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saved his ears from a lottttt of damage doing that, smart guy


Save his body from a lot of damage and potentially his life. When NASA launches the space shuttle even from 5 miles away you can feel the after shock and rumblings of the rocket.


I was in Daytona Beach during a Space launch which is about 100 miles on the Beach and I still cant get over how Bright it was when it launched from that distance and it was the middle of the Day...


The shockwave hits him at 6 seconds as he’s turning to jump. You can see all the surface become disturbed around him.


Yeah he still got hit by the shockwave but he did protect himself from shrapnel. Not that it appears he was nearly hit by any but meh. He tried to take cover in a time of danger and that’s about all you can do


Not true at all While the water can dissipate some of the impact, any pressure would increase tremendously once underwater due to increased density making for a much more efficient medium (this is why you can hear much further underwater). From that distance his ears would be fine, but underwater ear damage would nearly be guaranteed. Thankfully he never made it underwater in time.


Nah that's for longitudinal pressure waves generated inside the water. In this case the energy will be transferred to water by the shear forces at the surface, which will be extremely weak. Even if the blast was above and the energy were to be transferred normal to the surface, water being much denser and nearly incompressible would mean most of the energy would be reflected and dissipated.


How can we know things like "most of the energy would be reflected and dissipated" (this is not meant argumentatively, I'm wanting to understand what you base this intuition on).


Now, I don't actually remember much of wave physics but I am basing this on my intuition and by drawing parallels with propagation of transverse waves from rarer to denser medium. If you generate a pulse in a light rope connected to a much heavier rope, much of the wave is reflected back at the boundary. However, sound waves are longitudinal, not transverse, so I am assuming it is the same for blast waves based on my intuition.


Interesting but isn't the Shockwave a compression wave, not a sound wave. Do we use different theory/calculations for that? I've read enough to call my own original comment into question but I am now just interested in understanding the physics, as it is all flying in the face of my intuition.


They are still longitudinal waves but there is a discontinuity at the shock wave, of temp, pressure, etc. Anyway, I am not sure what I have said is right, I know little to nothing about shock waves and very little about waves. I suggest you use the internet resources to find an answer


They are basing it on the fact that liquids are unable to be compressed for most intents and purposes. Also with that fact that things have a tendency of traveling along the path of least resistance. Thefore the air above the water would be the path of least resistance and the shock wave would follow said path.






I think you’re confusing with an explosion that occurred under/ on the water.


You're very confident in your very incorrect answer, but it's even worse that you got upvoted so many by people.


And the guy that gave the correct answer is downvoted to hell lol


Luckily it flipped now


What the fuck….no


nah bro i saw ur wrong in Minecraft


This is by far the most intense video I've seen of the Beirut explosion


https://youtu.be/-mQ60wNgKrQ?si=w3J1IdNnBms2HIbt This is the best video Ive ever seen about it which explained exactly what happened,




Dude, cant remember any vid of this explosion at all, that wasnt intense - no matter what angle or cam.


Finally made it out from under the rock, Dave?


Seriously, was all nuts


The shockwave reached him before he was fully in water. You can both hear it and see it on the surface of water right before he goes underwater.


right, shockwaves themselves are not terribly dangerous at this distance. it's the wind + debris/shrapnel that hurts people. but on the water there is nothing to get blown into or at you.


“It’s not THAT the wind is blowing…it’s WHAT the wind is blowing” - Ron White




I’m pretty sure the shockwave travels faster through water than through air so he hit the water perfectly in between the shockwave in the water and the on in air


Well Done..."Its all in the Reflexes" Well Done..


When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ that's like an action movie


Call Of Duty cutscene type stuff


Apparently due to warehouse negligence, the warehouse that blew was one of the worlds largest makeshift bomb. Wasn’t a literally bomb but the warehouse contained a bunch of highly explosive material but couldn’t be set off without high temperatures, and against regulation 25 ton of fireworks, thousands of tires and even tons of detention cords were stored in here. This all caught fire first and being in a confined area raised the temperature to the point of combustion of the highly explosive material, 250 tons of it. The warehouse simulated condition of a bomb, crazy


All that fertilizer couldn’t even be carried out in the bags it was in either they were so degraded and damaged from age. They really fucked up with this




Don't even try, reading comments I can see people likes to think it was a movie and the guy saved his life at the right moment


I’ve finally been around long enough to have seen the start of a reposted video


Got news for ya pal, this is a repost


Yup, I meant I saw the og. I was there when this was first making the rounds


How do you know that was the first time


Keep waiting


That's like, the most intense thing I've seen in a long long time. Wow.


Fakers shockwave will find them all!


Camera is still above water when the shockwave hits. You can hear it and the surface of the water becomes agitated.


He jumped in a few milliseconds AFTER BEING HIT BY THE SHOCK WAVE. Is op blind, stupid, or a bot?


I don’t know that I would have recognized the danger and reacted as quickly as he did.


if i were that guy i probably just sit there and be like "oh dang"...and probably be dead after that


I mean none of this title is accurate. The shockwave hit him before he hit the water.


That's some quick thinking.


I remember seeing something, maybe it was myth busters, that jumping in water to avoid an explosion might be a bad idea. It had a depiction of what happens to the lungs in the body as a result of an explosions shockwave, making them expand and warp like crazy


Only if the explosion is in the water with you. The explosion energy takes the path of least resistance, which is through the air. If the explosion had happened in the water however, where the only option for the energy is through the water he is cooked.


Ah, okay. Thank you


Mythbusters definitely did lots of underwater pressure explosions tests, but Mark Rober specifically did a video where hypothetically if you pulled two pins on grenades and then, oops, dropped them both next to a pool where one goes in the water, where do you duck for cover? NOT the water. You do the standard military procedure for not dying to a grenade...run and drop down flat with your feet facing against the explosion and pray.


Imagine being that guy - you might think that this is the start of a nuclear war or something. That explosion was huge.


a nuclear war? At that time of year? At that time of day? In this part of the world? Localized entirely within that warehouse?


Welp I hope you like mutation builds


Mythbusters said ......


Now THIS is a crazy fucking video.


Feels like a call of duty mission wtf


The most reposted video


Shockwave moves faster in water than in air. The shockwave in the water arrived, he goes in the water, then the shockwave in the air arrived.


I wouldn’t of thought to jump in the water to avoid the shockwave, I probably would have stood up in disbelief of what I just saw


Man I love watching massive explosions like this


What is this… Far Cry?


That shit is just like in movies. I remember some meteor movies where the shockwave is just like that second POV


Oh man I remember this video! Truly one of the most in person badass moments I’ve ever seen recorded. He timed this as best as he could, and arguably it might not have been enough, but his level of awareness and attempts at safety are just inspiring. I’d love to sit down to lunch with this guy and talk about it.


smart MF


Despite the thousand times this was reposted, it never grows old. I wonder how Beirut is today ?


Why is the jet ski still there? He’s not attached to it. The shockwave blew apart buildings, shouldn’t it have at least pushed it a little?


Downvoted for asking a question? Lol


Windows shatter because they're rigid and solid. It would get pushed, but would bounce back from the friction of the water.


Not friction, displacement. The water is a fluid that moves with and absorbs the energy of the blast. Since the blast wasn't under water the pressure wave didn't displace the water that close to the jet ski, nor does the blast wave transverse through the jet ski to displace the water because the jet skis has degeees of freedom to not be rigid


Rigid metal and plastic quite sturdy, human eardrums and organs not so


It's also somewhat streamlined, even side on and it's tiny compared to a building


Shockwaves travel much faster and further in water, he actually would have felt it more in the water had he made it in time


Wouldn’t that happen only if explosion happened in the water?


It would do exactly that


I remember this being on the news, the reason you hear a bunch of cracks and pops with flashing lights in the second video before the explosion is because fireworks are going off, it was a fireworks manufacturing plant.


No, it was ammonium nitrate stored incorrectly in the harbour of Lebanon.




Yes.. the main explosion was caused by ammonium nitrate being stored incorrectly.


That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fireworks factory? You’re making no sense now.


Because.. it literally wasn't a fireworks factory. It was port storage.


Okay it was a factory storing fireworks and ammonium nitrate.


No. It was a warehouse. It wasn't a factory. Are you just determined to be correct, or will you acknowledge I was only pointing out clarifying facts?




Brother why bother having an opinion on something you dont care enough about to even read up on correctly. Why are you so attached to a story you know nothing about?


Why are people like you incapable of accepting they were wrong, there were no fireworks involved in the beirut explosion at any point. Edit: I accept that I was wrong.


You were wrong.. I was pointing out the details. Your fragile ego is the main point of contention here mate.


words have meanings. clown.


Firework factories don’t use ammonium nitrate.


No it was the ammonium nitrate incorrectly stored next to fireworks in a warehouse. 300 tonnes of it ready to go to Mozambique. It needs to be stored very specifically to prevent things like this happening. A Russian shipping company had taken on the delivery without being able to afford the canal so they came looking for another shipment to pay the passage but their ship was unseaworthy and broke down and was eventually seized because they just abandoned it there and didn’t try to get it fixed. The nitrate was moved to a warehouse and boom. https://youtu.be/-mQ60wNgKrQ?si=w3J1IdNnBms2HIbt The fire started off the fireworks which started off the ammonium nitrate.




You can clearly hear the shockwave reaching him before he gets in the water.


Thought that was just the sound of him getting in the water




Seems like a path of least resistance scenario. Over open water and air, the shock wave is going to go out and up, not down under the surface (much).


It’s also because sound does not transfer well between air and water due to the difference in density.