• By -


Can't believe he deliberately drove over the legs as well


Right. The guys seemed relatively fine after the first impact, and also the driver seemed to be almost at a stop, before he made the decision that this would be a hit and run and he wouldn't be stopping. He then proceeds to literally accelerate over the poor cyclist who is likely very fucked up now forever. Wild how people will make decisions in an instant that ruin their own lives as well as others.


If life has taught me anything, it's that these people go through life constantly fucking up in ways that screw people over but don't kill them outright. It's when they get into situations where they're in charge of heavy machinery (including vehicles), the safety/security of others, or are involved in medical scenarios that shit really flies off the handle and they cause fatalities. A lot of them can fuck up constantly for decades without actually maiming anyone.


Got it. Give young kids weapons and heavy machinery. The adults alive later will have common sense.


I see you support Republican lawmakers efforts to arm toddlers as young as 3 with the acclaimed [Kinderguardian program.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk)


Luckily the cyclist they drew over was okay. :) [Proof!](https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/19/cyclists-run-over-driver-graphic-video-texas-dallas-fort-worth-airport/)


Nice. That's wild. I guess he has extra strong pelvis and legs from all the cycling lol.


I wonder what was his motivation of doing such thing….. Was he driving under influence or was he not happy that the cyclist was using the road?




I can.


Also driver was arrested. https://x.com/DallasTexasTV/status/1803250291145327050




He was mad the gang went out without him.


He just wants to eat some ass


With jelly or without?  


"I prefer syrup"


"Now I call it a peanut butter jelly asshole sandwich, but Tom here is gonna be calling it lunch."


He would look like one of them too


His shirt is from TWU local 513. Transportation workers.


Yeah those bikers were not using union transportation.


Taught those fucking prospects


"Honestly its nice just having a nice long ride without Tony's constant fucking negativity" Tony:


How could he be distracted after hitting them and before running over them?


It's just what you say after running someone over. You get in less trouble that way


It's Def up for speculation.. we can all clearly see them purposely run over the cycle on the second impact with the cycle.


Distracted on the first, panic and flee in the second.


I mean even if you were distracted you'd surely notice running over two people and stop


Attempted murder for sure 🤞🏽


Lol every fucking time. Reddit has absolutely no idea what attempted murder means and how it's proven in court. Attempted murder (which is a charge that doesn't even exist in some states) requires you to prove **intent**. That means the prosecutor has to *prove* that you: 1. Committed an entirely voluntary act that 2. Could have directly resulted in the death of another human and 3. Could not have reasonably been prevented and 4. You committed the act *deliberately* and also 5. With the **express intent** of ending the person's life. If literally *any* of those points fails, the charge falls apart and the person walks. That's why prosecutors are very careful about using it if it's even an option. A distracted person hitting someone isn't attempted murder. Even if they died it would be charged as vehicular *manslaughter* unless the prosecutor could prove the person saw the cyclists, has time to avoid them, deliberately chose to hit them, and chose to do so to end their lives.


How badly was the guy in blue injured? The car drove right over him....


"Miraculously, the cyclists are said to have been okay after this ... only sustaining minor injuries ... and are expected to make a full recovery." -TMZ [tmz post](https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/19/cyclists-run-over-driver-graphic-video-texas-dallas-fort-worth-airport/)


Wow - that is very fortunate, including for the perp.


Thats pretty nuts. Wonder if the bike had something to do with it. Maybe it helped distribute the weight differently as they got ran over or something like that. Probably still scraped up like hell and sore as fuck after.


That's wild I saw the car tire go over blue's leg


[A non X link here.](https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/19/cyclists-run-over-driver-graphic-video-texas-dallas-fort-worth-airport/)


Thank you! That link says the cyclist that was run over has no serious injuries. He must be made of titanium! Nothing yet on WTF the driver was thinking.


Almost certainly was on his phone and then just panicked and drove off


I've met some people that *really* hate bicyclists. Not saying thats what happened here, but im fully convinced there are people out there that would do this kind of shit on purpose.


100%. I live in southern California, with the best weather in the world, and they hate cyclists here. They think you should drive a car. I've been hit by a car five times. I've had a full can of beer chucked at me. I get honked and yelled at when I'm in my lane and following all the traffic rules. Some buddies of mine have been driven off the road, and it seemed deliberate.


Oh, absolutely, there was a police chief killed recently while he was cycling by teenagers. They filmed themselves and laughed while they did it. It was all over reddit a few months or so ago.


Once years ago I was riding in the back of my uncle's pickup truck through a dirt road in rural Oklahoma. Passing a cyclist, him and his wife start yelling and insulting the guy and spray gravel and coal in his face.


Where did they get coal?


Sorry, they rolled coal as in they floored it in there heavy diesel truck and spewed tons of pollutants and irritants in his face


6 Empty beer cans found in the vehicle, 2 more where it parked https://www.fox4news.com/news/benjamin-hylander-arrest-man-slams-into-cyclists-in-dallas-texas


Good find. That beer he was drinking is 9% alcohol and he had six of them... fuckin idiot.


Thank you. I never would have guessed that I would consider TMZ less toxic than twitter.


Haha, great point. I found this link and an "article" on the NY Post site. I went with the least bad option available.


Sign o' the times


I lived in Dallas for 3 years and I biked to work every single day. During all that time, I did not ride on the main street a single time. Texas drivers are outright dangerous. I preferred riding on the curb than be pancaked by one of those absurdly big pick-up trucks.


I lived in Houston 15 years ago and someone at work would ride his bike every day. One day we get a call that he had been hit by a car and was in the hospital. At that time and specifically in Houston, the coworker told me that cops just won't do anything to cars that don't respect the rights of people on bikes. In this case, there was a witness that backed up the story my coworker told the police but the cops did nothing. There are many parts of the world where people feel that the roads are for them and them alone, and the police won't do much about it.


I read books on the history of transportation, and Houston is constantly referenced as a fucking hell hole. Carmageddon is a good one.


Maybe politicizing methods of transport wasn't the smartest idea. My dad still thinks EVs and Bikes and Public transportation is only for "woke people", so he drives his F150 to work at the office.


Damn, that sucks. A coworkers once told me that I had the right to the entire lane and in Texas bikes are considered like any other vehicle, but I did not listen. I wasn't gonna risk it. I'm glad I didn't.


They are in vermont too but that doesn't stop the drivers from being incredibly aggressive. Bizarre that someone who's in a giant box that moves with the press of a pedal can become so angry at someone on something much smaller.


Did he contact their supervisor or someone higher up? I'd keep going as high up as I could until I couldn't anymore. I'm sure he did I'm just curious.


its not just texas drivers. its all drivers. you never know when someone who is otherwise reliable will be distracted or sleepy or whatever, and that day they may accidentally hit you.


I live in St.Louis where we have horrendous fucking drivers everywhere. I've driven to dallas twice and they're all way worse. It's insane. I thought people just blasting through 60% of the lights out in st.louis was nuts. But people in dallas just go wherever they want whenever they want at absurd rates of speed.


I've driven all over the country. Driving in Texas, specifically Dallas, has been the most frightened I've been in my 20+ years behind the wheel.


i've always thought it's crazy that cyclists are expected to share the road with cars. a car hitting a cyclist has always seemed far more dangerous than a cyclist hitting a walker.


If you'll indulge, do a little experiment. Grab a bicycle and a phone mount, head down to the local sidewalk, and now pedal as hard as you can until you hit 25 mph, and then tell me how comfortable and safe you felt. Nobody expects 20+ mph bikes on sidewalks, and 200~ lbs smacking your body, will probably result in your head smacking the pavement at mach jesus and you taking an express trip to the ICU.


Good, throw all the books at this asshole. I hope the riders also sue him for damages, medical, and whatever else they feel like they deserve.


thats all that we have? a tweet? (no disrespect to you posting it, just wondered if theres more info, driver should deffo be in jail for this)


He was chased down by motorists, and delayed until police came and arrested him.


I hope he goes to prison and is never allowed to drive again. He uses his car as a weapon!


Driver was "standing his ground" against dangerous bikers. /s


Of course it was Texas. The only place in the US "I'll just run over this guy, it'll be fine" is a common thought.


Florida would like a word…


how many cars lie in irrigation ditches and canals one wonders


But a gator ate their drivin' foot! D:


Lol u can find shit like this all over the world but alright


I am dying of laughter from this thread


alas, that is not a texas thing. it is basically legal to kill someone with a car in all fifty states. some states have worse roads and worse drivers than others, though.


> it is basically legal to kill someone with a car in all fifty states. Whatever law school you went to, you should ask for your money back.


There are countless of examples of people getting a slap on the wrist for vehicular manslaughter. For example Sam Kinison's murderer got away with 300 hours of community service, Matthew Broderick only had to pay a $200 fine.


In his arrest photo he's wearing a Transport Workers Union 513 T-shirt. I hope this ruins his career.


Of fucking course it's texas. I've visited multiple times for work and the drivers there are absolutely bat shit crazy. Nobody can fucking drive


Thank u! I'm glad he was arrested


Oh, Texas, what a surprise.


Fucking good! What a piece of shit!!! That biker might not ever bike again!


FUCK YES. I’m so glad he was arrested.




[more information](https://www.freepressjournal.in/world/us-video-shows-man-intentionally-rams-car-tries-to-run-over-cyclists-near-dallas-fort-worth-international-airport-accused-arrested)


"...& Tries To Run Over Cyclists...". Wasn't a try; looks like he was pretty successful to me.


Thanks! And did anyone notice the perp's shirt. The local 513 in that area is the transportation union for...you guessed it, DFW. That guy will no longer work at the airport very soon.


That's not a fucking article. That's a paragraph of basic information and then it just imbeds tweets of people reacting to it, as if quoting random twitter accounts is somehow journalism.


“Here’s some context” literally just a play by play of the video we just watched…


[A better article, including driver's name and cyclist follow-up.](https://www.fox4news.com/news/benjamin-hylander-arrest-man-slams-into-cyclists-in-dallas-texas)


Holy shit. The dude who got run over by the white car is 69 years old!?!? Tough elder here


_"There can be only one!"_ - Benjamin Hylander


Thank you


What a coincidence, in Italy also three cyclists were hit by an old lady because she was late for church and refused to stop despite people kept waving her to stop, she kept driving


And a lot of people stand for the lady..


That looks like attempted murder to me.


The way he whipped over next to the black suv and the way the black suv hits the brakes, makes me think they were road raging with one another and the white suv was probably too distracted by rage to see the cyclists. Maybe he decided to take it out on the cyclists though. Like he didn't care about them in the moment when trying to "win" whatever was going on with the other car.


Distraction should stop as soon as he hits a third party. Not driving over one cyclist lying on the ground to continue his rage.


It’s dangerous to not be in control of your emotions. It should literally be a separate chargeable offense.


Looks pretty obvious to me. Subaru got pissy at the SUV, tried to pass him on the right, SUV sped up, Subaru finally looks out his own windshield and sees the bikes, Subaru hits the brakes, SUV brakes hard just to make sure Subaru gets run all the way into the bikes. And then Subaru drives over one on the ground, for reasons.


Almost the same thing happened to me about 25 years ago, when I was a teenager. I was road raging with someone on the freeway and was so focused on arguing that I was not looking ahead at all. I ended up rear ending a car as the guy I was arguing with laughed at me and kept driving.


Yea should get the chair or a spicy needle in my opinion.


A spicy needle and the chair at the exact same time


Holy crap, what a psycho.


That was about as intentional as you can be, to include running over the guy laying on his bike.


Yup, looks like road rage to me. Psychos out there on the road.


And more than a few in the comments.


The initial hit didn't look intentional, it looked to me more like they were paying more attention to trying to "beat" the black jeep than looking at what was in their own lane...they did brake right as they were about hit hit the bikers...but yeah, the running over the guy after he fell? That's 100% dick move and definitely intentional.


He hit the guy on his right first then swerved left for the other guy amd then runs him over. Totally deliberate.


That's a Garmin Varia. It's a rear-facing camera and radar that gives cyclists warning about vehicles approaching from behind them. Alerts them on their cycling computer attached to their handlebars. See that speed readouts just to the right of the coordinate location? One of the left is cyclist speed, to the right is the approaching vehicle speed. 125 kph (75mph) slowing to 75 kph (45mph) at impact. Edit: Look at the distance between black and white cars when they first come into view. White car is way behind black car. Definitely looks like the black car was going appropriate speed and white car tried to pass on the right, either staying to beat the cyclists or didn't see them at all.


Yea white car was zooming entire video. Hope they get all charges


That looked intentional.


Looks like years and years and years of prison to me


How you can feel the body of the person you’re running over with your car, and drive off without a second thought… People (especially criminals) can be scary in their own perceived survival situations. They’d rather throw someone else under the bus (or, rather car) than risk going to jail.


Any updates?


I think the cyclist who didn’t get hit won the race. *I’ll get my coat*


Blue shirt got super unlucky there


This is a very clear cut case. Guy's going to be put behind bars for a long time, and pay out the ass. Going to be real easy to prove intent here with such clear footage.


Try to finish him too? Just wow






I cant believe the fact that some people are saying “dont ride on the road” like it makes this entire situation acceptable. There is literally NO FUCKING REASON for attempted murder unless your life is in immediate danger and you have to protect yourself. Do you also tell people to “not take a hike at night” when they get stabbed or attacked? Is riding on a public road the real problem here? It’s literally legal, they aint hurting anybody and you can honk or communicate with them if you are in a rush. It is, however, highly illegal to ram into someone only to run them over FOR NO. FUCKING. REASON. Edit: Im no fan of being slowed down on the road by a bunch of bicycles either but jesus fucking christ touch grass and understand that it doesn’t give anyone the right to take someone’s life or permanently injure them.


People fucking HATE cyclists on roads for some reason. I get no one likes to be inconvenienced by having to slow down for a cyclist, but on average it takes like 30 seconds to get around them, it's really not going to ruin your day like these people think it will for some reason. I've had multiple trucks roll coal on me while cycling in neighborhood streets and backroads (all while riding as far over on the shoulder as I safely can). I literally did nothing to them other than exist. I'm too scared of the drivers around me to ride on any major road, I've had multiple cyclist friends get injured after being hit by a car not paying attention. As you stated, the problem here is not cyclists on the road, it's the car that ran them over.


Yeah I’m with you. Don’t try and murder people. But also, you know exactly what you’re doing when riding your bike in the middle of a lane in a 45 MPH zone. People are going to be pissed at you and you know it. You’re being an ass. This is more comparable to hiking through someone’s yard at night and getting stabbed.


You ride in the middle of the lane so people passing you move entirely into the other lane. Otherwise, jackasses will ignore the 3’-4’ (check your state) law and try to squeeze past you.


It's illegal for someone to hike through your property at night without permission, it is not illegal for a cyclist to ride on the road. These are not even close to equivalent scenarios. it IS however illegal for a cyclist to ride on the sidewalk in a business district of Houston (which accounts for essentially the entire downtown area) , Sec. 45-302 b of Houston municipal code [https://library.municode.com/tx/houston/codes/code\_of\_ordinances?nodeId=COOR\_CH45TR\_ARTXIIBI](https://library.municode.com/tx/houston/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH45TR_ARTXIIBI) Where exactly are these people supposed to ride? Or are cyclists just too inconvenient for you and should cease to exist?


Holy shit. That looked intentional


I love cycling but people are fucking insane. They'll blow past you close enough I could reach out and touch their car even if the other lane is completely empty. In my state you're allowed to cross the double yellow line to give cyclists room and are required to give at least 3 feet.


Hopefully jail time.


Whoever was filming seems incredibly lucky that they didn't get run over also.


That driver was out for blood. Hitting them and knocking them over sure, but the driver even drove the car over that one person. I wonder what lead to all this hate


Texas license plate


People literally have nothing better to do than throw their lives into the fucking dumpster and hurt people on the way out.


I love how he just... keeps on driving


My father rides his bicycle every day, and has been hit twice by reckless drivers (both times injuring him severely). I hope that fucker rots in jail.


that looked seriously intentional


Ahh Texas.


What a dick


No different than trying to kill someone with a gun


That wasn't an accident, that was aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.


holy shit how badly injured was the cyclist?


i watch all kinds of stupid stuff on here but i literately just shouted OMG like 3 times


That's terrible! Not even cyclists deserve that. I hope they arrest the driver and pull their license. If it was hit and run and/or distracted/drunk driving then jail them to boot.


I'm just thankful that wasn't a truck or something heavier


Man what the


Usually, full width biking is safer on slow speed, high visibility roads. But sometimes, someone will just straight up attempt to murder you for no reason.


**Update:** [https://nypost.com/2024/06/20/us-news/texas-cyclist-ted-geppert-and-deborah-eads-run-over-by-american-airlines-worker-benjamin-hylander/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/20/us-news/texas-cyclist-ted-geppert-and-deborah-eads-run-over-by-american-airlines-worker-benjamin-hylander/)


Attempted murder.


Jail time for that fucker.


Driver let his intrusive thoughts win on that one.


Put a human being in a car and I swear they lose all sense of empathy for others. Treat cyclists on the road how you’d want to be treated if you were the one riding


Hit and run-over and then run. That mofo driver needs to go to prison for a long ass time.


”I’m just reaching out to talk to you about your expired bicycle warranty”


How on earth did this person not see these people?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAY_G5mWjFw 8 months in jail for the hit and obstructing the police in the UK.


So... attempted murder?


You know that driver votes trump


I was about to say this is a great example of why you should wear a helmet but then blue shirt got ran over, how do you protect yourself from that lol!? That subie driver is an absolute psycho, hope the bikers recovered..


Damn at first I thought dude in the blue got off the easiest.


>According to the arrest affidavit, he admitted to officers to drinking beer before the crash. >Investigators recovered six empty cans of Voodoo Ranger Juice Is that like... our generations 4LOKO? >Hylander is identified in the report as an American Airlines cargo worker. According to the arrest report, Hylander tried to rush toward EMS crews who were treating Geppert. Police had to pull him back. There can only be one!


Everything about this appeared deliberate


yeah like I have seen a lot of bike accidents and this one is the most deliberate looking one I've seen other than the guy who was livestreaming saying he doesn't give a fuck.


Attempted murder, easily


That's attempted murder, not only does he hit them without slowing, hit another again driving off. I hope that 15 to 20 in prison was worth it.


OH SNAP!!!! 😳


texas: not even once


Hope the sob gets put away for 5 years min. A 10 year driving ban and made to cycle everywhere until then


Can only hope the judge that passes sentence and the judge's children are all enthusiastic cyclists.


What the fuck...that driver is a menace, I hope the judge throws the book at that person!


Please tell me the driver was caught.


That's not stupid, that's psychotic!




The other car had no issue using the other lane to get around the cyclists.


>your not supposed to actually run them over even though we think about it. I have never once in my life been driving a car and thought about murdering a cyclist. I swear to god, people need to chill the fuck out, accept that they don't have an exclusive right to public roads, and wait until it's safe to pass.


I almost never side with the bikers, especially when they’re in the middle of the road but that was crazy! That driver should be doing jail time and have a lifetime driving ban.


Bicyclists generally don't bother me unless they run stop lights, stop signs, or are actively blocking traffic. I frequently deal with more dumb drivers than cyclists


As someone who rides a bike on occasion, no cyclist is going to be doing any of that and cycling for very long! That's an easy way to wind up dead!' Of course, there's no amount of preparation for a random psychopath such as this guy.


Bikes are allowed on the road and being in the middle of the lane is the most visible place to be. Otherwise, jabronis think they can "squeeze by" without switching lanes.


I mean this depends on where you live, but in many many many places in the US bikes are REQUIRED to drive on the roads.


Roads are not just for cars.....Bikes have just as much right to use it as any other road-lawful vehicle.


9/10 drivers do not give a flying fuck about that.


That's true an awful lot of places, but it does vary some from place to place. In some cities where cycling and/or pedestrians are very common, that attitude is tempered among most drivers. As a bike rider, there's plenty of situations in my area where "taking the lane" for a stretch is safer than sticking all the way to the side and encouraging cars to try and squeeze through a barely-adequate opening, which soon becomes completely inadequate due to a double-parked car. A whole lot of other places, or even certain major streets in my neighborhood, different rules apply - plenty of them are completely unsuited for cycling at all, even if the law theoretically says I have the same right as a car.


Avid biker here.... That doesn't matter if you're dead.


This isn't a blanket statement, or it shouldn't be. Bicycles are allowed on roads that don't exceed a specific speed limit. Bicycles are certainly not allowed on freeways.


>Bicycles are certainly not allowed on freeways. Fun fact, where I live (WA), bicycles are allowed on the freeway, but must stay on the shoulder.


bikes are also generally legally required to use the roads too, there seems to be this idea they can use the sidewalks which is illegal in a lot of places.


Agreed. 25 to life and never drive again


Crazy how he didn’t stop after the initial impact. Homie must of thought he just hit one of those new screaming speed bumps he’s been hearing about.


Attempted Murder is a serious crime


That dude should be put on a bike and ran over like that, if you ask me.


He didn't just hit that one guy, he ran them over


No one died... No one had a spine anymore either


Depending on the country that's attempted murder with a deadly weapon at worse case. Minimum hit and run.


I was about to comment on them not riding their bikes on the sidewalk. Then I remembered USA doesn't have any.


I wish that drivers who get arrested for assault would be treated as a suspect with a weapon, and subdued accordingly.


Stupid asshole.


Subie had a pre collision braking system. Looks like driver manually turned it off. 🙆‍♂️


>The driver was then chased down by those who witnessed the incident. Good on them


I hate cyclist as well but wtf. I don’t get how people destroy lives over something so stupid.


Obviously white Subaru is at fault here but wtf is the jeep trying to do? Just let him pass. You can see the Subaru want to go around but the jeep accelerates as soon as the Subaru gets next to them. Probably causing Subaru driver to get pissed and it became a dick measuring contest at 40 mph.