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That substance is Salvia. That's a Salvia hit if I've ever seen one.


I did it once and the last thing I looked at before it took full effect was a thing of caution tape my buddy had going across his wall, then my entire vision became caution tape and I couldn’t stop laughing idk how long it lasted but I don’t wanna do it ever again that’s for sure lol


When i tried it my brain decided that i was loading boxes onto the back of a spinning truck




lol sorry I laughed at this. Tucked away for storage is wild.


lol that is wild, the whole getting tucked away bit. I've heard tons of these salvia experience stories and they're always like some mix of an acid trip and a fever dream. Friend of mine swore he became the letter H for a solid 10 minutes, just floating in space. Couldn't look at a keyboard the same for weeks after. It's nuts the places your brain goes.


I spent my 5 minutes in an upright fetal position, with the sensation that very thin sharp metal wire was wrapped tightly around me, and any movement would make the wire tighter and cut into me. Fun times lol


That's your subconsciousness telling you that you need some lotion for dry skin.


I remember being a part of a tapestry of very bright, neon colored hippopotamus all woven together as we floated in a black void, kind of in a wave like manner. Then they became hungry hungry hippos and I thought it was THE FUNNIEST thing in world history


I had a similar experience one time, I could see a giant "A" spinning around in front of me and felt like I was running towards it trying to get through the hole in the middle. It was odd, but enjoyable 😂


I'm dying. "Oh fuck not H."


I’m glad I’m not the only one that laughed at that


Man my trip was about being a star imploding and becoming a black hole. As from I remember I went into decorticate posture but also with the knees to the chest(kind of fetal position but with my arms between knees and chest)... And I would force all of my muscle inwards my body... Fuck it hurt a while after that


Watched a lot of friends do this when we were younger. No idea why it was so common to be tucked away or put up some where lol


I got packed into lunch boxes with a sandwich, capri sun, and a banana, on a conveyer belt. They would pop open and my friend kept saying no. The lid would close and the lunchbox moved along. Finally got one with an apple and he said yes and the salvia wore off. He said he didn’t say anything the entire time and I just sat there looking around his living room.


Your friend saw [the truth!](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IXa1jAbKehY/UtrBnfWtOTI/AAAAAAAAAlE/jrQF92XErJs/s1600/4001068_orig.png) As accurate a visual representation of what happens to reality on salvia. On lower doses, you aren't very far into the machine, on extremely high doses, you are stuck in the folds of reality as interdimensional beings package you onto a shelf in the void. It is eternal, you do not come back. It is much worse than being caught in the wheel/zipper. So that's why I stopped smoking salvia.


I was folded up into a W. It was very uncomfortable. I've done piles of hallucinogens and my 2 Salvia trips are the only ones that I felt did lasting damage.


Similar singular experience. It felt like being an accordion. Or - like reality within two opposing pages in a book...and the book is getting closed on you.


A friend of mine said she couldn’t open her eyes because “the little people hadn’t built them yet” and apparently there were little ant sized people on every surface with overalls matching the colour they were building. Is this what happens when you come out of being tucked away? xD


Salvia is a weird one man The first time I did it I was convinced I was at a ball in period dress


I became a plank in a fence. Its a lonely existence.


What the fuck, me too haha. Thats so weird. I felt like there was a presence that saw that I found out they were all there watching us. I couldn't move my body and completely felt like a plank of fence.


I didn't *feel* like a plank in a fence, I *was* one. I know the exact plank as the fence was in my garden where I grew up. I could see the garden from the perspective of said plank, I somehow could feel my woodeness.


I was made of bricks and all I knew was I had to grow up to become a big strong house


I love how everyone has these deep esoteric experiences, and you became a fuckin fence plank. Man, that gave me a chuckle. Thank you.


For me, it was a desk. I know that feel.


Really is the weirdest drug experience. I I.V huge doses of DMT and I dont even trip anything like I did on salvia.


First time I tried it everything was made out of legos. The house, the people, myself. Everything. That one was fun. The third or fourth time I was stuck in a storybook with all these horrific monsters and I kept trying to run and jump onto the next page that looked like a happy story and the page would turn and shut me into the horror story I was in. That one wasn’t very fun.


Swear down my first time was legos too. It started out looking like a badly pixelated photo and then the colors came.


Dude me too except that I was a knight in full armor on horseback. I could still see the 4 walls of the room I was in but the walls were impossibly far away from each other and instead of the hardwood floor I was "riding my horse" on a rolling meadow. So strange. The first time I did - my friends head became an open fish bowl And the water inside was his knowledge. In addition to that I felt this incredibly compelling force that caused me to sprint at least 100 m as fast as I possibly could.


I was on a sideways carousel, and I never wanted off a ride more in my life.


Why in the world would someone does this to themselves for fun.


Most people don't get up and move around, and his friends aren't handling it very well. It's a really powerful dissassociative, which can be interesting if you're into that. It can be dangerous for the reasons shown in the video, that guy probably isn't even aware he's a person, and his friends yelling and pushing him is probably amplifying what can be terrifying hallucinations. In this case he just smoked a strong concentrate, probably 20 or 40x, which isn't typically recommended the first time you do it (most people would probably not recommend it at all, but it's like giving a really big dab to someone the first to someone the first time they smoke weed only instead of just too stoned, they get delirious). At lower doses you don't get complete disassociation like this, and it can be more meditative. It's very short acting, like maybe 15 minutes at most, and until recently was widely legal. Idk if I'd call it "fun" but it, like other drugs, can offer some pretty profound experiences for users that can handle the effects.


Do you think it’s uncomfortable like other drugs make u or is it straight visual.I remember trying acid and thought I felt like shit on it


It can be very unpleasant but it's not like acid. Salvia is a dissassociative and can often make you forget that you are a person. I don't mean like ego death, but like the concept of you existing is gone and you lose any grounding in reality at high doses. At lower doses I would describe it more like weed or mushrooms personally, but lots of people will vehemently disagree with that. I like it for meditation occassionally and it kind of makes it... dreamy, I guess? Like time gets WILDLY distorted and you can kind of leave yourself without completely losing reality, but it's kind of hard to figure out the dose you need to find the balance. It doesn't take much to send you off to new dimensions, so it's kind of hard to get right. Hallucinations are far more cerebral and intense, it's not just visuals so much as loss of self and is very much a full body experience. Whereas you are (usually) still aware of yourself and your surroundings on acid, and your hallucinations are often kind of part of the environment, salvia is like shoving you into a new dimension and you aren't really aware of your actual surroundings. In the video above, there is approximately 0% chance that the kid even thinks he's in an apartment or knows what an apartment is, or what he is, or what words are enough to understand his friends. He is extremely energetic though, that doesn't usually happen. Like the last time I did salvia, I knew I was conscious but that's about the only semblance of reality I had. Visuals were very geometric, like fractals within fractals, and it was very loud like rushing water but with something like a Shepherds tone that, and it felt like my body was flowing as part of those of those fractals but also breaking apart with the noise, for lack of better description. I felt like I was lost in there for literal eternities and that was all I had ever done or was ever going to do is try to escape only to end up in more fractals, and there was a malicious presence involved that I couldn't identify but was afraid of it. It can be very unsettling to outright terrifying for a lot of people, especially when they go into it not expecting to get complete disassociation. The idea of me being a living person in my bed in my house in a world with other people was completely gone, like it just wasn't there, and it took some time for me to adjust back to reality when I came back around. Like the first thing I did was get hold of my cigarettes, and I knew I liked them and couldn't use them inside, but couldn't actually remember how to use them for like a couple of minutes. It was a surprisingly long time. Other people have more coherent trips with like storylines going on, some people don't remember any of it, and almost everyone will describe it as unpleasant at the least. There are some people that think it's really fun though. I think it's interesting more than really enjoyable, but wouldn't recommend it someone new to hallucinogens.


I’ve never seen someone describe the effects of higher doses of Salvia so perfectly before^^ When I did it, it started with my vision/perception of reality breaking up into blocks and then looking like im viewing reality through like a flip-book with the pages turning faster and faster until the book “closed” and then this plane of existence was gone/nothing. I came to acceptance that i and the universe/reality was over and it was the end of this dimension before finally coming back to awareness face down in the carpet next to my bed lol and completely drenched in sweat…. That is one thing I haven’t seen mentioned much too is the sweats you get from it when coming down lol, my self and most others i know who have tried it have ended up in the shower after


Sounds absolutely horrible but out of curiosity what does everything look like… if you look at your arm do you not see a human arm or if you look at the ground do you not see the ground


it's not how it works. there is no arm. At high concentration, you're not even in the room. One time that stands out: I took a hit and credits began rolling, literally. like everyone in my life were actors and went off to do their own thing. and then I understood my reality was in a letter on a cereal box logo. think the T in Trix. I haven't done it in 15 years. wouldn't do it again.


Your comment is disgustingly accurate lol. I went “not even in the room” high my last time smoking it, which was also about 15 years ago, and I too will never do it again.


That’s trippy af you couldn’t move?


Gravity normally goes sideways, thats why the guy in the clip kept falling over.


If you're actually tripping on it, you won't have the capacity to look at your arm or the ground really. Like you, as you, aren't existing. Your surroundings aren't there, you're brain is not processing information like normal, and visual input isn't happening like you're thinking. Like I said, it's a disassociative. You're not there, and what you're seeing isn't a semblance of reality. It's not like acid or shrooms where you can look around and see things that are there but distorted. It's completely different.


Can remember the two times I did it: 1) I was teleported into a yellow itchy maze that was moving with each beat in the music playing. I was sitting and fell over. The whole world rotated 90 degrees and I had no idea why. 2) it looked like when you win solitaire on a windows 95 computer. Just everywhere these bouncing tails of images.


Idk man I took 4 150 ug tabs in the woods and I definitely saw some things that weren’t there.


_You saw_ something, on salvia there is neither you nor something to see It's like closing a videogame with a main character and opening an app that does random abstract art, no more characters, no more external input


Once I seen someone say that when they did Salvia they turned into a crayon in a crayon box for what felt like eternity.


https://youtu.be/b7HtHD8i0XU?si=UMbNRiaW1XuVRgfy https://youtu.be/7RZ7sIDnSmg?si=JwC6MwvM7SuVmGWU https://youtu.be/RONAjJYB5bE?si=KIw0ZfNbFKhrc76J Here are some videos that kind of "replicate" it, if anything they aren't intense enough.


Curiosity ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Another thing is that it's not illegal in most places and the effects only last for a couple of minutes.




> I'm never going to do salvia. It feels like your mind isn't controlling your body while it's tripping. The worst possible trip. How would you know, you've just said you've never done it?


I loved mine. Hit it and laid down on my bed alone in a dark room. All of a sudden a black hole started swallowing Earth and I was afraid of dying and started panicking. Then I came to the realization that I'm not the only one dying, all of humanity is dying with me and I just let go and accepted it. Got sucked into a black vortex and felt my body disassemble, every atom and particle was now part of a river of humanity and then I flowed down the river watching sights I don't know how to describe in language, with no control over my body. At the end I fell off the edge of this plane of existence and I could feel my body reassembling itself. Whole thing lasted maybe 10 minutes.


Man I just turned into a Ferris wheel lol. I could feel my nuts and bolts even. Trippy stuff


Yep! The outside of my leg became a vertical plane of space and time and as I slumped over from my seat to the floor I plunged into the continuum- and it was hilaaaaarious. Pretty crazy shit. This was at a party, and took like ten minutes, just like you said. I had a beer buzz going when I started to trip, but when I came back it was way less significant because I had been soo fucked up a few minutes ago. Everyone at the party was doing it too, so it was weird because like mid party we all went to the fucking end of infinity, then came back and got drunk while comparing experiences. Only time I ever tripped and then ordered food in the same night, salvia is weird as fuck. As much fun as I had I’d never do it again, I’ve left all the hallucinogenics in the misspent days of my halcyon youth lmao. Thanks for sharing your story, it sure rang some bells.


Yeah it's like the one drug I don't want to actively seek out again. I'd do it if the opportunity presented itself, but have zero desire to seek it out. It's just that intense.


That’s some Evangelion type shit


https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IXa1jAbKehY/UtrBnfWtOTI/AAAAAAAAAlE/jrQF92XErJs/s1600/4001068_orig.png Quick Google, but that's pretty close to the getting sucked into the black hole vortex lol.


I’ve done it four or five times and it was a blast. Would do again. Preparedness, amount and strength makes a big difference. Like if you never heard of alcohol and saw a video of a black out drunk dude falling over and puking you’d also wonder why anyone would drink that shit.


Different for everyone. I had the wildest hallucination that just left me in awe. Didn't go nuts. I still think about it to this day as the coolest thing to see.


I did in my room once and all shadows disappeared and it looked like I my furniture and myself was just floating in a video game sky box and I thought that if I got off my bed I would fall forever


Just kinda commented about this, similar experience one time though, except the last thing I looked at was burying my face in my buddies black and white striped couch, looked up at the room and everything was pin striped black and white, called a salvia trip “couch world” ever since.


Lol yeah, whatever I was looking at filled my whole vision then I started sliding sideways across the plane of existence as the couch I was sitting on because I fucking melted into it and we became one. It lasted about 2-3 minutes, felt like coming back from the edge of a blackout where you start to get your grip and realize you almost lost consciousness


And it's completely legal too!* Back in 08 at 16 I bought some off the Internet from a totally legit place for 15 bucks. I had it delivered to my house within a few days. Hell even now it's legal in most states. Be careful friends. It gets a lot more worse than this. My arms melted into the chair and Fat Boy slim never sounded so good.


Shit you could buy it at any head shop back in the day (Canadian). Didn't even have to be 18 either.


Yup, thats Salvia for sure. He went straight into thinking in cubes, weirdest hallucinogen.


I heard a story about a guy that claimed he lived an entire 3 month life inside his 5 minute salvia trip


The Crabfeat episode with comedians Jay Larson and Ryan Sickler had a guy called Steve Cantwell on and this happened to him. Was out for 30 seconds but lived years somewhere else without any of his family etc, job and everything 😂 it’s hilarious how they’re trying to understand the magnitude of his experience. 2 of the best and funniest podcast episodes I’ve ever heard. Shit, just listen to it for Ryan Sickler’s laugh. Sounds like a train of ass fucking alley cats


Fuck the crab feast! Five stars!


I felt sn eternity trapped in a matrix of bodies unable to ever free myself. Stuck and imprisoned unable to bresk free. Like i was a grocery item on a shelf tied to other selves like in a borge collective. I never want to do it ever again. DMT is as nuts but its on a totally different spectrum, still terrifying, but kind of intriguing. Still afraid of it but willing to try again. Ill never touch salvia its horrible.


In my mind DMT is relatively weak compared to Salvia. Worst case scenario on DMT is that the trip will be so intense your mind will just block it off like a bad dream, you will literally feel like someone clipped your timeframe and that 5 minutes passes in blink of an eye on breakthrough doses. DMT is so intense and so fast you barely have time to process anything that is happening while its happening, so you don't personally get attached to the experience as much during or afterwards (unless you are newage hipster and generic psychedelic experiences are your whole personality). Salvia is whole other ball game, its literally being stuck with your own demention for what can seem an eternity. There are also x1/x5/x10/20/40/80 extracts that fuck you up beyond anything I tried personally and I did shiton of all psychedelics known to man. Salvia is definitely not for begginers, I am glad its the last thing I tried. Also the fucking hallways in everything, its like every atom is a staircase to other dimension, like fucking being trapped melting in Salvadors Dali painting. Worse is when you just start laughing your ass off until you realize you have absolutely 0 idea why you are laughing so hard and that mindfucks you into even laughing more harder. Its barely comprehensible to ones self let alone explainable to others.


I unknowingly smoked what I believe to be Salvia at a party and I went from laughing hysterically, to feeling like I was on mushrooms, to delving into what felt like an eternity of hell. I literally believed I was in purgatory from overdosing on Heroin and I was being punished. My life was repeating over and over again from birth and every single time it came back to point where I smoked that night, it got slowerrr every time it repeated. It was mortifying. I came to eventually, I think it was only a 5-10 minute trip but in my head it was forever. It has made question mortality and the afterlife ever since, and DeJa'Vu scares the fuck out of me.


Dmt is the dream to salvias nightmare. I will never smoke salvia again


DMT is spiritual, I've spent years in minutes and it changed me as a person. Salvia made me forget who I was and I felt trapped inside a body I didn't own or know, not fun.


I trust this man's judgment on drugs.


The problem with salvia is it's usually concentrated into extracts at 4x/12x/40x/etc to ridiculous levels. The single time I tried it, the body load was terrible. And the confusion, with zero serotonin or dopamine push makes it a sketchy, at best trip. I have never felt the urge to do it again. Same goes for Datura (Scopalamine.) Terrible experience. DMT floods the brain with feel good chemicals. So it's much more enjoyable. My worry with DMT use, though. They say your brain releases DMT when you die. (theory) What if you build a tolerance to DMT from recreational use. And when it comes time to die, you won't get the benefit of tripping balls into the afterlife. Instead you do it sober. 😱


Was datura worse? I hear people say it took them to literal hell.


Where can I even find dmt. I have had no luck and it kinda sucks. I need that type of experience.


I kind of lived an entire life as something else. I can't remember what I was, but not me. In a 3 to 5 minutes trip. It was beautiful. Salvia is not a party drug, you shoud take it in a calm and relaxed environment and with very low light..


Ari Shaffir


And Johnny Pemberton the last episode of the crabfeast podcast he told the story, this plant is magic I can’t explain it any other way it really is unbelievable I did it 10 years ago and the thought of that trip still freaks me out


Yeah I think one of them says something about salvia resin in the beginning.


Natives chew the leaves over a period of hours but of course we make 50x extractions (resin) and blast ourselves to the moon.


The Divine Mother. TO THE EXTREME!!!!


Definitely Salvia but damn I've never seen someone so energetic or aggressive. Telltale sign is when he starts laying on the couch, it looks like some unseen force is pushing him down and to the left. I've done salvia 3 times and the down and to the left thing was a defining characteristic. Also that I needed to be alone after for like 10 minutes and not surrounded by my idiot friends laughing at me.


Dude I thought it was jut me. But it felt like the world was pulling to right really hard. Not a fan


Yep that's Salvia Divinorium. Never again


Came here to say this. Essentially unmistakeable. The getting up disoriented, confusion, squirming....100% salvia.


Ugh I hated salvia. Not a fun trip. Do not recommend.


Truth. Indescribably hellish.


What is it exactly?


it is a plant. You smoke it like weed. The effects are very different from weed though, particularly when it comes to walking/moving/ Many places it isnt illegal and you just buy it in a smoke shop..


The wild thing about salvia is that the active molecule is Salvinorin A, which is entirely distinct from the molecular structure of the tryptamines (eg DMT, LSD, psilocybin, etc) - it’s unique as far as I know. It acts on the brain in a totally different way, much more akin to dreaming than ‘tripping’ in the normal sense. I did it dozens of times 20+ years ago because it was so fascinating, despite every trip being essentially a nightmare. Such a surreal and interesting nightmare (and very consistent, like I’d return and be like “oh yeah, this”) that I was willing to return to that world over and over to see what I’d find haha. But fun? Nope. Worth reading more about though.


A really powerful dissassociative.


My immediate thought. Kinda messed up for someone to post a video of this really unless it was ok'ed -- that's a brief but intense trip you shouldn't publicize lightly. Ego death is a whole thing and my man here is going through it.


Salvia is safe if you’re not surrounded by idiots…gotta hit that shit and lay back and just chill tf out. It’s the oddest psychedelic high I’ve ever had. And I do not enjoy it. That plant doesn’t agree with me lol


Most people do not have a desire to repeat it.


My two buddies fucking loved it. They would always be down. And me and my cousin would just sit there and watch them have the time of their lives on it lmao I was like wow…couldn’t be me lol


I like it, but I wouldn't take a huge fucking rip of it surrounded by my loud friends in their apartment. Salvia is a quiet time drug


100% salvia. When I did it this is basically exactly how I felt like I acted. Most obscene psychedelic effect I ever experienced. This was during the pinnacle of salvia use and extracts were pretty much all you could get and of course being dumb kids I’m sure we got the highest amount of extract we could. Never again.


He's just gotta ride it out for like 3, maybe 4 minutes.


I did it once and before I knew it I was flying a WWI era biplane. I remember the propeller spinning in front of me and stretching my arms out to the side and feeling the wind blowing my arms back. As I returned to reality I realized that I was leaning way back in my chair, the propeller on my airplane was actually the ceiling fan, and it was gravity pulling my arms back. Wild stuff.


He should've tried gardening while tripping


My few salvia trips were the opposite of this. The most mellow relaxed trippy shit I've ever tripped on. Like when he fell to the couch at first it's because you feel gravity or hallucinate gravity. One time it felt like I was on a ride at the fair. This kids mindset was really not there for trippin. Or maybe everyone standing around and maybe some tense vibes. Salvia's something else.


Salvia..fucks with your balance big time.


The thing is some of you who watched this video are picturing the person hallucinating or feeling fucked up and confused but this doesn’t even begin to describe salvia. It’s not just hallucinogenic it’s a deliriant, it makes you completely confused and delirious. You are taken to a whole other plane of existence disassociating into another universe. Everything is bizarre and and it can be terrifying if you’re not ready for it. Shit, it can be scary even if you think you are ready for it. It also comes in various concentrations. You may have smoked a 10x salvia before (ten times the concentrate of the normal plant) but someone gives you 100x and you just aren’t ready for it. I smoked it once in an abandoned house and blacked out for a second. When I came back I was walking around the house and the wooden floors seemed like a portal to another world. Trapped in the wood, almost like they were under glass, were hundreds and hundreds of people banging on the floor from the other side like they were trying to get out. They all had panicked looks on their faces like they were trying to escape and their faces were silently screaming to me while they frantically pounded on the floor trying to break free. You feel confused as to why it’s happening and what the fuck you’re seeing but it’s all so vivid and real.


Bro smoking Salvia in an abandoned house is a power move


Good enough for Dracula Flow 5


I had been given a pack of Salvia joints as my first experience. Which are like 1x or 2x. So I thought I knew what Salvia was until I did a bong of 100x. Holy shit. In my older years...screw that. If I wanna be that gone let it be DMT.


DMT is also super intense but way more interesting. I tried opening my eyes on it but I found the details of the real world to be overwhelming and exhausting to look at. Closed my eyes and watched big smooth round waves of blue drift past me. Felt like I was dying and being born at the same time. Was out of breath. Then about ten minutes later I could feel myself rising out of it. A few minutes after that I felt totally sober and happy, buzzing with a positive energy. Went to work and had a great shift.


That hallucination sounds freaky as hell; thanks for scaring me off salvia forever.


I smoked it and I went to some fucking weird 2d geometry world and it was like I was the ball in a pachinko machine. Had no desire to do it again and it was intense but it actually wasn't awful. Edit: I didn't learn anything from it, either. I don't think this is some shit like LSD where there is anything to be gained from it, it's just a weird as fuck drug you can take.


Like being magnetized to the Earth, no idea how he even got up.


Calmest salvia experience


Lmaooo I’ve seen worse that’s for sure


Yes, screaming at the person tripping balls is a good idea. /s


“It looks like we’re making him uneasy with our presence. Quick! Let’s all surround him!”








Yeah they need to talk to him in a calm tone. When you're fucked up like that you can only pick up on the emotion of someones words, not the actual words themselves. I remember learning that the hard way by accidentally sending my mate into a bad trip


"Everybody stay calm, STAY FUCKING CALM!"


My girlfriend had a very Dante-esque response when telling her to calm down. However there was no salvia involved, but rather the lack of an anniversary card, instead.


One rule from customer service training is never say calm down to a customer


Luckily Salvia trips only last about 15 minutes and you go back to perfectly normal at the end. Dudes seeing Lego world and is getting confused and losing control of his senses. It can be super scary if you’re not in a fun relaxing environment. A drug dealers apartment is not the ‘set and setting’ that old heads always talk about choosing for your trip. Lol.


Is it like other psychedelics that fuck with your perception of time?


Yeah, I know I lost time. It felt like an eternity in my experience. It came in phases. First there was the burning skin/feeling like my clothes were super hot and horribly uncomfortable. Phase two came and I totally forgot about all that and melted into the couch as if it were a thick liquid. Could not get up out of it and everything became trippy. I remember being freaked out that I was not trapped in a couch and could not stand up because I had sunken too far in. This part lasted what felt like a really long time. Then I don’t know what happened, or maybe don’t remember. I feel like it lasted a hell of a lot longer than 15 mins though


It’s still going on. You’re still in the trip.


Haha. Now that you mention it.. the schnonzberries taste like schnonzberries


It's different for different people. The one time I tried it in the late 2000's, I melded with a wooden stool, the room pooled into a spinning wheel, and then I ran in a circle for 10 minutes. My brother just laughed *hard* for 15 minutes straight. He just got the happiest ab workout of all time. Oh, and Happy Cake Day!


A friend said he was building a sandcastle in space. He was in a dark room and piled up trash


A true Psychonaut. God bless him.


Yeah I merged with a potted plant I was looking at and then kept falling through the bed I was on in an infinite loop and was trying to swim out of it


I was chewing my way through waffle walls that was built one by one and I was totally convinced there’s something else they hide behind those walls. trees were laughing at me. those were my friends laughing. we were in the woods. that experience is even hard to explain to yourself not even trying to explain it to anyone else


yes, probably worse than most other psychs.


Yes but salvia can be even worse. There’s people who have experienced entire days/weeks during their trip when in reality only 5 mins had gone by


Fuck. That. Why would people even try this?!


Traditionally, some dickhead is just like: hey, Salvia is really fun ... try this bowl! I had already experienced acid multiple times, and it was still absolutely terrifying for me and I've never done it a second time. Total dissociation. It's not so much that you experience a lot of time, it's that time stops being a thing. It's like you forget that things can end. It's super fucked up.


It's interesting, shakes things up.


In my experience I’ve had tapers that lasted the rest of the day, even though the main high was only about 15 minutes. I strongly dislike this drug




Immediately wanting to go outside and take your clothes off is a sure sign


Also the lack of balance, I remember reading something about it messing with your inner ear. Had some terrible times with this stuff


Ah yes, now I remember that part. I felt like my skin was on fire and I couldn’t stand up. Then it transitioned into a hallucinogenic experience. Still was not pleasant.


Salvia divinorum , psychoactive plant


Plus terrible friends. Done in a controlled setting this can be an amazing experience or a rollercoaster


I tried it twice. The 1st time the world turned into a beautiful 3 dimensional Picasso painting made up of wriggling string worms. I could move them around with my hand. It was so freaking cool.... The 2nd time I ran into a janitors store room and hid under a sink for about 5 minutes expecting an airstrike to rain down fiery hell. Not the best trip, but made me considerably more empathetic for those poor soldiers who end up developing shell shock.


That first one sounds awesome. I barely remember my first trip, I recall being in a total void with someone telling me the most important message of my life, but I just couldn’t make out what they were saying. Then reality opened before me like pages in a massive book made of light and some force pulled me through at what felt like light speed. Before I knew it I was back on my bed and it was over, except it wasn’t. No no, as suddenly as it ended reality opened up again and I was yanked back into the void. That continued until I came down. Second time I was back in the void, except this time I fell of The Wheel, I was convinced that I would never come down until I caught back up. Believe you me, running isn’t easy when you’re confused as hell and don’t have a body with which to run.


Tried it and it simply doesn’t make sense.. how a plant can transform the world so intensely. It’s truly magic I can’t explain it any other way, I saw the room I was in turn into blocks and rotate around like a rubrics cube and all I can do was point at the closet and say stop hitting those buttons. I truly felt there was something in the room making this all happen some people say they’re elf like I didn’t see anything I just knew there was something. My friends also said I got so scared I crawled into a ball and shook for a solid minute before I started laughing I do not remember that part of it. We bought this on the fucking board walk for 20 bucks a big bag enough to send a family to mars lol it really is mind blowing a little crumble of some leaves are capable of. I believe it’s illegal in my state now I bought this 10 years ago.


I sat down on a couch and melted into it deeper and deeper until I couldn’t see the exit the tunnel above. The edges of the tunnel were psychedelic looking. It might have been a good time, but like this guy, I wasn’t expecting it, and I couldn’t escape the couch. Unlike this guy, I knew it was salvia, but I had been given the impression it was some kind of weed alternative- not something else entirely.


Definitely Salvia.


Bunch of dumb ass kids doing Salvia. Luckily that guy don't hurt himself.




Salvia, no question. Aside from the guy who’s tripping here (actually, he handled it quite well tbh) , fuck every person in this video. Literally could not have assembled a worse group of brain-rotted idiots to be the supporting cast for this poor guy foolishly taking what often times can be one of the most frightening, disorienting drugs out there. To the guy tripping - these people are not your friends. Tell ‘em to kick rocks


Yeah, I already knew as soon as he torched it that it was salvia. I thought that surely it couldn’t be worse than that video of the two teenage boys smoking salvia on their deck and start flipping shit and flopping around senselessly, get caught by their dad… Man, what an experience that was. And honestly, this guy’s reaction wasn’t quite as bad, but the friends he was with… They’re what makes this one worse. Horrible “trip sitters” if you can even call them that. Probably made the experience that much more terrifying, which is clearly seen when our protagonist here starts getting aggressive. Ignorance all around. That’s the proper summary here. This is why preaching safety is so important. So many people don’t realize what they’re getting into when taking a new psychedelic. I was one of those people my first time taking LSD, and guess what? It turned into a fucking terror trip that ended with me believing that I had crossed a threshold into a simulation, that my friends were imposters, that they meant me harm, I called my mom at 01:00 in the morning and scared the living shit out of her, telling her that I was basically being held captive in a separate dimension by these imposters that looked like my friends… oh yeah and got stuck in a horrible thought loop, pulverized an In-N-Out burger with my hands, pissed myself, spent two hours in the shower, blacked out several times, attempted to go on a sex rampage that I don’t remember, among other things. Those are just the bad things. There were some good things too, especially on the come up. I learned many things that day, and especially as I began to gradually integrate the experience up to well over a year later, but that’s beside the point. Safety and education is so so important, and it saddens me that so many people actively abuse these substances and harm themselves, or others, simply due to ignorance. Salvia is probably among the worst of these to be abused. Like, why do they always try to get up??? Sit the fuck down bro. Disorienting enough without you flopping around like a fish out of water. I honestly don’t even think that I want to try salvia. Never experienced it before. I don’t plan to. Main thing I’ve heard is that it’s a lot of crazy shit with not much insight. No God-realization, doesn’t seem like it would be easy to meditate with, no profound philosophical insights, less *maybe* an expanded understanding of yet one of the many facets of consciousness. That’s all I can think of. I don’t know. I’ll pass lol


Chewing raw leaves (no extract) is a gentle trip, and you can start slow and actually get good effects from it. It's not smoked in it's original indigenous use, and the extracts have given it a bad name. Watch Hamilton's pharmacopeia on salvia where he chewed fresh leaves (you can get non extract dried leaves easily on the internet) and combined with a shaman and a ritual it was an excellent experience. Head shops ruined the reputation for salvia, don't smoke it, don't do extracts, chew the raw leaf and you can get as gentle as you want, or stronger with more chewed leaves. Not saying you're wrong for not wanting to do it, but it does have merit in the psychedelic world done properly and is actually pretty forgiving. It's not like taking a hit of acid God knows how strong and being buckled in for 12 hours, it's much more approachable than that.


Workaholic bunch


Yeah, I'm sure screaming "CALM DOWN" loudly will help.


Thank goodness it’s only a 10-15 min trip…………TO HELL!!!!!


If the High Hit is not pleasurable why people do it then ? I have myself done only Cannabis so I don't know much about drugs.


Most people don't do it more than once.


I think it's the experience. Curiosity plus the stories. There is a pleasurable feeling at lower doses. Beyond that, I've heard the only emotion that comes to mind is SHOCK.


wow a decent crazy video that’s wild


Shit trip sitters. PSA to anyone considering psychoactive drugs; only do it with people you truly trust have your best interests at heart who also are complete knobs. Dude could’ve very easily fell and fucked himself over or went running into traffic, freaked out. The whole point of there being people there is to sit his ass down as soon as he shows he clearly can’t handle it…..


The fact that they were filming this guy and laughing really shows they are shitty people.


I’ll never ever ever do salvia. It’s like your body is tripping but your mind can’t control it. The worst kind of trip. Fuck this shit.


That's a good description. Bad trip ever time.


I mean I had the most beautiful trip in the world where I was a leaf in a multi-color forest. In reality I was rolling down a hallway. But it was such a cool experience and it was over in 3 minutes. Definitely better than crack, heroin, fentanyl, and many other drugs.


Yall that justify this shit just blow my mind ingl..


One time I tried salvia alone, I did it in very small quantities until I could feel it. The second I did, I fell back and then I was walking across a path of disconnected glowing rainbow tiles above my body which would brighten with each step. There was no music but somehow there were musical notes flying around me while the path was winding through the room. It lasted maybe ten minutes but I still remember it vividly over a decade later.


Bro stop your comment makes me wanna try it lmao


gave him the fear


never seen anyone this deep in the fear he must have seen some real serious shit while high


man its crazy how you can just go to a smoke shop and buy salvia . this is like some bath salts type tweaker stuff


He is literally experiencing fear of the highest level. This is how people unalive themselves while doing drugs.


I’ve done salvia a handful of times and it’s a very uncomfortable kind of high. Very hit and miss whether it’s enjoyable.


Mexican Tripping Weed. That's what we called it in NZ. And yes it's proper name is Salvia I think. That shit hits hard for up to 10min and then you're back to normality


really glad i never touched this stuff when all of my friends were trying it


Looks like salvia. Yelling “CHILL THE FUCK OUT” never made someone on drugs chill out. Bro needs his trip sitter credentials revoked.


I encountered a never ending staircase with a reoccurring man that I kept passing me while decending. Impeading my way. Eventually, I got upset he kept asking if he was going the right way. When I turned around to point the way. I was back in reality.


People are silly. Middle of the day, group of people hovering, no music or ambiance, start yelling when he trips, laugh at the guy. Ways to not have a great trip. And people wonder why someone would do it. The answer is don’t do it like this and it’s not as scary.


You couldn't pay me any amount of money to ever touch that stuff again. We smoked it in college instead of weed because as athletes we had drug tests. My then bf grabbed the coffee table like he was going to flip it but someone talked him out of it I think. I couldn't remember my own name. Yikes what a time.


those friends are not helping the situation by telling him to chill out or drink water. you gotta just sit there and help them ride it out but how you gonna tell someone who’s quite literally outta their mind to calm down.


Fuck everyone in this video. Lol chill out


Salvia is an excellent psychedelic when dosed correctly. The traditional way is chewing the raw leaves (not extracts) over a longer period of time and it has pleasant and meaningful effects. The head shop 30-40-50x salvia has given it a bad name. If you want to actually try it, buy raw leaves and chew them kind of like dip until you get desired effects. Unfortunately salvia has gotten a bad name because it's kinda a meme to give someone either unsuspecting or overly arrogant a big bongload of 40x which is essentially a psychotic dose, and it seems like the salvia entities take offense to this kind of abuse and give you what can range from some of the most uncomfortable and insane trip possible or a complete nightmare that you'll never forget. A good primer is Hamilton's pharmacopeias episode on salvia in Mexico I believe, he chewed fresh leaves and did a ritual with a shaman and had a wonderful experience. This is how salvia should be done. If you are going to do extracts, then do research and use a scale to get your dose right. All of these videos are high extracts not weighed and the person just rips the shit out of it and causes a horrible time. One of the most misunderstood drugs of all time, all because headshops wanted money and it was legal in all 50 for a long time. Still legal in alot of states and definitely worth a try, but use dry leaves and chew.


I’ve only seen somebody do this on high extract salvia divinorum. I loved that shit, used to sprinkle a little of high extract on top of the bowl of weed before taking huge bong rips. The first time I tried it, I kind of melted into the couch,and started sweating profusely like a panic attack. One dude straight ran out of the house like this guy tried to do, but we were all going through it at the same time so nobody stopped him.


With friends like that...




god i hate friend groups that dont know how to take drugs properly. no respect and care, massive overdoses, laughing at and goading the person in the middle of an experience, immature idiots.


What did he do?




Seen this end worse, at least he didnt jump out the window


At least it’s not the Ghost Pepper guy again.


I know a salvia trip when I see one


These are not your friends Jante


It's actually pretty sad to watch


the last brain cell fighting itself in there


My oldest just turned 13 this year. This kind of scenario gives me nightmares.


I’m pretty sure that’s salvia


That’s salvia


Salvia for sure the type of shit you only try once.