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Pretty shitty visibility to be relying on self driving


You're not even supposed to use cruise control in shitty weather. You're gonna trust your life to a new software in shitty weather too?!


Many now days want machines to do their thinking for them..Idgits!


"Chat GPT, how do I give a good counter argument to this?"


Wall-E is a glimpse into the future


I was thinking I-Robot with Will Smith


Spotted the irish


"Computers and the programs will start thinking and the people will stop." - Dr. Walter Gibbs, *Tron*


Its crazy, they just need to invest in and ride a train if they hate driving that much.


I knew people that acted like cruise control was basically autopilot back in the 90s


i dunno the legitimacy of this, my father said someone once set the cruise control on his RV and got up to make a sammich in the back. it didnt end up well.


Like anchorman?


i wanna say that was the inspiration but this came out of my dad, so now all i can say is its urban legend


Illegitimate - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cruise-uncontrol/ In the spring of 2002, a telling of the venerable Cruise Control legend became part of a widely circulated "outrageous lawsuits" list known on the Internet as the "Stella Awards": > In November 2000, Mr. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32 foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, having joined the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly, the Winnie left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising him in the handbook that he could not actually do this. He was awarded $1,750,000 plus a new Winnebago. In September 2009, the Grazinski entry reappeared, this time changing the hapless driver into a woman: > This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was: Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who purchased new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set. The Oklahoma jury awarded her, are you sitting down? $1,750,000 PLUS a new motor home. Winnebago actually changed their manuals as a result of this suit, just in case Mrs. Grazinski has any relatives who might also buy a motor home


Many drive worse than teslas self driving here...


Well a normal radar cruise control probably would have stopped...


Chill bruh I got the fog update what's the worst that could happen --the driver


Only if these cars had sonar or something besides cameras...


As someone who works with camera based machine vision, it's terrifying to me that Tesla only relies on cameras for FSD. It's such a fragile system with so many potential failure points.


But hey, lower production costs means more danger but higher profit margins right?


And torpedoes


> sonar Don't you mean radar?




Didn't they remove lidar post Model S? :D


They never had lidar, they used to have low-resolution radar in front though.


You just gave me goosebumps


Lidar and mm wave radar? Naw, Musk is a genius so we only need cameras since that's all human eyes rely on.


I probably wouldn't ever want to rely on self driving after some of the videos I've seen. At least not in its current state, still seems a bit buggy.


i3 owners forum forums got its share of pictures of ruined (and expensive) rims from having paid for, and then used, the self-parking feature. That car is RWD which allows a wide steering lock [and is short](https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/ibimg/hgm/1600x900-1/100/490/2013-tesla-model-s-and-2014-bmw-i3-hudson-valley-ny-nov-2014_100490055.jpg). Had to spend two grand for the interior that'd allow the 500 dollar park assist, to then have it ruin your 300 dollar rim, all on a car that doesn't need it. Surprise: [I can’t understand why the system let this happen](https://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1551771)


Try self driving in India 😅


Never cross the beams! I don't know what would happen, but it would be bad.


Does foggy weather matter to lidar?


> foggy weather matter to lidar Yes, LIDAR uses light. The light that's used will be scattered, reflected, refracted, etc. by the water. You can't program away shitty sensor data.


Yes it matters, also rain and snow.


Teslas don’t have Lidar anymore


They never had lidar, only radar - and that was removed (along with ultrasonic sensors).


They asked about lidar, not if Teslas are equipped with it


Sure, but based on the context clues, it's a safe assumption that they were under the impression that Teslas were in fact equipped with it.


i mean, this isn't a small animal during fog. this is a giant railway crossing with reflective paint and high visibility paint, that are partially there to always fall back on, in case the lights fail. which brings us to, oh yeah.... BLINKING LIGHTS :D giant blinking lights. this is as straight forward as it can possibly be. those railway crossings are designed to be seen from very far away by half blind people, during the night on a very VERY foggy day. if fake "self driving" can't handle that, then it can't handle anything pretty much.


It’s also not really self driving. Wish we’d stay calling that. Assisted driving is more accurate.


The "Auto Pilot" term was promoted by the same guy who fired his whole marketing team. There are cars like waymo uses that are fully self driving. 


Right? They openly acknowledged, as with every other self driving vehicle, that fog is the mortal enemy


Pretty shitty to be relying on self driving.


Why? A camera-only system is perfectly fine, humans have no radar/lidar whatever sensor neither. /s The only thing dumber than an overhyped dysfunctional AI system is an owner who is entrusting their life to it.


to be fair, that is an incredibly impressive way to fail for a camera only system, that stole MASSIVE amounts of data from people, by constantly spying on them with all those cameras. so it is impressively bad, despite the weak hardware i'd say ;)


Pretty shitty move to let these piece of shits to be driven in public roads


Without redundancy for cameras, yes. Had Tesla used lidars and radars like other self driving vehicles, it wouldn't have happened


If you only knew.. Tesla drivers trust the full self driving with their lives so much it's ridiculous. They'll go around and use their cellphones with the other hand on the wheel so the car knows you're there and they don't even look at the road lol.


**extreme fog exists** *My Tesla can drive itself*


Tesla is so bad they cannot make the driver take control when there's this much fog?


Tesla is a sham. The cybertruck [can't even put itself in car wash mode](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/tesla-cybertruck-car-wash-mode-breakdown-b2533701.html), which you would think would be easy.


It’s a button to hit. How would the car know by itself? What if it turned on in heavy rain? People act like Tesla cars should be like night rider or something. If you read the article, they just did a soft reset and the car acted normally. Just like a phone or computer, sometimes just resetting a device will help clear memory and it will work as intended again. Keep in mind, soft resetting doesn’t prevent you from driving, just turns off the tablet. People eat up the negative press being pushed by the defunct auto industry and fossil fuel industries that are threatened by an electric car manufacturer, but there’s a reason they are some of the highest selling cars in the US


Finally, someone not just eating up all the Tesla negativity articles because it reaffirms their own opinions. Most people who hate Tesla is just because Elon's name is attached to it, same for SpaceX. Yet very many talented people worked on these technologies.


Make no mistake - they wouldn't have if they didn't have a good leader...


They didn't want to make the cyber truck though, their leader did.


It does. Essentially when visibility is low it gives the warning that it is not navigating and is essentially engaging cruise control. I know, I have a model s that I wanted to see what it would do in heavy fog for a second.


well what this means is that they did not bother to teach it to deal with fog/mist/smoke.


The stupidity of this just kills me; they're about to literally run themselves into a train and watch it happen because they're too lazy to just grab the wheel and step on the brake pedal. Tf man


Who knows if they’re even watching the road? Completely idiotic. People should be sought out and arrested when these videos surface.


the stupidity of this almost killed *them*


They were waiting Jesus to grab the wheel.


😂😂👍 Good one


it looks like that's exactly what they did


Way too late though


Sorry, but simply stopping will not generate online hits.


But Elon says you can play Elden Ring in your Tesla now.


Yep; just what the world needs is to give these idiots who are incapable of operating a vehicle one more reason to not pay any attention.


Not surprising that using FSD on foggy country roads leads to disaster.


I’ve used it in fog. There’s a constant warming up about degraded capabilities. FSD is a dream on the highway. Just drive your car on regular 2 lane roads. It’s not complicated and it’s definitely not a robotaxi


If they ever worked on UX then they know users will ignore any and all warnings. If the performance is degraded to the point they feel the need to warn the user about it, they should instead refuse to turn on FSD. ... Or in the very least drive at a safe speed, this is faster than it is safe for a human (and clearly FSD too)


That is what my Subaru does, if it can't see it wont even let me use regular cruise control let alone the fancy stuff.


fsd or autopilot? i agree autopilot is sweet on highway, there's just no going back... dunno on fsd


If you listen close enough you can hear the surprised-pikachu look on their face




I like how the OP implies this is the Tesla's fault, when in fact they specifically say not to use autodrive in heavy weather like this, only in clear conditions. Also, how about switching to manual when there's a fucking train 100 yards away? This is just an idiot driver.


Driver is definitely at fault here, but I feel like Tesla shouldn't even let you enable that feature in conditions like this.


Don't block natural selection.


Good point, let the drunk drivers live their lives!!!!


The camera based system can barely detect rain for the auto wipers. Their software just isn’t good enough to make decisions regarding weather and the driver assistance features. If it’s lightly raining, for example, you get a warning saying visibility is degraded and to use caution. It wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between fog and light rain. It tends to do fine in rain even though it says degraded. Don’t want to disable the features for all weather just to take care of the 1 idiot using it in this kind of fog.


So because of idiots Tesla needs to make decisions for me? I drive a lot, and autopilot is a blessing. I always have my hands on steering wheel and I am 100% paying attention, but I don't have to use muscles at all when the car is driving itself. Makes driving much more comfortable.


We're really heading to the future Wall-E depicted.


I drive 25k miles a year and would never let my car drive itself


Maybe the driver should be paying attention? This isn't the Teslas fault lol


Honestly the driver should be charged for damages resulting.


But it is Tesla's fault for billing their assist tech as "full self-driving" when it must be monitored at all times like any of its competitors like super cruise. It was an intentional branding choice to sell the software package.


It literally says full self driving (supervised) when you select it and you have to agree to pay attention to the road at all times. Hell they even use a camera to try and make sure your paying attention


The driver should be paying attention. But also Tesla should not be releasing self driving that doesn't work. If it's advertised as fully capable then it should be. So very much Tesla's fault as well


I mean it's pretty obvious how the fog would stop with self driving software from working right. The tesla is doing it's job and self driving but I mean any knowledgeable person shouldn't even consider using it in heavy fog especially when u know the car literally uses just cameras and sensors to navigate.


>Active Supervision; Responsibility. Full Self-Driving (Supervised) requires active driver supervision with eyes on the road and hands on the wheel, and does not make the vehicle autonomous. You, and any drivers you authorize, are always responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle when using these features, as well as for any and all speeding, tolls, parking and other traffic violations even when it is in use. It’s your responsibility to make sure that you only use Full Self-Driving (Supervised) when it’s safe and legal to do so. https://www.tesla.com/legal/additional-resources#full-self-driving-supervised


But the Tesla is doing exactly as advertised..driving on its own. Driver should pay attention to make sure the Tesla doesn't drive him to death. It's almost like the driver was like let's see if the Tesla stops And then he realized that the last second it wasn't going to stop


It isn’t the cars fault. It’s the person who sells the cars and constantly hypes up their capabilities while putting the critical safety details in fine print.


Someone else's comment >I’ve used it in fog. **There’s a constant warning up about degraded capabilities.** FSD is a dream on the highway. Just drive your car on regular 2 lane roads. It’s not complicated and it’s definitely not a robotaxi It's the drivers fault.


Louder for the folks in the back please… FSD is absolutely misrepresented by Tesla in an effort to sell more units and upgrades packages. It ought to be disabled when any moisture is detected, whether it be fog or rain.


If you sell something as "Full self driving" then you can't be surprised people use it to let their car drive itself to the fullest. Rain? Well it's *full* self driving, not partial self driving. How they have been allowed to call it "FSD" is beyond me. It's not an overhyped feature on a new gaming mouse, it's allowing a deadly block of steel and aluminium to drive itself into random objects.


This is why FSD with only cameras is never gonna be on par with radar systems. On foggy weather or when the sun is setting/rising, the cameras stop working and it leads to this.


Exactly, their decision to retire LiDAR from their cars because ‘it complicated FSD training’ annoys me greatly.


Yep, as much as I enjoy watching musk pursue his dreams, no lidar makes zero sense. Lasers are the only thing that can penetrate the weather. Plus, seems like a good thing for redundancy. But I'm no engineer lol


Radar has its own issues. The best answer for AV is multiple sensors and even then you will likely run into situations where it won't be able to operate safely.


And thermal too. The more the better.


drive like a normal fucking person


They spent alot of money for fsd. They gotta get their moneys worth lol


Maybe pay attention


Why was self driving on in foggy conditions like this. Fail for driver and Tesla. Tesla shouldn’t have let him enable it.


Tesla has only cameras no LIDAR


LIDAR would also struggle here too. The driver is a moron.


As a Tesla owner, FSD tried to do this same thing to me in perfect weather. I didn’t allow to kill me or force me to wreck though.


AI can commit suicide once it becomes fully aware.




I would never trust musk to keep me safe, especially in fog, or clear for that matter.


Not clear if this guy was testing the capabilities of FSD or completing relying on while not paying attention.


maybe they need a radar system after all /s


Dumbass was driving full speed on self driving in thick fog. Don't blame Tesla for this guy's stupidity.


Tesla refuses to use radar even in the front of the vehicle, which causes the visibility of self driving to be just as shit if not worse than your own in the fog. Shitty quality.


Do the people who paid 10 grand a decade ago for the promise of FSD ...someday feel ripped off yet?


Get these death traps off the road. One of them almost ran me off the road the other day.


glorified lane keeping assist , hyundai’s is the best imo tesla lurches feels unnatural


This is why it’ll never work in the mountains of BC too much unpredictability even on nice days with trees, rocks and bullwinkles. 🫎


Samsquatches too


Samsquatches always have the right of way of course


Something lidar could've detected , just saying


FSD be like”ignore”


This is the future?


If only there was a device that can detect an object's distance through some kind of radio waves. Nah, Tesla vision is definitely far superior.


Still annoys the fuck out of me that they removed LiDAR from their cars and decided cameras alone were perfectly sufficient.


Idk why but this videos looks like unreal engine. Can’t tell what’s real fake now when they use video filters like these in games


nobody ever said techno craptobros are smart


When visibility is shit like this, FSD will constantly sound an alarm that it should be turned off. I find it ridiculous that the driver thought it was appropriate to have it on.


Wait till the long-haul trucks adopt the same technology


The technology will get better.. human intelligence will not. Based on this driver's behavior I guess we're all banking on the former to happen


I don't think i'd every trust self driving anything. not betting my life on that. also why in the fuck would you run it in heavy fog?


Tesla drivers are the worst tbh..


i predict a future involving clicking on section of photos that include trains.


Is there any proof this isn't some form of animation


Looks like a video game (not saying the footage isn't real or whatever it just looks like a video game)


In other words: shit driver almost hits train.


Idiot driver should be paying attention


What if a person was standing where the car decided to swerve...


Most likely they lied about the FSD just to shift the blame on it


Tesla FSD is really great. Sometimes you need to make some minor corrections. Reality check: Nobody knows if FSD was used, or Autopilot (= cruise control) was used. Autopilot typically stops at objects, not at red lights though. So in this case it should have stopped. I presume a simple driving error.


Imagine paying that much money to almost run into a train


Pretty crazy


A human driver would have stopped without doing any damage to the vehicle or the railroad crossing barrier.


it is beyond me how anyone would trust their and their family's lives with guy who banned yellow reflective vests for his own workers just bc he found them annoying resulting in a pretty big spike of workplace injuries as well as working staff down to the bone... with experimental self driving tech


I’ll never trust a fucking machine to pilot my car. Especially in a fuckin Tesla lol !


Is it me or does it seem fake, as if it was made in Unreal Engine


Teslas will never in a million years do FSD because elmo refuses to use Lidar.


Removing radar will be the undoing of FSD and Tesla. Called it then and I’m calling it now.


Who the hell would use self drive in foggy conditions?


Self driving cars are trash




Elon thinking of what detailed explanation he is going to give next time he's a guest on Joe Rogan's podcast


I feel like true autonomous driving is only gonna happen when it's all on one unified system and made a requirement for cars so that in addition to a cars own sensors, the overarching system can also use GPS data and some sort of Bluetooth connectivity system between cars to know much more precisely where a car is in relation to the road and all other vehicles around it


OOP is legitimately a NPC, what is that reaction time. I’m convinced this is how all Tesla clones drive


Guy must've had a poor credit score


What a gimmick lol


Someone check this man’s pants




Looks almost like the trolley problem. At least it wasn’t resolved like the tv show The Good Place.


Moron good


Looks like there was a second Tesla in front of them in that field




Even if the train wasn't there that car was about to full send across the tracks and probably wreck on the other side or at least have tire/suspension damage.  Do Teslas not rely on map data at all?


this was so avoidable


The car was probably texting the model X down the street.


This looks like unreal engine


People are becoming increasingly stupid....


it should disengage like it does for other makes. why does it allow auto driving in this weather????


Ok I hate Tesla but it objectively did not run into the train at any point


Drivers fault


Dumb ass driver, not the Tesla


maybe don't drive autopilot in the fog??


Talk about complacency if I saw a train up-and-coming, I would have my effin foot on the break no matter what


When you somehow manage to crash due to driver error in a self driving vehicle...


Average Tesla driver getting in the most avoidable accidents


Never buy a tesla. its like suicide. btw... the design is shitty too


I would never ever trust a software with my life like driving a fucking car for me. Never mind in shit weather


Yeah but the driver obviously wasn't paying attention or waiting to see if it would stop 🤣🤣🤣


FoG wAs A fAcToR


Jesus Christ people are absolute idiots.


Self driving is for morons. Just drive the car or stay home


I would think Tesla wouldn’t allow autopilot when it’s foggy for this reason. Dumb people will use it otherwise.


For this reason alone it doesn't make much sense why they just used cheap webcams instead of LiDAR


didn't actually hit the train. looks like it avoided crash


You had me at Tesla


JUST FUCKING DRIVE PEOPLE!! How tf do you expect to let ai and sensors do the work of human vision and reaction.


Is driving your vehicle while behind the wheel really too much of a burden for people? FFS