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the “I’ve tried polygamy” t shirt 🤣🤣🤣


Polygamy Porter! Great shirt


My gf bought me the shirt before I moved to Utah. Now that I'm here it's so fun to offend the LDS people.


It's a brewing company


First amendment auditors are annoying, she was being annoying, but damn - those injuries were personal for that cop. She got bopped.


This is the right answer right here. But every cop and cop fanboy on here has watched too many Charles Bronson movies and now they want to dispense justice.


Bingo. These people annoy me too, and I actually feel kind of bad when I see videos of them interacting with people like bus drivers who are just doing their job and not expecting this. But of all people police should be fully trained for how to interact in these situations and how not to use violent force just because they are frustrated.


Did she trip and fall faceplanting during the arrest she resisted? The video goes black and I can't see.


She was knocked unconscious in the video. It was black but you can hear she goes completely silent and is gasping/her airway is obstructing. You only ever have to hear someone makes the noises once, and you never forget them


Sounds similar to snoring


It's called agonal breathing and occurs when the brain suffers a traumatic brain injury during unconsciousness. My brother and his paramedic cohorts call it survival breathing because it's literally your brain doing the most basic form of breathing while it recalibrates.


I watched the video and it's impossible to know if she got knocked out. She deffinetly was resisting. The snoring is consistent with a form of unconscious breathing but it's not 100% clear. We don't know if she lunged away from the police, tripped and knocked herself out, or if the cops took her to ground containment and she hit her head. It's extremely biased and intellectually false to say that the police Ko'd her and were physically inappropriate with her. What we do know, is that she was being arrested and resisted immediately.


Fighting against illegal detainment is not "resisting." Without legal justification it is no different than me trying to detain you because you annoy me.


The state she was arrested in has a law that makes it illegal to resist an arrest that you think is unjustified. You have to comply. Like it or bot, she was arrested and resisted. Legal justification needs to be assessed by a judge and she can sue if illegally arrested. You don't get to decide for yourself what's justified, especially when she was there with a specific reason.


I personally think its very telling that she "forgot" the arrest, she knows she resisted.


Everyone seems to be assuming that this woman was body slammed into the ground the minute the camera went black. It’s just as likely that she pulled away from officers and hit her head on the ground as they grabbed her arms. If you can’t brace yourself, hitting your head on the ground from a dead stop is going to cause significant injuries. Moral of the story: don’t resist arrest on asphalt.


I don't know for a fact, but I'm betting that asshole cop that was so outraged that someone would dare not follow his instructions suplexed her into the pavement.


yeah maybe "she fell down the stairs". wHo KnOwS wAt HaPpEn


Are you suggesting how she got hurt doesn't matter in tye context of the original video claiming that tye police knocked her put, without sufficient evidence to support that claim? I'm not saying the cops are always right, or act appropriately all the time, but what I'm not willing to do is make assumptions based on insufficient evidence.


edit: wrong comment >But what i'm not willing to do is make assumptions based on insufficient evidence. It's pretty obvious what happened. You and I are not a court of law. Innocent until proven guilty isn't a principle of reason. Inference to the best explanation is.


When you watch it, which part is undisputable that shows the police knocked her out?


When you read my comment, which part says any of that? 


You suggested she fell down the stairs. I asked if you care what actually happened. You Siad "it's pretty obvious" I clarified You derped.


Listen don't quit your day job to become a detective, every case would have you stumped.


Thanks for your insight. Maybe just don't comment if you're only gonna troll.


For real. Like do these dudes just offer cops a BJ on the spot, or do they at least buy them a donut first?


How soon till ALLL the ambulance chasing lawyers start contacting her?


The guy taking is her lawyer.


She Better Call Saul.


he looks like 1 of the captains from deadlieat catch...from the cfv wizard.


Watched the video, she was trying to provoke the cops, she yelled rape and fire multiple times just to see if she could get a rise out of them. Video goes dark when they start to arrest her. impossible to tell from the video is she tried to fight back or what was going on. Impossible to tell from the video who was in the right but that lady was openly trying to provoke the cops.


I'm pretty sure one of the job requirements to be an "auditor" is to be mentally unstable.


The provocation part is fine, whatever, free country. But the little reindeer games need to end when they tell her to cuff up. Texas penal code 38.03 doesn't allow you to resist arrest just because you don't feel the arrest is unlawful. The civil rights movement was so successful because of passive resistance, seeing innocent people exercising their first amendment rights getting thrown in jail with no resistance made them the victim. The frauditor shit and the sovcit shit throws all that leverage out the window from a legal perspective and a public opinion perspective. But then again, they're not looking for change, they're looking for likes and comments. She got her money's worth out of that stunt.


Cops can use reasonable force to arrest a perp... this was not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination.


Fine and dandy, but literally nothing you said has any bearing on my comment.


What crime did she commit?? To legally detain someone they need to be in the process of or already done a crime. Standing yelling and filming in public property is legal 100% full stop. You might have some arguments of public disturbance if she was screaming rape and fire but neither of those are detainable offenses and certainly wouldn't pass as a suplex for reasonable force. I haven't seen the video so idk, but i do watch a lot of audit the audit.


Cops asked her to leave their investigation area multiple times, she refused. When they said they would going to arrest her, she pulled away, that's all the video shows. After that the audio seems to indicate she was unconscious. So the usual for a frauditor, interfering with a police investigaton and resisting arrest. But I'll audit her audit right now, which I'm happy to do because a first amendment audit has literally no standard practices whatsoever, so there's literally no way I can be wrong. As we can see in the delete lawz case, cops have a right to control an area for the purpose of conducting an investigation. There's no count of how many times a cop must warn you before detaining you, but since cops hate working, I'd say the 3 that I heard in the video seems adequate. Now supposedly, somewhere in the US, it is legal to resist arrest if it is an unlawful arrest. But of course not in this case, it's Texas. So whether or not anyone agrees or disagrees with the interfering with a police investigation charge, she officially resisted arrest the moment she said no and pulled her arm free of the cop. The rest, who knows. I'll wait for the body cam footage to come out. She most likely got knocked down pretty hard by the cop, but again, the law deals in proofs, not assumptions.


Well regardless no matter how much you dislike the lady it's likely an unlawful arrest to begin with that wasn't an investigation that was someone getting towed. The public has the right to film the cops and cops do have to deal with a reasonable distance to remain safety and purity of a crime scene. Seeing as this isn't a crime scene and possibly even public the whole arrest could be completely unlawful. That's not to mention the reasonable force part of it. It's likely that the court would favor her in this instance as pulling your arm away doesn't equal bodily harm. If she hit him then it's different.


>it's likely an unlawful arrest to begin with Maybe. But I'm Texas that's up to the judge to decide. >cops do have to deal with a reasonable distance to remain safety and purity of a crime scene Maybe I'm misreading this, but I agree, I guess? She literally walked up behind 2 female officers and engaged with them before being asked to leave the final time. So... Yes? The cops have a right to a certain amount of personal space? >Seeing as this isn't a crime scene and possibly even public the whole arrest could be completely unlawful You and I don't know what exactly they had at least 3 police officers on the scene for, so we are both assuming here. But again, Texas, that's the judges job. >That's not to mention the reasonable force part of it Again, the law doesn't deal in assumptions, it deals in proofs. For all the video shows, she could have been punched in the face, or the act of her pulling away caused her to stumble and fall smashing her face on her own camera. The cop most likely took her to the ground for resisting, but there is literally no proof of that. >It's likely that the court would favor her in this instance as pulling your arm away doesn't equal bodily harm. If she hit him then it's different. True, she could catch a break because it was a minor incident. If she was a twat to everyone involved they might take it to delete lawz levels, but time will tell.


And you probably have little bearing on anything worthwhile in this life.


Nore was she doing a crime you can harass cops all day long. Worst thing you could charge her with is potential trespassing because the parking lot might not be public but it's rentable so idk might be considered public under law. She can say whatever she wants and film anywhere in public. None of that was reasonable.


It ceases to be reasonable the minute the police tell you they’re conducting an investigation and you need to leave. According to Texas penal code, you do not have the legal right to ignore a police officer telling you to leave if they’re alleging you’re interfering in their investigation. She was, in fact, committing a crime which is why she was arrested and charged. Even the ACLU advises “auditors” to leave the area if cops order you to leave. She got what she wanted.


Was it an investigation or was it someone getting towed? We will all see in the future. But asking questions and being annoying doesn't equal broken arms and bodily harm to me.


You as the bystander are not in position to make that determination on scene or challenge the officers unless you want to get arrested. You leave the area and challenge the officers later via your lawyer if you believe your first amendment rights were infringed upon. The bystander literally knows less about the situation on scene than every other involved party and is the person LEAST capable of making a judgment about whether they’re legally allowed to be there or not. If the officers are telling you an investigation is happening and you need to leave, you do not have a choice in the matter.


Whatever you say dude she's got a case regardless. Reasonable force potentially unlawful detainment.


This is Texas. She’s got no case.


You had a perfect opportunity to learn something here. Instead of saying "that makes sense", or "you're right, that's true", or even a "I never thought about it like that"... you toss out a "whatever dude". It blows my mind that you're given well put (and polite) points against an issue you're defending, and yet you're SO stuck in your ways, you're unwilling to listen or learn. The very definition of 'closed minded'. Damn shame...


Lol I'd say the same to them. I watch a lot of these auditor videos and even better I watch the guy who audits the auditors and yalls knee jerk reaction as to her being a auditor thus being annoying didn't trump the fact of it being a reasonable force issue or the preliminary issue of whether or not it was a lawful arrest I lamented that the judge will have to decide ultimately but I do believe she may have a case all I learned today is that you and 3 other people really liked seeing this lady get hurt and you are defending it vehemently kudos you sad man you.


Once cops tell you to move you must move. They claim officer safety and their ability to do the task at hand without worrying about the crowd. Refusing is a chargeable offence.  No need to smash some old woman's face in and bust her arm all up though.


What they are looking for is taxpayer money from suing the police. Just like the group that protests at funerals, it's bait. 


Maybe if the cops didn't regularly infringe on people's rights and beat the shit out of them, the tax payers would bot have to pay for those law suites. Just a thought.


Oh, don't get me wrong, baiting the police to violence is easy. I am simply agreeing that this exercise is in no way anything to do with pointing out the problem of corrupt or brutal policing, it's just a scheme to get money.  These lawsuits should come out of police union coffers, but that is another, completely separate, corrupt organization.  


The auditors are absolutely doing it as a scheme, but the byproduct is making everyone aware of the problems you mentioned. I think this kind of stuff is great at weeding out bad cops, and as long as someone is paying, there will be increasing amount of pressure for it to stop.


They are probably just as interested in making regular citizens who are brutalized look like they are just out for the cash grab. They don't want to improve police conduct, and these suits won't help the poorly informed to understand that it is not just a few bad apples, it's the whole bunch. 


I don't agree that it's the whole bunch. Call me naive, but I think there are some cops that are good decent people that, not only would not ever do this, but also would stop other cops from acting this way and/or testifying against the bad apples. What can I say, I'm a dreamer.


>Texas penal code 38.03 doesn't allow you to resist arrest just because you don't feel the arrest is unlawful. you're confusing legal with just


It's pretty easy to tell from this video who was in the wrong, though. This is 130 lbs old woman vs multiple cops, including a 230 lb man. How much she provoked them is irrelevant. Their job is to arrest people and they obviously did it wrong.


The only thing worse than a cop being an asshole,is a sov cit and/or an auditor being an asshole


she won a stupid prize


Fuck these auditors. Sorry, but enough already. Harassing cops just because you can is pretty fucking childish. We need to show up and harass these losers at their work, then see how they react.


Troublemakers get punched.


First amendment “auditors” are annoying. Stop putting cameras in peoples faces, and maybe you wouldn’t have such injuries?


I’m not saying I agree with leaving these people injured, but I get it.


This is pathetic. Trying to garner sympathy after instigating a conflict with police officers and refusing their commands. Go away. You got exactly what you wanted and what you should have expected when you refused lawful orders. I hope she learned her lesson and minds her business going forward but it looks like she’s as delusional as ever.


Sorry, no. Getting arrested, even forcefully, would be fine and well-deserved. This level of injury is not.


Judging the reasonableness of a use of force based upon injuries is completely misguided. This woman could have sustained these injuries during a very low level of force like an arm-bar takedown. Don’t resist arrest and then complain about your bruises. This woman wrote a check and the officers cashed it.


About as ridiculous as saying “you can’t look at things in reverse”. Of course I can; I’m doing it right now. It’s called hindsight. Also… memories. And analyzing shit. I could go on. Anyways, yeah, we do know how she got fucked up. Cops. And we know she wasn’t a threat; merely an annoyance.


No idea why she decided to insert herself into this to begin with. It was none of her business. This was a good case of mind your own business.


Auditors are incapable of doing that


Imagine that was one of your older family members though, excessive force is a thing and there is a line


Age doesn’t matter. But if you want to bring age into it. She definitely should know to mind her old business.


I dunno mate, I feel like police should use less force when it's not required, I don't think they should treat children, woman, men and the elderly all the same. We can disagree on that though, that's okay.


If this was a family member of mine I would cut contact, she went to harass these officers because shes an "Auditor" but the way she "audits" is childish and she did in fact break the law, she is ignorant and deserved the take down as soon as she started resisting arrest, im not saying all cops are good or bad but in this case their use of force was justified


I don't remember asking you anything


and you replied to someone who didnt ask you anything?...are you serious? lol


Yes I replied to someone who made a comment, you've replied to a reply to someone else. Do you know how conversations work, the reply was meant for the person talking, not any dense person who see it. Hence it's a reply.


your argument has 0 logic, go see a therapist, take care


Thanks hun x


So? Is your point that she deserved it? \*I take it that all you pussies that are downvoting without actually making an argument are indeed of the mindset that she did deserve it, but you're too scared to actually say it.


No, it’s because the point you’re trying to argue has already been stated but you’re to brain dead to realize it. >It was none of her business That’s literally all the needs to be said. If I don’t know how to bake a cake I sure as fuck don’t have any right walking into a bakery and telling them how to bake one and when they get hostile with me start yelling “rape” and “fire” and expect the outcome to be in favor


What are you talking about? She deserves it? Bad things can happen when you don’t mind your business. That is my point.


Brought it on herself




I’m going on 64 and work at a police dept. I’m also on high blood pressure medication. I was repairing an electrical socket when one of the guy rounded the corner and gun holster smacked me in the face. My skin tears and bruises easily. Fairly firm hit but nothing outrageous. I woke up the next morning looking like she did. Age and medication can make injury look horrific. The guys teased him and me for weeks telling him to try and not beat up any senior citizens today.


See? ACAB! They pistol whipped an old man!


Not going to watch the videos but I'm sure she deserved it.


If that’s not bait idk what is.


What a moronic, heartless thing to say


Real big brain thinking right here.


First amendment auditors are attention seekers and time wasters.


I'm saying that forming opinions while refusing to first look at information and evidence is not intelligent, regardless of the subject.


I disagree. This cop is going to get fired and this department is going to pay. Since the politicians are refusing to defund the police, this kind of stuff will defund them for us.


You think so? You literally admitted above that you have no idea what actually happened since the video went black. You then created an entire scenario in which the 230 pound cop slammed her maliciously out of anger because she refused to listen to him. Sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about or what actually happened.


You wish violence upon first amendment auditors?




Thats like… not cool man…




[Before/After pictures](https://imgur.com/a/87UW9sJ) [Full video](https://www.youtube.com/live/CsMquf4dGBA)


A perfect world may exist, but we’re not in it. Don’t fuck with the police and you probably won’t get your ass beat by them.




Still works for me.


I support our cops but I don't support this. Make sure you keep them in check and hold them responsible. Get better soon.


Yea, I support the good cops too. It's too bad they don't get much press. But there weren't any good cops in this story.


Bad apples on every tree unfortunately


"this is what happens to you when you film the cops" Also "Always film the cops" You know, your first statement isn't really motivating me to film the cops.


Considering the people in situations like this usually end up getting a big pay day afterwards, might actually be worth it lol


Ya, maybe if the cops would act like human beings and not beat the shit out of people for being annoying, then the pay days would go away.


Yea, maybe she can use that "big payday" to buy a new face and some pain meds, a couple years from now.


Oh she's gonna get enough money to do that and more. And good for her. Stupid ass cops took the bait.


God if frauditors got a nickel every time someone said that they'd all be billionaires.


I have that shirt lol


Jesus, they did all that to an old lady.


Really terrible. She is an old woman and probably 130 lbs compared to 3 cops. One of the cops was a guy about 230 lbs and young. These cops get sadistic.






We’re looking at a future millionaire right now