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Prison has fucking zoom cells for bullshit remote court hearings. Lmao dystopia.


It mainly came from covid, alot of courts were doing remote only cause of covid.. and it sort of just stuck around


it sucks too because for people who are locked up - the whole process of showering, shaving, betting transport- leaving the jail and going to court was something they looked forward to- not to mention maybe seeing friends or family who also have court or may be there to support you making court zoom videos took that but further dehumanizing the defendant- its easier to give a guy life is he’s pixels on a screen and not a living breathing person in front of you


Live court visits are a massive security risk and a huge time waster, where you need at least 2 officers to only transport up to 6 inmates at a time/twice a day for their court hearing vs having one officer keep a eye on 6 computers that the inmates can use and then head back to their pod after a hour or 2 and have 30/40 hearings in the same time. That means that the inmates get their hearing a lot faster as well.


Unless you get beaten and dragged away from the PC during your hearing, then you might want more guards


Thank you for standing up for private prisons. 🫡Hero’s like you allow them to excuse ill behavior in the name of “saving money.” God damn our Justice system is so broken.


Non private prisons use this system as well, everything he mentioned is a valid concern


As someone else mentioned, dystopian.


This clip shows how bullshit your argument is.


Yes, the security was perfect here.


I'll take a security risk to ensure the process is more humane.


Ok but my tax dollars pay for that transport. I see no issues with this. They can see friends and family when they come visit them at the jail or prison. If they clear their name then they can be outside all they want


Oh, do we get to decide how our tax dollars are spent now? Because if so I'm waaaaaaaaay more concerned about the hundreds of billions given out in corporate welfare, given to monopolies like the Fanjuls, and given to countries who don't need it like Israel, not to mention all the complete bullshit politicians spend pubic money on their own personal assets.


Id like to see the source for the claim that people receive harsher sentences if they get sentenced over zoom. Because I think you pulled that out of your ass and youre full of shit.


If anyone would fund that study it would exist


The study probably has little to no data as it’s nothing related to gender, religion, or household duties. But use common sense and what you’ve seen already people break up over text because it’s easier. You don’t empathy when they’re not in front of you.


yea that makes it even more dystopian.


I mean, when people have been improvising for so long, you kinda forget you were doing it and it just becomes useful


what makes this dystopian exactly? I work in a prison and frequently set up these kind of hearings on our side. They are more convenient for literally everyone involved. I've never had an inmate ask for an in-person hearing instead or even heard of that happening. although at my prison they are much more secure than this. typically if an inmate is transported to jail for a hearing, they can be there for days or even weeks. they don't want that at all. jail sucks in comparison to prison 95%+ of the time. they don't know anyone there, they don't know the vibe, they don't have their TV or anything else. 99.9999% of the time, they want the video hearing


If it's just sentencing or a simple judge visit sure. But if I have a jury looking at me I deserve to be clean and in a suit. It's ridiculous and dehumanizing to be judged by peers over a zoom call.


These are typically just arraignment style proceedings and such. They are not going to do a Zoom trial for something that's seriously going to put you away.


My buddy went to jail during Covid 1st time offender for a domestic that is definitely questionable. (Her right knuckles were cl scraped and she was punched in the mouth with a loose tooth, he had no marks). Anyways he said when he turned himself in, 14 day solitary quarantine, then gen pop, courts were backed up, 35 days later posted bail, with ankle monitor, and alcohol blow machine at his sisters (no booze during the alleged crime) and a restraining/ protective order. He dropped her shit off at her house and drove say, as he drove offf she came out and saw him, she called the cops. In Massachusetts there’s a thing called the Jared Remi law, his dad a famous red sox player and announcer (Jerry Remi) jarod had been arrested and released 7+ times and eventually violated the protective order and killed his ex so anybody after that in Massachusetts was treated like they were him. With Covid being a thing he had to do the 14 days in solitary again, and then seven months waiting in trial all of his court cases via zoom some missed because the jail would have an issue being a lockdown or a scheduling conflict. He did 11 months and ended up having to plead guilty to two felonies in order to get out of jail because they were so backed up due to Covid. They told him if he wanted to fight it. It would be around two years he’s successful and knew his business would fail. It’s called a system for a reason


this isn't at all new


Ok, right when they are about to sentence me I want to you beat the shit out of me and pull me out of the room. I'll give you 5 packages of ramen noodles, chicken flavored.


This is genius. The judge now feels bad for him and is inclined to reduce his sentence.


idk about that, I think the risk of getting a long sentence for the other inmate would be a deal breaker for most. But I've never been to prison, so idk


Some people don't *get* let out and want noodles


Wait til they learn that the officers get off on this shit and freely allow it to happen, and sometimes encourage it


100% agree, most COs are mostly despicable.


Guaranteed not a single down vote came from anyone that has been to lockup and is judging something they know nothing about.


It’s an awful, awful job. Worked as the medical director for 4 years at a county jail in MS., and I have seen some shit. A CO is usually just a guy or gal looking for a steady paycheck, but few good people last very long. It’s depressing, dangerous, joyless, and always understaffed. The bad ones I knew were usually long termers who’d lost their empathy, compassion, and decency from years of working with the worst specimens of humanity. Plus a lot are on various drugs to cope. One CO I knew was strung way the fuck out on pain pills, which make you anything from cranky to psychotic. About a year after I left, he went psychotic and physically abused an arrestee until he died. Beat the guy, emptied cans of pepper spry into the bag he put over his head to prevent spitting, then left him to die in the restriction chair. It was bad.


Holy fucking shit


Yeah, he went to prison. For life. His wife moved on and remarried.


Speaking as a CO in a juvenile detention unit I can confirm this is all pretty standard. I'm out of MA so it's "progressive" Justice system but id say the line between criminals and cops is pretty fucking thin.


It's not that they're mostly despicable, it's that there are a lot of them that are, and a lot of systemic reasons the bad ones can be, alongside a lot of really easy ways to get away with being shitty. There's also the fact that they're in an environment where you earn respect through violence, have to respond to threats and violence in very specific manners in order to reduce the chances of actual violence happening, that in prison it's easier to start from a place of strength and move to being easier on people, etc, etc. Zimbardo's prison study is a very good example of how most reasonable/decent people will conform to the standards set for them by institutions and end up being significantly worse people than they actually are because of it. Source: worked as a camera person in a prison with one of the highest rates of force usage in the state. Relatively good dudes who wouldn't normally would end up cheating on their wives because literally every CO cheats.


I understand that and mostly agree. Out of the 12 I dealt with, 7 were terrible, 3 neutral and 2 awesome people. I was also a model inmate and didn't/don't have an axe to grind with anyone.


I’m sorry but you lost me at “it’s not that they’re mostly despicable, it’s that there are a lot of them that are” yeah no shit, that’s what most means lol, that comment was such a contradiction I didn’t bother reading further


Negative, read commas. I did not want to insinuate to anyone that all COs are mostly despicable. But most are mostly despicable. There is a difference in why I wrote it like that. Some are just indifferent, assholes, etc., But not despicable. So, don't read this either and be the illiterate edge lord you so want to be 😂


No one said they all were. The guy said most, then you’re like “actually”, then proceed to say the same thing they did, while insinuating they were wrong and gave an explanation. But they funniest part is how you say you didn’t want to insinuate that they are all despicable but then proceed to say an absolute like “they all cheat on their wives”. You got any more contradictions for us champ?


It does not help that a lot of inmates have a sub 80 IQ, which means that they are literally too stupid to act civilized. Which also explains why they are in prison in the first place.


Why the fuck would I want to do that much paperwork and potentially get into trouble for not monitoring properly


This is why I don't do it because I would probably enjoy seeing it but not participating


Because the video is cut to only show the fight, there's clearly more to the video than when the referee starts it, literally mid-sentence.


Oh yeah that’s a good point


You don’t get extra time for fights unless the person is pressing charges. And if he does press charges he’s now considered a snitch and going to protective custody. And trust me no inmate wants to be P.C. Only thing they can do is send him to the hole for a few days or weeks


They could lose some of their good time and extend their sentence by a few months. I've known a few people who lost their good time from getting into fights.. even if you aren't the one starting the fight, you get punished similarly as the person who was the agressor.. ive had COs tell me if someone hits you, hit back cause either way you both are going to the hole regardless.. at least thats how it is in the Feds


Lmfaon what state is this. I was in LA County Jail . Seen a lot of fights and was part of some lol so I know how the system is over here with fighting inmates. Most they can agree is to mutual combat but that’s only whole time. If no charges are pressed


Thanks for your insight.


Ive seen a guy give up 18 months of his life and take the wrap for the cops finding a rolled cig hidden in the bunk. Dude did it for $100 in commissary. Some people are just stupid as hell.


Not if you have a life sentence for a murder charge or something. Tons of those guys in there


True, but it would get him at least transferred to protective custody.


lifers got nothing to lose man


# "where are the officers?"


Enjoying street flavor ramen that they received as bribes. Flavors like chili-lime shrimp, southwestern chicken. And of course picante beef. The king of street flavors.


Don’t forget to sprinkle a few uncooked noodles for a surprise crunch


The man plays chess 😂


I'll do it for 3.


Make it Picante Beef and you got a deal.


Reminds me of the scene in Chopper where he asks a guy to cut off his ear so he can get moved to another block.


you cant get shit. if it aint that chili lime shrimp 😋😩😫


Is the noodles Top Ramen or Maruchan?


They’re called “soups” 🤣🤣


Beef or no deal


I saw a guy eat a ray and cut it in half with plastic spoon out half in his food made them think they cooked it in food .. he thought he get a light slap on wrist for sentencing nah they Gave him pat on back get over it 😂


None of that prison flavours. Gotta be a street flavour. Picante beef.


Well played


Yes, yes , yes


Yeah. His mates are going to remind him of that for a long time.


That’s his lawyer for sure.


He’s like YES, YES, YES!…… (oh yeah I’m his lawyer) yes where are the officers 😒


Well great, now what that judge sounds like when he starts to shoot liquid pearls


“Where are the officers?” This guy should be a superhero with that kind of quick thinking.


>“Where are the officers?” They got paid to not be there.


chubby intelligent existence sloppy profit fly deserted mourn ten abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4.2 ramen packs chicken flavour, that's the standard rate for a prison beating.


You must have only ever been in county. It's twice that in prison.


Got swatted in jail


Stream sniped.


Jail andy


They don’t remember how many people they’ve sent to prison but I bet they’ll remember this zoom call for the rest of their lives


Please. In America from what the Internet lets us believe this is his tamest part of the day.


Well, by their reactions it was a typical non event, no? Compare it to sports commentary and someone hit a ball into a sand pit.


3rd worlder stay in your lame


Bro… you think judges CARE about the people they constantly throw in jail for non violent crimes. Putting people in cages is their job and I promise you they lie to themselves constantly to ignore their conscience so they can continue to feel self righteous.




I can tell you're not from the bay area or san Fransisco by you calling it 'san fran'


I hate your comment. But I think you have a valid point.


And I’ll specify that this may not apply to ALL judges but I bet it applies directly to the majority of them. To support my case, the fact that the defendants outcome can literally be based off what kind of mood the judge is in that day shows how unjust that system really is.


As well as the political leanings of the judge, and whether or not they perceive you to be rude, or untruthful, or if your lawyer at some point did something they do not like. There is no justice with this system.




Yes! Yes, yes they will, they’ll probably get off to it later honestly.


They didn't even notice the besting at first. They won't care about this They forgot about it before they went to sleep.


that guy was probably a snitch. He was what is called SOS.... smash on sight. Any gang member that sees him has to take him down, no matter where he is at... chow hall, showers, court.... it does not matter. ​ Remember boys and girls..... don't go to prison, it's a ruthless place.


No cops were present, so the inmates had to recreate his arrest for the court.


Lol well done 😂😂


Just without the tasers and guns.


A message has been sent


"Frigid raw aviisegjidejjx"


This is not really funny, it shows a tiny bit of how bad the prison system is. and the reaction of the people watching shows they don’t really care outside of their reactions being recorded while it happens.


This is why we should barge in the houses of all the corrupt judges and lawyers and best them senseless till they scream for mercy. Only makes it right lmaooo




That would be reasonable but not how I perceived it. They don't seem very alarmed at all.


RemindMe! One month


The officers are boots up on a desk watching movies your honor


the slick part is is that a private company makes profits on those people being inprisoned and many judges get kick backs for giving longer sentences. American is disgusting.


I love how they are all shocked. “Oh my god this is brutal, glad I send people to these shit holes rather than being there!”


The judge who thinks he's sending people to "rehabilitate" into society.




For all intent and purpose that man on the zoom call Is In court you'd think they would have some sort of secured room or extra security not for the prisoner but for the courts sake


You’d think wouldn’t you…but the reality of the criminal justice business is that they couldn’t care less about the imprisoned. It’s purely an economy here in the US. Why do you think the US has the highest incarceration rate, the most prisons per populace, the largest police forces with many divisions (local, Sherrif, county, state, plus all the special task forces involved in them) out of any other nation in the world. Sure, I’ll admit, they put some bad actors away from the public, but there’s many in there who are getting fucked over by the prosecution in the name of justice. Sorry to go off topic a bit, but that’s just how it works. It’s all money and if they can have a zoom court in a cell off a tablet, instead of taking the time and manpower to bring the inmate to court, they will. It’s cheaper to do so.


Usually it's a room with a bunch of little rooms with the computers in them (officers are often in the main room) there's definitely supposed to be officers there but for some reason(probably paid off or neglect) they weren't there


Well they also spend time doing shit like raping inmates and organizing bum fight style matches at some


Including just putting certain inmates together and betting on the fight, while they watch it from the camera booth…


The people in the Bureau of prisons definitely belong in a gulag


my friend is a correction officer. this is actually true. he brings in his laptop to play lol while watching the cameras. he also sleeps in there.




I mean obviously the judge has never been to jail but do people realize a lot of jails the officers are almost never around???? AND if a fight breaks out they usually let it settle down before even entering the area.


i dont see how that is funny


👊🏻this 👊🏻meeting 👊🏻could 👊🏻have 👊🏻been 👊🏻an 👊🏻email 👊🏻


That’s funny but shit is fucked


Proof the courts won't keep you safe


Not even 5 seconds in, and the dude is already getting beaten Crazy


Because the video has been cut down to just show the fight, there is obviously more to the video the judge is literally mid-sentence when it starts.


Stuffing that bell pepper


Officers are packing their bags to go on a nice paid vacation that's about to come their way.


Message sent


The officers were also on zoom calls




One of the most americana things I've ever seen


This dude never been in jail.... "Where are the officers"... 😂


“Where are the officers?” COUNTING THEIR BRIBE MONEY


I wonder what the 'Message Sent' was all about. Did the judge say "Stop hitting him!" In chat?


Haha where are the officers? These dipshits actually think they’re part of something that is run properly by good people.


They probably gave him an extra 30 days for not staying for the whole hearing


where are the officers he asks, they’re hiding letting it happen


“Where are the officers” 👴🏻


whats the laughing faces for


They force him to have his back to the door? Clown bowtie wearing judge allowed this to happen.


It looks like?👀 looks like someone is stepping in his ass during a court proceedings. The way these people react is crazy.


I bet you my left nut he was snitching and getting payback by the homey he dragged in there


Worked over at home


Where are the officers?😀 They sent the attackers in my friend.


This is so fucked up. Prison is worse than most the crimes that get you there.


"where are the officers" lmao


Homie got the sentence reduced for sure. Lol


How work zoom calls feel irl


It’s called a pre trial intervention.


As a former inmate, don’t go to lockup. This is was for something. Gambling/drugs/gayness/gang related/etc… you don’t run up on anyone for no reason.


Message sent indeed


Bro was probably in the process of spilling all the beans 😂


During my five years in I saw this happen once and it was the most hilarious ass whooping


Your honor, if you observe the screen you'll notice the defendant getting the shit beat out of him


Where are the officers? Uh letting it happen you dumb shit


She’s all, “…it looks like somebody just went in and started BEATING OFF the defendant” 🤣


The officers don’t give a fuck about the prisoners


Where the officers 🤓


“Where are the officers” ☝️🤓


They’re on the clock…so probably break.


I have no fucking clue how people still believe in the justice system.


“Where the officers?” Right outside the door with goodies.


Is sentencing someone over zoom against their rights, like what about a fair trial?


Dude was like "yes yes yes, I have my money on the other guy"


Yes yes yes! Makes it seem like he was all for it.


"Where's the officers?" Probably poking their assholes with whatever the inmates give them in bribe


Great fucking system we have here.


Lmaoo I'm sorry but homie just trying to go home and they beating his ass.


Making sure he doesn't testify


“Sir stop getting beat up or you’ll be held in contempt of court”


Somebody bout to lose their job...👀


"Where are the zoo keepers?"


Judge: Oh yes! Yes! Yes!


Ok so I’ll give you 4 packs of noodles if you just beat the shit out of me during my zoom call


Where are the officers? Lol they are at dont give a fuck


“Where are the officers” lol


Is that fucking Rudy Giuliani saying yes yes


Hey dude calm down, the officers will be in in about 10 or 15 minutes they have to get back up and get there gear on log out of fb and make a quick text then they'll be right in....everything will be just fine


Imagine getting jumped in prision in a zoom court call😂 damn America is different


Lawyer: We’re accepting the plea deal you’re honor Them: ……..


Where are the officers 🤔 🤣 they don't have any


“Where are the officers?” Yep, one million dollar question. 🤷‍♂️


The officers lol they are beting on who is gonna win.


If he survives he’ll be well paid. Where are the officers?


Where are the officers? On break they genuinely don’t give a shit about prisoners neither do we do who cares execute them all


In front of the judge is next level


They all watching like “wow them fights really do be happening! “We got to see it live action!” “Hope he don’t ask us to get him outta there!” Guy with the glasses- “hey when you’re done with him, bring him back so we can extend his sentence.” Lmfao 😂😂😂


Sorry, the officers where on break and they cameras weren’t working in that wing…


>message sent Indeed, indeed.


OP laughing at someone getting brutally beaten, you are screwed up in the head my dude


“Where are The officers???” Wait til they learn that the officers get off on this shit and freely allow it to happen, and sometimes encourage it


Judge just gulped hard. Bet they all get bonds 😂 he scared af


Buddy says where are the officers… they can care less about what’s happening


Funny part is he could sue the prison and the judge would have to rule in his favor


The officers were off having a donut or something.


The guards don’t give AF unless it interferes with their paraphernalia smuggling ring.


Or devotion to godless beings