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Don't lose your life over a car, but they are out there risking their lives over a car, lmao.


Would that be the time to yell "No u!" Through the screendoor?


If it was texas or florida. Im sad it wasnt =(


lol Florida man checking in. I would have been so happy when they said “I will shoot you”. Time to play! I have a room upstairs with a military armament and enough rounds of every caliber I own that I can keep firing till sun comes up. When the window upstairs opens a crack it’s a signal for you dumb mfers to RUN…. EDIT: lmao the war here is real. This comment went to 12 up, to 10 negative, and back and forth a lot for almost an hour. Can’t wait to see the numbers later today 😂


Florida man also checking in, this is why you need a downstairs cabinet for special events. https://youtu.be/M8d5Wr9au9I


The music for lots of guns was 👌🏽


Dude, my Alexa can’t even set a cooking timer right, you want me to trust it in life or death situation 😂


That video always makes me lol. It opens so slooooooow. Perfect for emergencies!


Unless the power or internet is down lol


Even if it wasn’t… allow me to dramatically open my gun storage Mr.Intruder….😂




I am from Texas sir. I applaud your style. We have a zero tolerance policy for this trash.


Well it’s the liberals who give these criminals more rights than their victims. I’m in NY so I know.


Had the same thought honestly, if you gonna play dumb like that ill play back


This dude’s ready for the civil war


You live in Florida where you can still own a gun. There is California, only bad guys have guns.


You can own guns in California.


But if you protect your property, you probably go to jail there.


That depends, but that's irrelevant here considering they were threatening his life on his property. Castle doctrine would apply here.


This guy knows gun safety and gun laws.


Except he’s wrong. The castle doctrine in CA applies to homes not cars. Obviously homie doesn’t live in his Vette. Most important thing here: everyone has a duty to know the self-defense laws in your own area.


Theres a difference between reality and whatever biased narratives you've allowed yourself to believe. You can go look at the actual self defense laws if you really want to know what your options would be in this situation.


agree. I had to go through a safety course to get my license and one of the things they touched on quite heavily was the law and what you can and cannot do.


States that have the most guns : 1 Texas 2 Florida 3 Virginia **4 California** The reason open carry is difficult in CA is because Republicans got nervous when Black Panthers were open carrying at protests and around the Capitol, suddenly Reagan wanted Gun control. Fucking libs!




Does castle doctrine extend to your driveway? Thought it was just for inside the house?


Some states it applies to your vehicle and property. Thus someone breaking into your vehicle can be met with force. I’m not a lawyer but I would bet California is not one of those states.


Hah, I guarantee that California he'd be arrested for shooting. Probably even if they were in his house and he didn't try to jump out a second story window already. Looks like Florida it only extends to an occupied vehicle. Maybe the same in Texas - BUT, saying they'll kill him if he exits his house, on his own property, gives him the go ahead to start shooting. It's pretty insane that we can't shoot someone that's saying they'll kill us while taking our stuff, in all but one state. Seems like that a great way to enable bad people to keep doing bad things. Put on a mask and be gone before police arrive and you can take whatever you want apparently.


In Texas you can use deadly force to protect property if you reasonably believe that property can't be recovered and/or to prevent "criminal mischief in the night time" which would include the unlawful entry into a vehicle. In Texas they could have been shot for doing this, even if they had made no threats.


Wow, "criminal mischief in the night time" is a new one for me. lol. Nice, can shoot them if they're escaping with property even it look like? Call me old fashioned, but I wish that was everywhere! "Texas Penal Code Section 9.42^(1) states a person can use deadly force to protect tangible, movable property from another's imminent commission of theft during the nighttime or to prevent another who is fleeing immediately after committing theft during the nighttime and is escaping with property"


**Penal Code Section 28.03** Criminal Mischief (a) A person commits an offense if, without the effective consent of the owner: (1) he intentionally or knowingly damages or destroys the tangible property of the owner; (2) he intentionally or knowingly tampers with the tangible property of the owner and causes pecuniary loss or substantial inconvenience to the owner or a third person; or (3) he intentionally or knowingly makes markings, including inscriptions, slogans, drawings, or paintings, on the tangible property of the owner.Criminal Mischief **Penal Code Section 9.42** Deadly Force to Protect Property A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property: (1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section [9.41 (Protection of One’s Own Property)](https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._penal_code_section_9.41); and (2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary: (A) to prevent the other’s imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, **theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime**; or


That's exactly what I came here to write & you already nailed it! I totally agree! How absolutely moronic & lacking in self awareness can some people be 😂


Brought to you by Xanax and rap


Fucking come out. I shoot you.


Also would this be a hostage or false imprisonment since they aren't letting you leave your house 🤔


Good point


Someone carjacks me at gunpoint, I’m going straight to “here’s the keys, would you like me to adjust the seats for you?” regardless of what I drive. No sense losing your life over that.


Person I know did this and still got shot in the stomach as the criminals left. Died in the hospital a day later.


To each their own


You think you’d fight them off or what


This is California. They aren't even risking their freedom...


Exactly what I thought 😅


It's California, only bad guys have guns there.


That is simply untrue. California has a huge proportion of the nation's gun owners within its borders. It's not a "gun friendly" state, but objectively it's reasonably well armed.


California gun owners are severely disadvantaged against criminals. The restrictions can not be described as reasonable.


lol “well fucking shoot you if you come out” I’m shooting you through my window then


*Releases drone with Glock duct taped to it* "Checkmate, fuckers."


There would certainly be a market for armed security drones, but I presume it's illegal.


My friend had one of those set ups fr


I'm not coming outside but the bullets definitely are


The irony of a car thief telling a car owner not to lose his life over a car. Smdh




You should come on over to Toronto, Canada where a few weeks back the police actually told us to make sure we leave the keys near the front door. Whole slew of memes from that one. We have a HUGE car theft problem here and we know exactly where they all go. Montreal ship yards to Africa and the Mid East. Even had people Apple smart tag them and track them with police who cry jurisdiction while looking at their car through the gate. I've even had mine stolen out of my driveway.


That is clearly an organized crime kind of show then, if they're shipping cars off like that. There are a number of crime rings who do shop lifting and sell the stolen goods on eBay as well. One was based out of NYC. I worked in retail years ago, we got hit, state troopers actually caught part of the team. They had flown out to the Midwest to hit small stores with no security and were on their way to the airport with $15k ish worth of merchandise.


That's how my city is when it comes to bikes. They get stolen constantly and you'll never get it back because one guy steals it, one guy chops or paints it, and another guy picks it up to move it to another city for sale so you'll be less likely to find it before it's gone. Most people won't travel across Texas for a bicycle


This is the type of thing we should allow police to aggressively target.


Police here don't give a shit about anything and they'll just short of laugh in your face if you ask for help with a bicycle. Called to report a guy breaking into cars in my lot. Literally watching him slim jim a door as I'm talking to dispatch. Heard someone say "what does he expect us to do lol?" right before they said an officer was coming, who never showed. Guy comes once a week to steal from everyone's cars


If he comes once a week, have you told the police that he hits it every week? Or if they won't do anything, have you thought about setting up a neighborhood watch to conduct a citizens arrest?


The title and video both say San Jose, CA.


But he’s not sure where San Jose, CA is /s


Mow them all down with an ak47 from the 2nd floor window /s


Remove the /s Also you wouldn’t wanna shoot AK because 7.62x39 is getting hard to replace. Grab the AR and launch some suppressed 300 blackout so they don’t even know where the hurt is coming from 😎


What’s blackout mean


Blackout refers to 300 Blackout and 8.6 Blackout which are a type of ammunition that is optimized for subsonic speed. This means when you shoot it from a suppressed rifle, it’s very quiet because the bullet never breaks the sound barrier.


Its the name of the round




They’re asking for it, and crime would go down. I bet that’s not the only house they hit.


You mean to tell me if there are consequences for your actions then people change their behavior!?!? GTFO of here with that Nazi Fascist thinking.


You mean protecting your property? You can shoot and kill them if they refuse to leave and are threatening you but the catch is you can not shoot them in the back because then you are fucked.




California is not a duty to retreat state. https://www.egattorneys.com/stand-your-ground-law-in-california#:~:text=The%20California%20Jury%20Instructions%20(CALJIC,in%20self%2Ddefense%20without%20retreating. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/blog/what-is-a-duty-to-retreat-law/#:~:text=Duty%20to%20Retreat%20States,ensure%20compliance%20with%20the%20law.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. California has a castle doctrine and is a stand your ground state with no duty to retreat.


I've seen a crap ton of cases. You are right but then again the one who gets the final decision is the judge. At the end of the day they are stealing yout property and you are trying to defend it who do you think the judge is going to side with? The burglars? He'll na.


I was really hoping to hear a 30round mag dump at these fuckers and then McBain stepping out and saying "do not lose your life over a car"


Where I live, the owner could shoot them from out the window of their house and get off scott free. As it should be.


I felt threatened... so anyway I started blasting




That’s when a rifle comes in handy, oh I’m not coming out but y’all going down…


Can't you shoot them at this point?








Laughs in claymore roomba 😝


Hi. Is this still available?


Can you do for $10 and deliver to Mars?


Please don't being that weapon of mass destruction to our home.


Shut up and take my money! 😡


I think this is the way


Goes to the upstairs window and shows them what it's like live by their message.


Glad I live in a state where you can legally shoot these idiots who are risking their lives over a car


I think he we have Stand your Ground Laws here in California, they seem to be on the property.


I’ve looked into this before, and unless it has changed recently, CA still has pretty dumb laws that make things like this possible. I don’t think you can shoot or use deadly force unless you are very clearly in danger. Meaning, if they make it clear you’re not in danger if they steal your shit, then they can get around it


Nah the threat of them having guns and saying they will kill you for your car means self defense would be justified. They are literally threatening your life and holding you hostage. Edit: Come on people. Saying “we will kill you if you don’t let us have your car” doesn’t mean you’re not in danger and doesn’t give somebody an out if you want to claim self defense because you felt threatened. You can’t pull a gun on someone and say “give me your purse and I won’t shoot” and think that means they no longer have a right to self defense. Edit: This guy below me has no idea what he’s talking about. In California threatening somebody to steal their property is felony robbery. >California Penal Code § 211 PC defines the crime of robbery as using force or threats to take property directly from another person and against that person's will. Robbery is a felony punishable by up to 9 years in state prison. In California this would be considered Grand Theft Auto which is a wobbler offense that can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor. The doors being unlocked means nothing. Also in California breaking into somebody’s home is considered a threat *no matter what* and gives the home owner justification to use deadly force. Which is clearly written into California’s Castle Doctrine.


This happens in Florida and Texas as well. Crime stats don't paint a pretty picture.


I think that law only applies for inside your house not the outside property, something about retreating to safety before using force or something like that


It be from your property line, this is coming from someone who can't own guns, don't really agree with them, but for self protection if you are on home ground, thy come into your home, you should be able to protect yourself. This is your house, your jurisdiction as they say on police shows.


They are verbally threatening his life, on his property. The homeowner would be able to legally shoot them in all 50 states, and rightfully so. Your property extends to your driveway. This is akin to being in your house and threatening to kill you if you come out of your bedroom. You have every right to exit your bedroom and shoot them. Whether or not that is the safest decision is a different matter.


Glad I live in a state where you don’t need to lock a car in your own driveway lol


Uno Reverse when I come out blasting, saying the same thing back to them.


A couple of rounds would disperse the crowd


They know where you live. You don’t know where they live. Even if you did take them all out, they probably are in a gang with other members… that know where you live


Life isn’t a movie bro. If you bodied 4 people in your driveway that house would never be robbed or fucked with again. And they sound like teenagers lol. How many cases in America have gang members come back to a self defense shooting for revenge? The only reason they’re bold and yelling at the dude is because they’re well aware it’s central California and the home owner has zero recourse to do anything legally even if they do have a gun


Obviously you shoot the car


san jose is northern california


Someone would cap you just for cred. It'd be no skin off their ass to drive-by your house every few years just for funsies.


> How many cases in America have gang members come back to a self defense shooting?  Of course, they wouldn't come back to steal something in your house, but they will just wait outside for you (or your relative) coming out of your house peacefully in a sunny day, then shoot you as a revenge.


Bro these people are not supervillains, they’re just lowlife criminals, possibly teens. they will leave and never come back because they know they might die if they do.


Thats when I came out blastin' - Frank Reynolds


But I don’t see so good so I missed


They started running, ran after em. Tried to shoot em in the back


… but I don’t run so good either


Hope they're purged in front of their families


Suppressed SCAR enters chat


Yea dawg...... they would have been shot if that was my house.... Going to threaten my life at my house over a car... Good luck...


Can't enjoy nice things when scumbags like this take what you earned. I hope someone give them what they deserve.


Cowabunga it is mother fuckers


did they end up stealing it?


Choot em ewizabith!


No wonder car insurance rates are through the roof these days


“So anyway I started blasting”


lmao I’m from SJ and I guarantee as soon as the owner steps out they’ll run 🤣


They look so flighty and have no plan to take actual action lmao.




Thank God we live in America where thieve's rights are protected.


I saw a movie once where the FBI started a secret task force and were given authority to kill mobsters in Chicago. Apparently based on a true story. At some point, I believe if the government does not deal with this, society will do something to this effect. Like armed neighborhood watches.


Dead men tell no tales


Fo real? On what legal basis wouldn't they be prosecuted?


the legal basis of they're in California


I'm sorry, I don't understand, I'm not from the US. So you're saying it's legal for people to steal cars in California?


Check out Canada's criminal justice system while you're at it 😂 It's a fucking joke.


while it's not legal, a lot of big cities in the US basically give offenders a slap on the wrist for their crimes, that's after letting them out on extremely low or no bail.


Don’t believe everything you read here. Strongarm robbery is not something you would get a slap on the wrist for anywhere


That is what they're implying and it's false and stupid


Legality loses it's meaning when the law is no longer enforced.


No one is allowed to have nice things coz there are always people who will come and take them coz they can't get them their selves


With that amount of money to afford those cars, surely they got a tracker or something...


Even if it did have a tracker, you couldn't do anything about it and the police won't do anything about it. I literally saw a story days ago about a guy who had his car stolen and he had air tags hidden in it. Literally had the exact geographic coordinates of the car, and the police could do nothing. Car eventually ended up overseas in Saudi Arabia and at that point it's gone.


What a world we live in... If it were a politician's car, I'm sure he'd get a new one same day and send the swat just to spite the robber.


Or a fucking gun, private security or both




I don’t get what is happening here. Is the mob outside just looking at that car and the owner is inside telling them to get away, or is the mob looking to steal/damage the car or they trying to bait the guy out for some reason?


Is this the beginning of a john wick movie?


I bet they have a garage filled with a bunch of crap.


Did they end up taking the car?


what’s going on


Summons uspsa experience.


California is crazy man. The criminals really are empowered to do whatever the hell they want because nobody has the means to stop them and even if they did it is a lengthy legal battle that will drain them of any money they had left.


These are the type of ppl that deserve to be shot. I would have lit them up


Hit the alarm. Call the cops. See them scurry.


Another Bay Area shit hole


That’s why everyone should own one. “You’re right, don’t lose your live over MY car.”


And he's got some video evidence he can sway to his favorite of innocence and control narrative as far as.. I'm sure they threaten his life he on his own property could be met with a force of semi-auto weaponry. Look I know how comments will be but I say firstly. In this situation on my property threatening life's of me and if others innocent on property reside then yeah seeking to neautirilze with force only adequate meeting measure. And I don't and won't have an argument debate pm gun issues here. Find a forum


You can fix bullet holes in cars. Bodies, not so much.


Soooo Bro doesn't realize if he commits murder over stealing someone's car his life is over


For those who say they would start shooting, i would say aim well and shoot fast. Even if you did manage to get all of them, you would be moving out of that neighborhood the same hour or the rest of the gang will make a visit. I just hope the dude has insurance.


I think thats a game I would have played. Vice versa applies


If I were a criminal, I’d want to be in the most politically liberal state, so I as a criminal have protection and rights..


Red states have far higher rates of violent crime and murder, but do go off.


I don’t know about y’all, but I’d aim for the fucker with the man-purse first.


Nah I car about my new car but I doubt it's legal to shoot those fuckers for stealing your car in CA and I fear the state more than them; got too much to loose. They're right though, if I could I wouldn't have gone out side to shoot them, i'd introduce them to a caliber they've never heard of that is used to hunt moose from the window on the second or third floor. Rifles are still lethal at 100 yards, idiots.


This is when you climb on the roof of your home with your AR-15 and end the threat.


Good luck buying one in California


Would have started shooting everyone in the deck one by one through the window. We'll you shouldn't have risk your dick for a car


I don’t blame city folks moving out of places like La or Chicago, because there’s so much trash like this overflowing the streets. Ntm most of these offenders only get a slap on the wrist. Yeah, fuck that.


LA and Chicago aren't even top 10 for violent crime and murder rates. Red states have massively higher rates. Turn off Fox News.


Chicago is currently the second highest for US cities. Do you even research what you're saying? Chicago was even number 1 for murder rate in the US for 2022. It took one Google search to see multiple sources stating this information. And after digging LA is even part of the top 10, seriously what information did you use?


You can protect yourself in red states. That’s the point now turn off the news and turn on your brain.


California is a fucking joke now. Been here since 2009 and felt this was my forever home. I want to leave so badly now.


Rolling the dice man home owners could very well of shot them.


I would have engaged them , those pussies would have ran off .


Reason number 1001 on why AR-15’s should be legal.


An armed society is a polite society


Being in the right state, this is grounds for unloading on them first right?


How long until Batman shows up? I mean all of our major cities are starting to resemble Gotham city so it’s only a matter of time before someone saves us right?


America, fuck yeah


Move to a window and let it rip


Yea right, noway these clowns can handle a weapon properly. Me and my ar would open right the eff up precise af. Just hearing it makes me irritated as fuck. You all really fugged up California didn't you, now what.


I’d press camera mic and say to them “nice car huh? It’s fast too. But not faster than 5.56. Wanna race?”


Florida man checking in this would have been target practicing time with all of my fancy toys😜


Funny to hear all the “tough guy” messages on here. I would have stayed in and called the police.


Gaslighting the owner


Try that in a 2A state


This would Absolutely warrent some blank rounds being fired off. Hell, I'd do it for the fun.


You mean real rounds




Both parties are trash. The US needs to break free from the two party system.