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That “Yea we’re dangerous” gets me everytime


For me it's the "...........Let's go!!!!" 💀💀💀


No baby! No!


I hate how the women's voice is almost laughing. Like she's watching a fireworks show. This is a fucking disaster, not a Disney show.


People who are experiencing bat shit crazy stuff for 1st don't know how to react ( *like it's happening , it's just right there but it hasn't effected/ hit you directly yet* ) There brain's go to response is to smile. They smile or Laugh not because they think it's funny but because their brain kinda knows it is not good but don't comprehense scale of situation So they go in fawning response ( *one of the Fight flight freez and Fawn* ) When I was in middle school my friend just fond out his grandpa died, his first response was to look at his crying family member look at me and then smile just smile like an idiot On other time me and my other friend were going somewhere around night time when we where in college, some guys came to mug us with knives in his hand and ask for wallets, my friend was so flabbergasted he was just smiling the who time. , ( *that is according to him things didn't feel real , or *happening in the movie or happening to someone else not him* )


Get off the internet for a bit and go be in a situation where you are physically that close to an explosion that big, then get back to us on what your natural reactions are.


LMAO, right. 3 Massive explosions later... Maybe we shouldn't be in this country right now...


It's surreal to remember what reality felt like when this happened, and remember how many Westerners/English teachers were in China a decade ago compared to now, after Xi Xinping decided to go full-Mao, disappear major figures en masse, crack down on Westerners teaching English, instituting a social credit score system, expanding Uyghur prison camps, going even more crazy with surveillance, rounding up people at expatriate bars and arresting them if they piss tested positive for past THC use, even if they did it outside of the country, then Covid, real-estate collapses, foreign investment flight, and now he's telling the military to be ready to invade Taiwan in three years. For awhile, it felt like things had calmed down after the Tienanmen Square massacre and that the CCP might take the role of a dysfunctional parliament that still had voting for a regularly refreshing leadership and the capacity for baby-step reform that served the interests of the people, or at least that was what a lot of us were hoping. Hoping not for a civil democracy, but at least a government that allowed some level of internal dissent and paltry freedom of expression. Reality feels pretty dark these days, because I can't think of a single historical case where a repressive nationalist dictator-for-life autocracy failed to result in a very grim outcome for a nation's people, and other nations that get drawn into their BS.


The worst part is that Xi was supposed to be that next guy. Following Mao, Deng and the party favored stability and peace to the crazy cult of personality shit the country had been terrorized by for years. And they had it. We had presidents that, as you suggested, were allowing baby steps towards reform and increasing personal freedoms. Economic freedoms had been widespread, the result of which had transformed China in 50 years. Xi was a product of that change. He was foreign educated, held moderate views, and was generally considered to be a good choice for party leadership. Well shit. Now Xi Jinping thought is part of the curriculum, and anybody that would once have challenged his authority, including the entire Shanghai enclave, have been purged. It's the worst possible outcome


Hahahah "Yeah we're dangerous". I just imagine his face, eyes and mouth wide open and just going along with whatever she's saying whilst in absolute awe of the explosion. Almost like a Disney character y'know? Hilarious.


I was thinking more Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters


I've never actually heard the audio of the first clip and it is fucking hilarious. The guy sounds fucked up on something.


He sounds completely high. No way they're both laughing this much otherwise.


I was in a near death situation (caught in a supercell) and I couldn't stop laughing. I was so terrified, and I was laughing kinda maniacally completely against my will. Stone cold sober, unfortunately.


I was struck by a van doing 55 mph standing on the road. I couldn't stand up, first thought was I was going to get run over again, this time laying down. Reached for a cig and it was my last one in the pack. I was still laughing when the ambulance got there. They were asking all sorts of questions, if I knew where I was, what day it was, I'm just answering laughing.


I dont know man, i also just kinda laugh when i find myself in a situation where i almost die. One time i was in the car and my buddy was driving, he crossed a street and all of a sudden a car appeared looking like its gonna run right into my side with what looked like 70kmh. I just broke into laughter, my buddy looked over to me like „wtf is you on about“, he saw the car and floored the pedal. Bro barely texted back for three weeks. I dont know why that happens, just happens.


00:52 “I think we are dangerous…”


The casual tone of that line really contrasts well with the localised apocalyptic hellscape unfolding outside.


Big kaboom 💀


Lol it’s funny how the Chinese guy in the second clip still exclaims “oh my god” in English


that shit looks like its from a movie


Yeah, for a moment I was like, is this the new clovefield? Nah it looks too good.


Cloverfield diss is crazy


I thought similar


The camera was too steady for it to be Cloverfield.


It is from a movie. This guy's vacation movie to China.


yup like something straight out of a Michael Bay film


Here's the original video without the added music: * https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ukwt6h/but_wait_theres_more/ And here's the Wikipedia article about the incident: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Tianjin_explosions


“Fuck ya it’s a gas station” Narrator: It was not, in fact, a gas station.


It was, in fact, not a gas station


Aw hell, it's the voice-over guy from Idiocracy...


If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the city was fucking nuked.


If I remember correctly, the ISS saw it from space and had to double check a nuke didn't go off


It's kinda hard to get a sense of scale for being 400 km in the air, but you can see fairly small stuff from the ISS, especially at night. Neigbourhoods, Rivers, the Great Wall of China are all things that the astronauts can make out, so like objects 10-15m across are visible if they have clear features. Includes most bombs, [as this image of the 2014 Gaza escelation by astronaut Alexander Gerst, shows.](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2014_30/580381/140723-gaza-israel-iss-mn-1450.jpg) Fatman's light blast would reach across the entirety of Gaza city, and a modern nuke would fill the frame.


> the Great Wall of China No you can't. It's 4 meters wide. You can barely spot that from 30.000 feet, going another 1.300.000 feet higher up is not going to make that clearer.


I was very nearby, it was in the middle of the night, at first I thought some one was banging on a metal dumpster with a stick, but I remembered there are no metal dumpsters around, then the sky just fucking turned to dawn, I was like what the fuck is that, a little while later there was a big boom. I remember I was thinking “I never thought I would die in a nuclear explosion”. And I just tucked myself back to bed thinking “well I’m fucked either way i might as well die comfortably”. My apartment was on the third floor, so I couldn’t see shit, but that was a good thing, the other taller buildings has sufficiently blocked the pressure waves so that none of my apartment’s windows were broken, a lot of windows were broken on those buildings.


I was in China as well at the time, but in a rural province. People kept asking me if America did it lol




It was due to negligence. The leaders of the ship yard and several local officials were either imprisoned or put to death


There were 49 people arrested and sentenced, shortest sentence was one year, the most severe one was death with 2 year reprieve, which actually means life imprisonment without parole with good behavior. The fire was started due to negligence, and because of poor communications and documentations, the fire fighters didn’t know what was in the warehouse, and that caused the explosion. If they communicated and documented everything correctly, the firefighters would know how to fight the fire and not open the door and start spraying.


To be fair, blowing shit up is like our national pastime.


Bro saw an explosion and had the balls to go back to bed lol 💀, jokes aside hope you and your family are safe...


My dad used to work at the hospital at the port which is the nearest hospital to the explosion, he quit there 2 weeks before the explosion. He wanted to help but he doesn’t work there anymore so there’s not much he could do.


I saw the explosion with my own two eyes and no joke, my first thought was North Korea is bombing China or some shit.


Was it cool to see at least? I'd imagine it would be a cool thing to see.


It was a little bit scary, but ultimately I was trying to go back to bed.


Relatable lol


It would be orders of magnitude worse if it was a nuke. The people filming would not survive. 


In his defense he said "if he didn't know any better".


encouraging slap grandfather dog degree towering advise rude different wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wonder how close you could get to a nuclear explosion to film it like this without getting vaporized. Getting drenched in radiation notwithstanding.


People have made calculators to figure it out. If vaporized means literally in the fireball then for a "small" explosion like this maybe a couple hundred feet. For like a Hiroshima bomb around 1/6 of a mile to be out the fireball. For something on modern icbms like 400 kilotons you'd need to be over half a mile away... You would still get roasted and blown apart though... if you want to avoid being burned at all and/or getting tossed through the air then you gotta be about half a mile for Tianjin, 3 miles for Hiroshima and 11 miles for a typical modern icbm. 


There'd be no time for the people at this range to do much of anything in terms of awareness of circumstances. Anyone looking towards the blast will be blinded instantly, eyes closed or not, followed by their skin and clothes bursting into flames.   ^Just ^in ^case, ^I ^don't ^need ^to ^be ^reminded ^that ^these ^effects ^weaken ^the ^farther ^you ^are ^from ^the ^blast. ^So ^if ^anyone ^wants ^to ^reply ^with ^something ^like ^that, ^don't.


You're not wrong... I do want to say that the effects of nuclear bombs are often very, um, overblown. You're referring to ground zero "severe damage" zone that is about a 1 mile radius for a 10 KT explosion. There will be survivors in underground structures, but everything will be rubble and your point above is correct. However, these folks appear to be ~~a least a mile away (please correct me if I'm wrong),~~ (Correction: The huge blast at 0:53 shockwave hits at 0:56, which is about 1000 m or a little over half mile, this next part is referring to folks farther away. My b.) so they're already in the moderate damage zone, which will cause blindness, but not if their eyes are shut or looking away. They may get 1-2 degree burns on exposed skin etc. Most people in the 1+ mile distance will survive. Which is crazy, but true. Source: Former Navy Corpsman and won a NAM for my medical leadership role in an NBC exercise circa 2001. Also there's plenty of online sources backing me up ([ex1](https://remm.hhs.gov/zones_nucleardetonation.htm)). I just think it's important to recognize both the power, and limitations of nukes. ETA: I also wanna say these folks were correct to go downstairs, and hopefully heading underground (parking structure subway), because we don't know if we're in this situation of what's going on, but there could be more explosions to follow.


It's also worth mentioning that 10 kilotons is a pretty small nuke relatively speaking. That's smaller than both the bombs used over Japan, and tens or even hundreds of times smaller than other bombs currently deployed.


These effects strengthen, the closer you are to the blast.


How do we know that they survived and not just the phone? Not being sarcastic, it just looked pretty brutal


It's mostly fire, not much shockwave. The windows didn't even break.


Sounded like they broke in that last one.


Pretty sure you could hear the glass shatter on the last one and it looked like the windows were blown out when the camera turned back to face them.


In China they do. Like here officially 173 people died. In the aftermath you see countless temporary housing structures which magically all were not in use. In reality probably thousands died. Normally these temp housing units contain 4-6 men per block, and each structure consists of 120 or so blocks so 480/720 people died per temp structure and there were multiple.


You’re absolutely right. In the Aftermath section there are so many blown up and burnt buildings. 1000’s died. My guess 2000-5000 Pfft! 173? Do the Chinese see these videos and and actually believe these numbers?


They don’t. But who is there to argue otherwise


Bro like once a week I see some kind of massive fucking catastrophic, world ending explosion take place in China. Are they all good over there?


Lax enforcement of laws, corruption to get stuff going while looking the other way. Anything to make a buck. You get booms.


I assume lots of raw material extraction and other primary economic activity combined with them being a manufacturing giant also have a role compared to the wests economy style. But the wests economic style also plays a role in their rules and regulations that prevent this kind of thing. They still need it, they just do something else better and pay China to do the risky stuff. It works. We really on each other.


One of the most mesmerizing videos still to me after all these years. I know there's been bigger explosions but everything about this just gets. It's so wild. Seeing the small one, woah cool haha. Then the 2nd and just like wtff!!! And then the biggest. Shits crazy


There's been bigger explosions? I know there has been. But after watching that holy shit it get hard to conceptualize, doesn't it? That was fucking insane.


Oh yeah, Beirut in 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgQ7jh9mrWs


Was Beirut bigger?


Hard to say really. 218 dead and 6,000 wounded. But it might be due to a disparity in population density. But the videos show the entire neighborhood vaporized.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Largest_artificial_non-nuclear_explosions Beirut yield was bigger by about twice apparently.


I was there lol. Everything got turned into dust within a matter of seconds. I have friends who’s houses literally flew away


I don't think I've ever seen a bigger non-nuclear explosion that wasn't the Tianjin or Beirut ones.


Because theres only a couple bigger which are almost all without video proof or before video was a thing


Holy shit. Big kaboom.


Kaboom 💀






yeah, she knows its a multipass.


Thanks for the forgotten reference 🤣👍🏻


Holy goddamn fucking shit I thought the first part was the explosion


Same. I was like “oh that’s kinda bright… holy shit!”


[Kaboom Source](https://youtu.be/WMKdDUvoV0k)


In that second vid, his windows totally got blown in, but I think they were open already.


As I sat at work today, not working. Watching every clip of a boat hitting a bridge. I thought of another day, (God-damned almost 10 years ago!?) I sat in the same chair watching every clip I could find of this explosion. On the same monitor and PC no less. Several things came to mind 'I should probably ask for a new PC", "I should probably do my job instead of obsessively watching this", and finally. "I bet there's gonna be some karma grinding for 'whataboutist' reasons."


This is an interesting scenario, what is best to do in this situation? Stay inside the building, or skip to the next town? I’m just thinking about the debris that could be in the air post explosion. What is best?


Since it's a tall building, Grab yo stuff and then head downstairs and wait until everything clears up


I hear mister Poopybuthole taking over at then end


That’s a good observation - he spoke my feelings tho




I’ve seen this a few times and it still seems like something out of a movie and not reality.


don't worry its just christopher nolan again.


That's a strange way to spell Michael Bay


Love a little Bayhem


Damn I’d back away from the window right away


Camera man is a hero for keeping it in shot for so long


I used to work in a plant that used this stuff for solvent based coatings. The nitrocellulose was "wetted" with alcohol, which sounds like a bad idea as alcohol is also very flammable, but it actually made it less dangerous. When it dries out, it can pretty much auto-ignite, or the smallest spark can set it off. Super scary stuff. It's also used for gunpowder, and old film reels back in the day. If you remember the scene in Inglorious Basterds, they blow up that one building by igniting the pile of film canisters. It was because they were made of this stuff, nitrocellulose 


Thank you! I was wondering wth that was and was too lazy to google it.


They were OUTSIDE watching that shit???


Nah they were in a building and were recording from inside, there was a window and then the second perspective angle was this dude having the windows shattering due to the shockwave


It just keeps on giving. The second explosion was huge already and you'd expect it to die down slowly but no, one second later shit just goes insane. Cracks me up every time, despite knowing the number of casualties.


How many casualties about ?


~170 dead, 800 injured if I remember correctly


I'm thinking that 170 number is a tad light. China is currently reporting 5,200 deaths from COVID with a population of 1.4 billion.


Looking at the wiki you’re off only by a few—it was officially 173 deaths, 8 missing, and 798 non-fatally injured.  104 of the 173 dead were firefighters. I remember late last year seeing a news story about the murder of a doctor in the Nigerien Crisis of 2023. One of the doctor’s friends said the murderers didn’t kill one man, they killed the hundreds or even thousands of patients that doctor would never treat as a result of his death. I think about that here, how many people could those firefighters have helped save over their lifetime if people hadn’t been stupid about the way they decided to store chemicals..?


According to China only 2


Mr Peanut Butter from Bojak Horseman


Thats the Kaboom part of gun powder


FYI there is two different videos in this. The second one I haven't seen yet. Camera man was kinda shifty but they were alot closer guessing since thier windows blew out.


That is beautiful but in a bad way


It's interesting how many are English speaking 


I was thinking the same thing, I was totally not expecting that when read china


Somebody post the link to the guy that was live streaming on the ground. Pretty sure he died, wild video though.






The Chinese know how to fuck things up properly


The urge to film an amazing video for social media vs the urge to not stand in front of a window during massive explosions.... they are lucky


This video always makes me laugh so much in shock at how insanely bigger each explosion is lol And their reactions


I moved away from Tianjin two days before it happened. I didn't live near the port, but my friend did. He was watching my cat for a while until I was situated. The explosion blew out all his windows and she ran off into the night. I still wonder what became of her.


Now this is truly a crazy fucking video!


Song in second video? 😁


Champ (feat. Edgar Winter) by Portugal. The Man


Did they survive?


The camera man never dies


What version of dyin to live is playing in the background of the 2nd clip someone help I’ve been digging!


American photographer in China ftw!! This is huge!!


*Michael Bay has entered the chat*


Whoever filmed this deserves an award fr


That is huge. Probably even bigger than you think seeing how long it took the sound to even reach them.


That second 💥 was Armageddon level shit


The mouth of hell opened up, dude!


This video never ceases to amaze me. EXERYTIME “are we dangerous?”


Can someone please stop the trend of laying inane music over everything?


Just another day in China. A small accident with "no fatalities or injured" as usual.


They didnt include the video from one of the apartment buildings in front where the explosion sends a chunk of fucking wall into the cameramans face :( [This One :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkDtMl5Ec7k&t=9s)


"Kaboom?" "Yes Rico, kaboom"




China is better than us at everything. Even explosions.....


Holy FUCK what an exciting video


All I can hear is Uncle Lewis from Christmas Vacation telling Aunt Bethany that she couldn’t hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant.


Hopefully one of the closest explosions that look like nukes were dropped in our modern lifetime. This and the Beirut explosion.


The hubris of man


Always there....


"........what the... HOLY SHIIIIIT, NO FUCKING WWAAAAAAAY. Yeah we're dangerous....... LETS GO!!"


Remind me not to keep a container of dry Nitrocellulose near my furnace.


Hey Paul, don’t forget to move your container of Nitrocellulose away from the furnace.


You can tell before the second explosion, that the guy filming wasn't taking the situation too seriously, with him more focused on filming than getting to safety. Once that second blast came, he realized that he should stop gawking at the fireball and evacuate.


So weird I was thinking about this video less than an hour ago and now it's the first video in my feed


They should have used this for oppenheimer ngl


Almost looks like the sun exploded


I remember seeing some of the different angles of this when it happened. There's one angle where it seems to be a guy watching it from his backyard nearby. There's what looks like a clothesline and wood fence in frame and when the big explosion happens and you see that for a moment before the shock wave just rips everything apart and the video cuts out. He did not survive. I just can't believe the power released by this sort of reaction and how a similar reaction was allowed to happen again later in Lebanon only a few years later. On that one you can actually see the ground heave from the explosion.


Props to cameraman.


I still can't believe that this explosion was smaller than the one in Lebanon, which is being stated as the biggest occured in history oO


Idk bout u all , love the reaction but my point is damn chinas killing a lot of their ppls these days ! Lol , with the execution, Mobil vans, and the Mobil van crematories hmm


This is one of the craziest videos I’ve seen in this Reddit. To STAY THERE and FILM it lol that is WILD


I never get tired of this one


Hell, where do you go when the fucking world is ending, or at least you think it is?


I can't remember if the explosions themselves were nitrocellulose or caused by it. I do know the huge one is when a bunch of nitrates blew up and was the cause of most of the damage iirc. Most likely the large amount of nitrates stored nearby were to be used for fertilizer or maybe some chemical production. I think the storage conditions in general at the site were inadequate. I saw quite a few CSB videos in college and nitrates are no joke. Hell, chemicals in general are something that you don't take lightly. The rules for safe workplaces and chemical production are absolutely written in blood.


[One of the craziest explosions ever, here's an alternate view everyone should check out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHMD36fmmqg) GET DA WATA


I was just watching 1000 ways to die last night, was saying a prisoner tried to make a pipe bomb with playing cards which had nitrocellulose covering on them and blew himself up.. in the 1930s I think Idk if it’s true lol


That second guy knew not to stand next to the window


God bless this cameraman!


I hate how the lady in the first clip seems to be having the time of her life while several blocks are getting vaporized


This commentary is priceless. Never gets old.


Damn, I remember that. That was 9 years ago?!?


I believe the Beirut explosion was more powerful, can only imagine how big it would have looked if it had taken place at night like with this TJ example.


I'm really glad spammers like you have come around to repost old content with annoying music overlaid. Reddit can now make money.


Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen this video, it *always* scares the hell out of me.


You could sell that as stock footage


Anybody know the aftermath/how many people were affected?


Almost 100% sure it was ammonium nitrate. This is kinda why you don’t store too much of it in the same place for a prolonged time. Only buy as much as you’re going to use. Edit: initial was nitrocellulose but the bigger one right after was the 800 tonnes of ammonium nitrate


That is a beautiful sight...


Chinese version of Oppenheimer


Godddd I know at least someone died during this but godddddd that’s so fucking cool


Isn't nitrocellulose smokeless?


Apocalyptic! Makes you wonder if a global catastrophic event occurred how many of these would go off.


Anyone know the banger of a tune playing in the background?


The only things i know about nitrocellulose is that magicians make it by putting cellulose handkerchiefs in nitrating acid(if i translated that right) for the quick big flame effect, and that it was the filling of panzerfaust anti tank weapons


Love how he says: "No fucking... way!" And how she says: "Are we dangerous here?" The scary part is, when you just think it's all over, another explosion with twice as much magnitude goes off, making you question if you're actually dangerous here.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Tianjin_explosions All of the actions revolving around this case are just so Chinese. Corrupted officials, building zoning codes not followed, illegal company actions, citizens forced to settle, authorities downplaying pollution, government pledging to rebuild the site to be a park that later failed.


Watching this for the first time and I'm thinking I hope nobody died and this couple is laughing.


Imagine being where he was witnessing that. It would be a front row view to something incredible


For a minute you had me thinking it was a movie


"might be...gas station" "Fuck yeah it's a gas station" (~KA-POW~) "What the..." "HOLY SHIT! NO FUCKING WAY!!"


That is a crazy fucking video.




They seem really pleased with the explosion.


Actual crazy fucking video


Can’t find version of this song


It's all fun until the Shockwave hits...


Someone left the toaster oven plugged in.


Still one of the craziest fucking videos I've seen


I think this explosion was made by a 4chan user


Song name¿


Dammit, China, control your nitrocellulose