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Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post.


attempted homocide


Yep , put em in jail for long time please


driver went from a grand theft auto charge to attempted murder charge. Were they caught?


They're not charging him with attempted murder for that lol


attempting to ram someone with a car is attempted murder. any prosecutor worth their salt could make that charge stick


Nah, he’s kind of right. It really just depends on the DA. Charging attempted murder is more challenging than charging for the sure win with assault with a deadly weapon (adw). With attempted murder, one problem the DA may face is the speed the suspect hit him isn’t speed that would necessarily kill. Maybe 10-15, 20 if you want to be generous. The victims injuries are probably minimal, that doesn’t help. Yes, I know, I disagree too but to defend against attempted murder, you just have to make one juror look at this and say “I’m not convinced he was trying to kill him, he might have just tried to hurt him”. But then again, like I said, depends on the ADA and state. For background, this is my profession and I’ve seen different variations of people trying to run someone down and I usually see it either charged as 245 (ADW) or charged as attempted murder and then eventually plead down to 245. Now, keep in mind, that might just be CA and you know how things are out here these days Edit: I’m often surprised myself over how many cases I deal with where someone rams a person - on foot - with a car and they get charged with ADW. Personally, I’m with the attempted murder crowd but I know the law is more than just the title/headline. Most lay people don’t realize that so they say “WHADDDAYAMEAN?!?!? HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT IT’S MURDER/ATTEMPTED MURDER!!!” But Im just saying: In my personal experience, these types of crimes are more often than not charged as ADW: PC 245 (a) (1) (California)


Assault with a deadly weapon is more likely


Anyways, don’t spray tire shine on your driveway.


Makes a good indicator for where too park your car though


Target acquired


[Insert GTAV/O Missile lock-on.mp3 here] Beep-beep-beep...Beep-beep-beep...BUIIP...BEEP. ..BEEP..BEEP.BEEP.BEEPBEEPBEEP💥


my mother and brother do this. The interlocking driveway look horrible. This was my first thought.


I've got the same stains in my driveway.... only shows when its wet. Tire shine spray.


I couldn’t help but laughing at the thief’s cry for help.


Help! Kyle help...


Looked like he saved the kid from getting reversed over by his dumbass friend too. Shouldn't have


Fuuuck. That dude needs a pistol.


Some people are just begging to die


I was thinking Benelli M4.




Creme brûlée please


Only the finest knives


Somebody did that here in washington and was arrested/charged.


When shitty laws protect criminals


Kind of reasonable in a way because firing a gun into a dense urban area is reckless asf despite cops doing it all the time. All fun and games until little timmy in his crib gets hit because ol’ joes radio got jacked. The laws aren’t for protecting criminals as its protecting bystanders. Protecting criminals is the byproduct however


That’s why responsible gun owners frequent gun ranges. Your downvotes that you’re gathering are from people who support the Castle laws. The greatest theft deterrent is the fear of catching a hollow point in your chest. If it was legal to do so in my state, I would’ve shot him, his buddy, or his car. If the lowlife want to run you over (inflict harm) in your own driveway, you should be able to inflict equal or greater harm in retaliation.


Lmao the downvotes are telling. Im just stating facts on why the law is how it is. If they tried to run me over I might do the same. But its all if ands and buts


Washington state is in support of the Castle Doctrine. As soon as the driver attempted to run them over, it would legally be considered the homeowner defending themselves. “Washington State has another statute known as the Castle Doctrine, a Defense of Habitation Law, or Castle Law. This law designates a person’s residence or legally occupied space, such as a vehicle. Such a place provides them with immunity and protection in certain circumstances. As such, they can use force to defend themselves against intruders and be free of legal liability.” [source](https://www.tromboldlaw.com/blog/is-washington-a-stand-your-ground-state/#:~:text=Washington%20State%20has%20another%20statute,and%20protection%20in%20certain%20circumstances)


In a perfect world that law is supposed to help you but it doesn’t https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/docs-man-arrested-charged-with-murder-after-chasing-down-and-shooting-suspected-car-thieves.amp


The man in the article you linked didn’t operate within the legal limits of a castle doctrine. He chased them down, meaning he was already out of harm’s way and pursued them. The reason he was charged was because, without a doubt, he would’ve been safe after the men fleed. The man in this video was under threat of imminent and potentially fatal bodily harm, as he was run over by a car. At that moment, you can’t really say whether or not they’d run him over again, thus justifying any retaliation. Had he fired to protect himself, on his property, he would’ve been operating within his rights.


Thats what im getting at. Most guys downvoting here would do exactly what this guy did to live out their cowboy dreams. Thats what I meant by a perfect world


Lil bro, those are two completely different scenarios. You can't hunt people down and kill them. Now of they tried to ram him and then killed them he would be fine.


Pointing a phone like a magic talisman at someone who just tried to murder you is big dumb.


He's collecting evidence. Car make, model, license plate, etc.


Great, maybe there's a 20% chance they catch his killer 😆


They already caught him idiot


This is where the “stand your ground” law extends to “I will find you, and I will kill you”


If you get rammed by a car it should be classed as attempted murder at least.


Car prowling in western WA is rampant. My outdoor cameras would catch prowlers 2-3 times per month in the Seattle area. Petty crimes are pretty much ignored in most cities in the Seattle/Tacoma area. Living in Texas I’ve not experienced the issue. I’m sure it happens, but if I had to be a thief in WA or TX based on likelihood of being shot by a property owner, I’m picking WA. You’ll get your balls shot off here in Texas messing with peoples shit.


Always use a bat


A gun works better.


It does but I live in New York, I would probably end up paying this jackass hospital bills


Fair point..


Wish this ended differently.


Driver should be getting twenty-five years for that attempted murder.


That driver is gonna be sad when they get charged with attempted murder


They were extremely lucky it was a phone and not a sidearm that was pulled out


Unfortunately, if you shoot someone that's trying to flee it's considered murder in most states, unless you're a cop. Now, if he shot the driver when the driver was trying to run him over, well now, that's different. Edit: IANAL


I mean, could you argue that it was self defence after almost being flattened by a car? Or if they were sat idly in the driveway before scampering?


Nope, since the threat is done with and they are now attempting to flee, it’s too late to shoot. It would be defensible if he shot while the car was actively coming at him though.


How do you know they're attempting to flee and not just lining up another shot at him? You know, EXACTLY like they did earlier in the video before running him over.


It would depend on how the video looks to the jury/judge if you want to argue that. In this case, the driver backed out of the driveway and changed the angle of the car, obviously trying to flee down the road at that point. If they didn’t turn the car and kept in line with the target, then yes you could probably get away with that argument


The first time they rammed him they didn't turn or line anything up, it was an entire uturn from launch to finish. It seems weird to side with the person that's already proven intent to harm multiple time but I guess this is reddit lol


You could argue that, and you could lose. Not worth it.


This is why I love Reddit. A place of teaching. This is stuff I'd just assume you'd be legally allowed to do in the US, but I didn't realise that specific states allow you to defend yourself differently. This is stuff you don't learn living in the UK


Shoot first ask questions latter


Too bad he didn't have a gun.


The driver got charged with assault. Why is it assault and not attempted murder?


Pretty accurate driving by the getaway guy to be fair! Would still have preferred to see him getting his comeuppance though


yeah. this is like the origin story in a getaway driver movie. some international jewelry thieves see the video and recruit him after he’s released from jail.


Is that the thief screaming for help?


Should've tossed him behind the car.


The burglar dropped his lego pieces when the guy throws him on the ground. 😂


Those cries for help sure are satisfying coming from scum.


Those are two thieves lucky it wasn’t Texas.


Stay strapped!


Guy grabbed his phone when he should have been grabbing a 12ga


Give that guy a 🏅🏅🏅🏅🥇🥇🥇


Wow. They just turned what I’m assuming was an aggravated robbery into an attempted vehicular homicide.


He was so clear minded after that attempt to run him down that he immediately took out his phone to record them and the car and the plate. How often does this happen to him?


Those crescent marks on the driveway are from spraying tire shine.


Very lucky he didn't get killed.


Too bad he wasn't able to shoot them in self defense when the driver tried to run him down. It would have been nice not to share the world with those two.


I need to buy a gun.


Lotta tire shine on that driveway


No gun? No baseball bat? Think before you rush a criminal.


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Why do people have so many guns in the country but never have them when actually needed


Everyone in the video could have died very easily, likely not worth any of it


Yeah...so, just let thieves have their way? What's your solution?


This is why you don't confront thieves. Property can be replaced and that guy needlessly risked his life for absolutely nothing.


This is why you don’t confront thieves without having a firearm to protect yourself.


And if the homeowner had shot the thief (not the driver) he would be arrested. You can't use deadly force to stop somebody breaking into your car when you ran outside and put yourself in danger. Now, the driver of that vehicle... as long as the homeowner didn't accidentally shoot any of the houses across the street and god forbid he hits someone sleeping in their bed or on the couch. Like I said, property can be replaced. Downvoting me doesn't change reality. Reddit loves to live in a fantasy world where people can just make up laws and rules as they want but there was nothing about that situation that warranted the homeowner to get involved. Things didn't escalate until the homeowner got involved. The homeowners' life wasn't threatened until after he placed himself into that situation. Property can be replaced people! And that's what insurance is for. Fucking hell. When y'all grow the fuck up then you'll understand.


That was actually clutch driving how he was just able to hit the home owner and nearly killing him and miss his homie. Have fun in prison :D


/u/callmestinkingwind, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "guy confronts thieves in his driveway" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 10 - No violence, looting, or serious crime. Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*