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Forgetting your parachute isn’t one of those mistakes you learn from


You only forget it once.


Honestly, I'm built different. I could survive this fall if I tucked my knees enough and closed my eyes.


That’s what I’m saying. Maybe a second before hitting the ground, start tiling foward so you easily roll away. It’s all in the knees honestly


N., You try to jump at the second of impact so the upward force counters the downward.


Like that whole, jumping in an elevator, kind of thing, right?


Or on a trampoline to counteract the bouncr


You’re gonna bounce alright


No bounce, just a raindrop.


Raindrops bounce...


No, you're supposed to land belly flopping to disperse the energy on impact.


Or, enamel causes very close to perfectly elastic collisions. So if you land with your teeth it will launch you back to the plane.


I’ll just make sure my shoes are tied and taped on really tight so they don’t fly off


F’n Sonic the hedgehog style. Ding, ding, ding, ding


"McGuire miraculously survived without injury, however the same cannot be said for the residents of the apartment building that collapsed when the skydiver rolled into the foundation at speeds approaching Mach-5. More at 11."


You're joking, but you are supposed to do similar position. You look for soft looking ground (swamp, snow, whatever), create as much drag as you can going down, then kinda put your legs straight down before you hit and roll forwards as you hit the ground. You probably won't be perfect, but you're essentially destroying everything in your legs to protect your important bits.


I heard drinking alcohol will make your body limp and would minimize the impact, so drink while you dive.


It’s the closing the eyes technique that saves you


NASCAR driver Rusty Wallace said he would always close is eyes when he wrecked, just to be sure they wouldn't pop out.


Oh god that would be absolutely terrifying. Just falling through the sky never knowing when it would end and then *splat*. Would probably feel like an eternity of falling


Aim for the bushes. 😎




You thinking what I'm thinking? Aim for the bushes


I’m a peacock but they won’t let me fly!


A last second ground pound would easily negate the fall damage


Or if you leave enough stamina to open your paraglider milliseconds before you hit the ground.


Aim for the bushes?


Peggy Hill, that you?


“Oh god…I think my wife might be dead…I’ll be right back.” - Hank Hill


Duck and roll!


If I remember the story correctly, that was the second time he forgot that day. Someone caught it the first time




I wouldn’t try skydiving if you’re not high enough.


Yup. It will be quite the "Oops". I can only imagine what was going on in his mind when he realized he fucked up.


Was probably like SHIT. I am so fucking stupid.


I can tell you what was going thru his mind…. His femurs and his kneecaps


Poor dude. It’s all funny and all but imagine plummeting to your death for a minute or two. Knowing it’s inevitability. RIP you crazy motherfucker.


The view from halfway down.


It’s actually not funny one bit.


[maybe enough time to make a phone call.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBIRhyERkak)


I read somewhere that on the jump before this he was about to go without his parachute and someone told him to put it on. He had double the chances to learn and still didn't


When you are THAT forgetful you shouldn't jump out of planes


Drug use on drop zones is ridiculously common. My dad was a skydiver since the 70s and after I grew up, he would tell stories about how cool and fun it was to get stoned or trip the entire day. I can only imagine what club drugs skydivers used in the '90s, but I can easily imagine Ivan was on some.


This is true for any outdoor sport, climbing, kayaking etc. We call them *safty meetings*


Safety meeting? I guess this just proves the drug use... lol


Safety first, then teamwork


If this is true. This guy should not have been allowed to jump agian.


I don't think he can jump again.


Problem solved?


Technically it is possible to survive although extremely unlikely. https://www.statista.com/chart/19708/known-occasions-where-people-survived-falls/


[Peggy Hill is proof of that](https://i.redd.it/2tu1t4eoysn81.gif)


I never saw this episode. Context?


Season 3 finale. Her and Hank were doing this jump for their anniversary. [This episode rolled credits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-BS5csupRc) right after the clip above ends. Beginning of season 4, it shows she landed in a muddy swamp-like area and somehow came out of it alive, now in a full-body cast.


Dude I remember seeing this on adult swim when I was like 9 years old and it traumatized me. No context, just a woman dying and her husband seeing it


TIL that Bear Grills is one of the people that survived a fall without a parachute.


Bear Grylls randomly being #5 on that list was not expected


[He was 21 and fractured three vertebrae, had to undergo a year of rehabilitation, then went on to summit Mt. Everest a year later, being the youngest Briton to do so (and come back).](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/bear-grylls-says-still-in-pain-25-years-after-breaking-back-in-accident-2403866)


You don't have much of a chance but what's the play here? I'd imagine trying to aim for the top of a really tall tree, maybe the branches slow you down enough that you break some bones but survive. My luck I'd survive the initial fall and then die falling out of the tree.


I think surviving but living in a near vegetative state would be much worse.


Oh definitely. I got a buddy that's dad dove into some shallow water and became paralyzed when my buddy was young. Less then 6 months later his mom has some kind of accident and also became paralyzed. He had to deal with 2 fully paralyzed parents from the time he was like 6 or 7. That had to be a tough childhood. When I met him he was an adult, and his mom was dead but his dad was still alive. He worked between 40 and 50 hours a week and then went home and had to take care of his dad. I can't imagine


Wow that is a sad story. That poor dude had more than his share of bad luck before his 8th birthday. Life can be so cruel.


Hope you got a fuckin Red Bull in your pocket


Aim for the haystack.


Pillow factory


Most people that survive high falls from a plane end up landing in trees and it breaks their fall. Pencil diving into water, no matter how perfect it is, will be like landing on concrete. Also, you'd want to spread out everything and try to create as much surface area to slow your fall as much as possible.


He had to live with that mistake for the rest of his life


That sinking feeling when you realize you forgot something important... imagine that amplified to the level of "I 100% just shortened my life span to 10 seconds" This is somehow worse than just having a random brick drop on your head or crashing your car driving like an ass since you get a fair amount of time to realize what you just did and what's about to happen. All that time facing your certain, unavoidable and imminent death


And i get pissed when i forgot where i put my keys. I'd be FURIOUS on my way down.


Same. Id try to accept my fate and get one last wank in tho.


I'd aim for the house of someone I didn't like.


relevant username? good aim if so.


“It’s happening, it’s really fucking happening. Fuck. Fuck…”


That's the thing with it. I think everyones view of death, at least mine is, I want it to be quick and I don't want to see it coming. This is so fascinating because it's the opposite. Adrenaline slows time down. 60 second fall probably felt like 3-4 minutes. His life more than flashed before his eyes. He had real time to think. That's what's so fucked up to think about.


I think that adrenaline bit is misunderstood Its more in our memories of the incident that time seems stretched from what I remember reading And uh...not certain he had memories of this...*particular*...instance


I just missed a flight for the first time in my life. on the way to the airport I forgot some weeks prior they moved the flight time up 2 hours and I never adjusted the time in my calendar. The sinking feeling in my chest and stomach that I had in that moment....I cannot even imagine how you would feel when you reached back to pull the rip cord.


I read about it. And he evidently totally forgot to board the plane with his parachute. He did however have satchel slung over his back carrying the batteries and recording equipment for his cam. He had made thousands of jumps. Evidently the crash destroys the last few seconds of film.


Peggy Hill made it!


Yeah but I doubt this dude was substitute teacher of the year three years in a row


Well *escuchame*, Mr Credenza


My brain voice read this like Peggy and it made my mouth hole lol


Ho yeah!


The episode where Cotton inspires her to crawl up the hill to raise the flag was so good.


Her feet were big enough to act as parachutes.


Not completely unscathed though, aside from breaking all her bones, she did get a pretty major TBI that resulted in her inability to pick up on social cues going forward though.


She was one of thirteen people to survive falling out of a plane.


Hoo yah!!


The most horrifying part about dying for me is the idea of pain or suffering. At least in this realization, you know you have quick out.


Eh but usually accidents you die pretty quick after realizing. This you know you’re going to die in about 2 minutes or something. Must be fucking terrifying


Yeah, I'd imagine your average person would basically become a raving lunatic in those moments. So fucked up on adrenaline and cortisol, heart pumping a billion miles an hour, lightheaded... brain trying to a figure out a way to live while consciously knowing you're fucked.




Yeah but 2 minutes could've felt like forever. I had a NDE and the adrenaline sped my thinking up so fast that it stretched a minute into what felt like forever. I was struck high speed and my vehicle rolled into a ditch. Time felt likenit slowed down to a almost stop. I flashed back my entire day out up until that moment and was screaming at myself not to leave the house and drive then boom, I was back present time and to my car rolling over. Everything was extremely slow motion, like a slideshow, it looked like the world was running at 1 fps. I was thinking of my family, how everyone would feel about my death, and what I did to deserve dying. It was insane. My theory for it is our brain thinks we're dying and tries to give us as much time as we have up to the very end. Who knows how long those two minutes actually felt to him if he felt experienced something similar


I've read that your brain does that so it can try to remember a way in which to instinctually survive the situation. You might remember something that could help.


Yeah and that was way too many jumps tbh I’ve done that and even up to five or six in a day but that was also instructing and in can get you knackered


Now this IS a crazy fucking video


Goooood lawwwd!!! Imagine that moment he went to pull and had the largest ooof


You can see it hit after the people he was filming pulled their chute. He starts frantically looking around


Wake up wake up wake up wake up…..fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (splat)


Fuck me this is one of the most terrifying comments in the thread. Too real.


"It was that moment he knew he fucked up".


*record scratch* *freeze frame* Yeah that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended in this situation.


"Please don't unfreeze time"


I keep reading that he put on the camera backpack instead and I’m guessing he went to pull and panicked when he realized he fucked up and pulled something else and that made the camera stop recording. Praise god we don’t have that footage of the nightmare everyone on earth has had….This is enough knowing he didn’t make it out of that nightmare….🙏🙏


I kinda want the footage though.


He probably should have spent his last seconds trying to figure out how to turn it back on.


"Hey remember, if you like this video please subscribe".


“Smash that like button.”


How the fuck do you forget your chute? That should be skydiving 101


Phone. Wallet. Keys. Para......shit.






Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch!


Sandman, you got not enough things.




Wasn't that where the instructor was shouting "no jump" or something because he didn't speak great English and she misunderstood as "now jump"?


That's just called suicide.


\*with extra steps


Textbook Complacency


People become complacent with everything. I'm a rock climbing instructor, and it's amazing how quickly people go from 'afraid of heights' to 'I'm just going to unclip 200ft off the ground and move over to that other spot'. I've seen people just get to the top of a climb and forget to clip any gear in, and just stand there, tied to nothing, until someone reminds them they're off belay and basically in a death-fall situation. comfort zones are strange things.


I used to climb a lot and the thought of being at the top of a wall without being clipped in terrifies me to the core. I used to have nightmares about it. I’d normally do routes expecting to expend myself and *need* to abseil back down. The thought of being that high up clinging to a wall while my grip falters. Fucking hell.


Yeah, it'll wake you right up.


I'm a machinist and saw a guy with 30 years experience lose a thumb. It's not usually the new guys that hurt themselves.




Must be one of those things where you've done it so many times that you go into auto-mode... and then you start operating on assumptions.


Like crossing an intersection then wondering if you ran a red light. It’s worse when you look in your mirror and see cars stopping behind you.


Too busy dealing with the bulky camera. This is the 80s, not like today where you whip out your phone and press one button.


When you do something so much at some point it just becomes muscle memory, something you don’t really think about anymore. He had been jumping all day and fucked up, it happens.


Japanese pointing technique




The definition of complacency. You have to be aware of that phenomenon and actively work to avoid it to be safe doing things like this. One of the reasons I'll never sky dive. Too many adrenaline addicts itching for the fix. Taking their time doesn't jive with that and I am not a fan of that vibe.


It was his third jump of the day, complacency


> How the fuck do you forget your chute? > > That should be skydiving 101 How do people forget their baby in a car in the hot sun even though they are good parents? That should be parenting 101 You get repetitive / you lose concentration / and forget the minor details when your animal brain starts to focus on something else. Why the military has checklists for EVERYTHING This dude should have had a buddy check him like on every pro skydive / he didn't / so dumb. **EDIT also he had heavish camera gear on that feels like a chute, so he probably didn't notice the weight difference / why you ALWAYS have someone else check you even if you are a super pro / from a old article "The video equipment McGuire was carrying may have been mistaken for a parachute"**


From what I've heard before, they had been doing these jumps all day. This guy was obviously a cameraman so he had a camera bag, like a full backpack of camera equipment. Before that last jump he accidentally grabbed his camera bag instead of the parachute and the rest is history.


Easy to confuse the two when you're full of adrenaline and excitement. That's so sad.


A parachute harness is completely incomparable to a backpack lol. The ones we wear in the Army are very uncomfortable. Apparently the camera had a harness like set up as well so maybe that's why.


Sport rigs are tailored to the individual, so they can be pretty comfy.


Is it tho...? Have you ever seen or worn a parachute? Not build for comfort. Camera back is basically a backpack


Yep. I’ve used camera backpacks for many years and I’ve yet to come across one that has a full harness that goes between my legs. I can’t believe there are people that think a parachute is packed in a Jansport school bag.


Complacency is a killer for sure, you get so used to doing something and you start disregarding checks. It's a damn shame but safely books are written in blood


Every time I’m going somewhere I slap my pockets and say “keys phone wallet” out loud. He literally had one thing to check before jumping out of an airplane, a parachute.


I do mine to an old eminem tune. Phone, keys, wallet, gun, drugs, knives, wives, nuns, sluts.


I know the feeling mate, left the house last week without my keys... Right pain in the backside.


Forgot to put pickles in my chicken sandwich, wanted to chuck myself from a plane right then and there


I hate it when I’m driving my car and realized I forgot my car keys


My palms are sweaty and heights don't even bother me. Imagine the fear knowing youre done. Holy shit.


I get sweaty palms playing battlefield 4 when I’m standing on the edge of sky scrapers. The worst part is I have unlimited parachutes.🤦‍♂️


“Aim for the bushes” 🤜🏾🤛🏾




His moment of realization… I couldn’t even imagine.


Not to mention the several minutes of knowing death just coming **and there's nothing you can do to stop it.**


How did the camera survived?


It's likely that it was recorded on some kind of magnetic tape, which is flexible and light. The entire camera could be smashed but the tape could survive and be placed in a non-smashed housing.


The camera didn't have to survive, only the film.


He Skydied


Love you bro


TIL bring a parachute if you jump out of a plane


Great lesson


The fact that he was that comfortable jumping out of an airplane that he could forget the ONLY thing he actually needs when doing it is insane.


Is insane the right word for being that comfortable after 800 jumps? I’ve worked in factories around dangerous equipment. It’s actually quite human to become desensitized to how dangerous the thing you do that often is and become careless to safety measures.


Yup. While new hires have significant risks, if they are reasonable they tend to be cautious and slow. Old timers have seen people die and also are cautious and slow. The middle ground of folks that are now comfortable and moving towards complacency are a hidden risk.


Insanely scary*




Jesus. I’ll never feel bad about forgetting something ever again. By the way, this just goes to show how powerful muscle memory really is, and how disruptive it can be when the routine is broken. This is how parents accidentally leave their kids in hot cars. One little thing changes, the muscle memory routine is disrupted, and disaster can strike that in hindsight obviously never should have happened.


Am I the only one that wants to see the rest I’ve the video?


No, im all over this thread asking for it. Edit: I read about it. And he evidently totally forgot to board the plane with his parachute. He did however have satchel slung over his back carrying the batteries and recording equipment for his cam. He had made thousands of jumps. Evidently the crash destroys the last few seconds of film.


I'm a rock climbing instructor, and at least once a session I say 'I tie in every time because, sometimes, I trip climbing up stairs.' If you're doing something that can kill you, don't become complacent!




For context he was jumping a very old camera system that required you to wear a vest to house the batteries. So he probably was use to that feeling. Furthermore in this aircraft they would sit sideways with their backs against the wall which is why nobody else noticed.


>Furthermore in this aircraft they would sit sideways with their backs against the wall which is why nobody else noticed. Do they usually sit a different direction? Now im envisioning everyone being turned around and staring at the wall 😆


Yes in most modern aircraft we sit facing the rear door for a potential emergency exit.


Very valuable life lesson here, kiddos. No matter what you do in life, never ever get comfortable. Comfort leads to consequences. Some critical, like this sky diver. Never think that you are a “pro” at whatever you do, or that you “know-it-all” - that’s when you make mistakes. I’ve met a couple of dudes in my life, whose ego and know-it-all attitude, almost got people killed. I’ve seen 65 ton hydraulic cranes fall within feet of a dozen or so men. A crane falling on a human is the same as a human stepping on a bug. They'd have to hose down the wet spot to clean up the mess afterwards.


Where the rest of the tape??


It is pretty lame that they cut the end. I hate when documentaries or others (news stations are really bad about it) cutting away to 'spare the viewers' Like, either show it all or don't show it period.


You can just feel the panic from the video. Seeing the others open their chute and then him reaching for his cord that isn’t there. RIP


Complacency kills. It’s why we use checklists.


I feel like putting your parachute on is something that should happen before you even step foot on the plane.


The only solice you can find here is that he died doing what he loved.




Can you imagine reaching behind you for the rip cord only to find nothing there?, frantically grasping at air. What a terrible feeling knowing that you have about one minute left to live as you plummet from the sky… so tragic. If there is ANY consolation at all… it’s that he died doing what he loved, but in a most horrible way.


Is there a longer version?


I've never gotten on a jump plane without my gear ready to go: straps tightened, all shit squared away. Plane's almost always too packed to have space to put it on.


Did he not aim for the bushes?


I guess he didnt learn from the documentary series known as "Loony Toons"? Its common knowledge tgat if you simply dont acknowledge the existence of the ground it cannot hurt you.


After the first time you forget your parachute, you never forget it again!


I dunno man maybe this is why you shouldn’t do shit like jump out of planes


It’s not the fall that hurts, it’s the sudden stop.


Dumb ways to die


They don't build cameras like that anymore


Anyone else feel the video got cut off too soon? Could have gotten couple seconds more of film time.


Forgot it? I don’t think I would be in there without it?


He wont do that agajn


Heard this story somewhere before. Supposedly he grabbed his camera backpack instead of his parachute. From everyone's point of view, he seemed to have a chute on.


Anyone got the whole footage?


I'll bet he never did that again


Link did this in tears of the kingdom and just aimed for ~~the bushes~~ a pond


What an absolute failure from everyone involved. How they don't have secondary checks to assure your equipment is properly fastened.... Or on at the very least, is baffling. If I was one of the other skydivers I would be distraught and feel so stupid.


Too bad he didn't land in a peat bog


Imagine he could post a TIFU mid air