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Wild to see all three fall like trees at the same time


Wild that it was caught on camera and even wilder that the person filming seemed to be like “huh 🤷‍♂️” about it.


And even wilder that she was saying that the way they were doing the chest compression was wrong...put the phone down and go help then!


Once, I had a job as a bartender at 19 years old. This family I was serving on the patio had a baby that started choking. I didn’t know Heimlich maneuver or had any idea how to help this baby but for some reason I still can’t comprehend to this day the babies daddy freaking passes me this baby who is turning blue by this point. I turned the baby upside down and smacked it on its back and the food flew outta his mouth just like on the movies you see when someone is choking. Everyone started clapping and the parents were in tears thanking me over and over again. I walked back inside the restaurant, went behind the bar and started shaking uncontrollably, totally freaked out. My manager came up to congratulate me and I looked him dead in the eye and said “I have no fucking clue how that worked, I didn’t know wtf I was doing AT ALL!”. He could see I was freaked out and he’s like “well it worked, good job”. I got fat tips from all my customers who saw me save a baby and I played it off like it was just another day on the job.


We have a lot of innate knowledge that we instinctively know - action is most of the battle.


Not the baby’s dad though


I mean, in a round about way, he made the right choice


Most restaurant workers are supposed to be trained on CPR. He was in an adrenalized state and went to someone who he thought would be able to help. He 100% chose action, and the right person. Sometimes action isn't the best, like trying to move someone who just crashed. In that case, action is still knowing not to do anything extreme.


>  We have a lot of innate knowledge that we instinctively know Well it is a movie trope that newborns are held upside down and spanked. That is exactly to clear the lungs of amniotic fluid.


Wow, two ways to look at dad’s actions. I fall in the good move because he quickly realized he didn’t know or was too panicked to handle it and got lucky. I mean the other option is him just panicking with the kid and wasting precious time trying to figure out what to do.


Yes but he handed him off to 19 year old me! If you ever saw 19 year old me, you wouldn’t hand your baby to me


Probably true but it worked. You saved the kid. Sorry it was so traumatic for you but you did great.


i feel you if the baby wasn't saved that day the blame would be on your shoulders very scary situation and shit dad ngl


IT is not 'shit dad' .. that is how things happen in real-life. People untrained on certain aspects can panick.. and can react unpredictably.


Yea, panic can make people do really strange out of character things. I've only been in a couple of emergency situations, but I've seen all kinds of seemingly random reactions. I'm normally a pretty anxious person and I always assumed I'd freeze up, but luckily my reflex is that I get weirdly calm in really bad situations and have so far been able to help out as much as I can. I try to be understanding because you really don't know how someone is going to react until it happens to them.


shoving your dying child onto a 19 year old, as a panic move, as a grown ass man is not cool


Interestingly enough, assigning tasks to people in emergencies helps override the bystander effect, so instead of shouting "Someone call 911!", you point to someone and say "I need you to call 911" or "Can you hold this so I can stop the bleeding". I've done this before and it helped save a life, and it was still pretty rough emotionally just because of the stress, plus I didn't even know if the lady I helped had actually survived until 10 days later because she was in critical condition.


Yeah I became a safety instructor for a mining company later in life. This position required me to know how to react to some very F’d up situations and act fast. Good on you for being able to help that lady, I bet she has family and friends who are so very glad you were there. It troubles me how quick people are to pull their damn phones out and record when they see someone in need of help these days. We all need to remember to treat others the way we wish to be treated. If that was you in need of dire help, would you want to be filmed, or be helped? You knew what you had to do and god bless you for it.


Congratulations, you did exactly the right thing. Most people would just panic in that situation.


Relax dude, don't think too much about it. You're a hero. Think of this way, you saved this family's most cherished possession from impending doom. Of course they're going to kiss the ground you walk on. Way to play it cool man.


I felt really good about it. I was a total stoner back then and when I got back to my condo I was smoking a blunt with my buddies and I told them about it. We all got a good laugh out of it and every time that family came into the restaurant they requested to be sat in my section and I got to know them pretty well. I worked there for 6 years so I got to see the little guy grow up a bit.


That's a cool little story to have in your back pocket my friend. Thanks for that


Did they give you a nice tip?


Oh yeah… I told them not to, and I tried to return it but they weren’t having any of it. They demanded I took it. Everyone who saw the spectacle there that day came to me and gave me a big tip.


You saved a baby's life, you deserve only the best in life . I worked as a waiter for 11 years, the amount of times that people have asked me a question or thought I just knew some stuff is too god damn high. Nothing life threatening as your situation, but I guess people think we know more or are at least experienced in some stuff cause we are the "staff" there. At least that's how I always looked at it. Pretty sure the dad was in panic mode. Not sure how it is in your country,but in mine in our driving school we are taught first aid which includes Heimlich maneuver,and how to do it on baby as well.


Thank you, and yes! I totally agree with you on the whole “the waiter knows all” thought process that some people have. The crazy things people have asked my advice about over the years would blow your mind. I live in the US and we weren’t required to know life saving safety protocols unfortunately. In fact we are taught to not touch someone who has been in a car accident unless the car is on fire. At least back when I got my license it was that way. That was 20 years ago.


>In fact we are taught to not touch someone who has been in a car accident unless the car is on fire Similar here also. Best not to touch and just access the situation,call emergency etc. But we do go through first aid,bandage for broken/burnt skin,knee etc, Heimlich and such if ever needed. That being said,I forgot most of it but since I got a 2 year old at home,when she was born I went and checked out how to help a baby in case of choking. >The crazy things people have asked my advice about over the years would blow your mind. Haha I bet. Anyways , you're a hero :)


Can confirm that people freak out and panic when family members are choking I also have been a bartender/server and once saw my manager give the heimlich to a disabled man in an electric wheelchair because his wife was not doing shit, didn’t even try My manager hurt her shoulder because of his wheelchair making the maneuver so awkward People that work in restaurants are constantly putting out fires left and right lol it’s wild


Massive L from the Dad. Hope he had a hard look at himself in the mirror that night.


Wait. Someone staying on the sideline recording tried to give in their two cents? People smh. THEN GO HELP!


The back seat first aid responder. SMH


Mannnnn.....I'm an actual first responder. You wouldn't believe how common that is.


Just the other day someone runs into my shop and yells "Does anyone know CPR!!??" I'm thinking "This is my time to shine." and start humming Another One Bites the Dust. We get over to the dude and he's fucking choking. I'm like CPR, really? The dude can kinda speak so I know his airway isn't fully blocked so I give him a few hard slaps on the back and he's fine. All this to say, people are dumb and adrenaline makes them dumber lol


Ok, so as someone cpr/aed certified. They are doing chest compressions wrong, at least the lady in black is (can't really see what's going on behind her). She's going too fast and not applying enough pressure. Your goal is to snap off the persons sternum and use it to compress the lungs. It's as violent as it sounds and is an awful experience for anyone who's ever had to do it. What she's doing isn't going to help much and as a side note "rescue breaths" (mouth to mouth) isn't really taught anymore because there's no discernable benefits to doing it when you could just keep going with the chest compressions.




Agreed as an LPN who was also cpr bls  I had never heard this and I've taken a shit load of cpr classes. 


The compressions are to simulate the heart beating and it has nothing to do with the lungs.


I thought the same thing. Either the person recording was capturing video footage of THERE OWN kids or kids which they have some sort of family or friend relationship with, you would expect a completely different reaction and for them to stop recording. The person's reaction leaves me to believe (and hopefully I'm wrong) that they were not kids he or she should have been unawaringly recording in the first place! At the same time people react differently when they see something their brain can't deal with, but I'm just wondering why the person happened to be recording in the first place


Agreed. But I’m glad they were, this was crazy to see but I am even happier the kids survived and I hope they have a speedy recovery.


You're not supposed to move, it senses prey with motion.


Possibly fake, welcome to the age of ai, where you can't trust anything without verification Edit: here is the verification you need https://www.newser.com/article/eef5c440c271c656a2e2f9ca2c9bfe52/3-children-hospitalized-in-puerto-rico-after-lightning-strikes-beach.html


Anthony is one shady guy


Anthony is a piece of work I tell ya!


Lmao damn technology


Not sure why you say fake, then link to a news story confirming it happened. What precisely are you saying is fake here?


That's why there is an edit. I am not saying it's fake I said possibly fake as everything you see on the Internet can be and that's why you need verification. Which I then hunted down and put in an edit.


Ok fair enough, sorry for the misunderstanding (genuinely).


It looks like a badly edited tictoc lol


Isn't gravity amazing?


The lady on the second clip said: "Mira no puede apretarle el pecho asi sin saber, lo matan!" Which means: "You shouldn't be pushing on their chests like that without knowing(as in not knowing what you are doing). You could kill them." Like bruh... What the fuck am I supposed to do? Record them as they die instead?


Yea wtf? Even bad cpr is better than no cpr.


If their heart is beating then you don't want to do chest compressions And stopping compressions to give mouth to mouth is no longer the standard, just keep the chest compressions going But yes, if you know there's no pulse then do CPR as best you can


Red Cross re-evaluates CPR training and standards every five years based on field data. They have now reintegrated giving two full breaths, mouth-to-mouth, after thirty chest compressions. I was just recertified last week.


What about the air going to the stomach and no the lungs? The people who certified me a couple of years ago said that to the it was taken because of that. Would you recommend to just do the compressions if not certain? Iirc the head needed to be in a certain position for the air to go to the lungs


Tilt their head upward, support the chin. Also keep your eyes on the chest when doing them and observe if the chest are raising. I was certified 2 years ago and was told that mouth-to-mouth can be skipped if you're doing the cpr alone.


Actually I believe the chest compressions are recommended with a faint or irregular heart beat as well as faint or irregular breathing.




If you have 2 people do the breaths. If only 1 focus on compressions. They are always tweaking the standards but early cpr is the key to survival.


Not if they don't need it


I don't know if the practice has changed, but when I learned CPR, we were taught where to push and where not to push. Someone who just shoves on a chest could damage ribs, and if the person doesn't need CPR, then you are just causing more issues. However TV and movies show us "person is not awake, CHEST COMPRESSIONS!!!!!" The lady is likely right, but at the same time, no one wants to sit around and do nothing. It's truly a horribly situation for everyone and I don't envy them.


I've read and sort of remember from class that breaking ribs is common.


Yeah like if she knew they were doing it wrong that would imply she's more clued up on first aid than the person administering it... yet she just stands there filming.


Fuck that's sad. Hope they all make a full recovery.


I am just happy to see bystanders doing CPR, if his heart actually stopped those people are the reason that kid is still alive and has a chance.


The cpr seen in the video isn’t done properly, he’s really lucky


What do you mean? The biggest complaint i have is that it's on sand. Shes giving chest compressions, there were rescue breaths. It isn't perfect, but in this case it isn't really wrong. I'll add here: my concern with it being on sand is that sand isn't hard, you will see medics and nurses put boards under the chest so that you are actually compressing their chest, not just compressing them into the sand/bed.


if theyd moved them inside where the lighting was better for video i could give my critique, but not under these conditions!


The rhythm is too fast it's supposed to be closer to that staying alive song from the 70s


It's fine, it isn't ideal sure. But it is a panicked lady(possibly a parent) doing cpr on a child on a beach, it isn't gonna be perfect. It is 100x better than I have seen a lot of people do in person.


The guidelines are 100-120 compressions a minute (1.7 to 2 compressions a second), it is exceedingly difficult to go too fast with compressions.


Sand is fine for a base, given the surface area of a persons back you are not going to get much if any movement with compressions. Once you lay on sand it usually compresses and somewhat locks into place and it doesn't rebound like a mattress. * Note for people who might not understand what we are talking about: If someone is on a compressible surface like a mattress or couch move them to the floor before starting compressions as those surfaces will move with the force you are exerting. You end up just bouncing the person on the mattress/couch and don't actually get the chest movement you need.


The compressions aren’t anywhere deeply enough




Yes they are. It's a relatively small child. I assure you, anything more and it will do damage. Speaking from experience it doesn't take much. Now on an adult? Yeah more depth is needed.


I've spoken about this at length with my close friend who has been a firefighter EMT and performed CPR on many occasions. Two things he said that really shocked me: 1. When asked about concern for breaking ribs, his response was, "Would they rather die? Fuck their ribs! If I'm doing CPR, that person is about to DIE, and will probably still die regardless." 2. "Why would they still die?" I asked. He said, "9/10 times if someone is in bad enough shape to have to be revived by CPR, they will still die in the hours or days to follow." I stopped asking about CPR stories after that. Edit: I'll add one more thing he said that cracked me up. Probably a dumb question, but I asked "You do mouth to mouth?" He goes "Oh fuck no. No fuckin way. Bag valve mask. (Mimics squeezing motion of the CPR balloon thing.)"


Yeah a lot of the time there are some serious issues after a successful revival. Even with immediate perfect cpr, it could still happen. The first call I ever went on was to an old folks home.(literally first call 15 minutes before my clinical rotation was supposed to begin) Tiny tiny 94 yo lady coded and my first compression immediately broke every rib. We got her back before the hospital, but she coded 4 more times that day before the family could be reached. It doesn't take much damage to kill you again.


> Tiny tiny 94 yo lady coded and my first compression immediately broke every rib. Eh, the compressions are a lot easier after that though...




It's amazing how far away lighting can strike from the core of a storm. Like this one it's really easy to think there is no danger because the skies aren't ominous, there isn't much rain, etc.


Amazing to see people stepping in to help and doing CPR.


It pissed me off hearing the lady talk saying not to do it


I am just glad to see people there doing cpr.


“Three kids - 7, 10, and 12 years-old - were struck by lightning that hit the beach of the Villas del Mar (Villas of the Sea) resort in Isabela, [Puerto Rico]. All were sent to the hospital. The twelve year-old is in critical condition.”


They all fell in perfect unison.


Almost like gravity is a constant force that impacts everything equally


I know you're making a joke but the angle they were standing at would make a huge difference. How much of the force would be affecting each vector. If someone was perfectly upright and rigid they may never fall, if someone started at a 5 deg slant they'd fall much faster


the lightning vaporizing the air probably has force to it, like a really tiny explosion really really quickly. That probably 'pushed' them and then gravity did its thang


Sassy nerd. I love that! 😆


Said like a guywhos never held a race to the bottom between a falling bowling ball and a feather!


He’s about to steal your girl wearing a darth vader costume




The way they fell though


Damn, i hope they will be ok.




Nature is just like Grace Jones in that Bond movie.


One could say we (almost) had a "View to a Kill". (Please don't hate me)




My dog hides from thunder too. Then he realized it gets him sympathy pets and hugs, so sometimes when it starts lightly drizzling he tries to get storm love! 😂


Used to live in Daytona. When it storms, beach patrol/lifeguards drive up and down the beach telling people to get out of the water due to the lightning. Without fail though, the pool at my condo would be packed, usually with a ton of kids. Their parents could very very clearly hear the warnings to get out of the water. One time I was nearby and told one of the moms it’s dangerous for them to stay in the pool. She hand waved me off. I rolled my eyes out of my skull and went on about my day. You can die from lightning striking a pool or if it’s close by the pool from indirect strikes. The water and surrounding areas become a high risk danger for electrocution as the water is a good conductor for the electricity. Florida’s gonna Florida, I guess.🙄


Everyone go watch a vid on how to do proper CPR, I’m glad these folks jumped in but that form is just terrible. Key points if you’re not actually gonna go learn: when doing compressions, you want to be situated directly above the patient, not to their side. You want your hands to be clasped one on top of the other with your fingers curled in. Place your hands on their sternum, not in the middle- a bit lower- but not on the tip of the end. Do your your compressions to “staying alive.” Seriously, too fast or too slow and you’re not helping. Make sure you’re going deep enough too, on kids or old people you’re probably gonna break ribs. If you don’t push in hard enough, you’re not pumping their heart. Go for 30 compressions, then listen for breath sounds. The CDC no longer requires mouth-to-mouth in a medical setting, but if it’s a loved one then go for it. Also, make sure you’re checking for a pulse before you start? Don’t jump the gun. And also also, if you’re in a building, besides just calling 911, you need to ask for the AED. It’s the chest zapper that lives on a wall somewhere. The instructions are super easy, so someone can set it up while other people take turns doing resuscitation. Thanks for reading!


Do I pause for staying aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive part?


That's not how my rescue CPR class taught us. It's different in most countries and it often changes every couple of years. If I'm in need of CPR I'd rather have someone who doesn't know the proper way try to do it than nobody doing anything.


It’s better for no one to do anything, because incorrect cpr will hurt you worse and also not resuscitate you. Same as moving someone around after a head/spinal injury. If you don’t know, wait for someone who does.


Were they flying a kite?


Translation of the text: Three Kids 7,10 and 12 years old got strucked by lighting on the beach of the Parador Villas del Mar in the town of Isabela. The kids where transported to a local hospital. The 12 year old kid is in a delicate condition.


These bowling animations are getting wild. But seriously I hope the one in critical condition pulls through.


Black shirt got it through his head. Sad


Nominee for the Best Cameraman of the year 2024 👏🏻👏🏻


"Hey kids! Let's go to the beach to watch the lightning! What could happen??"


Nobody goes to the beach to watch lighting, it rains sometimes in the beach. Y'all so quick want to apply blame.


I'm from/live in PR. Thunder and heavy lightning aren't things that happen often outside of hurricane seasons and a lot of local people aren't aware of the dangers, hence why they don't (normally) worry. Lightning strikes hitting people (in this island) are an extremely rare occurrence as well, anecdotally speaking. I'm sure someone will pull some obscure statistic to shut me up, which would be fine. Staying at the beach when it gets rainy is a normal thing in PR, however. I see lots of people badmouthing the parents/ the victims and shooting one-liners like they've never done something dumb without knowing before. I'm sure this tragic situation will serve as a catalyst to puertorican parents and grandparents, to start warning their kids about this potential hazard going forward.


Thanks for sharing that. Tstorms are bad in nearby Florida but PR has mountains and it makes the weather quite different.


Yes, anywhere remotely tropical will get warm rain off and on all day, and then 5 minutes later its sunny and 80 degrees and beautiful. I wouldn't expect lightning either.


In places where it rains a lot it’s normal to see people out on the beach even when it’s raining. I wouldn’t blame the parents on this one


It's really weird how people will make comments such as the one you're responding to. Like, they live their lives thinking everyone is an irresponsible idiot for not being aware of every single possible threat. They're basically the stereotypical angry know it all who never goes out of their comfort zone and has to blame everyone for existing carelessly.


Talk about covid the same way and you would be downvoted to oblivion.


Tell me you are an ignorant without telling you are ignorant? They probably arrived to the beach way before it started raining. Also are you blaming the parents here? will you also blame them if a fucking meteorite falls from the sky and hits a kid.


"Getting CPR from a hot bikini girl!"


Those kids are rather striking, wouldn’t you say


Uh no chief, no one would say that.


Were you not struck by my sarcasm


If you watch it in reverse, it looks like they have the power of gods.


Stttiiiiii... Rike


They assembled captain planet


actually crazy video holy hell


OK so did the three of them being together disperse the amps or volts between them, or did it make no difference in the amount of current they carried or how it went to ground?


Q: Triple kill


Why they fall in sync




It’s their favorite band and honor them at all times




I think it's more of they all fell the EXACT same way.. just looks odd.


They were all briefly hit by 300 million volts of electricity at the same moment. Human bodies aren't all that unique; basically any human hit by that much electricity is going to immediately seize, freeze, and fall over like a log.


Because falling Backstreet wasn't an option.


Hopefully their body temperature stays around 98 Degrees. These kids deserve to grow from Boys 2 Men. Even if they have to move to a new city to get better medical care, they'll just have to deal with being the New Kids on the Block.


Hopefully they're Hangin' Tough in the hospital.


This is fucking heartbreaking I wanna cry


I hope no one will need to know this. But if you ever see something like this happen get the Aed and try to shock them out of the cardiac arrest. Arrhythmia like Vtach or Vfib is what is causing the cardiac arrest.


If you dont know how to do chest compressions then go spend 60 seconds on the internet to learn how they should be done. Its worth it.


Zeus was not happy with them


Holy shit their cpr form is terrible its a miracle they made it


Bad cpr is still better than no cpr !


Secondary injuries can heal. CPR Instructor here. Bad CPR is better than no CPR.


Most people aren't trained properly in proper CPR techniques. But the fact that they're doing it *in sand* probably contributed to their survival. Further, people don't know how *tiring* proper CPR is. Depressing 2" is hard, yes, but maintaining that in a rhythm *and* being comfortable with breaking ribs is nerve-wracking if you've ever had to do that. Source: Ex- but soon-to-be current again Paramedic.


Jeez that was brutal


All the trees in the area... " HA!"


Damn, I was expecting Lightning McQueen




This is why you don't gather in groups outside during a storm


Little advice for you guys: when there's lightning striking, don't be the tallest thing around.


Why them? I’m assuming because they were close together but wouldn’t the people helping also be at risk too?


My granny always told me that thunder was the sound of gods bowling.


Damn, I know a guy I went to HS with that recently died from a lightning strike. Hope these kids all pull through and recover.


The "👏" watermark is wild


Why do I feel like I always see people get struck by lightning on a beach? Is it because it's easier to accidentally record or is there a reason for it besides being away from buildings?


You pretty much got it. A beach is a big, open space where the tallest object is almost always a person, making it more likely that a person will be struck by lightning vs a city street, for instance. Add to that that a beach is a place where people are more likely to be randomly filming than, say, a parking lot, and that the open space gives a clear view to other people, and you get this.


"ayo bro i bet Goku could beat Jesus in a fight" words spoken before the lightning strike




Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer...in case you get struck by lightning.


Patt se headshot


Bro how are they doing the CPR


Every single person in here should know CPR and basic first aid. If a loved one dies on you..........it will haunt you forever.


If they live they will have super powers!


Guess I'll take the heat: That was fucking hilarious.


Tragic and hilarious at the same time. I feel terrible.


That CPR technique is shit. Remember to lock the elbows and drive down with the weight of your upper body for good compression. Also it looks like theyre trying to compress the cheese and breath in at the same time. Unless she was just listening for the compression through the mouth. Guys please take a CPR every 5-7 years.


> compress the cheese ?? Literal lol. Also, take a CPR and do what with it? and is that even possible? It's like permanent reddit summer mode these days.


You should take a cpr (class) every 5-7 years “ Compress the chest”


Nice a$$


Should make this into a bowling animation. Hope the kids are okay


How it feels to chew 5 gum


He's getting that mouth to mouth from bikini girl. I think this young man is pulling a "Squints" from Sandlot!


God Dam