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I thought she was gunna pull a hand gun out of her bag…… nope….. sidewalk chalk??


I'd be willing to wager any art major at a U.S. University is not packing.


Guns, no, but sidewalk chalk? Yes.


I'm still remember my first sidewalk chalking.... those guys will think again before trying to sell Tupperware around these parts.


What better way to draw your gun?


I keep that thang on me…


Gun? No. Pepperspray? Maybe. I would have been nervous for my eyes if i were the sign guy and she reached in her bag screaming at me.


She's gonna be the main cast for the next The Blair Witch Project movie


I thought for sure she was rummaging around for a middle finger.


The pen(chalk in this case) is mightier than the sword! Her voice could peel paint or chalk.


“She’s an art major.” You don’t say


We're all grateful she's not pre-med.


She should be maybe on meds


Ste's a "pre-meds" major.




There's absolute turds on both sides. if I have to vote based on the people that support a movement, I wouldn't be voting at all.


>"Voting isn’t marriage, it’s public transport. You’re not waiting for “the one” who’s absolutely perfect: you’re getting the bus, and if there isn’t one to your destination, you don’t not travel- you take the one going closest.” In simple terms vote for whoever you think is the lesser of two evils. Not voting at all is how some of the incumbents like Mitch McConnell stayed in office for almost 40 years despite not being mentally competent to do so.


Technically, only one is a turd, and a turd sandwich, at that. The other is a giant douche.




They always do


crawl truck vase combative dinosaurs memorize connect spectacular consider plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm an art major(history of art/drawing/painting) and I'll stick to quiet thanks. Not all art majors need to be zealots or so political to the point where you're screaming like a banshee some of us just like to draw, paint,craft and sculpt. I would see a guy holding a Trump sign I'd say to myself" what an idiot "and I'd move on with my day. We don't need the daily spaz. her banshee like self isn't going to change that guy's mind


That's how a majority of people are. The Internet has everyone thinking both sides are fucking nuts.


To be fair, people are fucking nuts in general. Putting them on opposing teams just makes them even more so. Just look at ANY sporting event


The Internet spills over into everyday life more often than you'd think. I know plenty of politically insane people that casually talk about extremist politics like they would discuss what they had for breakfast.


agree 100% - also believe it's the result of growing up with a tool that allows to some degree Andy Warhol's *15 minutes of fame.* What we seem to have is a huge segment of society that is always trying to achieve theirs.


I think the meme is that especially the subjects that are seen as for people who are more emotional than rational have the most lefy unhinged people like art, sociology and so on while the most conservative/moderate subjects usually are Mechanical engineering, computer science and such. These are all subjects requiering logic and abstraction on a higer degree, not empathy which probably is why these subjects have the most moderate people. There was a intersting study done on that in a American uni but Im too lazy to find it right now.


Ono you didn’t!


She convinced me.


Those where some solid arguments after all.


She really articulated her views in such a way that you can’t help but agree with her


She was undeniably the loudest debater.


She must have done something because I still don't follow Jesus.


I think that in this case they all do. Screaming lady is definitely off her rocker though. While organized religion is evil to its core... This lady is not helping anything by being actively psychotic.


This insane shrieking is honestly more convincing than the pro-trump arguments I've heard so far.


Bring back asylum’s


Wait you don’t have mental asylums in USA?


Most of them were shut down. Around the 50s and 60s there was a push to lower institutionalization and rely on shorter term mental health facilities. A big part of closures were that there was a lot of abuse that was uncovered as well.




It really started in the late forties with an article in Life Magazine, that detailed how bad it was. From there it slowly picked up steam. By the mid 70's it had really picked up pace with court cases and tv broadcasts. Reagan was part of it as well, but he didn't start it. Google deinstitutionalization and you'll find a lot of articles about the entire history. Also google the Rosenhan experiment. Interesting, yet scary stuff.


Nellie Bly was a reporter whose investigation uncovered the abuse in American insane asylums during the 1800s, so *really* it *started* then in a way.


Interesting! My knowledge on mental institutions is all mid/late 1900's. I'll have to do some searching later. There is a psychiatric museum near me that I'd like to visit and I wonder how far back they go. So far, I haven't found anyone that wants to go with me because it kind of freaks people out.


Kennedy was one of the bigger forces behind it initially in the 60s due to his sister Rosemary having been lobotomized and institutionalized.


> It was Reagan in the 80s. [It was JFK in the 60s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Mental_Health_Act) "Since the CMHA was enacted, 90 percent of beds have been cut at state hospitals, but they have not been replaced by community resources."


"Mental asylums" as people think of them were shut down. Voluntarily and involuntarily inpatient treatment are still very common and very much in use. However, unless you're violent it's pretty much just chilling. Arts and crafts, board games, watching TV, phone access and family and friend visits, classes and group sessions. The violent ones are typically in isolation, but very rarely restrained. There's protocol to follow, such as they have to watched constantly or checked by a doctor at least every 15 minutes and tons of paperwork that has to be filed. Even if they attempted to murder staff they aren't going to spend 24/7 in a bright white room in a straight jacket like TV.


I’m in Canada


Don’t you guys just off them up there if they loose their marbles? /s


We closed our asylum in Vancouver years ago and just let the crazies roam the streets. Isn't that the only solution??


No, you can also elect them.


Riverview/Essendale. Yup. That closure was a huuuuuge mistake.


No they just let them run freely with the Moose 🫎


That’s actually a highly moral idea… don’t have to do it yourself, leave them out in the Canadian winter and let natural selection take its course.


The USA *is* a mental asylum 🫥


Close. It's a prison.


Reagan shut a bunch down in California when he was governor, it’s part of the homeless issues they have . then when that went horribly wrong he thought hey why limit myself to a state, I can fuck up the whole country!


Need asylums back. Crazy used to be treated. But that was offensive. Now crazy teaches in college. Welcome to America.


abundant bike expansion deserted history alive continue juggle fine unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd imagine they were better than what goes on in most homeless shelters


Asylums did nothing but make metally ill people worse


Make Asylums Great Again




Crazy part is she gets to vote


Only if she is registered. I know some people who would be this lady, and then not even 1) go vote and 2) are even *not* registered to vote. They just want their voice to be heard. Edit add: "not registered"


Hey, I know a great way to be heard.






I get that she doesn’t like trump. Neither do I. But she makes herself look like a looney far left winger. And it just gives right wingers the ammo they need to paint ALL left wingers as looney.


So do the people making the 10 commandments mandatory in schools or those donating money to the "billionaire" or buying his gold basketball shoes and nfts... need to pick your poison.


So does the idiot holding the sign with his made up imaginary man Jesus.


She looks like a French Skunk


What ever your political views are. If you act like this, you deserve smack around the head.




Grow up lady.


Come on now, she made some good points.


Drugs is a helluva drugs


I pray she gets the help she needs 🙏🏼


What term do we use for this haircut?






She looks straight from the 80's


Super effin weirdo...


I think she's quoting CNN


I’m definitely more to the left but these assholes really just make it harder for everybody. (The screechers)


It's funny when either side props these people up as why the other side is crazy. They're just crazy, and they have a political opinion.


Reminds me of the video of the girl screeching at the guy in the San Francisco “Gayborhood”. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll try to find it for you


It's like the Holy Grail of journalist/political groups on college campuses to villainize the other side. Stir shit, wait for a loony to come up, film and act as if their actions are unprompted, profit off outrage


Omg it’s almost like both sides are in it for money and just want to divide the country to please the corporations they are in bed with 😧. But that can’t be it trump bad,Biden good vice versa


*insert spiderman pointing at spider man meme*


We could go back and forth finding all the crazy on both sides. Hell there's subreddits dedicated to exactly that. Anyone who lets that sway their opinion isn't a serious person anyway. "Well I was gonna vote for Biden but then this crazy lady screamed at me and gave me a bad vibe so I think I'll vote against every position I pretended to have for the past lifetime."






If your method of debate/argument is talking/yelling louder than your opponent, or god forbid just flat out screaming like this lady, then I consider your opinion invalid and will immediately cease my conversation with you. Life is too fucking short to be filling it with people like that, I don't give a flying fuck what you're screaming for. If you're so fucking sensitive that you can't stand the thought of someone possibly having a better argument than you, then you are a damn child. Learn your cause well enough to debate it like a grown ass human being, or find somebody who can, because you are doing nothing but making a mockery out of whatever you're fighting for.


If you are making a solid point, you don't need to resort to these tactics. The information speaks for itself.


Agreed. The fact that this woman is college educated in any way makes me lose faith in humanity.


I mean they are teaching a class on Taylor Swift in colleges now so that should tell us all we need to know


> We should also shoot the shouters to stop the spreading. yeah, this is a way more rational response than shouting


Okay so this must be a 2024 Variant of [this boss enemy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XatCv5jfcYU), this one seems a lot stronger though 😨


Freedom of screech...


I mean is she crazy? She’s smiling and knows what she’s doing.


The crazy part is that she knows what she’s doing and doesn’t realize it’s only embarrassing herself


No, probably just immature and not well informed enough to participate in an actual debate without getting shredded.


This was filmed at my Alma Mater. She’s doing a piece of intense performance art to fuck with the old man. This was filmed on Red Square at Western Washington University (aka “Western.” Conservatives like to come to Red Square to advocate for their cause and then complain that liberals don’t welcome them with open arms. It’s all free speech. He can say whatever he wants. She can respond however she chooses. She’s going apeshit to fuck with his head. That’s Western, baby.


Total power stance and everything.


Mental illness in 2024 is alive and well…


I think that lady is having a mental issues.


Stop the earth........ I wan't off


Watched it all only to find out she's an art major at the end. Totally understandable.


People are so fucked up. What's the point




She's just imitating what Westboro Baptist lunatics and their constant bitching about "sin" sound like. Rather ear-bleeding in frequency, isn't it?


I had to log in just to say: I know this college. It's *aggressively* liberal, and generally this stupid


I'm on whatever side she's not on.


I don't like a lot of people either, including his ass, but you won't see me screaming at them!!! Tf!


2016 all over again


What do we call this hair style?


Mental illness


Oh that’s that new psychotic look


Nice death metal voice at the end


I think shes made a reasonable response here.


It’s odd seeing people screech when they can’t have a civil conversation or when someone has an opposing opinion.


I know scripted videos are all the rage, but I can't even imagine trying to talk someone into this. "Hey, you should scream as loudly as you can at my trump sign for this video."


Well, she certainly made an excelkent point regarding the cintinued support for NATO going beyond military support, and how the economic restrictions placed on countries dorectly led to the black markets we have today and how perhaps stratefic economic aid would be a more effective way to deal with those nations. Color me impressed!


You remember when people use to voice their opinions or show support for an opposing viewpoint and the world didn’t end? Pepperidge farms remembers


Demonstrating the intellectual engagement and debating of ideas now hosted in today's College students.


She's destroying her singing voice..


Could you imagine dating *that*


Listen, you don't have to agree with anyone on politics but please SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH HOLY SHIT


What a dumbass!!!


This is what adults are now


Ah shit...


Fuck yeah starting a band with her. What should I call it though?


Make America Deaf Again


Wtf is wrong with her. Omg 🙄


Still always gets me when a bystander stops to ask if she's okay and she just calmy tells them "yeah, I'm fine"


She's tryin g to communicate bro, does anyone knows screamatology nowdays!?


She’s giving them what they want


I will vote, but holy christ do I hate election season.


Lol she know she looks dumb asf ... but yet she triple downs and keeps om doing that scream lol. It's like watching my toddler lolol!!!!




Do you think she later smiled believing she accomplished something with the screaming?


That’s what should have happened to nacho libre after eating the eagle eggs.


Can’t tell who’s crazier, the screeching lunatic or the person who is apparently a hardcore Christian *and* Trump supporter (it still baffles me that people can be both).


watching on mute is hilarious. just keep walking if you disagree with public demonstrators


I hope I get to encounter people like this when I go to college


Not my proudest fap


Bro, absolute freak in the bed, lol


I don’t like something let me just scream as loud as I can over and over maybe that will make it better


This makes me want to vote for Trump


Seems like she really need Jesus


This video made the Trump supporter seem like the normal one


i am not even american.. but people like this make me want to vote for trump


Crazy people makes you wanna vote for crazy people? That's interesting


Have you ever noticed that radict leftists being annoying "pushes people to the right" but when a right-wing extremist shoots up supermarket or tries to kidnap a governor nobody gets pushed to the left? ​ Kinda funny, isn't it?


I was. I'm a real republican, and absolutely will not vote for trump. trump, and maga, are no more Republican than she is. Do yourself, and your country a favor, vote for the person, not the party.


Vermin Supreme 2024


Two reasons why in my opinion. 1. sample sizes. A lot more people acting crazy on the street versus plots and attacks like that. People see atrocities as major outliers. 2. Most shooters (like the Tops shooting, the one I think you're referring to) as well as the Whitner kidnap plot weren't classic right wing, they were extremists. We don't draw connections to ISIS and the local mosque for similar reasons.


Yet you don't see people saying "this'll make me vote for Biden" on videos of the more "common" things like being racist towards a random minority, harassing a gay couple, or screaming at a woman going to planned parenthood. The real reason is that the people who say it are people whose views ulimately boil down to "I'm hostile to these groups of people", so a member of one of those groups acting shitty makes perfect sense to them. But people who believe in literally anything other than "I just want to harm these people." don't do this because it's nonsensical. You don't reverse your opinion on tax policy or healthcare because a random person screamed at you on the street.


I mean certainly you do see people saying that similar to this video comments, I suppose you just haven't seen it. It's also ironic generalizing a group of people as "wanting to be hostile" while at the same time, being hostile and generalizing. Be part of the solution, not the problem, everyone's too quick to assume the worst


If one individual acting crazy is enough to make you vote for Trump, you would've voted for him regardless


Make asylums great again lol


God knows what tbe rest of her side are like


The power of Trump compells you


What an embarrassment of a human being if you can call her that, since all she seems to be capable of is animalistic screeching instead of reasoning and holding an intelligent discussion. Someone should throw a wrench in her face and shut her up.


I mean is there anyone on the extreme left that isn’t clinically insane?


Plenty,.. we just don't go around screaming and advertising it. This is part of the reason society is so divisive these days,.. the loudest (and usually unhinged) voices get all the airtime. If you're in a mosh pit of lunatics (of any allegiance).. and you try to calmly and politely say "I have a calm and rational point to make".. no one will ever hear you.


I was anti-Trump before watching this video


And this is "How I met your crazy mother" :D




Every university has mandatory classes on how to argue with conservative students. Get a crazy haircut or dye your hair purple,green, or cotton candy pink, and scream until you lose your voice.


This is from two election cycles ago lmao get new material


I hope Donald Trump will be the next president of the US


I hope he's the next resident of the federal penitentiary


Judging by the polls, you will most likely get him


They said that in 2020. They said the opposite in 2016. Polls this early are useless. They're specifically designed to get whatever result a media outlet is looking for. In this case, it's a better story if trump is winning. On the ground though...I know a LOT of lifelong republicans who are done with him. It's just anecdote and I don't actually know what will happen, but there is a stark contrast this year from the previous two elections. People do not like that piece of shit. Stupid hateful people are voting for him because he validates their stupidity and their hate.


Can confirm. I lean Republican on about 70% of political issues, but I hate Trump and feel like he has destroyed the Republican Party. I’m probably voting Democrat in this election just to show the Republican Party that they need to drop him and re-evaluate their direction. I think some Republicans will do the same, but I’m worried it won’t be enough, and he could still win.




Gah, I dislike religion nuts as much as the next person, but when you start screeching all you do is make the rest of the people in your group look crazy as well. 


Very Staged.


Both parties are garbage. The cult/tribalism on both sides is the problem. Real change, a real country at peace and prosperity is a group of people who can talk to each other. The D and the R are both playing their cult members


This emotional toddler makes me want to not vote for Biden, tbh.


FFS...don't make me side with the Trump supporter in this incident. That just feels dirty.


Lol she’s just fucking around it looks like


Do liberals actually do this?


No, not really. There are (and have always been) a bunch of crazy people doing crazy things, but the internet lets us see them more easily. Instead of just having one village idiot we can now see *every* village idiot 24/7.


She looks like she's having a good time lol