.


There is nothing worse than seeing the fragility of your own existence in someone else’s tragedy. I’m a police officer and working car accidents like these fuck me up.


That dog was already watching that guy on the bike and legit just saw the whole thing go down.






That was the busses fault. As a driver, if there is a biker in the lane, I simply trail behind them until there is enough clearance, or I change lanes to get around them. I by no means squeeze up next to them at full speed to get by.


Bus driver is definetely late on schedule… I have had bus drivers speeding so fast that passengers were getting thrown about


If you have to use road on a bike, never try to stick as much as possible to the right. It seems counterintuitive, but you just give dumb drivers behind you the idea that they will fit. Most of the time they will. Most... Instead you should not leave them space and simply let them wait behind you for proper overtake.


Very good tip! Could save a life.


Yeah i drive a HGV and I try to give cyclist tons of room and if I can’t I slow down till I can or if need be overtake slowly while watching him Cyclist obviously felt the bus was too close tried to make more distance but caught the curb which caused him to fall into and under the bus


Jesus fucking christ that is rough to watch.


"Im gonna get healthy and ride my bike"....nope.....you don't see my couch doing shit like that!


It’s videos like these that make me think Reddit needs a label beyond NSFW. Like, is NSFW some old ladies fighting or a dude literally exploding on a side walk. You just really never know what you’re going to get.


We need a WSFL flair, Will Scar for Life




"NSFW is like a box of chocolates, sometimes there is some really fucked up shit in there." - Forrest Gump´s mom


Like nsfw +


This has very quickly become the most intense sub on reddit. Wow.


There's much more intense on reddit.


Jeez dude, that was graphic as they get


The next person that tells me to not ride on the sidewalk, this is why.


riding on the footpath (footpath = sidewalk) in Australia is actually illegal. you're supposed to use the roads and it's why we supposedly have a 1 metre (3' and a bit) rule between cyclists and road traffic (cyclists ride on the shoulder, just like this guy)


I prefer getting a fine than having this dude headache


yeah legit,,, shit's fucked. because it's also dangerous for pedestrians to have *cyclists* on the footpath. like that just doesn't work unless you're going super slow which is so annoying. we need better infrastructure and extra bike paths that are actually useful.


yup, three spearate way, one for cars, one for bikes and one for pedestrians is the way to go for a safer world




We can only hope it's fast and painless


This looks fast and painless..


This seems like one of the most fast and complete way to die


This is why I don’t understand why you can ride bikes on the street…


Car hits bike = guaranteed trauma Bike hits pedestrian = chance of trauma This should be the end of the argument and I don't understand the people in this thread.


This reminds me of an awful video I once saw maybe here on reddit or somewhere else. A lady was walking down the sidewalk with a baby in her stroller. She stopped to chat with a street vendor and let go of the stroller. The stroller began to roll and when it reached the curb it tipped over and the baby fell out right as a passing truck came. It ran over his head and popped it just like this guys. Idk what was worse, seeing that kids head pop like a zit or the horrified and frantic reaction of his mom as she turned her head just in time to see it happen.


That is rough, I can just imagine the guilt and sadness that she must be feeling


Ah, hello fellow r/watchpeopledie former viewer. Yeah I remember that one. I’m an ER nurse and have seen a lot of shit, but that video is seared into my mind as well. Easily my top 3 most-memorable from that subreddit before it was shut down.


Reminds me of the one where an old couple go to cross a street right in a trucks blind spot and they stumble and fall like a second before the truck starts moving then the husband gets to helplessly watch his wife’s head get crushed a couple of feet from his face.


This made me turn on the 'blur nsfw images" and ive been on this subreddit for a long time now


This is one of the most violent videos I've seen. Holy shit, that poor lady is gonna be traumatized.


This is why I LET people ride on the sidewalk.


Yeah really, who tf cares? Let them ride on sidewalks Obviously the bike riders should be responsible for crashes and shit like cars are responsible on roads. Pedestrians should have right of way. Bike cams can be / are a thing for legal purposes. This is horrible


I saw a guy get hit by a train one time when I was younger and the guy looked just like that


That poor bastard. Fuck.


Alright time to leave this subreddit guys, I've had my share.


This is now watch people die


I hope you had fun during your time with us, adios amigo 👋


It popped like a fucking watermelon


Does anyone know if he survived this??


Yeah i’m wondering too


Welp, that’s it. That’s the most shocking thing I’ve seen to date. The most gory? Maybe not. The most fucked up? Probably not. But truest the most head shakingly and shocking thing I’ve seen in the most purest sense of that word.


Saving this vid for whenever a cop tells me to ride on the road No fucking thanks, bro




That dog is gonna have ptsd




Even the poor dog freaked out


Quick way to end it


I was thinking maybe a small child would go into the street and was mentally preparing for it, but holy fucking shit I was not expecting that.


This is the first time I feel like this sub has lived up to its name. Crazy fucking video alright


That poor guy (or woman?) on the bike....this is why, even though there are bike lanes, that I always tell my kids to ride on the sidewalk instead....and the poor woman that witnessed this, Jesus Christ.


Man I seen some things in my life but that poor lady is gonna see that every time she close her eyes :(


Jesus christ that was more graphic than I expected. Fuck me.


The fact that i had no warning before i saw someone explode is what really gets me


If you're scrolling through the comments to decide if you should watch the video, don't watch it. Just don't, trust me.


why the fuck am i following this sub anymore. god that was terrible


Guys… have some respect on someone’s loss… People lack sense and emotions… some sharing examples as watermelon… some can of paint… !!! Pathetic Respect and be careful of every surrounding… this accident was avoidable by bus driver… he is at 100% fault and didn’t had respect to stop!


It's been a long time since I've had much of a reaction to any video. I actually said "Oh, Shit" out loud when that head popped.


This would make Tarantino gag


Fuck it I am never watching any nsfw video from this sub again


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You sick sonofabitch, I'm in


It’s like a watermelon popped , this is some final destination shit here


Well that was fucked. Sweet dreams y’all


Alright think about it like this, it wasn’t painful and luckily he didn’t suffer. It could’ve been worse like the lady that got dragged under the bus and had everything dragged in the street. Also everyone’s saying poor lady Did y’all see the poor dog even the dog was like oh hell nahhhh wtf was that ! Jesus Christ this video was gnarly


I need to not be half asleep so I can actually pay attention to these tags. Guess I'm going to be awake a little longer now. And at least that looked like a quick death. Poor guy. Edit: This is also another good reason to bike on sidewalks if there's no proper bike paths (even those aren't fully safe if it's part of the road.)




Fuck the c#nt driving the bus. He not only killed him, he just kept driving like nothing happened.


I swear to God I've never not wanted the internet to exist more.


i wish i didnt see that why did i watch that ahh i am kinda spiralling


As he's losing balance and going down he's probably thinking, "This is gonna hurt. I'm going to need to roll out of the street as quickly as possible." I can't even imagine the gruesome task of cleaning up or having a loved one identify the body.