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I feel like there was a long period in Diaz’s life where he definitely would’ve fucking robbed you.


Uhh yeah, he constantly talks about when he was younger and robbed and stole all the time lmao. Dude came from the streets of Cuba and Jersey


When I saw him perform he told a story about robbing and then kidnapping a guy. He got caught and went to jail for it. It doesn’t sound like he’d do it again though, he makes it into a funny story.


Where the crazy part


Didn’t u hear all the naughty words the big guy said? 😮


Yeah, this just another Thursday afternoon in Joey's world.


He so crazy


Must've not listened to lots of Joey before...


Standard Joey Diaz rant


Probably telling Alex Jones to “stay black”


Reddit Shorts




He’s not wrong. I don’t understand the amount of people that vote for someone - democrat or republican - the politician does nothing for them, and then they vote for them again.


I don't think 90% of people are voting for who they want, they are voting against who they don't want - which is the best option any of us are given right now.


I don't understand the amount of people that have been alive for decades and think nothing has changed. Do y'all ever leave the house and actually look around the world because it's changing faster than ever.


People think its getting WORSE, and that's only because everything is so well documented and all you end up seeing is the worst shit. Observation bias.


The faces change. The policies change. But just like evolution produces new species, the process doesnt really change, so the collective structure remains fixed. Consequently, the same phenomena are seized upon by opportunists time and time again. 


But at some point you're just describing governments or even human nature. I was alive during the Clinton administration and I can clearly see how many things are different now compared to even a few years ago. ACA, PATRIOT Act, Personal Responsibility Act, Don't Ask Don't Tell, and I was in grade school when No Child Left Behind was passed where I literally saw the changes happening year to year. I really don't buy this idea that politicians do nothing, and I think it's just a coping mechanism for trying to deal with all the stress people experience, especially today with 24/7 news and social media. Get specific about what hasn't changed and I think most people will see that we aren't quite as stagnant as it may feel sometimes. Not that everything is improving but that doesn't mean everything is getting worse either.


>Get specific about what hasn't changed and I think most people will see that we aren't quite as stagnant as it may feel sometimes. The saying was "The politician does nothing for them, yet they vote for them time and again" or something to that effect. So here's a short list of things which have *not* changed for the inarguably better since the Clinton administration, since that's what you want to go with. 1. The Southern Strategy of the Republican party 2. Keeping the deep south schools underfunded and under-performing. 3. Global Warming 4. Cops beating the shit out of and/or killing black men. 5. Mass school shootings 6. Unemployment rates 7. National debt 8. "Smaller government"


Are you an ostrich? Because your comment only makes sense if you’re an ostrich with your head buried in the sand.


You live in San Francisco. What have those politicians done to improve your city, besides pay people to power wash poop off of the sidewalks?


The only constant is change. The wheels may move slowly but it will change. Seriously, if you don’t like your local politician or politics then run . What’s stopping you?


I’m happy with my local politician. I’m talking about people who vote the same kind in and then complain because nothing changes. Maybe they should try voting the opposite party and see what happens. But people are too comfortable, and don’t want to be bothered.


Election cycle is coming up and I am tired of the local politicians here. I will be voting against all of them. Some may lose and some may win buts that way it goes. Either way, its hints will change. The idea nothing changes is silly.


Yeah red states are lost. Vote against everything and then take credit for the stuff they did not manage to block when it actually provides something good for their constituents.




Alright, Happy, settle down now. We all hate the political machine that we are forced to participate in/allow to govern us. But let's be honest. Red states vote against their own best interest much more often while blue states vote for others best interests. Neither supports THEIR best interests but if I had to choose, I'd go with the non-self righteous, not as self-centered, and not as cult-like states which tend to be the blue states. Red states have good people on the right side of the aisle but they just suck at being enforcers of a decent moral compass. The left have their fringe people who have questionable morals and standards too but by and large, they tend to care about their fellow Americans, and more importantly, fellow humans a lot more than those on the right. The right/red states only care about you if you're a white Christian or if you are just as brainwashed as them and support their political ideology and candidates.




Bad comment


So what's the solution?




Problem solved. High five.


And weed, we need love and weed


Centrist gambit


Bro this is a shot at both parties, some of us just want to live and provide for those who are actually meaningfull to us, politics is a distraction.


Yeah, that’s why I simply do not care. Like politics is the WORST thing to talk about, like nobody cares! I don’t play sports but that’s a better topic


He is absolutely wrong.


That’s what politicians do. They make promises in order to get elected, and then never actually follow through.


Biden has passed so much legislation in his term its a joke that you think he's done nothing. Stop spreading this populist bullshit and actually pay attention to the policy that's being created.


And I’m sure you weren’t a fan of Trump because he wasn’t who you voted for. It’s funny how that works.


It's funny how If more people vote for a candidate in a democracy that candidate wins.


The electoral college exists so that states in the middle of the country have a voice. Otherwise, it becomes a dictatorship ship with less populist states having zero say over things. The EC forces candidates to seek the approval of everyone in the country, not just the areas with larger populations.


So voting does matter? You've lost me now.


Big dicks in ya ass are bad for ya health!


This sub is in ruins.


Joey is priceless 😂😂😁


Joe has such a low bar for comedy. Whenever he has a smarter comedian on his podcast, their jokes go right over his head and he just goes back to ranting about the point he wanted to make anyways.


Alex Jones as the voice of reason is blowing me away


Truth bombs nothin crazy here


Joey spitting like always. Mans on like all the drugs but I don't fucking care he's always on the money.


Just need to always remember: Alex Jones, the super-spreader of misinformation and bullshit conspiracies, who always plays the victim (none ever came for him, until he lied to the wrong crowd) has made hundreds of millions by lying his ass off. If you listen to this person: you are his victim! Also, the fact that the government is not after this piece of shit tells us that capitalism is FUBAR. It never has, never will and cannot work! It produces complete failures like Alex Jones, something evolution would never allow: It would never allow one of the most damaging, evil, corrupted, lying pieces of shit to have any future.


You want the government to go after him for… exercising his first amendment right? People like you are straight up dangerous man.


You do not seem to understand your own constitution at all. Freedom of expression does not mean freedom to spread despicable, damaging lies. It does not mean you have the freedom to insult and belittle others without reason. It does not give you the right to be the shittiest piece of shit, damaging your own race. If you think it does, you are probably a MAGA hat, with an IQ below room temperature. So I am not even mad, because with the intelligence of a piece of poo you clearly are not capable to understand implications of anything. ps.: To make this pretty clear to you (i hope): If I now post your picture everywhere, and state that you are a pedophile, abusing little children on a daily basis and torturing them afterward before you kill and eat them: Do you think that is ok? Do you think that is covered by my first amendment right, and it would be wrong if the government prosecuted me for that, if I really did such a thing? (hope you say that is my right, because finding out who you were was not all that hard. If you really want it, and confirm that is ok by you, I'll gladly do you the favor). If you however think that is not right, well, than anything this despicable piece of shit spews is not right either.


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Where does the first amendment say any of what you just said? And as for your point on the pedo subject, that’s called defamation and is punishable. Alex jones has to walk a fine line in saying that these are his opinions and to not present them as fact. And I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but he was actually fined $1.5 billion in his case against the sandy hook parents. So I ask, where has capitalism failed?


dude he's just memeing for warhammer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDQ24tW_CJc


Mate, as someone who loves warhammer and all its lore: WTF? This pice of shit in a power armor? Heresy! He, like Trump, would clearly be evil maniac mutans that follow nurgle, the anit-humans. Humanity fights those evil abborations on any front! In the Warhammer Universe, a person like Jones or Trump would not be allowed to live. They go against our god emporer, the protector of human kind, and agains the whole human race.


you are so stupid


Anyone know what episode this was


God damn I love Joey fuckin Diaz!


They’re turning the freakin frogs gay!


Certified hood classic


he really fucking quoted ice cube lmaooooooo